553. Is There a Cosmology Conspiracy? Globe Earth, Antarctica & NASA Space Theater w/ Flat Earth Dave | Luke Storey (2024)

[00:00:00] Luke: So I am so excited to have this conversation with you, Dave.

[00:00:05] David: I'm excited to have this conversation every single day with every person that wants to have it, so thank you.

[00:00:10] Luke: This is just such an interesting topic, and I've talked about so many out-of-the-box ideas with people on this show over the course of the past eight years. And this has been one that I've not talked about for a number of reasons. One is I haven't had what I feel like is the right person to be able to frame it in a way that is digestible and that has the data to back it up.

[00:00:34] And the other is, if I'm being really honest, is like, oh man, do I really want to get this out there in terms of just stretching my capacity of open mindedness. But I know when I'm nervous about something, that means I'm supposed to do it. And so I'm so glad that it just worked out that you're here in town doing all these other-- the Roseanne show you just finished, which I can't wait to hear.

[00:00:59] But I want to start with this. Where I'm coming from, to frame this conversation, is realizing really since about 9/11, that so many things about the nature of our reality have been foisted upon us with an absolute abject falsehood and lies. And so when I started uncovering the things about which we've been lied to, which are revealing more and more now, we're in this exponential revelation where we're just saying, oh, they lied about that. They lied about this, lied about that.

[00:01:38] When I first started hearing about the different concepts around the shape of the earth, I thought, well, if they've lied about everything else, why wouldn't they be lying about that? But then it, for, I think for a few years there, was like, well, what would be the purpose of them lying about that? What do they have to gain?

[00:01:58] And so that just dropped my interest in the topic, because I'm like, ah, they're not getting anything out of tricking us all about the shape of the earth. And then I realized, well, if they were going to lie about it, which you'll help explain if they have, it would make sense if the idea is to control the human collective psyche, that if they could confuse us about the nature of our home, where we live, from the moment we're born, and get us to fall for the deception that contradicts what our very senses tell us, that they can lie to us about anything for the rest of our lives and we'll accept it because we've gone against our true nature. So when I started looking at it like that, if it is a lie, what's the purpose? And if that is the purpose, that's a very effective way to dupe the entire population.

[00:02:54] David: We all have the exact same story. First, you hear about this and you say, no, I'm not going to look. It's stupid. I have an open mind. I was doing a podcast called Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole. Episode 1 was titled 9/11 is Dave's baby.

[00:03:06] And we looked into everything, and some people get offended or rejected and other people were like, wow, I totally get it now. But then when Flat Earth was brought up to me, I just rejected it immediately. I said, this is stupid. And people kept coming at me with it. And so I came up with the term ban for life, ban for life.

[00:03:27] You're no longer allowed to comment, and I wish you wouldn't watch our podcast anymore because you're too stupid. That was my attitude. And people would come at me with, Dave, everything can't be a conspiracy. Tell me one thing that's real. I said, Sully landed the plane on the Hudson River.

[00:03:46] And then I found out that wasn't real. That's all I had. So when people say almost everything's fake, they're wrong. Everything's fake. Yes, you gave me a cup of tea and here it is. I think this is real. I'm pretty sure. I can measure it. I can taste it. But there's so much fakeness in this world and any smart person, when you start dismantling their globe beliefs, which is really easy to do if they're willing to listen, boats over the horizon, sunset, seasons, a day and night and all of that stuff, they scatter.

[00:04:26] They go from, okay, the boats over the horizons, that's debunked sunsets. Oh, all right. That's debunked. All right. Seasons. And they just jump and jump. And then they go to, what difference does it make? I still have to go to work on Monday. I said it. What difference does it make? What difference does the shape of the world make? Triangle, square, circle, sphere.

[00:04:46] And I say, it doesn't matter. The shape doesn't matter. It's your position in it and the true nature of who you are. And all of the lies we'll find out as we go through this, all of the major lies and deceptions and everything are founded, are rooted on the globe lie. Without the globe lie, everything falls apart. Everything falls apart.

[00:05:12] Truth is truth whether you believe it or not. A lie can only live in your head. A lie, you have to have in your head. You have to think about it, and you have to perpetrate it. The truth is the truth. A lie is a construct.

[00:05:29] Luke: Well, what led me into my curiosity around this topic was, again, just understanding that two planes didn't make three buildings fall down, just basic fun. Here's what it was for me, actually. I remember the moment when YouTube had maybe first come out or been new. It was a little bit after 9/11. I was over at a friend's house in LA, and he said, hey man, did you see the plane hit the Pentagon? And I said, yeah, that was crazy. He goes, how do you know?

[00:05:59] And I said, well, I saw it on the news. He goes, you saw a plane hit the Pentagon? I said, yeah, man. Everyone knows. Duh. And then he showed me this little eight-minute video that, unequivocally proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no plane ever present at that building at that time.

[00:06:15] There's like no remnants of a plane. There's no evidence of a plane. That was the beginning for me when I thought, okay. Anyway, that all unraveled, but to the point of the shape of the earth and cosmology, what led me into my curiosity is when I started watching these documentaries about the supposed moon landings and about all the shenanigans that NASA has been up to and looking at Elon Musk's fake X with the Tesla floating in space, and the Challenger situation, which I remember being a kid, they wheeled in TVs to every classroom. And you're like, oh my God, it was this mass--

[00:06:54] David: Trauma-based mind control.

[00:06:55] Luke: Trauma-based mind control. And you come to find out what, seven or eight of those people just happen to have twins that are still alive.

[00:07:02] David: Same name, same birthmarks, same everything.

[00:07:05] Luke: Same face.

[00:07:06] David: Same face, same voice, mannerisms.

[00:07:07] Luke: So in terms of cosmology, space travel, the shape of the earth, to me, the elephants in the room that first appeared were all of the NASA shenanigans, the moon landings in the space shuttle, the Challenger, that are so easy to debunk that it's like, once you see it, you can't unsee it and just become so silly.

[00:07:26] So then it led me to, okay, why would they perpetrate such a sophisticated lie. And then when I found out about this idea of Flat Earth, it was like, well, how could-- and the big rebuttal I have against it is like, how could they get this many people to be in on the lie and not someone leak it out.

[00:07:49] David: Well, plenty have leaked it out. Astronauts have leaked it out. Admiral Byrd leaked it out. There's been many whistleblowers, but the mainstream isn't going to carry it, and they're going to discredit them. Admiral Byrd talked about more land beyond the South Pole, bigger than America, filled with resources that no one has ever set eyes upon. Six months later, he died suddenly in his sleep. Weird, right? It's strange.

[00:08:13] Luke: Oh, that was the other one, and then I'll let you get into it. The other one is, as countries, we have these adversary relationships and world wars, and we each have our own military, and this country hates that country. And somehow we all managed to agree that no one's allowed to explore Antarctica, the Antarctic Treaty. That is very suspect to me.

[00:08:38] David: So all the countries are at war, fighting over resources, fighting over land, can't agree on anything, but there's two things that they all agree upon. Nobody can independently explore the outer lands of Antarctica virtually or physically, because Google Earth won't even let you do it.

[00:08:55] And everybody has to get that poke in the shoulder. They all agree on those two things. What's going on there? Why do all of the heads of state and everywhere go to Antarctica at the weirdest times and disappear for two or three days, then show back up at the base and then fly home. Well, where are they going? What are they doing? What's going on out there?

[00:09:15] Luke: And why aren't we allowed to go there?

[00:09:17] David: The Penguins and the ice. It's the only place that has pristine ice.

[00:09:19] Luke: Yeah, that one little peninsula. I have friends that I've asked about this and they're like, what? I went to Antarctica. I'm like, that's what you think. How do you know where you are when you're on a boat? And they're like, hey, you're at Antarctica.

[00:09:30] David: You went onto that peninsula, which is a thousand miles from Antarctica. You went onto an island that's off of that peninsula, and they tell you you're in Antarctica. You know what the name of the island is? Deception Island or Rothschild Island.

[00:09:43] Luke: Are you serious?

[00:09:44] David: Those are the two islands that they take you to.

[00:09:47] Luke: Is that real?

[00:09:48] David: That's real.

[00:09:48] Luke: Holy sh*t.

[00:09:50] David: Yeah. It gets crazier and crazier and crazier when you look into this. Just jumping forward a little bit. All Flat Earthers have the same story. We didn't believe it at first. We refused to look. Then we looked, and we're like, oh my God. And then we all say, how did I ever believe in the globe? Flat Earthers can Steel Man the globe better than a globe defender can. So there's people that are clinging to their ball like a child and they don't want to let it go.

[00:10:21] And they're like, no, the earth is not flat. It's a globe. I'm like, okay. What's the circumference of the earth at the equator? How fast is it spinning? How fast is it orbiting? How far is it from the sun? How did they determine how far the sun is? How big is the sun? How far is the moon? They don't know any of those answers.

[00:10:37] But they still defend their childhood indoctrinated belief. Well, can all the teachers and scientists be in on it? No. The way you become a teacher is you memorize and regurgitate the Rockefeller funded textbooks. You do get straight A's. Now you can teach the next generation. And if you go for a higher degree and regurgitate more, you can become a scientist. You can become a professor. That's all it is. It's just passing the same false information down the line and indoctrinating generation after generation.

[00:11:13] Luke: I want to talk about some of the evidence. Now, I haven't looked into everything on this topic, but obviously I'm curious to learn. One thing that seems just on its face to be irrefutable is that you can see too far. So you have these people running experiments where they have one person holds a mirror on one side of Lake Michigan, and then another person on the other side has a telephoto lens, and they can see the mirror on the other side when it should be mathematically, according to this being a big ball, on the other side of the curve and therefore invisible.

[00:11:54] And there's so many of these tests you can find. So I'm like, how do you see that far if it's supposed to be over curved? There's only two explanations. Either it's flat or it's a big ball. That's much bigger than they're telling us it is.

[00:12:07] David: Right. So the bigger ball, we all jumped to that at first, but then we have observations that would require the ball to be thousands of times bigger. If the earth is thousands of times bigger than they're telling us, that means there's thousands times the number of continents. That's a problem. I'm sorry. That's a problem. There might be other places I want to go. And there's all sorts of books from 100 years plus ago about outer lands.

[00:12:36] Why were they talking about outer lands in the 1800s, in the 1900s? Why were they teaching flat earth here into the mid-1900s in public school? Well, no, Dave, it was 2,000 years ago. Eratosthenes figured it out with his sticks and shadows. Why did globe believers always go back to ancient experiments rather than, we could do Eratosthenes experiment in a couple of hours here with modern day transportation?

[00:13:03] Luke: What is that experiment?

[00:13:04] David: So Eratosthenes, this is the story. A Greek mathematician, 2,000 years ago, noticed on a certain day of the year, at noon, he could see the sun's reflection in the bottom of a deep well. That means the sun is directly over the well. Makes sense. He can put a stick straight up and down on the ground and there'll be no shadow because the sun's directly above it.

[00:13:23] He says, hey, the earth is a globe. We can figure out how big it is. So he's pre assuming it's a globe. And we can figure out how big it is because the sun rays are all coming in parallel because the sun is so far away, infinitely far, they call it, 93 million miles, that the rays all are parallel.

[00:13:40] But the problem is, have you ever seen parallel rays? If you look out on a day where there's clouds and sun breaking through the cloud, the corpuscular waves, they come out, spread out, but they never parallel. But he assumed they were parallel. No one's ever seen parallel rays. Problem number one.

[00:13:57] And then he says, okay, so if my buddy is over the ball, his stick will be bent compared and it'll make a shadow and we can measure the length of the shadow, do some perfectly good math and figure out the sphericity of the earth. He did it. And they said that it came within 2% of the current size that we say it is.

[00:14:14] Carl Sagan and the show Cosmos indoctrinated that into everybody. It was the biggest show in the '80s, talking about Eratosthenes, and it was in all the Rockefeller textbooks after that. So Eratosthenes proved the shape of the Earth because the Greeks are so darn smart.

[00:14:29] The problem is, on a flat Earth, that experiment works exactly the same with a local sun. Take two posts, two pencils, two lighters, two beer bottles, whatever you got, put them on a table a couple feet apart, hold a light a foot or two above one of them, and there'll be no shadow. The other one will have a shadow.

[00:14:47] You can do the exact same math Eratosthenes did and figure out the sphericity of your table. Math is not proof of anything. You take the numbers, and you use the math, but if you're pre assuming a globe with a distant sun, which there's no evidence of, you got your ball. But the same experiment can be done.

[00:15:06] So that falls into the basket, hey, that works on a globe earth and a flat earth. There's certain things we're going to talk about today that only work on a flat earth, and there's certain things that we're going to talk about that should end up in a globe, only basket, but nothing will end up in that basket. Nothing. All right. I offer three bitcoins for one globe proof. Here's the question I ask people.

[00:15:29] Luke: Three bitcoins these days is pretty meaningful.

[00:15:31] David: 200 grand. But here's the thing. People that get triggered, they're like, you're an idiot. I'm not looking at this. Science, physics, so those are cool words. What science? What physics? All of them are like, what? What are you talking about? So here's the question I have for people. If I'm an idiot and this is stupid, come collect your Bitcoins. Why won't you do it? I'll tell you why you won't do it. Because your subconscious is telling you, if you do it, you're going to end up a Flat Earther. Because that's what happened to all of us. That's what happened to all of us. So it's an honest offer. Come and take it.

[00:16:06] Luke: You heard it here first. lukestorey.com/flatearthdave is our show notes. We'll put it in writing right there.

[00:16:14] David: No problem. I have an app. It's called the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. And the reason I'm telling you about this, you can find it at flatearthdave.com. It's Android and Apple. And it'll soon be on computers and the Google phones also. But it bypasses the algorithm, because if you google my name, Flat Earth, anything, Flat Earth Sunset Proof, we see too far. You just get propaganda videos.

[00:16:42] Luke: Yes, this is another red flag to me, is that there is so much suppression of this topic. If you go on YouTube and you search, is Flat Earth real, you will get pages and pages of so called debunking videos.

[00:16:57] David: Right. Search my name debunking videos.

[00:16:58] Luke: Meanwhile, if you have a direct link, like there's one called, I think, 200 Flat Earth Proofs--

[00:17:03] David: 200 Proofs Flat Earth.

[00:17:04] Luke: Yeah. That's a really compelling video.

[00:17:07] David: Or a Stranger's Guide to Flat Earth 21 Questions. It's the top 21 questions answered in three or four-minute segments.

[00:17:13] Luke: We'll put those in the show notes. But to your point, if you search those, you can't find them. But if somebody gives you the link, it's still there. And so why would they be suppressing the information if it was just some goofy ass sh*t?

[00:17:26] David: Because it's dangerous to the future of science. Neil deGrasse Tyson says, we don't have time to talk to Flat Earthers. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the actor.

[00:17:34] Luke: Yeah, you're going to look at him for two seconds. Bill Nye.

[00:17:39] David: Bill Nye, the lying guy with the bow tie.

[00:17:41] Luke: Total frauds. You can literally just look at their picture and go, they're fake.

[00:17:44] David: Yeah. He says there's no time to talk to Flat Earthers, but he makes video after video after video strawmanning us. And why do you have to strawman? Why do you have to lie? We catch NASA using green screens and wires and augmented reality and Zero-G flights to fake their weightlessness on the international fake station. Why would you have to do that? But once you catch them doing that 900 times, let alone one time--

[00:18:10] Luke: Why aren't they better at their video production and stuff at this point?

[00:18:16] David: Either they're too stupid or it's a revelation of the method.

[00:18:19] Luke: Ah, okay.

[00:18:21] David: I go back and forth.

[00:18:21] Luke: Because there's one too where you see the space station and there's a mouse crawling on it.

[00:18:26] David: No, that's not the space station. It's on a rocket. And the rocket launches are so stupid. If they're covered with tinfoil that's flapping in the wind, it's going 25,000 miles an hour. I don't think tinfoil just does that little flicker. That's 10 miles an hour.

[00:18:41] Luke: And why is NASA the largest holder of helium

[00:18:45] David: 99% of all the helium in the world is controlled by NASA because they took away airships from us. You're familiar with airships in the past.

[00:18:53] Luke: Right.

[00:18:53] David: People think of blimps and they think of that little pod underneath the blimp. No, that's just the pilot headquarters. Inside the blimp is a cruise ship of rooms, bars, theaters, restaurants. It's incredible. And these things used to fly all over the world. They docked to the empire state building. They docked to the Eiffel tower. They dock to all of these towers around the world.

[00:19:20] There was worldwide travel, but you can't have that because an airship is super safe and can travel for extended periods of time and go to lands that we can't reach in airplanes.

[00:19:32] Luke: Because they don't run out of fuel.

[00:19:35] David: They false flagged the Hindenburg and made everyone afraid of hydrogen. And NASA owns all of the helium.

[00:19:43] Luke: You're red pilling me so hard. I didn't know any of this.

[00:19:48] David: Yeah. So I'm going to mention it right now. Just yesterday came out-- Stu Peters actually put it out on his network, my friend, Sean Hibbeler, who made Level, The Next Level, and Level with Me, three awesome films.

[00:20:00] Luke: We'll link those in the show notes because people won't be able to search them.

[00:20:03] David: Well, you'll be able to find all of that stuff on my app. Everything's on my app on my website. flatearthdave.com is the only thing you have to remember. That's the only thing. Everything is there. But he just came out one with called Old World Order.

[00:20:17] Luke: I saw a trailer for that.

[00:20:19] David: You saw a trailer. It came out yesterday. They tried to suppress it.

[00:20:22] Luke: I'm watching it tonight.

[00:20:23] David: It was supposed to come out last Saturday. It came out yesterday. If you open up your app, it'll be right there. It'll pop up. I have a pop up on there today. And it's about our faked history.

[00:20:34] It is scientifically impossible to watch this film and still believe in history. It completely destroys it. And the spell is broken. Watch this one film and the spell will be broken. And this is going to bring a lot of people to the true nature of our world. Because they're lying about everything.

[00:20:54] Our history, the Wild West, not true. The cities were here already. The cities were here already. You see people on muddy roads with horse and buggy and giant cathedrals and castles and buildings that we couldn't even build today. How did that happen? And doorways 30 feet tall with locks 20 feet in the air. Wait a minute. Who were these buildings built for? Who built this? Wait until you see this film.

[00:21:24] Luke: I love this. It's a different topic, but I love this. When you start looking, you'll see old photos, like of the New York subway system, and it'll say such and such train system founded.

[00:21:37] David: Founded. Are you watching my lunch break?

[00:21:41] Luke: And then there's no photos of it being built. You're talking about these marvels of innovation and technology, and there is zero documentation of how it got from nothing to something.

[00:21:55] David: When you tell somebody that the cities were here before, they're like, no, what? There's a picture of the Washington monument in the middle of a muddy field back in the 1800s. Maybe it was even before that.

[00:22:06] Luke: I saw that. Yeah.

[00:22:07] David: And there's buildings that they say were built in 1857, but there's a picture of it in 1790 with 100-year growth on it. And when you look at these buildings, they're old. They're not new. And then the world's fairs, they didn't build those for the world's fairs. They were here already.

[00:22:25] Luke: Right. The world's fairs were led to believe that those were all paper mache buildings that they just threw up. And then they just tore it all down. And meanwhile, there's rivers running through that.

[00:22:36] David: Some of the stuff is amazing. And then the rabbit hole is so deep on that one. It's a lifetime of, wow. It's every day. There's never a day where I don't go, wow, where I don't go wow. And that's a great way to live. I used to be bored. Hey, I have to leave in 45 minutes to go somewhere. So what am I going to do? I'm going to stare at the television. Oh, look, Gilligan's Island's on. I'll watch that. And that was my life.

[00:23:04] I would watch the stupid stuff. Now I don't watch TV. I do watch videos because I'm researching and I'm selecting the information that I want to analyze. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracy analyst.

[00:23:20] Luke: Yeah. I have a t-shirt for you. It says conspiracy theorist, and then it's crossed out and says analyst. And then I made another one. I made my own t-shirts just to be fun. The other one says conspiracy theorists. It's crossed out and says pattern recognitionist.

[00:23:38] David: It's amazing.

[00:23:39] Luke: And I also like to say, if they weren't conspiring, we wouldn't need to have theories about it. Just stop lying, and we'll stop looking into your sh*t.

[00:23:48] David: Just to go back to 9/11 for a second, the conspiracy theory is that two planes knocked down seven buildings, not three buildings, seven buildings. You know about building six?

[00:23:58] Luke: No.

[00:24:00] David: The real story is what we're talking about. The conspiracy theory is what the mainstream news says. So building six, 10-storey building, a full block long, three quarters of the inside, all the way to the basem*nt went missing on 9/11. The outside walls were still up. The building was scooped out, like you're scooping out ice cream out of a box.

[00:24:22] And it was missing. It went missing on 9/11. So what does that mean? What it means is, first I'm going to say, I don't know how it happened. What it means is, there is a weapon that can vaporize a building, it's insides. There is a weapon that can turn concrete and steel into dust in midair. Because the building, when it started falling, we all remember the main tower, it would eat itself and stop.

[00:25:00] It was going through the path of most resistance. And it fell at the same speed as a bowling ball falling through the air. There's sections of the building, concrete and steel, that were rejected from the building. Sounds like something ejected it and they turned into dust before they hit the ground. There is a weapon that can turn concrete and steel into dust in midair. That's all we know. Now, is that weapon a directed energy weapon? Probably. Where's it based? We don't know.

[00:25:33] Luke: Well, that's the thing with a lot of this, is like, we don't know the truth. We don't know the answer, but if you are a discerning, relatively intelligent person, you know that what we're being told is not the truth. So it's like, who did 9/11? How did they do it? I don't know, but I know that there's no plane hit the Pentagon, and jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel and on and on and on and on.

[00:25:59] David: So the Pentagon, it's a 737, I think. It's flying above the ground, which is impossible to do. Its wings hit the building, but they didn't break the windows. They folded back into the fuselage. The fuselage, which was this big, went into a hole that was this big. It went in. The luggage vaporized. The chairs vaporized. The people vaporized.

[00:26:23] Luke: Yeah. Everything disappeared. And it was like a David Copperfield--

[00:26:30] David: Yeah. It's absolutely crazy. So directed energy weapons are a real thing. We've seen it in Maui. We've now seen it in South America. it's been happening. It was in California, and some direct energy happened on 9/11. We'll get off 9/11 in a second, but you know the hydron particle collider in Switzerland?

[00:26:56] Luke: Mm-hmm.

[00:26:56] David: How many particle colliders do you think there are on Earth?

[00:26:59] Luke: God, I don't know. More than we're being told.

[00:27:02] David: Thousands.

[00:27:03] Luke: What?

[00:27:03] David: They're everywhere. They were here before we got here. I don't believe they built CERN. I believe they found CERN and they're working it. There's a particle collider out near Montauk, Long Island. And if you look at the center, there's a tower that I call the aiming tower. If you draw a line from the center through the aiming tower, it goes down Long Island Sound, and it goes right between the two trade towers.

[00:27:31] Luke: What?

[00:27:31] David: There's another one in Pennsylvania on this weird little church, Freemason campus, a small one, and it points right at unobstructed view of the trade towers. Now, does that have anything to do with it? I don't know. It just seems a little weird. And the last thing about 9/11, because 9/11 is my baby, is if you want to fly from the major airports on the East coast to California, the 6:00 AM flight is the way to go because you get there at 10:00 AM, and you can have a full work day.

[00:28:03] And there's about 33 to 35 flights a day weekdays to California, and they're always booked solid. First class is sold out a month ahead of time as always standing room only. On the morning of 9/11, I think there was 34 flights or 32 flights. I forget. And they were all sold out except the ones that were hijacked. They were only 30 percent full.

[00:28:26] Luke: Really?

[00:28:27] David: Isn't that weird?

[00:28:28] Luke: Wow.

[00:28:28] David: Two of them weren't scheduled to fly. Where did they get the passengers from?

[00:28:32] Luke: Wow. I've always wondered if there-- and respect to anyone that was harmed or killed that day, of course.

[00:28:39] David: I live in Connecticut where everybody worked on Wall Street.

[00:28:43] Luke: Right. But I've always wondered if they were faking the names and identities of the passengers.

[00:28:50] David: 1,500 of them don't have social security numbers.

[00:28:53] Luke: I know someone whose husband died in the World Trade Center. Verifiably, he was there, now he's not there. But in terms of people being on the planes, I've not seen any evidence that they were real people that really existed. Do we think there were people on those planes?

[00:29:10] David: I don't think there were planes.

[00:29:12] Luke: Oh, this is the real black pill. You reminded me, I recently saw a video that was a camcorder that showed the second World Trade Center exploding and there was no plane. No plane hit it. It was a different angle.

[00:29:30] David: And then later there was a plane. It's horrible. The only helicopter to film the second plane hitting was chopper five. And they said, we're there. We're at the location. They were five miles away. So in their wide shot, you can see all of Hudson River.

[00:29:48] And then they zoomed in, zoomed in, zoomed in, and all of a sudden the plane just comes right into the corner of the picture into the building. Where was the plane? It was coming down the Hudson River. It would have been in several hundred frames of the video, but it wasn't there. It wasn't there. And when it came through, it hit the building and the nose came out the other side undamaged. How does a plane that gets smashed by a goose--

[00:30:13] Luke: They're like an aluminum can.

[00:30:14] David: Yeah, it came out the other side, and you couldn't tell the difference from when it went in. But here's the last thing, and I want to get off 9/11. Because I can talk about 9/11 for this whole show, and then we'll have to do another flat earth.

[00:30:23] Luke: If you lived here in town, we would just do 9/11 and then flat earth next time.

[00:30:29] David: Then we could do Sandy and then we could do Boston. But I'm going to tell people where to find all the information out if they want. It's very easy. One site. Okay. So chopper five zooms in, zooms in, zooms in. Doesn't bother to look at the plane that's off to its right, low, coming in hot, if there was one.

[00:30:48] And then they have that anomaly where it sticks through. The guy that filmed it, his name, I believe, is Sy Symington. You know what his job is? The cameraman. He writes the software and teaches the course on how to insert CGI aircraft into live video.

[00:31:10] Luke: Got to be kidding me.

[00:31:11] David: You can't make this stuff up.

[00:31:13] Luke: Wow. His name is Sy and his job is psyops.

[00:31:18] David: Yeah, I think it's Sy Simon. Don't quote me on that. I'm 99% sure. It's been a while because I've been flat earthing for a while. stoplookthink.com. stoplookthink.com. There's a 9/11 section. Type in any other conspiracy. Type in the Root Canal Theory. You know about the root canal conspiracy?

[00:31:45] Luke: No. I know that they're really bad for you.

[00:31:47] David: They're really bad. 99% of women that have breast cancer have a root canal on the same side as their breast cancer. That's statistically impossible. So on stopbookthink.com, just type in root canal, watch that video, and then you'll know. But there's 9/11 videos there. Watch them. There's a great one called The Key. Watch that about Sy Symington and how they screwed up and how the layer mask drifted off.

[00:32:12] I believe that that flight '93 that fake crashed in Pennsylvania was supposed to fake hit building 7, but they still had to take down building 7. So they had to wait and make up a story throughout the day because their simulation screwed up.

[00:32:26] Luke: That was another one like the Pentagon where there was just a hole in the dirt, no seats, no fuselage, no bodies, no sign of a plane crash whatsoever.

[00:32:35] David: And it imploded into itself.

[00:32:36] Luke: It's so frustrating to me, and I'm guilty of this too, that we humans are so easily deceived.

[00:32:43] David: Because we're trusting and loving. We care. We believe. Anything you tell me today, I'm going to believe it. Because I'm a good reader. You can lie to me. I don't think you're going to. I might lie to you.

[00:32:58] Luke: I don't think you're going to.

[00:32:59] David: Sometimes during a show, I really feel bad doing it. I used to tell people, I don't do it anymore, that I went to medical school and then I left medical school because I realized allopathic medicine was horrible. And then later in the show, I said, did I go to medical school? And like, yeah, you did. I go, do you believe that? And I say, well, I lied.

[00:33:22] And I'm doing it as a demonstration, but it still affects me, so I don't do it anymore. But it's just an example of how easy it is to believe. Belief is the lazy man's knowing. I stole that from Crrow777 Radio. You know about Crrow?

[00:33:35] Luke: Yeah. Sure.

[00:33:36] David: Crrow is a great podcast.

[00:33:38] Luke: Big fan.

[00:33:39] David: He says, belief is the enemy of knowing. Belief is easy. It takes zero effort. You can go smoke a joint, drink, do whatever you want. Take a nap. You believe something. Okay, I'm done. You want to know something? I live in Connecticut. You want to know it? You're going to have to go take some time.

[00:33:52] Figure it out. Look me up. Find my friends. Look at me on Facebook. See where I am. And you can figure it out. You're like, oh, so he does. Now you know. But no one's going to take that time and effort to do that for everything. And when somebody that we trust tells us something-- I don't want to live in a world where I can't trust everybody, so I trust everybody until you burn me.

[00:34:15] Luke: Yeah. I think that's the issue we have too with deception, is that if you're not a sociopath or a psychopath and you don't do things to deceive and harm other people, when you look at accusations of wrongdoing or evil in the world that's perpetuated by the controllers, the quasi parasitic elites, you can't believe it's true because you can't put yourself in their position because you possess the gift of empathy and they don't.

[00:34:48] They are incapable of empathy. So to them, sacrificing children, starting a war-- I just saw a tweet today of Nikki Haley signing an Israeli bomb, saying like, I hope it gets where it lands, or something like job well done. I'm like, what a psychopath. You're autographing a bomb that's going to go kill people? You are a f*cking psychopath. But because I would never do that, it's difficult for me to believe that someone would.

[00:35:20] David: You want to hear something great?

[00:35:21] Luke: What?

[00:35:21] David: I don't know who Nikki Haley is.

[00:35:22] Luke: She's some politician. Good for you. Yeah, she's a politician of some kind, but I just saw that and I was like, man, that is so dark. Signing a f*cking bomb? Oh, I think it said, finish them, is what she signed, and she signed her name, and then she put like, USA hurt Israel. And I'm just like, dude. Whoa. These are the people making the codes and statutes that we all erroneously believe we have to follow?

[00:35:56] David: The interesting thing about Flat Earthers, people that have researched Flat Earth-- it's literally unplugging yourself from the fear matrix. False evidence appearing real. Unplugging yourself from the news, North, East, West, South, steering your mind. Unplugging yourself from the lies and all of a sudden you can see everything.

[00:36:14] The only truthful thing that, what we call the anti-Flat Earth, globe, either demons or paid agents get right is they go, oh, you're a Flat Earther. You're probably an antivaxxer. You got one thing right. You got one thing right? So once you unplug from this, it unlocks the whole world. It unlocks your freedom. You take your power back. Because 9/11, they couldn't have gotten away with it if everybody knew the earth was flat.

[00:36:46] Sounds weird, but people would be grounded. They understand that there's lies out there. All of the politicians, all the corruption in politics, all of the whole medical freedom nonsense that's been going on, all of that is destroyed when you wake up to, you're at the center of creation.

[00:37:08] There is no other choice than there is a creator. I'd live my whole life not believing there was a creator, believing in evolution. I believed the whole thing. And it's because of the heliocentric model made me laugh at religion, made me laugh at spirituality. But when I discovered that the earth is intelligently designed, incredibly intelligently designed, there is no other choice than there is a creator.

[00:37:32] I draw the line right there. I said, once you know there's a creator, that's your personal relationship. It's none of anyone else's business. And that's it. And that's what the elite don't want. Because they can't control a population that knows there's a higher power.

[00:37:49] Now, they can get to someone and go, you know what? Maybe there isn't a God. Maybe the Big Bang is not just made up by a Jesuit priest. Then you can control the person. If all the politicians knew that the earth was flat and there's a creator, all of the laws that they make would have to follow natural law, God's law.

[00:38:13] So what they did is they created a satanic ball, all the 666s in the model. We're orbiting at 66,600 miles an hour. It curves at 0.66 feet per mile or whatever. It's crazy. A 0.666 feet per mile. There's so many 666s. It's insane. It's endless. I find that fascinating. Once you see all of that, it changes everything. I had a point, but I lost it. It's going to come back.

[00:38:55] Luke: You're going into one of the biggest questions I and other people have, is, why would so much effort be put into creating this false construct and this lie? Why is there a globe in every classroom and every cartoon has a globe and every movie studios, animation has-- it's just like, why did they put so much effort? And if they did, and if what you're saying is true, then it would make sense to me that cutting us off from God would be the absolute best way to control our minds.

[00:39:34] David: Absolutely.

[00:39:35] Luke: Because then the state becomes God.

[00:39:38] David: They create the satanic ball. They put you on it. It's a ball filled with fear and lack. And if you live on there and use their fake fiat currency, you have to play by their rules. But if you unplug from that, put your feet back down on God's world, realize that you're at the center of creation, they have no control over you. We don't need to protest. We don't need to riot. We don't need to take down the government. We need to ignore them so they don't exist. They would just be powerless.

[00:40:05] The only power that they have is the power that we have in our imagination for them. They're just a big lie. They think government, man, and no God. It's God, man, I don't even know government belongs down there. Govern is to control, ment is the mind. Literally, they're here to control us.

[00:40:25] A lot of people say, oh, I'm only one person. I can't do anything. There's nothing I can do. That's not true. One person with the truth is stronger than a million liars. And you just have to stand in your truth. You have to understand it. You have to understand where you are, your true power, that your thoughts create your reality. Everything you have in your life, you thought into existence. Everything.

[00:40:51] Luke: It's true. I was sitting here the other day during a podcast, and there's a potted plant behind you, and I looked at that and I thought, I'm tired of that pot. It's old and dingy looking. I want to get a new pot. And there's the new pot. You know what I mean?

[00:41:08] David: You ever, like, there's something like--

[00:40:51] Luke: I had to have the thought.

[00:41:10] David: Yeah, you have to think of-- there's certain things that you know you're going to get, and you just get it. And I'm not talking just material. I'm talking about everything from your wife, to your life, to your spirit. It's all there. And I think that these psychopaths don't have the ability to manifest for themselves, so they need us to manifest it for them.

[00:41:27] So they want us with that loose energy, that negative thoughts, and they want us-- they love truthers that are putting out fear p*rn. Because then everyone's falling into that fear, and they take that energy. This is a spiritual war. It's how they get away with it because they've trained everyone to believe that that's not a thing. So if you're in a spiritual war and you don't believe in a spiritual war, you're going to lose.

[00:41:50] Luke: Yeah. I think that's true, is for some reason that class of being or entity seems to lack creative inspiration and creative power. Therefore they've created this infrastructure of systems in our society wherein they are parasitically siphoning our creativity, our ideas, our energy, because they're devoid of it. It's like they can't create on their own, so out of their own desperation, they essentially rob us of our creative energy.

[00:42:27] David: Here's another thing too, which is like a catch-22. It's hard for us to be proven right. They always tell us something. They always tell us what they're doing. And then if we notice it, they don't do it. If we don't notice it, they pull it off. All these false flags, these hoax shootings and stuff, they tell us. They have a drill of the exact same thing. On the morning of 9/11, there was over a dozen drills of planes being hijacked and crashed into buildings, including the World Trade towers.

[00:42:59] On the morning of the beachy school in Connecticut, I don't want to say the name just in case I put this on YouTube or something, they were doing a drill of a shooting at that school. During the Boston marathon, they were doing a drill of a bomb going off at the finish line.

[00:43:18] Luke: Wow.

[00:43:19] David: They even announced it. So if you catch them in the act, they go, no, it's just a drill. And so you can never be proven right. I believe that there's lots of things that we've caught and they've stopped. I believe that we've pushed their timeline out. And they're trying to push it forward because too many people are waking up from hearing shows like this that are waking up. The veil is thinning. The whole 2020 pandemic, people have had a lot of time to look around since they're working from home.

[00:43:52] Luke: Yeah. Lock all the people in their house with the internet. Bad idea if you're trying to control them.

[00:43:55] David: Bad idea.

[00:43:55] Luke: Because even with censorship, we're going to find a way.

[00:43:59] David: Bad idea. That's why flatearthdave.com, check out my app. If you don't want to get the app, just scroll down to the crash course.

[00:44:06] Luke: And the app's only a couple of dollars.

[00:44:08] David: It's $3, one-time charge. But there's a yearly subscription for just $11 a year. That's for some of the higher functions of video chatting, the meetup maker, the matchmaker, because $3 pretty much keeps the trolls away. And then the $11 definitely keeps them away. So it's literally troll-free in there.

[00:44:33] Luke: You keep a clean ecosystem.

[00:44:34] David: Yeah. It's super clean. And I also made it so whenever you're showing somebody images from the image search or videos and stuff, they're like, where do I get that app? You use a referral code and you just get points that you can trade in for a free subscription, but now you're going to get a new crypto that we released called Dome. I think it's better than Dogecoin. There's less of them, and you can earn it for free. You're a crypto guy, right, a little bit?

[00:44:59] Luke: I'm a novice at best.

[00:45:00] David: So there's proof of work, proof of stake. The way Bitcoin is mined is computers solving math equations that use lots of electricity. And that's how it's mined. Dome is mined by unlocking minds. And the way it's mined is anytime you refer someone to the app and they use your referral code, you get 1,000 Dome. Their Korea. 1,000 Dome are released to you, to your wallet address for free. So every person you wake up to the truth unplugged from the matrix creates another 1,000 Dome.

[00:45:36] Luke: Oh. Cool.

[00:45:37] David: It's going to be very, very cool. And I highly recommend people check it out.

[00:45:44] Luke: Epic. They will.

[00:45:46] David: It's literally the single best way to wake people up to and also to educate yourself. I just tell people, get the app, and every morning when you're having your tea or coffee, whatever, hit the daily video, watch the daily video. That's it. And you're done. Your homework's done.

[00:46:00] Luke: All right. So that's a good setup for what we're going to talk about here. I want to dive into some of the holes in the story and anomalies. And before I do, I'll say it's funny because, really, the burden of proof should be on the one making the claim. So if the nature of our realm is as we've been taught, then they should be able to prove it to us because they're making the claim that this is what it is.

[00:46:29] So it's unfortunate that anyone that doesn't believe their claim that has little to no proof has to now do all this research and make the claim. So what I want to get right now is from you, some of the greatest hits that are rebuttals to someone listening that's like, yeah, but I learned this in school. And what about astrophysicists and this and that? And the first one to me that is like, I can't explain is when you look at flight paths and you look at emergency landings .

[00:47:00] And anyone can look this stuff. You won't find it on YouTube because it'll be all censored, but it makes no sense to me, just objectively, that if you have a plane going from Auckland, New Zealand, to Argentina, and they have an emergency landing, that they fly up and land in LA. That doesn't work on a round ball. It makes no sense.

[00:47:20] David: Makes no sense. The emergency landings are one of my favorites. And the Southern flight paths are absolutely mind blowing. When you look at them, to fly from Australia to Santiago, which would be at the bottom, you should just go across Antarctica or just around it, they go all the way up to Dubai and across the United States and then all the way back down, which is crazy. Nobody should ever have to go that far.

[00:47:51] Luke: Would the argument for that be, oh, the trade winds? They have to go this way to save fuel. Is there any logical explanation for that?

[00:47:59] David: There's no logical explanation. Here's one of the routes from Santiago to Australia. They go, why would they go all the way up across the equator? And this is what it looks like on a flat earth. Straight line.

[00:48:12] Luke: Oh man, dude.

[00:48:14] David: Yeah. And there's so many of them, but things are changing. They've got some other plane technology. I'll talk about that in a second. Here's one. Just three different flights, three different locations. They go up and down, but look at them on a flat earth there. They're pretty much a straight line.

[00:48:35] Luke: From Hong Kong to Malaysia to Dubai.

[00:48:40] David: Yeah. It's amazing. And then another one that's very interesting is this is Hawaii here, and all of these flights are North of Hawaii. They're all North of Hawaii. Look on a globe. None of them should be North of Hawaii. It makes no sense whatsoever.

[00:48:59] Luke: Wow. So I think the thing that's hard for me to get my head around because of all of the programming is we think about the North and the South Pole. But in this model, if it's a flat surface, then North is the center where there's this magnetic force. And then everything that's the opposite of that North is all South. So there is no South Pole. Everything is South. Then East to West is just you going in a circle above a flat circle.

[00:49:31] David: Let's talk about that. One more.

[00:49:33] Luke: I'm trying to get my head around it.

[00:49:34] David: This is the World Cup. They played in Doha. Argentina, they had their own [Inaudible]. So people say, oh, they go to these stops because they have to change pilots and drop off other passengers. Own chartered flight. Only the soccer people on this flight. They want to go home. They went to Rome, and then they went to Argentina. Does Rome look like it's in the right direction towards home? They went there to refuel.

[00:49:56] Luke: That takes more fuel.

[00:49:59] David: Yeah. It's in the wrong direction. But if we look at it on a flat earth map--

[00:50:06] Luke: Oh my God. This is exploding my brain.

[00:50:12] David: So on the app in the Frequently Asked Questions section, there is Southern flights, a whole bunch of videos that YouTube won't ever show you. They're hidden from you. Just watch those. There is mind blowing stuff. So you were moving on to, what was the next topic?

[00:50:29] Luke: Well, I'm looking for arguments that can't be disproven. Looking at the flight path, to me, is like cases closed, kind of. Something is up. I don't know what's going on, but it makes no sense. And the other one that I'd like you to go into is, the one that seems fairly obvious to me is that you can see too far. How does the math play out on that, and what would be science TM's rebuttal to why you can see so far? How do they try to explain that away?

[00:51:05] David: There is no good rebuttal to it. Before that, we were just talking about the flight routes. What was the other thing that was just coming up?

[00:51:19] Luke: I forget.

[00:51:19] David: I've done too many podcasts.

[00:51:21] Luke: Yeah. You've done probably six in the past two days or something, so I get it.

[00:51:24] David: Wait, we've talked about flight routes. Oh yeah. So the argument that you'll get from a Glober is, why does it take the same amount of time to fly from New York to Spain or whatever than it does to go from Santiago to Australia, which on a flat earth map is twice as far?

[00:51:44] So the first thing I say is, if I was going to drive across the United States in my new Maserati and my grandmother is going to drive only halfway across the United States in her Datsun, who's going to get there first? I'm going to California. She's just going to Nebraska. I might get there first. Why? I'm going faster. She's driving slow. So planes fly at different speeds. There's different wind speeds at different levels.

[00:52:10] Do you know that we found a FAA document that said, at 45,000 feet out near the Tropic of Capricorn, there's winds that are 350 miles an hour that circle the Earth? 350 mile an hour winds. And these winds change, but they're pretty consistent. Did you know that twice a day, every single day, they launch 1,000 water balloons all over the Earth at the exact same time?

[00:52:44] So there's stations all over the earth, I think it's 950 stations, they release a balloon at the exact same time that transmits weather data back to a supercomputer that models the whole thing, and they can tell exactly where the winds are. So the plane that goes from Santiago to Australia nonstop, or is a Boeing Dreamliner, forget the number, but it's a special plane that's made for this trip, it has seven layers of heat resistant paint, the problem. That's interesting.

[00:53:20] Why does it have heat resistant paint? Maybe it's going a little faster than they tell us. And it flies at 45,000 feet. So you got a 350 mile an hour tailwind, a plane that's just going, let's say it goes 600 miles an hour instead of 550. Make that 950 with the tailwind land speed. The times make perfect sense. They make absolute perfect sense.

[00:53:44] Luke: How fast is the official story of how fast the Earth globe is spinning?

[00:53:52] David: So the Earth is spinning once per day, 15 degrees per hour. If you're on the equator, you're moving just over 1,000 miles per hour.

[00:53:59] Luke: According to the official narrative.

[00:54:01] David: That's faster than the speed of sound. So when you go out and watch the sunset, you're in a peaceful setting, you're watching the sunset, the sun isn't moving away like all of your senses tell you. You're falling over backwards faster than the speed of sound. Does that make any sense?

[00:54:18] Luke: Yeah. So this is a problem I have.

[00:54:21] David: Real quick, this is on the app. This is a weather maps from real-time winds. See those pink and white out there?

[00:54:27] Luke: Yeah.

[00:54:27] David: Those are 250-mile an hour plus winds out there. So put a plane in there that can fly at a nice speed with a nice tailwind. You're going to make some time.

[00:54:38] Luke: Interesting. So if this ball is spinning as fast as they claim it is, I've always wondered how can a hot air balloon fly up and just hover? Why doesn't it end up down the road? Or a helicopter?

[00:54:55] David: Right. This is the official story. You're ready? The earth has been spinning for so long that the friction of the mountains has dragged all of the air to its speed. Is there friction in the air? Is there friction holding this air from that air? It's all going around with it, but a summer breeze can blow left and right. Winds at 40,000 feet are outrunning the spin of the earth.

[00:55:31] If you're standing on the equator, let's round it down to say 1,000 miles an hour, you're moving, if you went up, the higher up you go, the bigger your circle is. You actually have to speed up to stay over that piece of ground. Because the circle of the earth is 24,900 miles around, if you're up here, that's might be 27,000 miles an hour. So you have to speed up. There's winds that outrun the spin of the earth. Explain that. You can't. You can't explain it.

[00:56:01] Luke: Wow. I saw someone when I was looking into this question about can a helicopter just go up and stay in the same place if the earth is spinning underneath it.

[00:56:13] David: Because the air is going with the earth. Because of gravity.

[00:56:14] Luke: It would end up in a different place. And someone's rebuttal to that was, well, if you're driving down the road in a car at 80 miles an hour and you have a bird inside the car, the bird is not getting left behind.

[00:56:25] David: Also, the earth is enclosed, like the car is. Open up the roof of the car, the earth doesn't have a shell over it. The globe earth. I'm like, you're spinning at 1,000 miles an hour. You're orbiting at 66,600 miles an hour. You're chasing the sun at half a million miles per hour, and you don't feel anything. They go, well, I can ride in an airplane and drink water and walk to the bathroom, and you don't notice the speed.

[00:56:50] I was like, oh, you want to compare the airplane to the slowest of the Earth's motions, which is the spin? First, the airplane's only going 500 miles an hour. So you have to double it to 1,000 miles an hour. You now have to remove the outer shell of the airplane because there is no outer shell over the earth, and you have to nose dive at a mile per minute just to follow the curve at that speed and not fly off into space. Let me know how your water is doing and your trip to the bathroom is going.

[00:57:17] Luke: Oh, I asked a pilot recently. It was just a private pilot. Because I'm trying to unpack this sh*t. I don't know. I don't pretend to know, but there's just so many anomalies like we're talking about. I'm just like, wait, hold up. So I asked him, said, is the earth round or flat? He said, duh, idiot, it's round. And I said, okay, well, when you fly in a plane, do you have to set your instruments to correct so that you're constantly descending slightly?

[00:57:44] David: It's done automatically, right?

[00:57:46] Luke: No, I forget what he said, but it, whatever it was, it made no sense. Because to me, if you're flying around a round ball and you don't constantly descend, then you would just eventually be going up and up and up and fly into space.

[00:58:00] David: Within an hour, you'd be at 80,000 feet.

[00:58:04] Luke: Really?

[00:58:04] David: Yeah.

[00:58:06] Luke: Wow.

[00:58:06] David: Yeah, that's crazy.

[00:58:09] Luke: And then I said to him, why is it called an aeroplane then?

[00:58:13] David: You want to try something fun? It might be fun. I don't know. I grabbed my phone. I'm going to call an American airlines pilot. I'm going to not say his name and say, is the earth flat or globe?

[00:58:25] Luke: See if he'll pick up.

[00:58:25] David: Yeah. You want to do it?

[00:58:26] Luke: I love it. Because I think if anyone knows what's up, it's got to be a pilot.

[00:58:31] David: Most of them are just glorified bus drivers. He tells us that some of them just can't see it. When he became a pilot, if he didn't know how to rebuild the plane, he wasn't allowed to fly it. Now, if you ask a question, how does that work, they go, you don't need to know that. Just punch in the numbers.

[00:58:55] Luke: Oh, interesting.

[00:58:56] David: Just punch in the numbers.

[00:58:57] Luke: I've also asked pilots about chemtrails and they look at me like I'm insane. That doesn't exist.

[00:59:03] David: Yeah, that's crazy.

[00:59:04] Luke: I'm like, dude, you guys are--

[00:59:05] David: They admit it now.

[00:59:06] Luke: You're flying right next to the same planes that are spraying and your plane's not leaving a trail and that one is, and you're at the same humidity, same altitude, same conditions. How is that possible? And I just get a blank stare.

[00:59:21] David: Crazy. All right. Let's see if this works. I'm going to try it.

[00:59:25] Luke: If he picks up, it'll be amazing.

[00:59:32] David: Hey, don't say your name. Don't say your name and don't say anything. I'm on a podcast. We're talking about airline, pilots, and curvature. What do you want to say about the Earth? Is it flat? Do you nose down to follow the curve? What would you say?

[00:59:49] Speaker 1: No, we fly perfectly straight and level up to about 40, 41,000 feet. There's no curve. It's just pretty still up there unless it's turbulent.

[01:00:02] David: What percentage of major airline pilots know that the earth is not a spinning ball?

[01:00:10] Speaker 1: Just a handful of people that I know. Most of the time when I brought it up, I just get an emotional response out of people. They usually don't even want to discuss it or toy with the idea. And I don't bring it up saying the earth is flat usually because a lot of pilots like to say they see satellites at night. I fly with them all the time, and I'll just delicately ask him how far away that satellite is, and they don't know so I tell them roughly to 250 miles. You know how big it is? They don't know. And I tell them, and we get down to what you discuss, your field of vision, the angular projection or whatever you call it.

[01:00:56] David: Angular resolution.

[01:00:58] Speaker 1: Resolution. You can't possibly see it. And their brain just shuts down. And then they say-- what do they usually say? Well, so you're saying there's no satellites. I didn't say any of that. All I'm saying is you can't see something that small with reflected sunlight, 250 miles away. And then I usually just drop it.

[01:01:22] David: All right. I got to run.

[01:01:24] Speaker 1: I always love space.

[01:01:25] David: Where are you flying to next?

[01:01:28] Speaker 1: I just got back at midnight last night on the second. I got a three-day trip. I haven't checked to see where it goes yet.

[01:01:36] David: All right. Thank you. Talk to you soon.

[01:01:38] Speaker 1: No problem.

[01:01:39] David: Bye.

[01:01:40] Luke: Well, that was a first on the Life Stylist podcast.

[01:01:42] David: American Airlines, veteran pilot for many years, and he can see it. It's amazing how some people can't see it even when shown. There's people that can see, people that can see when shown, and people that can't see.

[01:01:57] Luke: Well, when I first heard this concept, I was imagining that space was still real as we've been taught to believe. And so I pictured a pizza floating in space. This is that old idea. Oh, we used to think the earth was flat and you could just fall off the edge.

[01:02:15] David: That's what they want you to think.

[01:02:15] Luke: The way I'm thinking about it now in light of this conversation is like, because we don't know what's outside of the Antarctic Circle, it could just be an infinite plane of land that goes on to eternity. There is no edge of the disc as someone that would make fun of someone that believed in this would be like, oh, so what, you're going to fall off the edge?

[01:02:42] What if there's no edge? What if the edge is this ice wall that holds in the water? Because all water needs a container. Otherwise it just runs off somewhere.

[01:02:53] David: So you were talking about, we can see too far. On a ball, whatever size it is, there's math that will tell you how far you can see before there is a physical curve.

[01:03:04] Luke: Right. Like if you're looking at a building, that's X--

[01:03:07] David: The bottoms of buildings will disappear on a flat earth. That's a whole other topic. And they will disappear for multiple reasons. But when I was talking about just the bottoms-- and the reason they disappear from the bottom first, it's just because the angular size there is the lowest. You stand up higher, you can see farther.

[01:03:23] Lay down at a Home Depot floor and look across the floor. You can't see all the way across, but stand up a little bit, you can see. You won't be able to see the people's shoes on the other side of the floor, but lift your head up, you can see them again. It's not because the floor is curved. It's because this is the angular view.

[01:03:38] This is the picture, and you can find it on the app. Just type in 700 in the pictures. In the background here, there's all of these mountains, in the Alps, 700 miles away. Using their globe earth calculator, the one that gives them the benefit of the doubt, from that viewing height, calculating that in there, those mountains, the tops of those mountains should be over 50 miles below a physical curve, but they all show up on the same line.

[01:04:08] And the official story is that they're just refracting up. On the debunking side, they have a great thing. They have a great thing. They're like, put in your observation height, put in the distance, and then it calculates the curve. And then it's like, oh, if you can't see it, slide this bar, the refraction bar. Okay. One refraction, two refraction, three. You slide it until it shows up on the horizon. Stop. Okay, that's the refraction. It's a magic refraction bar. And so it'll take anything and straighten it up. And when it gets straight, you stop there and go, oh, there's 37 refraction, whatever the number is. It's stupid.

[01:04:44] Luke: So what about all of the beautiful photos we've seen of solar systems and galaxies and planets and stars?

[01:04:53] David: Lights in the sky. No star has ever been seen other anything more than just a point of light in the sky. The only thing you can say about a star is that it's a point of light in the sky.

[01:05:10] Luke: If we are traveling to spaces, we've been told, why are there never any real videos? You'd think if you were going to the international fake station that you would be so excited. You'd be filming videos of going away from the earth.

[01:05:28] David: They have more important things to do, science and things. How about this?

[01:05:33] Luke: Why is there no documentation to support their claim, in other words, that's not CGI? Everything I see when I look into this, it's all cartoons. They call them renderings or something.

[01:05:44] David: Composites.

[01:05:45] Luke: Composites. Yeah. Like when the plandemic happened, there was pictures of the virus. And then you find--

[01:05:50] David: It's not very scary.

[01:05:52] Luke: It's not a picture. It's a computer-generated cartoon.

[01:05:56] David: They're horrible at it. When you're in an airplane approaching your home airport and looking out the window and you see your house, what do you say to the stranger next to you? You're like, hey, that's my house. That's cool. When you go to the moon in the blackness of space and look up at the blue marble, the most incredible thing that you'll ever see, you think you'd take a picture of it or video it?

[01:06:20] There's not one second of video. There are video of them playing golf and riding a dune buggy and hammering a flag into the ground, but never once did they point the video camera towards the earth. Not once. Not once did they say the word Earth.

[01:06:38] Luke: Really?

[01:06:39] David: The entire dialogue. Am I allowed to swear?

[01:06:42] Luke: Yeah.

[01:06:42] David: The entire dialogue should be, holy f*cking sh*t, look at the earth. Oh my god, look at the earth. Holy moly, look at the earth. That's all the entire dialogue should have been. Look at that. Oh crap. That's the whole dialogue. Never once did they say earth, never once did they take a single video of it, never once did they take a camera and do a 360. Never once. Like on a sitcom, you never do a 360 because you show the fourth wall. There's so many anomalies. It's insane.

[01:07:11] Luke: What about these supposed rocket launches too? I've noticed with those that it's never one continuous shot. There's always these jump cuts of the whole thing.

[01:07:21] David: There's six edits before it clears the tower. Then there's no smoke. And then there's a closeup. I have an Elon Musk video that I show off in my interviews, flatearthdave.com. Go down to the interviews button, watch one of those. And it's a rocket testing that he's going to send to Mars. The onboard camera versus the ground camera, the ground camera is shooting this thing. It's got to be a couple thousand feet in the air at the most, but the onboard camera shows the curve of the earth.

[01:07:50] It's so high, at the same time. And then it falls back to earth and there's one little rocket that lands it perfectly upright, not four like a Harrier Jump Jet or something or a drone or whatever. One it lands it upright. Elon Musk is shooting these rockets up that go up to space. You can see the curve. The earth is spinning, going through all those winds there and then the first stage comes off and falls back to earth.

[01:08:21] Remember those trade winds I told you, 350 miles an hour, plus the earth is spinning, plus ocean currents, plus winds, all sorts of stuff, this thing's falling. It's got two little milk crates that turn, and it's steering it back to a drone ship, a drone ship, no people on this raft, 800 miles off the coast of Florida. Nobody's out there.

[01:08:44] And it lands upright in a bullseye, and nine out of 10 times the camera that's filming starts shaking as it gets close then goes black because they lose the signal. It's 800 miles away, so they lose the signal because it's over the curve of the earth. It's so ridiculous, but here's the thing. People don't watch it. People just hear it and go, wow, that ends upright? That's so cool.

[01:09:08] Just the other day, Jeff Bezos with his penis-shaped rocket shot seven people up the air, one 94-year-old guy. No one's on these rockets, but the capsule came down and they show it. It's slammed into the ground so hard, there's zero chance anybody could live. They all walk out like, yes, yes. It's a total stage show, if you watch these things.

[01:09:35] Luke: What's NASA's budget?

[01:09:38] David: $80 million a day.

[01:09:41] Luke: A day?

[01:09:42] David: Every day, including holidays. Not sure about leap year though.

[01:09:47] Luke: It would take, what, a month to apply that budget to the entire homeless crisis in this country? And it would be solved.

[01:09:56] David: Yeah. $80 million a day. What did they give you?

[01:09:59] Luke: I'm speaking in guesses, but I'm like, I don't know, take $80 million right now to downtown Austin. You just took care of all those people.

[01:10:06] David: Yeah. That's one day. If somebody gave you $10 million, do you think you'd give them something back? What has NASA ever given us except hopes and dreams?

[01:10:19] Luke: Cartoons.

[01:10:20] David: Cartoons.

[01:10:21] Luke: Wow. What about the Nazi origins of NASA?

[01:10:26] David: Well, Wernher Von Braun, the supposed rocket scientist from Russia, he runs NASA. On his gravestone it says Psalms 19.1, which, the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Weird. Revelation of the message, poke in the eye, not sure. Deathbed confession, not sure. Whatever it is, it's out there.

[01:10:50] And what have they ever done? They're not doing anything other-- and the Globers will say, wait until 2026. They're going to go. On the Flat Earth Clock app, if you go to the More Resources pages, there's a section called Flat Earth Movies, and Documentaries.

[01:11:09] We have one in there called NASA going nowhere since 1959. And it basically shows how every administration goes, we're going to Mars. We're going to the moon. We're going to Mars. We're going to the moon. We're going to Mars. We're going to the moon. And they just keep shifting, shifting, shifting, shifting, shifting, and we're going nowhere.

[01:11:25] We went to the moon half a dozen times in the 1960s and '70s with men, played golf. Ran a scooter around. How did they get the scooter in that thing? They somehow took off, filmed the takeoff on the moon, connected to the orbiting orbiter, and then made it back to Earth while the Earth is traveling, the moon.

[01:11:50] Think about the moon. The Earth is going around the sun, 66,000 miles an hour. So the moon, when it's here, the sun's over there, it's going 66,000 miles an hour. But to get out in front, it has to go faster. And then when it's in front, it has to slow down otherwise it's going to run away.

[01:12:10] So now it's going 66,000 miles an hour, and then it has to go slower to go back here. Right. And then when it goes here it has to speed up again, otherwise it's going to get left behind.

[01:12:21] Luke: Oh my God, dude.

[01:12:23] David: What are the mechanics for that? There's no mechanics for that.

[01:12:26] Luke: This is hurting my brain.

[01:12:28] David: There's so much.

[01:12:30] Luke: There's a part of me that doesn't want to believe that we've been lied to this egregiously.

[01:12:36] David: Because it's horrible.

[01:12:36] Luke: That I believed it.

[01:12:38] David: Yeah. Well, it's easier to fool somebody than to convince them they've been fooled. But this is one that's the whole foundation of your life. Did you like Star Wars? Star Trek?

[01:12:49] Luke: Love. My name's Luke. Yeah. It came out when I was eight years old. Come on. I remember going to the theater and watching Star Wars. And the funny thing about this too, I've realized is I've always had this fear of space. I find the idea of space just terrifying. So I love movies about-- there was one called, I think, Sunshine, where they're trying to launch a nuke into the sun to save the world and they all get trapped out in space and it's like so terrifying. So I wonder if it's part of the programming, is making us afraid of space.

[01:13:21] David: I don't want to deviate, but are you aware of the new coax?

[01:13:25] Luke: Oh yeah. Where the nukes go off, but the camera's fine at 50 feet away.

[01:13:33] David: Right. And then stacking TNT at ground zero at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And then three days after the bomb goes off, the trains are open. The sandwich shops were open. They're selling flowers on the street. Everyone's back to work. It was just a bomb, just one bomb. And no one's allowed to report on it. So that's another thing. Fear, false evidence appearing real, and lack. That's what they want us living in, fear and lack, when there's abundance and love everywhere.

[01:14:04] Luke: They're an intelligent design.

[01:14:06] David: Intelligent design.

[01:14:07] Luke: Yeah, because I think with the Big Bang Theory and the whole heliocentric model, part of the atheistic underpinnings of that is that everything is just an accident and random, therefore there's no God, and therefore you are not safe. Be afraid. Because man, anything could just go haywire at any given time. We could get hit by a meteor or an asteroid.

[01:14:31] David: Aliens don't exist. What about the craters, Dave?

[01:14:34] Luke: Yeah, tell me about craters.

[01:14:36] David: So whenever we see a meteor, it's always in Northern Russia. It's caught by some dash cam, and it's coming in at an angle, a very shallow angle. Well, how do you create a perfectly circular crater from a shallow angle? The excuse they give you is so stupid.

[01:14:53] There's a video that leaked in Nevada of planes flying low, testing this firework that literally they shoot out in front of the plane. It looked exactly like those meteors. So when we film a meteor coming in, that's just something from an airplane. It's just a exotic firework from an airplane.

[01:15:15] Luke: Well, yeah, because these craters that are supposedly--

[01:15:18] David: They're perfect circles.

[01:15:19] Luke: Yeah. And there's line going into it, right?

[01:15:24] David: Right. They come from within the earth. They're methane bubbles, liquefaction. Look up methane craters and geysers. Look at a geyser versus a crater. A dried-up geyser, it's exactly the same.

[01:15:40] Luke: Oh my God.

[01:15:41] David: It's exactly the same. And then people say, well, I find these pieces of metal in there. I don't know what those are from. Maybe they're coming up from the earth. They want you to believe they're coming from space. An astronaut gives a Dutch president a space rock, moon rock, and he finds out that it's petrified wood.

[01:16:02] Luke: Really?

[01:16:02] David: One of the astronauts gave a gift and they wanted to insure it, but the insurance company said they wanted to inspect it and they said it's petrified wood.

[01:16:09] Luke: No way. They ran analysis on it and it's petrified wood. Oh my god.

[01:16:13] David: So you know what that means? There's trees on the moon, of course.

[01:16:16] Luke: Right. Well, going back to the moon, I'm pretty sure I have observed stars through one half of the moon when the moon is visible, [Inaudible].

[01:16:28] David: It has been observed. I haven't seen it other than in photos myself. I saw one video that it's good. I need to see it myself. But when the moon is waxing or waning and there's just a crescent, there's nothing there. But then on the other side, when it's coming back, there's a transparent moon there. So a new moon might just be that. It might be a new moon.

[01:16:53] Think about this. The moon is supposedly a piece of the earth that got knocked off when another planet hit us or something and then it formed a perfect ball. The gravity pulled it into a perfect ball that got tidally locked and controls women's cycles. Wait, how did that happen? The moon controls the women's cycles, and the sun--

[01:17:15] Luke: And the tide.

[01:17:16] David: Well, that's what they say. There's no correlation. And the sun controls the men's cycles. We are beings of the sun, the sun, the S-O-N, the S-U-N, whatever you want to call it. Think about this. So when there's a full moon, that means the sun is off to my right and the moon is off to the left and it's being lit up and we see a full moon.

[01:17:40] So when there's a full moon, high tides are higher than normal. It's the gravity of the moon that's supposedly pulling the tides. I have a thing. If the gravity's pulling the tides, wouldn't the middle of the ocean bulge and it be low tide? I don't know. It's weird. I don't know. I don't know. But when there's a new moon, in the heliocentric model, the moon's still there.

[01:18:05] There's just no light on it. So the moon is right next to the sun. So you got the sun's gravity and the moon's gravity. Should be a massive tide, but it's not as high. And then there's these tidal nodes all over the world that there's no tide. And high tide and low tide circle around those tidal nodes.

[01:18:27] Luke: Wow.

[01:18:29] David: On the tides, and the frequently asked questions on the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app, there's a tides button. And I just added three. This guy is amazing. Talks about the ocean, waters below, the springs below the ocean, feeding and taking water away under the ocean. The tides are coming from the waters of the deep. It's quite fascinating, but there's a lot of--

[01:18:55] Luke: I want to see that information.

[01:18:57] David: It's under tides.

[01:18:57] Luke: I've always intuited that, and this can be supported by the idea of primary water because I'm a spring water guy. It seems quite evident that the planet itself makes water just like it replenishes crude oil. It just makes new oil. Because they'll drill a well, suck it dry, come back later, and it's full again. What? More dinosaurs under the ground died and decomposed?

[01:19:24] David: Whenever someone mentions primary water, I feel an obligation to bring this topic up. So Muammar Gaddafi, do you know about the great manmade river?

[01:19:33] Luke: Uh-uh.

[01:19:34] David: Okay. This is the greatest secret and the greatest tragedy of all time. I was taught that he was an evil dictator, and he had a scary face. And I was worried that he's going to blow up the world with nuclear bombs. There's a speech he did at the UN in the '70s, I think, where he was angry and he was talking and the news translated it as, he's just angry, all this stuff.

[01:19:55] But somebody translated it. And basically he said, in the future, the New World Order is going to depopulate the earth with vaccines and fake viruses. Everything he was saying is everything that we're living today. And so backing out of that, that's not the main part of the story, he was drilling for oil in the desert in Libya, and he hit an ocean of water underneath the desert, a pristine, ancient, amazing water, an ocean, an endless ocean under the ocean.

[01:20:28] So he started what's called the Great Man-Made River. He made pipes, giant pipes buried in the desert, going all across Africa.

[01:20:35] It took him 40 years of work, 40 years. And he was piping freshwater all over Africa. Any family that wanted to start a farm, he gave them land, water, seeds, cattle, tractors, everything, but they had to grow an organic farm. Organic farms were popping up all over Africa, and his goal was to feed and make sure all of Africa was living prosperitively. Is that a word?

[01:21:05] And he made housing a human right. Everyone gets a house. He paid for any car you wanted. He paid for half of it. All education, higher education was free. All health care was free. If they couldn't do it there, he'd fly you to another country to get it done. When you got married, they gave you money for a house, $50,000 or whatever it was.

[01:21:24] Greatest leader of all time. When he finished it, Hillary Clinton and Obama and the rest of the UN blew it up with depleted uranium bombs. The greatest aquifer project of all time called the Great Man-Made River. And you were never taught about it. You were never shown anything about it. On the app, in the video search, search in Muammar Gaddafi or Great Man-Made River.

[01:21:48] David: And I made a short video. There's two videos on him that I made, are amazing. I remember I was trying to go somewhere and I had to get on I-95 and the highway entrance is blocked. The cops are there. I'm like, what's going on? They're like, oh, president's coming through. Obama's coming through. And so I went down to the next exit. Can't get on there yet. They're blocking off all the exits.

[01:22:10] And when he came through, there was 15 decoy cars. And so you don't know which one he's in. I'm standing there talking to the cop. And then when he went by, everything goes back to normal. In Libya at the same time, Gaddafi drives down the street, standing up out of his sunroof, waving to people, walks along the car, shaking people's hands, hugging people. Who's the terrorist?

[01:22:37] Luke: Wow.

[01:22:37] David: Everything is--

[01:22:39] Luke: Is Gaddafi the one that that famous Hillary Clinton video where she--

[01:22:42] David: Yeah, we found him. We killed him. They killed him.

[01:22:44] Luke: Yeah, she started laughing, ha ha ha, he died.

[01:22:46] David: Greatest leader of all time.

[01:22:47] Luke: Psychopath.

[01:22:48] David: Now, people think they killed him because he wanted to trade oil for the gold dinar. Which he did, but he was feeding all of Africa and he was bringing organic farms up everywhere. Watch the Great Man-Made River. You can't watch it without crying.

[01:23:03] Luke: Wow. So he tapped into some primary water.

[01:23:06] David: Primary water. Greatest leader of all time. And then I made a t shirt. I have a great outline cut out of him, and I put it out there and the t-shirt maker said, we can't make that because we can't honor a terrorist. I'm like, what?

[01:23:24] Luke: Oh my God, dude.

[01:23:25] David: So I had to name it something else. I had to come up with a creative name. I forget. I worked my way around it, but it's one of my favorite t-shirts.

[01:23:33] Luke: Wow. So we've all been led to believe that the moon is a solid rock, therefore somewhere we can go. And people have refuted that, that perhaps it's a luminary. One thing that's really weird about the moon to me and instantly debunks the idea that it's reflecting sunlight and that's how it illuminates is that at night, from what I hear, I haven't tested it, that the shade in the moonlight is warmer than the light under the moon, which makes no sense. It should be warmer because it's reflecting some of the sun's photons.

[01:24:13] David: Yeah. So there's a lot of people that do that test and they do it wrong. They put a piece of cardboard over the ground and then they take the shade shot and it's warmer. They're insulating the ground. They're getting a false positive. But if you do it correctly, there's a six to 10-degree difference.

[01:24:30] Luke: What?

[01:24:30] David: Yeah, in the direct moonlight.

[01:24:32] Luke: That makes no sense.

[01:24:35] David: So the debunkers, there's no such thing as cold light. Literally, Cody's science lab, a guy on YouTube that does the science stuff, he came out and showed a cold laser. Basically, you shoot a laser at something and it freezes. So yes, there is cold light, and it comes from the moon.

[01:24:52] Luke: But if the reason that it's illuminated is because it's reflecting the sun, then that would make that moonlight warmer than the shade at night.

[01:25:03] David: It should. Right. But also, the moonlight, you can read a book by it. It casts your shadow on the ground. So if you look at this cement ball at noon, is that shedding light that I could possibly read by if it was dark outside if I isolate it?

[01:25:21] Luke: No, it's absorbing light.

[01:25:23] David: It's just light that's bouncing off of it. It's not casting a shadow in here, but look at the moon. The moon is a light. Go out when there's a moon, a full moon or close to full moon, and there's some spotty clouds. You'll see that the moon is lighting up the clouds that are right next to it. Wait a minute, Dave. Are you saying that the moon's just above the clouds? I'm saying that the moon that we see from the ground is above the clouds.

[01:25:46] You go up as high as the clouds in an airplane, the moon's going to move. If you see it in an apparent position, as you move. Remember as a kid, you said, hey, mom, the moon's following us in the car. And mom said, no, it's not. Don't be stupid. It was following you. It was.

[01:26:01] I do an experiment where I divided my studio in half with a blue sheet. I hung a blue sheet across the room. And then on the 10 feet on the other side, I had a bright light. It was actually a square light, a flashlight shining at the blue sheet, and the whole blue sheet lights up. But there's a spot where I could see a round light. It looks just like the sun or the moon.

[01:26:25] It's pretty amazing. And so my wife, Paige, is to the left of me about five feet. And I said, where do you see that sun? And she points to the sheet over there while I'm pointing to it over here. So we're both seeing the same thing at the same time. And if I walk over, my light will go and merge right into her light because you're seeing it in an apparent position.

[01:26:46] That's how we see the sun and the moon. We see it in our dome of vision. I call it our personal atmospheric dome of vision. In the app, under the Eclipses section on the Frequently Asked page, I got a couple of videos there. One of them is called our projected sun. Watch that and tell me your jaw doesn't drop out of your face.

[01:27:08] Luke: Speaking of the sun, talking about something like this really requires visuals to really get the point. So I'm glad you have backup here so people that are curious or people that are like, these guys are f*cking nuts, they can actually go look at-- some of the stuff to me that got me interested in it was the video content where I'm like, hold up, I can't explain this, therefore I'm curious. I want to learn more. But one thing in that regard is we're told the sun is, what, 93 million miles away. That just doesn't make sense to me on an intuitive level. It really just seems like it's right there.

[01:27:46] David: It is right there.

[01:27:47] Luke: And when you look at, like you were talking about earlier, how the sun's rays come down through clouds, if it was as big as they say it is, and as far as they say it is, then all of that light coming down from the sun, when it comes through the clouds would be coming straight down like in pillars. It wouldn't be diagonal. You know what I'm saying? So I'm like, it makes no sense to me. It can't be that big or that far away.

[01:28:14] David: 100%.

[01:28:16] Luke: Whether or not the surface of the earth is curved or flat, even apart from that particular point, the size and distance of the moon in the official story, it does not hold water to me.

[01:28:26] David: So the top picture would be what we should see with a distant sun.

[01:28:30] Luke: Yeah, exactly.

[01:28:30] David: And the bottom picture is what we do see. Reality is weird because it doesn't match the stupid helio nonsensical BS model. We don't see that. This is what we see, corpuscular rays.

[01:28:51] Luke: Those are the rays that come in at an angle.

[01:28:53] David: Yeah. Corpuscular rays come in at an angle. All the pictures of the sun are corpuscular rays. I typed in core and those show right up on the app. So all of this stuff is at your fingertips. Here's the thing. If you have never heard of flat earth and you're listening to this podcast and you walk away and say, I think the earth is flat, or I know the earth is flat, you're not doing yourself a favor. You need to verify everything I say. Don't believe anything either of us say.

[01:29:27] If it's something that goes against what you already believe, you have to look at it. Now, honestly, I'm going to give you enough information where you can go, holy crap, we've been lied to. It's not a ball. But go and verify yourself. That's what I did.

[01:29:40] Luke: That's what I'm trying to do here today.

[01:29:41] David: The thing that got me was boats over the horizon. I live on the water. And boats go over the horizon. Bill Nye showed us a boat's going over a physical horizon.

[01:29:50] Luke: Oh God.

[01:29:51] David: Well, that's a famous thing that he shows.

[01:29:55] Luke: He's not a scientist. He's an actor.

[01:29:56] David: If the earth was a ball, the boats would go over the horizon. But that doesn't mean that's why they go over the horizon. They go into the horizon. They get smaller and smaller and smaller. Now, this is real. I'm not going to get too deep into this because it's much easier to see visually, but if you go to the water-- I live on Long Island Sound and about less than a mile off of the beach that I'm standing at is another island.

[01:30:25] And then straight past that is New York City, 25 more miles away. But if I look at my depth of field, that island-- so if this is New York city, this end of the iPad is New York City, New York City here. And I'm standing here. I see that island here. So this is one mile. And then from here to here in my depth of field is 24 more miles because it's the angle that you're seeing it at.

[01:30:58] You can stand in a hallway. I was just in my hotel the other day. It's crazy, 24/7. So I'm down this long hotel and there's door section, door section, door section, and the section of the wall is, I don't know, 25 feet. And so I went to one of the hallways and I put my head against the wall and that 25 feet took up almost my entire perception. But then there was 20 more of those that are all being squeezed into that little depth of field.

[01:31:24] So flip that sideways, you got your water. Just a little wave there will block out a city skyline. Because the city's getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and a boat's getting smaller and smaller and smaller, but it's really, in your depth of field, not getting any farther away, as far as you can tell. It's just getting smaller now.

[01:31:43] Luke: Interesting.

[01:31:44] David: And the sun does the same thing. The sun goes beyond the mountains. If you're standing next to a mountain, 3,000 feet tall, you have to look up at it. You're like, wow, it's a tall mountain. And then you watch the sun. You're standing right next to it. The sun is at noon, 1 o'clock. It goes, you can't see it because the mountain's in the way. Now, if you went backwards a couple of miles, you'd be able to see it again.

[01:32:04] If you went backwards 25 miles, the top of that mountain would look like it's at your eye level. And when the sun just goes away, again, it goes beyond not below. It just goes beyond. You watch an airplane coming towards you. It's down there. It gets higher and higher and higher and higher and higher. And then it gets lower and lower and lower and lower and lower. It's really flying straight level. The sun does the same thing.

[01:32:34] Where does the sun go? Frequently asked questions on the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app. Where does the sun go? Watch those videos. Here's the thing. People are like, I don't want to spend $3. If you're going to research flat earth, you're going to spend 500 hours in something that you could literally find in 10 minutes. In 500 hours, you're going to find very little good content. Every minute you spend researching flat earth on the app, it's going to be quality, zero fails, zero wasted time.

[01:33:05] Luke: I don't know much about the Bible, admittedly, but I am aware that there are a couple passages where--

[01:33:13] David: A couple? Every passage. Page 1, God separated the waters from the waters and created the firmament.

[01:33:21] Luke: Yeah, the firmament, that's the word.

[01:33:23] David: Page 1.

[01:33:24] Luke: Is it really?

[01:33:24] David: That's in Genesis, page 1.

[01:33:26] Luke: Are you serious?

[01:33:26] David: Yes.

[01:33:27] Luke: Oh, that's funny.

[01:33:28] David: And there's 200 verses. Now, there's a lot of verses that people claim support flat earth that are nonsense. There's a meme going around that all the Globers love using. Flat Earthers agree, there's a lot of garbage in there. Don't use it. Page 1, they'll say, well, Isaiah says the circle of the earth, therefore the earth is a globe. What's the definition of a circle? Definition of a circle is a line on a plane, that's a flat surface, where every point on that line is equidistant from a center point. That's a circle.

[01:34:04] Luke: Oh, interesting.

[01:34:05] David: We live in a circle. The sun goes in a circle.

[01:34:09] Luke: So this firmament word is in the Bible a few times, and that's something that flat earth folks refer to. For those that have never heard that term, how would you describe the firmament, and do we have any empirical evidence that it exists? So I see it as a Truman Show, like a cap or a dome that's fitting over this flat piece of land that--

[01:34:34] David: Bible talks about it as made like molten glass. Earth is like a seal pressed into a clay. Everything says flat earth. I believe there is some sort of containment because we are in containment. I think that we're literally like, if you put a pot of water on the stove and then you turn it up to boil and those bubbles form on the bottom, put yourself in that bubble. That's the flat earth with the firmament over you.

[01:34:58] So there's water above you, and there's actually water below the earth, but that's another thing. So what's holding it up? Maybe air pressure is holding it up. Maybe it's the air pressure that's holding up the firmament. And when they lower the air pressure, we get flooded out.

[01:35:13] Luke: I also saw a video of one of these rockets where there was a camera attached to it. And you're seeing the ground disappear underneath it and all the smoke, and then it's like going up, up, and then it goes clunk.

[01:35:27] David: It goes kaplunk into a thicker medium, like a plasma. That's called the GoFast rocket. It's on the app. It's got its own page.

[01:35:35] Luke: So do you think that thing is hitting the firmament?

[01:35:38] David: So we had a NASA whistleblower that was communicating with me, and he said that at 72 miles up, the air turns into a plasma, then it becomes thicker, then it becomes water, then it becomes solid. And he says, at NASA, we have the capabilities to go up there and research it, but we're forbidden to.

[01:35:59] Luke: Really?

[01:36:00] David: Yeah. And I wanted to ask him if it was forbidden by NASA employees or by overlords, reptiles.

[01:36:08] Luke: Because also, when you see these supposed rocket launches, they also never go straight up. If they're trying to get to space and weren't a ball, it seems to me they would just go and just keep going straight up, straight up until they're in space. But they seem to go up always at a curve. And then they hit something that looks like a speed boat going across water. I can't get my head around what is happening there.

[01:36:36] David: Yeah. They all go up and then out and they crash into the Bermuda triangle. They don't want people in the Bermuda Triangle because they might see something they're not supposed to see.

[01:36:48] Luke: Oh sh*t. Is this why all the launches take place like in Texas and Florida? They never launch from Montana.

[01:36:54] David: Well, it's for safety reasons. Because they don't want it to crash.

[01:36:57] Luke: Oh, is that the reason?

[01:36:57] David: Yeah, that's what they say. It's a good story. Cool story.

[01:37:01] Luke: Cool story, bro.

[01:37:02] David: Yeah. They want us to believe that that's the curvature of the earth, but that airplane leaving a chemtrail is going perfectly straight. There we go. There's different ways. They fake rocket launches or CGI rocket launches. There's many rocket launches. There's a balloon rocket launches. In the app on the More Resources page there's a section called Balloon Rockets. Bring a box of tissues if you still love the globe when you watch that one, if you still love space. It's so good.

[01:37:32] There's so many good videos in there. The space shuttle was a blimp, a helium blimp. The external rocket, the tank, is a balloon. It could be in the Macy's day parade. And it just goes up and it goes out of sight and then they recover it. Now, the story is the shuttle's connected to the external rocket. It goes up. It lets go. That thing's still going 25,000 miles an hour up with the astronauts on it, and then the external tank falls back to Earth so fast that it deatomizes and burns up before it hits the ground.

[01:38:07] Luke: Oh, come on. Is that really the official story?

[01:38:09] David: That's the official story. Check this out. The astronauts on the shuttle were filming it falling back to Earth. They're going up at 25,000 miles an hour. And they're filming something that weighs 20 tons that's falling. How long could you keep that in frame?

[01:38:32] Luke: I don't think you could have it in frame at all.

[01:38:34] David: Not even for a microsecond.

[01:38:36] Luke: Can you get a bullet in midair in a frame?

[01:38:38] David: Oh, it's going faster than a bullet. It's going faster than a bullet. But they filmed it for minutes.

[01:38:46] Luke: I don't know how I'm going to process this conversation.

[01:38:48] David: Check us out. This gets worse. It gets worse. So they film it, and it's not that far above the clouds once this thing going to start burning up. And then you're watching it, and all of a sudden we see a piece of tissue paper float by, showing what speed it's really moving at, which is not fast at all. A piece of tissue, litter that came out of a helicopter that was filming this balloon or something.

[01:39:15] But then I saw this weird anomaly where I'm like, what was that? And I slowed it down. I rotated the camera. I rotated the image. I cranked up the levels, and it was a weird cloaked looking quad airplane of some sort that looks like a quadcopter or something. I call it the blimp recovery vehicle. There's no question, no doubt. I don't know what it is. It's some aircraft proving that thing wasn't falling, proving that it's not what it was. End of story.

[01:39:51] Luke: How do we explain when you see footage of astronauts in a zero-gravity environment? Now, I've seen a lot of these videos where they slow it down and you see cables.

[01:40:02] David: You see cables pulling on their shirt. Sometimes they're in Zero-G flights. You know Zero-G flight, the parabolic flight? You get about 40 seconds of weightlessness. Well, that's the ones we know about. Maybe they have ones that go much higher and you get several minutes of weightlessness. It's just free falling. Go higher, you free fall longer.

[01:40:19] Luke: Because in some of the videos, you'll see the women with long hair and their hair is standing up and then you realize it's hairspray.

[01:40:27] David: Well, think about this. In the military, you ever see a fighter jet pilot? Stand up guys in shape, smart as a whip, buzzed head. Look at all the astronauts. They're the dumbest people ever. Look at Dom Pettit. We lost the technology, but we don't have the technology to go back again.

[01:40:51] And he's like, what if there's a leak? Well, then there's a leak. I don't know. He's a moron. I'm actually featuring a video of him. It's so funny. You hear that they're applying for astronauts. There's 4,000 applicants, and they picked Don Pettit.

[01:41:12] And maybe they picked him because he's so stupid. I say none of the astronauts, they're all in on it, except maybe Don Pettit. He might believe he went to space because somebody told him he did.

[01:41:23] Luke: Well, back to the idea of, how could this many people be in on it, the only way that makes sense to me is a pyramid structure of information, where you have only at the apex of the pyramid, people in the know, and then there's compartmentalized bits of information going down to the broad base of the pyramid where your average guy selling t-shirts at the NASA amusem*nt park is fully on board and his boss and his boss and his boss are all on board too. And that at a certain level, someone's going like, oh, this is all just Hollywood fakery.

[01:42:05] David: We interview from the control room during the Apollo missions and his quote, he said, we do so many simulations that when the real thing happens, we can't even tell the difference because we've practiced that many times. Or maybe that's just another simulation and they told you it was real. The simulations, they do it so many times that they're so good at it, that when they do the real one, they can't tell the difference. Is that a brainwashed person or what?

[01:42:37] Luke: Man. What do you think about Elon Musk and fake X? A lot of people now are just on this guy's nuts so hard like he's some--

[01:42:48] David: Well, he's the savior.

[01:42:49] Luke: He's speaking of free speech and this and that. I'm like, that app is censored as hell still. I'm shadow banned to death.

[01:42:56] David: I get nothing.

[01:42:57] Luke: Really?

[01:42:57] David: Yeah. It's horrible. It's horrible.

[01:43:00] Luke: There have been some positive moves he's made too.

[01:43:06] David: And some stuff goes viral there. Listen, God bless Twitter. God bless YouTube. YouTube is where all the normies are, so we did some on YouTube and bring those people over. Elon, his story running Tesla and PayPal and all this stuff, all lies. On my website, flatearthdave.com, scroll down to the banner that has a whole bunch of pictures of Elon Musk on it. There's a five-minute video by Greg Reese, and it will show you that everything he's ever said is a lie. Now, I go back and forth. Is he MKUltra, or is he in on it? Back and forth. I'm not sure which one. Right now I would say he's in on it.

[01:43:49] Luke: The most insulting lie that he's perpetuated is the Tesla car floating in space. And then there was a conference where he's being interviewed and he said something like--

[01:44:03] David: You can tell it's real, but it looks so fake.

[01:44:04] Luke: Yeah, you can tell it's real because it looks so fake.

[01:44:07] David: That was the Tesla.

[01:44:08] Luke: Yeah. And I'm like, man, how does anyone trust this guy?

[01:44:12] David: How high do you need to see the whole earth? I'll answer it for you. The international fake station is 250 miles up, and it could barely see the curve. It's just a minor curve. They can't see the whole earth. You just see a little bit of the curve. And on certain different days, it's a different amount of curve. Weird. How does that happen? Elon's car that saw the whole circle earth was only 70 miles up.

[01:44:38] Luke: Oh man.

[01:44:41] David: That should be enough to discredit him 100%, catching them on wires. Using green screens once is enough to discredit them 100%. But we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of screw ups. We have one where they were excited. The Russians brought up some fresh food and they had a lemon.

[01:45:03] They were floating it around. They're always playing with things in the air and water in the air with all the electronics, water bubbles and stuff. And the lemon went flying, and he went to grab it and it went through his hand as he grabbed it. And the hand didn't even look real. The hand turned into a--

[01:45:19] Luke: [Inaudible] glitch.

[01:45:20] David: Total. There's so many. It's called augmented reality. They're manipulating things that aren't there. They're seeing them either in a contact lens or on another screen and they're manipulating them in real time.

[01:45:33] Luke: Wow, dude. Oh my God.

[01:45:36] David: There's so much fakery. On my channel, you can find on the app, just search Laura Nina. This is a woman from UK who did a 10-minute rant on why it matters. And I can never match it. She says it so well. I've listened to it 50 times. And basically she's talking about, if you play on their ball field, you have to play by their rules, but she says it much better.

[01:46:01] And she has that beautiful accent too, and she's good looking. So it's a great video. And I highly recommend people watch that. And if you want to find it, if you forget the name of it, just go to the why the lie section and there's a whole bunch of videos there that'll make you cry.

[01:46:16] Luke: Yeah. I think that really is the big question, is why the lie? What would be the motivation? And as we talked about in the beginning, the thing that makes the most sense to me is the proliferation of widespread atheism, is just disconnecting us from the miracle of creation.

[01:46:38] David: Making you feel powerless.

[01:46:40] Luke: It's a pretty big motivator. If you want to control a group of people, then tricking them into thinking there's no God is a great way to do it because then everyone needs a God. You need a source of--

[01:46:51] David: How do I dilute my tea? I can pour it into your pool, then it's pretty diluted. How do you dilute God? Pour it into empty space, infinite space. Take his creation and say it's infinitely infinite space of nothingness. And that we're insignificant because there's a 100 trillion David Weiss's in parallel universes and there's a hundred-- they said that they were doing a deep space photo, a time lapse for 14 hours or 12 hours, whatever it was.

[01:47:32] And they were focusing on a spot in the sky about the size of a grain of rice. And it's called the deep space photo, I think. And it came back and it was spectacular. And it showed 5,000 galaxies just in that little point of space. And each one of those galaxies has 100 billion stars, and each one of those has dozens and dozens of planets and everything.

[01:48:02] And then there's the rest of the universe, and it all came from nothing when nothing exploded. And in reality, those are just Photoshopped drawings. See this picture here. Did I make that, or did the James Webb telescope take that?

[01:48:30] Luke: James Webb.

[01:48:32] David: Did I make that or James Webb take that?

[01:48:34] Luke: I know the answer, I think.

[01:48:36] David: Did I make that or James Webb take that? Did I make that? The reason I'm asking you is because I forget which ones I made. I think I made that one.

[01:48:46] Luke: Really?

[01:48:47] David: Yeah. I think that's a James Webb's one.

[01:48:51] Luke: I've seen people take these images of supposed space and drag them into Photoshop. And you can see the layering that it's been Photoshopped, like a picture of the globe earth. And then they zoom in and play with the colors and stuff and you see it's a composite image.

[01:49:09] David: Go on Google Earth and zoom out, and these real pictures is all stitched together. Go up, go up, and you get about 200 miles or something, not even that far. It turns into a cartoon, and everything's a cartoon from there on. A lot of people say if the earth is flat, how did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? Look on a flat earth map. It's right there. It's right there.

[01:49:35] Luke: Whoa.

[01:49:35] David: Yeah. There's Japan. It's perfect. Short flight.

[01:49:43] Luke: Oh my God, dude. This is going to be a tough one for me to process. I get my mind blown a lot on this podcast.

[01:49:50] David: What I recommend people do is get my app and watch the-- every day there's a featured video. Just watch that video. And then after that video is done, YouTube's not going to suggest a video. I suggest a video. So another video is going to come up after that. And so watch a couple of those, then go on with your day.

[01:50:07] And what it'll do is it'll wake your mind up and you'll start seeing things and you'll start thinking. And then go watch another one, and then go into the history and randomly pick one and go to the different-- there's so many resources in here. You can never get through them all, but you don't need to go through them all.

[01:50:23] You just need to let the universe, for lack of a better word, one verse. God created the world with a verse, with a word, a universe. And just start watching them and it'll change your life. Why does it matter? I still have to go to work on Monday. I don't have to go to work on Monday.

[01:50:48] How does that happen? Did I plan that? No, I'd let the universe deliver this to me. And now I will honestly admit, I only work 18 hours a day because in the eight hours that I'm not working, I'm thinking about it.

[01:51:03] Luke: Do you have a day job at this point?

[01:51:04] David: No.

[01:51:05] Luke: This is what you do.

[01:51:06] David: Seven days a week.

[01:51:06] Luke: You just educate other people.

[01:51:07] David: I actually do this eight days a week. And I discovered something from my research when I'm watching videos. A lot of it's videos and stuff double speed. You know about double speed, right?

[01:51:18] Luke: Uh-uh.

[01:51:18] David: You can go on YouTube. You can speed things up.

[01:51:20] Luke: Oh, really?

[01:51:20] David: You can watch at double speed. That means you can watch twice as many things in one day.

[01:51:23] Luke: That's funny, I didn't know that.

[01:51:24] David: And at first, start at 1.25, then you'll get used to it, and then go 1.5. Now when I listen to stuff at like 1.5, the person sounds retarded. I'm like, wait a minute. Oh, he's at 1. 5.

[01:51:36] Luke: I do speed up podcasts sometimes just because I want the information, especially when I'm studying someone on the show, but I find it's a little hard on the nervous system.

[01:51:47] David: Sometimes it is, but sometimes you can speed it up a little bit. You get used to it. Also, we have lots of time. This is as slow as I speak. Normally I realize I only have an hour and I just rattle stuff off. And a lot of people have a hard time with it. So I do a slower pace. With Roseanne, I was really slow, and it was really good.

[01:52:10] Luke: How was Roseanne Barr today?

[01:52:12] David: She was fantastic. She really listened and had great comments. And when I would make a comment-- she brought up the hiding God before I even got to it. And I was like, exactly. And everything I brought up, I said, belief is the lazy man's knowing, and she's like, I've always said that. She's like, we were right. We're pals. And then she's like, can I have your phone number? I want to text you some stuff.

[01:52:41] Luke: That's amazing.

[01:52:42] David: And I'm just like, let me think about it.

[01:52:44] Luke: I love it when Hollywood people defect and leave the reservation.

[01:52:48] David: She's done that for a long time.

[01:52:51] Luke: Having you on is going pretty rogue.

[01:52:53] David: She already invited me back.

[01:52:57] Luke: Epic.

[01:52:58] David: Yeah. She wants to trigger people. And the thing is, as I say, if you're triggered, come take my Bitcoins and then you could be untriggered.

[01:53:08] Luke: And be rich.

[01:53:09] David: Yeah.

[01:53:10] Luke: Yeah. Wow, man. Well, I can't tell you how this has been eye-opening to me, to say the least. Super fun. I'm so glad we got to do this.

[01:53:20] David: Yeah. We've barely scratched the surface.

[01:53:23] Luke: I know. There's so much to this.

[01:53:24] David: In the app, you can go to the NASA Nonsense page. You can go to the Documentaries page, you can just frequently ask questions. Everything's in there, Antarctica. What about circumnavigation? Circumnavigation is one of the easiest ones. Circumnavigation proves flat earth. Billions of people have circumnavigated East and West. Zero have circumnavigated South.

[01:53:44] Luke: Really?

[01:53:44] David: Zero.

[01:53:45] Luke: What?

[01:53:46] David: Zero. On a globe, if you went around the equator, that's East or West, right?

[01:53:52] Luke: Yeah.

[01:53:52] David: If you went from the equator to the south, no one's ever gone from the south and back up.

[01:53:56] Luke: And what is their excuse for that?

[01:53:59] David: Ah, it's too dangerous. Too cold.

[01:54:00] Luke: Why is it more dangerous to go that way? Too cold?

[01:54:03] David: It's too cold, is what they say. But we can go to space where it's even colder.

[01:54:07] Luke: That's true.

[01:54:08] David: Yeah. We go to space where it's even colder and where it's a vacuum and the people can wear their cool snowboarding suit, spacesuits, and it doesn't blow up like the Michelin man.

[01:54:17] Luke: Right.

[01:54:18] David: You know that NASA has only put a man in a vacuum chamber in a spacesuit once and they didn't even get all the air out before he passed out and almost died.

[01:54:26] Luke: Really?

[01:54:27] David: Yeah. Because his tongue started boiling.

[01:54:29] Luke: Wow.

[01:54:31] David: It's crazy.

[01:54:32] Luke: Yeah, that is another thing that's been suspect to me, is the idea of the vacuum of space in these space suits. And then sometimes you'll see they have zippers and stuff.

[01:54:42] David: Zippers, zippers, zippers and tee.

[01:54:44] Luke: Zippers aren't even airtight.

[01:54:46] David: What if the earth was set up like this? So here we are. Here is South America, the US. And that's Antarctica, but there's more land out there. And so we can take it one step farther. This is called the Nos Confunden map. So what if we lived in the center of this pond here? You have a ring, and then you have another ring, and then there's these other ponds occupying a piece of the plain or a planet, a planet.

[01:55:24] Luke: I've seen that model, and one thing that I've always wondered about in terms of the firmament is like, okay, if there are these other worlds or other lands outside of the circle of the Arctic Circle, then is the firmament covering all of that, or do we each have our own little firmament on each little island outside?

[01:55:50] David: I don't know. Yes. Maybe. Who knows. Maybe there's a mega super dome and then each one has its own energetic dome. That makes a lot of sense to me because we have our toroidal field and maybe on the outside of toroidal field, it's frozen.

[01:56:08] And so maybe there's the super dome up there. I don't know, but there's lots of books about it. There's one called the Navigator Who Crossed The Ice Wall or The Iron Republic. I highly recommend people watch that or listen to that. You can read it or on the app, you can just search for it and there's an audio version of it for free. Listen to that stuff. And they're talking about more land in the 1800s, early 1900s.

[01:56:34] Luke: Wow.

[01:56:35] David: They're talking about more land. Everything you've been told about flat earth is the opposite.

[01:56:40] Luke: If the powers that be maintain their control by superimposing the belief that we have limited resources, there's limited water, there's limited oil for fuel, there's limited food, and therefore if there's limitations on the supply, then therefore they can charge more for it. It's supply and demand kind of thing.

[01:57:06] And so if there are other lands outside of that ice wall and there are more resources, then things are even more abundant than we know they are, because we know the earth is just more abundant. The human population could never consume all the earth has to offer, but there might even be more outside of that.

[01:57:24] David: There may have been trillions and trillions of people scattered to these outer lands, and they may have repopulated us after the reset. There's so much to learn. Life is so fascinating. And this place is way more than they told us. Once you understand that, it literally repowers you. You get your power back. They're hiding free energy. That's the biggest thing.

[01:57:53] Think about this. Imagine if you had a device the size of a roll of quarters that would air condition your house, heat your house, and power your car for 100 years and you never needed to replenish it. Would that free up a little bit?

[01:58:07] Luke: Right.

[01:58:08] David: And the amount of electricity you have, you have as much as you want, so you can do whatever you want with it. You can create things. And having all of this free energy--

[01:58:16] Luke: You could mine a lot of Bitcoin.

[01:58:17] David: You can do everything. You can do whatever. It would probably crash Bitcoin's price. But they're hiding that because that's how they control us. Tesla at the world's fairs was lighting them up wirelessly. He had his tower in Long Island, New York, and JP Morgan said to him, how do we build for this?

[01:58:37] He's like, you can't. It's free energy. You can transmit it worldwide. Well, JP Morgan goes, well, let me think about that. I own telegraph pole companies. I own wire companies that transmit electricity. I own coal mines and train rails that distribute that coal. I own oil companies. Yeah, this isn't good. I need to shut you down. And they shut them down. And so now we pay for dirty electricity, when there was all free electricity everywhere.

[01:59:02] Luke: Yeah. Now we live in homes full of 60 Hertz that's killing everyone slowly, frying us like frogs and boiling the frog. Man. Wow. Well, thank you so much for coming by today. I've got one last question for you. Who have been three teachers or teachings that have influenced your life and your work in general that you'd like to share with us?

[01:59:24] David: Three teachings. I would say early on it would be Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now. So I was actually reading that. I was going through a divorce. I went to the first outing party by myself and I met a girl who was going through a divorce who was reading The Power of Now. We've been together for 17 years.

[01:59:50] Luke: No way.

[01:59:51] David: Yeah.

[01:59:51] Luke: Oh, that's epic. Yeah. How cool, man. Yeah. That book was really impactful for me too.

[01:59:58] David: That was one. Another one is the Ra books, The Teachings of Ra.

[02:00:04] Luke: Oh, I don't know that one.

[02:00:05] David: You don't know The Teachings of Ra. Oh, there you go. Aaron Abke teaches a lot about it. You know who he is?

[02:00:12] Luke: Oh yeah, he's a buddy of mine. Yeah.

[02:00:13] David: Yeah. But he's a tall globe head. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There's no getting through to him. Give up. But that's okay.

[02:00:22] Luke: Ryan that you met on the way out is staying with Aaron down the street.

[02:00:25] David: I was going to ask if it was Abke. Is that really him?

[02:00:27] Luke: Yeah, yeah.

[02:00:29] David: So yeah, Aaron, he's a globey and I don't think he'll ever change, but it doesn't mean we don't love him. It doesn't mean he's not right about some other things.

[02:00:38] Luke: Sure, sure.

[02:00:39] David: So he's big into The Teachings of Ra. I actually have it in the app in the Homeschool section. Really, really good stuff. And another one I would have to say is Roseanne Barr in 2012-- did I tell you this at the beginning?

[02:00:53] Luke: No.

[02:00:54] David: 2012, I was at the Gathering of the Vibes music festival in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and I was walking around with chemtrails signs, screaming at people that they're spraying the skies before it was cool to do that. And later that evening, all of a sudden, Roseanne Barr's on stage. I didn't even know she was there.

[02:01:12] And she said, she's running for president. I'm like, okay, that's funny. And she goes, because all of those politicians are pedophiles. And then she went off the rails screaming about just how depraved this world is, and she held back nothing. And I go, maybe I shouldn't be so afraid to speak my mind. And I started speaking my mind from that day forward.

[02:01:35] Luke: Wow, wow.

[02:01:37] David: And today I interviewed with her.

[02:01:39] Luke: That's epic. Yeah. To your point, there's really something to that. And like I said, this topic was one I'm like, wow, am I really ready to go into this? But I find that there's a positive contagion when someone has the courage like you to just go, hey, I know I'm a contrarian here about something really big that's going to freak a lot of people out, and you're willing to do it.

[02:02:02] There's going to be people that listen to this that have had their suspicions about the nature of our reality that are now going to go to work and go, you know what? I found this app because I heard this guy on a podcast. It's really interesting. You should check it out.

[02:02:14] And they're going to have the courage to be that weirdo because we're being the weirdos here and we don't really mind that people see us that way. There's a courageous contagion that takes place.

[02:02:24] David: Did you set up your referral code on the app? Do you have the referral code?

[02:02:26] Luke: No, I don't. No. I'll figure one out by the time this goes out. We'll put the show notes, again, you guys, at lukestorey.com.

[02:02:32] David: In the show notes, when you download the app, one of the first things they ask you is, do you have a referral code? And they gain nothing other than you would get a point and 1,000 Dome.

[02:02:41] Luke: I want 1,000 Dome.

[02:02:43] David: Who knows? My podcast co-host Matt Long, who comes from the biblical side of Flat Earth--

[02:02:49] Luke: Oh yeah. I met him when we went to Taco Night.

[02:02:52] David: We joke around. Now, I make no financial claims about Dome. Worst case scenario is it teaches you how to use crypto and you can get some benefits on the app with some other Flat Earthers. But we said, one day, maybe a few years in the future, we look at each other and go, did we really give out $10,000 per referral?

[02:03:10] Luke: Right. Totally. Dude, when I bought my one Bitcoin, it was at $7,400, which seemed like a huge risk at that time. This is just a couple of years ago.

[02:03:22] David: Ten times your money almost.

[02:03:23] Luke: Yeah, yeah. And now, of course, I'm like, God damn it. Why didn't I listen to my crypto buddies who were like, you only bought one? Dude, sell your house. Put everything you've got into it.

[02:03:32] David: I got a better one than that. My son comes to me and goes, hey, dad, can I use the computer to mine Bitcoin? I'm like, what the hell is Bitcoin? This was way back, 2011, maybe whatever, when Bitcoin started. And he explained it to me and I'm like, digital currency? I don't know. I think that's bad. And he goes, no, let me show you. And I go, look, it was $3 just a couple of weeks ago. It's seven now. You missed it.

[02:03:55] Luke: Oh man, dude.

[02:03:57] David: I bought zero at that point.

[02:03:59] Luke: Isn't that crazy? You bought some after that though, I assume. Yeah, yeah. It's cool, man. It's exciting. I don't know a lot about that, but I do like anything that's not fiat currency.

[02:04:09] David: I do a lot of my stuff like-- I have a Web3 server that backs up all my videos and I host and pay for that service with crypto.

[02:04:20] Luke: Oh, cool.

[02:04:21] David: Yeah.

[02:04:21] Luke: Cool. Do you think that there's any chance that the system will be able to put this particular genie back in the bottle, or do you think it's too late?

[02:04:30] David: No, there's no chance. It's way too late. There's too many people, and this is a topic that people just can't drop. This is the highest retention level of anything. This affects you every day. Now, you wake up someone to 9/11, I live right near New York City, so it stuck around for a while, but I had some business in Ohio a couple months later.

[02:04:50] And I went out there and everyone pretty much forgot about it already, just in Ohio, let alone Saudi Arabia or Africa or whatever. But this one, when you wake up to it, affects you every day, all day, all night. And people, when you find out about it, your soul finally goes, yes, you get it now.

[02:05:09] I think depression comes from when your soul can't speak to your mind because your mind is too lost in the programming. And your soul knows the truth of the world and your mind is lost in the lies to lie vision. And I've seen people when they discover flat earth come out of depression, come out of drug abuse, come out of alcoholism.

[02:05:32] Luke: Really?

[02:05:34] David: Yeah. They're not depressed anymore. Your soul gets depressed when it can't communicate with you. And some people are so lost that they don't hear their soul, and that's when they get possessed. They literally give up and demonic possession takes over. And Flat Earth has cured that.

[02:05:55] Luke: It makes sense because coherence brings peace. And if there's a discrepancy between what our higher knowing understands and then the mind is unable to rationally get on board with the inner knowing, there's going to be a discord there. There's going to be a conflict there that will be sub perceptual.

[02:06:18] David: Teaching a child about the heliocentric system is child abuse. You're literally ripping their common sense out of their mind, telling them they can't trust their eyes and their God given senses that they're not stationary, that they're spinning and whirling and twirling. The sun is not moving. We're falling over backwards faster than the speed of sound. It's all craziness. And once you do that to a kid, their psyche is broken and you can train them to believe anything.

[02:06:44] Luke: Right.

[02:06:44] David: And you put them in the prison camp.

[02:06:46] Luke: It's like if you teach a kid about Santa Claus and then you never tell them, oh, hey, you're old enough now. We're going to let you in. Santa Claus isn't real.

[02:06:52] David: You lied to them about that. You lied to them. You teach them about the earth. Your lies are just horrible. I told you in the beginning, I would tell people that I went to medical school and then later in the show, I'd use as an example. That hurt me to say that. It hurt my soul to say that because it wasn't true.

[02:07:11] Luke: Yeah.

[02:07:12] David: Weird. Even though I was just making an example. And I'm admitting it. It just that time that that lie was living in me, even though it was just for an example, it hurt. That's why I don't do it anymore. It was really good too.

[02:07:25] Luke: Speaking to your inner knowing and intuition, I had an interesting experience maybe two years ago. I didn't really know that much about the topic we're talking about, but I was aware that there was a group of people like you that thought the Earth was flat and that the cosmos is spinning around us.

[02:07:42] So I understood it conceptually, but didn't really give it a lot of thought. It wasn't something I was really focused on. And one evening, and this is going to take away some credence from what I'm about to say to many people, but it was in an ayahuasca ceremony and I walked outside to get some fresh air as you do. I looked up and I went, holy sh*t, the cosmos is spinning around us in a big circle.

[02:08:10] David: No doubt.

[02:08:11] Luke: And once I saw that, you could torture me to death. There is no way I will not know what I saw. It's irreversible. And one could say, you were on drugs. You were hallucinating.

[02:08:27] David: We're spinning. So we're spinning with our axis pointing at Polaris. And that's why Polaris stays still and all the other stars appear to be turning, because we're spinning. Other planets' axes point in all different directions, not pointing towards Polaris. So Polaris isn't special other than it is to us because our axis is pointing towards it. Heliocentric nonsense. All of the stars, the sun, the moon, comets, and all of the other planets circle Polaris. Aren't we supposed to be going around the sun?

[02:09:06] Luke: Oh, man.

[02:09:07] David: They all circle Polaris. The sun, equidistant around Polaris, other planets around Polaris. And because we're here in, somewhere forward and behind, that's why we see all this retrograde motion and stuff. They all circle Polaris. It breaks people's minds. We weren't taught to think. We were taught to memorize.

[02:09:32] Luke: Wow. This is the last thing. I keep thinking about the things.

[02:09:35] David: There's the last question.

[02:09:36] Luke: The Georgia Guidestones.

[02:09:38] David: Oh yeah. There was a clock. Yeah.

[02:09:42] Luke: Yeah. A viewing place where you could look through and see.

[02:09:45] David: Look through a little hole and there's Polaris.

[02:09:47] Luke: And Polaris is always visible through that hole, even though supposedly--

[02:09:53] David: It's a little tiny hole. It's right there, right in the center of the hole. And we went down. We looked at it. We did time lapses.

[02:09:58] Luke: Did you really?

[02:10:00] David: Other Flat Earthers. I didn't go.

[02:10:01] Luke: Okay. Before they blew it up.

[02:10:04] David: Check this out.

[02:10:04] Luke: For which there was never an investigation. No hoopla. No media coverage.

[02:10:08] David: The Great Pyramid of Giza has a shaft like that. It points towards Polaris. We're like, wait a minute. If the earth is wobbling every 76 years moving one degree and the 26,000-year cycle, 2,000 years ago wouldn't be pointing towards Polaris. They're like, oh yeah, it was built. It was pointing towards the North Star of Thuban back then. Oh really? And we just happen to live in a time where it's pointing towards another North Star? Yeah. That's their argument.

[02:10:33] So 1981, the Georgia Guidestones were built and that hole was lined up with Polaris. Well, it was over 40 years. If the earth is wobbling, it's moving one degree every 76 years, so 40 years is over a half of a degree. One degree in the sky is three moons side by side, three full moons side by side.

[02:10:51] So it's one and a half moons. That would have moved Polaris way out of that hole. We've pointed that out in a video. It started going viral on TikTok and Twitter and everywhere. And then baboom, terrorists blew it up. Three hours later, bulldozers were there, took the whole thing down, no investigation, as you just said. And now, our absolute proof has been removed.

[02:11:14] Luke: Wow, dude. So that blowing up of the Guidestones happened after that video went viral?

[02:11:20] David: Yeah.

[02:11:21] Luke: Holy sh*t. Talk about a smoking gun, dude.

[02:11:24] David: And no one's talking about it. No one cares. No one's talking about it.

[02:11:29] Luke: Wow.

[02:11:30] David: Yeah. This is endless. We've barely scratched the surface here. And I just encourage people to, look, you will never get tired of my app. I guarantee it. We're adding new stuff. I have the dating or the matchmaker module on there. You can find other single people, the meetup maker, the friend finder. You can find all the people around you. You can message them. You can have meetups. You can do all sorts of stuff.

[02:11:56] There's chat groups. It's like Telegram. Just create a group. And there's people like the Flatter Social in the UK. Speaking of the UK, I'm going to be speaking on June 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th at a festival in Dartmouth? Weymouth? Dartmouth, UK. It's on my website. It's called Sounds Beautiful, Four-Day Music, Truth & Health festival. So anybody listening that's in the UK that wants to come, come.

[02:12:23] Luke: This might be out after that happens.

[02:12:26] David: It's going to be that long?

[02:12:27] Luke: Yeah.

[02:12:28] David: Sorry, you missed it.

[02:12:29] Luke: I'm thinking about it. I'm like, wait, no.

[02:12:31] David: Sorry, you missed it.

[02:12:32] Luke: We're almost to June right now. Yeah, it won't be out until after that.

[02:12:35] David: Sorry you missed it. It was really fun, guys. It was amazing. Such a great time.

[02:12:40] Luke: Retroactively speaking, you missed it. It was amazing.

[02:12:43] David: It was amazing.

[02:12:44] Luke: Well, man, thank you so much, dude. Great to meet you. It's funny, you met my wife, Alyson. Because when I first found your stuff, I mentioned you to Alyson. She's like, that guy, I met him in New York. We did a podcast together.

[02:12:56] David: Yeah. We did a podcast together. And I walked in here today and I'm like, I know this girl. And then she reminded me. I'm like, wow.

[02:13:02] Luke: Small world.

[02:13:02] David: Small level plane.

[02:13:04] Luke: Yeah. Well, here we are again. Yeah. It's funny now. Another thing I thought about too is like idea of globalism, speaking of Alex Jones, the globalist. That's funny when you think about this concept and the heliocentric model that they're globalists too.

[02:13:23] They're perpetuating a globe idea, which seems to be flawed based on this conversation and the research that you've done, and many others have done. But it's interesting that they're all about everything has the word globe in it.

[02:13:38] David: Everything. Globes everywhere. And next time you're walking through a store and you see some globes on the shelf, pick it up and look at the sticker on the bottom or the tag on the side. It says, for decoration purposes only.

[02:13:48] Luke: No way.

[02:13:49] David: It absolutely does. They all say it. Every single globe that they sell. Because if they don't, and somebody uses it to navigate across an ocean and dies because it's not--

[02:13:59] Luke: There's like a liability thing?

[02:14:00] David: Yeah, it's a liability thing.

[02:14:01] Luke: Really?

[02:14:01] David: Yeah. It says, not for scientific use, for decorative purposes only. Every globe says that.

[02:14:07] Luke: Wow. You have one son?

[02:14:11] David: I have a son and a daughter.

[02:14:13] Luke: You do? What do they think of your work and your perspective?

[02:14:17] David: They're starting to get it because their friends are coming around.

[02:14:20] Luke: Of course, they're not going to listen to dad.

[02:14:22] David: Their friends are coming around. And they get it. My daughter, she works at a big sports bar in the Upper West Side and she rocks a little bit because people will say things and she'll give them one of my cards and stuff because I give her-- she wore one of my hats that said, are you a blue dot? Because those are the people on the friend finder. And people ask, she gives them a card. So she's on board. She wants to live her life and go to her Fish concerts.

[02:14:50] Luke: Sure. Cool, man. All right. Well, thanks for coming by, dude. I appreciate it.

[02:14:53] David: Thanks for having me.

553. Is There a Cosmology Conspiracy? Globe Earth, Antarctica & NASA Space Theater w/ Flat Earth Dave | Luke Storey (2024)
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