Astroverse Doom II vanilla megawad - NEW MAPS 21, 22, 23, 25 & 27 (2025)

Hello, Doom people!

This is my first megawad and it's called Astroverse! Consists of the very first maps I ever made! Except for the later ones (21 onwards).

- IWAD doom2.wad

- built using just Doom Builder 1 and Slade 3

- tested with GZDoom (Doom strict), Skulltag, DSDA-Doom (complevel 2), Chocolate Doom

- thanks to @Mr. Meanor, @I_Punch_Demons, @Doomdude89for playtesting the wad thoroughly (until MAP20). And thanks to @Floowand for the little, but cool tweak to the titlepic and interpic!

- you can find YT playthroughs I did for each level starting from MAP07, which I consider the first really complex and difficult map on my channel:

Levels & episodes:


- Episode 1 "Demon invasion simulator" (themes: tech base, marble, jungle, cave, city, hellish)

MAP01: length * / difficulty *

MAP02: length * / difficulty * (my 1st ever map)

MAP03: length * / difficulty *

MAP04: length ** / difficulty **

MAP05: length ** / difficulty **

MAP06: length ** / difficulty **

MAP07: length ** / difficulty **

MAP08: length ** / difficulty **

- Episode 2 "Descent into hell" (themes: hellish, flesh, wooden, city, outdoors, cave, rocky)

MAP09: length ** / difficulty **

MAP10: length **** / difficulty *** (crashes in vanilla; still have to figure out why)

MAP11: length **** / difficulty ****

MAP12: length **** / difficulty ***

MAP13: length **** / difficulty ****

MAP14: length ***** / difficulty *****

MAP15: length ***** / difficulty ****

- Bonus Episode

MAP31: length *** / difficulty ***

MAP32: N/A

- Episode 3 "Earth invasion" (themes so far: tech base, cave, outdoors, marble, jungle)

MAP16: length ***** / difficulty ***

MAP17: length ***** / difficulty ***

MAP18: length **** / difficulty *****

MAP19:length ***** / difficulty ****

MAP20: length ****** / difficulty ***

MAP21: length *** / difficulty ***

MAP22: length ** / difficulty ****

- Episode 4(to be continued)

MAP23: length *** / difficulty ****

MAP24: (coming soon)

MAP25: length ** / difficulty *****

MAP26: N/A

MAP27: length *** / difficulty ******

MAP28: N/A

- Special Episode

MAP29: special treat!

MAP30: N/A

- MAP33-37(extra unrelated levels)



- All difficulties implemented (UV starts Plutonia-ish, then ramps up to almost Sunlust)

- All levels beatable from pistol start and without the need of secrets

- No jumping/crouching; freelook is up to you

- There are no inescapable pits

- Every level has a computer map at the exit and a teleporter back to the start

- Hitscanners are almost non-existent

Story & trivia:


I started designing maps as soon as I discovered Doom Builder last year. Since then, I had in mind making my own megawad, so I began building the maps in order, essentially. The earlier maps are amateur-ish, but they get progressively harder and more complex. Each one has a theme of its own, so every level is somewhat fresh and you never really know what to expect. My wad focuses on challenging and unique fights. Some maps are linear, others are not and may even contain entire optional sections.

The marine starts at a space outpost in which he is the sole survivor. He then heads to a place he thinks is where the demons are coming from to seek revenge, only to find outat the end of the first episode that he was actually being tested in some sort ofsimulator instead. After going through the whole thing, he is ready to face hell itself. The first fight really puts the marine on the pressure and sets the tone for the second episode. After each level he descends deeper into the demons's habitat. And when he finally thinks it's over andthe demons have been overcome, the marine could not be more wrong. He gets to go back to the surface of his home planet to stop the demons from pouring in through a portal that got activated whilst our man was kept busy. Even scarier fights take place on Earth in this third episode. The final stretch of the wad is a journey to the inmost regions of the demonic source of hazard - the final map of the third episode provides a sneak peek of what's to come.

Mini trailer:






-Music: James Paddock, decino, Tristan Clark, northivanastan, Viscra Maelstrom

-Custom Texture: Decay, Doomkid and Razgriz

DOWNLOAD:(the wad has been uploaded to idgames in the past, but its new version is onlyavailable here)

If you have any problems, please let me know. Feedback is much appreciated! Have fun!

Other releases:


Doom 1 remakes (2021) - 03 maps

Tempest (2021) - 10 maps

Holistic (2022) - 08 maps

Triangulum (2022) - 32+ maps

Tempest X (2023) - 05 maps

Crystal Castles (2023) - 03 maps

Pastel Ghost (2024) - 03 maps

Edited by Astro X

Astroverse Doom II vanilla megawad - NEW MAPS 21, 22, 23, 25 & 27 (2025)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.