Wallace, Y/n and Gromit - Soulfox1305 (2024)

Chapter 1: A Grand Day Out

Chapter Text

It was a nighttime at a house inside a stack of books the top book title ‘Where to go’ that was grabbed before more books and magazines are seen on the floor towards a table with a mug and a globe that’s being spined around before stopping by man with brown jeans, a white long sleeve shirt, a green sleeveless jumper and a red tie his name is Wallace who is holding a book.

Wallace is sitting on a chair looking at the globe and sitting on another chair is a young man with short h/c, wearing a f/c shirt, f/c pants and f/c shoes his name is Y/n reading a magazine while sitting on his right is a white dog with brown ears his name is Gromit reading a book Wallace spins the globe before stopping it at a spot glancing to the book and back.

Looking to Gromit and Y/n he said “These bank holidays is a problem to decide” Nodding lowering his magazine Y/n said “You are right, uncle” Gromit falls asleep but raising a finger Wallace said “Tell you what Gromit, Y/n, lads” That made Gromit wake up looking to him and Y/n ask “What” He looks to Wallce who said “Let’s have a nice hot cup of tea, hmm”.

Putting the magazine down Y/n ask “Do you need help” Shaking his head Wallace said “It’s okay lad” He gets out of his chair and heads for the kitchen “Kettle should’ve boiled by now” Wallace walks to a tray puts a plate and a teapot on it taking the lid off pouring the boiling water in it closing the pot while opening a cabinet revealing crackers.

Wallace takes an open one and pours crackers onto the plate putting it back then opens a freezer to look seeing a plate with crumbs that was cheddar cheese he looks to see none “No cheese, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit put his head on his hand and ears fall down while frowning Y/n said “Seriously no cheese” Staring into the freezer Wallace said “Not a bit in the house”.

He gets up closing the freezer placing three small plates and teacups on the tray picking it up and heads back into the living room Gromit and Y/n went back to reading Wallace puts the tray down sitting back on his chair grabs a cracker and took a bite making Gromit and Y/n look to Wallace who gulps the cracker “Gromit, Y/n, that’s it cheese”.

He closes his fists and waves them raising a brow Y/n ask “What about it” Smiling Wallace said “We’ll go somewhere where there’s cheese” Gromit and Y/n look to one another as Wallace grabs a book “Now where were we places to find cheese” Gromit and Y/n look at their books reading them blinking Y/n said “Uncle, there is one place to go”.

Wallace and Gromit look to Y/n who turns to the window making Gromit and Wallce look to the window and they see in the night sky is stars and the moon Wallace said “Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese” Staring at it Y/n said “Well some people think it’s just made of rocks and stones, uncle”.

The moon is seen through bars and inside a basem*nt is shelves of paints, water dripping along the wall and on the floor is a rat sniffing around but stops looking to see the door open then a light flicks on for Wallace to walk down the steps making the rats scurry away and Wallace walks to a stool flicks a switch turning a lamp on.

In front of Wallace is a writing desk and a large paper book he wipes his nose and begins to think before an idea popped Wallace grabs a pencil and sharpener sharpening the pencil Wallace smiles looking at the pencil and looking at the sharpener blowing to clear it and begins to draw on the paper making a huge triangle before stopping.

Wallace thinks staring at the picture for a moment before flipping it over and begins to draw again Wallace holds the pencil to his mouth thinking before drawling a line staring at the tic tac toe for a moment before flipping the paper Wallace begins to draw again for a moment, but he stops staring and flips the paper again.

He stretches his arm and draws again making a rocket with Gromit, Y/n and himself inside it before lowering to the bottom to making lines for the engine to launch and Wallace makes engines noises loudly.

Now Wallce is sawing a door but he’s also sawing a holder that breaks making Wallace said “Whoa” He looks at both halves and tries to push the saw only for it to hit the ground Wallace sits up and thinks before glancing up while Gromit and Y/n are playing poker with crackers staring at one another Y/n said “I’m going to beat you this time, Gromit”.

He pushes more crackers into the pile and Gromit does the same they show their cards and Gromit wins “Come on” Gromit pulls the pile to him “How is it that every time we play you always win” Gromit shrug his shoulders while Wallace puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles catching Gromit and Y/n’s attention hearing Wallace whistle and they look down as Wallace smiles waiting.

Now Gromit is being used to hold the door and Y/n place his hands on it as Wallace is back to sawing again Gromit looks to Y/n who smiles and Gromit raise his brow and once the door is cut in half Wallace is sawing another piece of timber off some metal fence while Y/n is hammering each nail avoiding the saw “Try not to get me, uncle”.

Wiping the sweat off his head Wallace said “Don’t worry, Y/n” A few holes is drilled into the wood and Wallace hammers some nails as Y/n puts a new screw in the drill he pulls the trigger testing it and aim’s it at the wood Y/n said “Here we go” He drills into the wood making a hole “That’s it” He tries to pull it out “Come on now” He accidently pulls the trigger making him and the driver spin instead of the screw “AAAAAAAH”

Y/n lets go flying in a direction landing on the floor he sits up head spinning “That was some screw” He shake his head and got back to work as Gromit puts a protective facemask on and begins to weld some metal together, he stops looking at it before welding it again.

Now Wallace is painting the top half of the rocket dipping a brush into the paint bucket as Gromit and Y/n paint the wings but Gromit holds an umbrella with paint landing on it Gromit looks up only for a drop of paint to land on his nose making him furrow his brow while Y/n snicks a bit only to get painted by Gromit who got more paint on his face and Wallace continues to paint the top half two mouses look to one another and back.

Y/n and Gromit stood staring at the rocket and Wallace walks back standing between them he looks to Y/n pat his shoulder then back to the rocket Wallace looks to Gromit and pat his head then back to the rocket Y/n, Wallace and Gromit look to one another then back to the completed rocket staring at it.

An hour later Wallace and Y/n are walking down the stairs Y/n had a bag of supplies and Wallace had a suitcase he stops to look at Gromit who is at the controls pressing a couple of buttons and pulls a lever he looks to Wallace giving him a thumbs up and Wallace smiles waving to him and Gromit goes back to the controls.

Wallace follows Y/n down the stairs he whistles as Y/n reach the hatch getting in and Wallace climbs up the ladder entering the rocket looking to Gromit who press a button looking to Wallace who comes over with Y/n standing on either side of Gromit looking at the controls while Wallace adjusts the scope to look through.

Y/n press a button just as Wallace grabs the headphones to put them on pushing a level Y/n said “I’ll check that we have everything” He walks over to the bags and Wallace looks to Gromit patting his head he said “Everything seems to be under control” Wallace walks but forgot about the headphones he collapse and made the headphones go pass Gromit who raise his ears avoids them.

Looking over to see Wallace on his back Y/n ask “You okay, Uncle” Sitting up Wallace shakes his head and pull his ears he said “Yes, lad” He goes out of the rocket and slides down the ladder as Y/n keeps checking the supplies while Wallace walks over to the fuse and holds a box of matches he push the box and pulls out a match.

Wallace pushes the box in and starts lighting the match and kneels down to light the fuse he gets up waving the match to go out before seeing the fuse getting shorter and Wallace quickly climbs up the ladder entering the rocket pointing, he said “60 seconds to blast off” Gromit pulls a blue lever and looks to a clock that begins to countdown.

Wallace begins to think then points “Unlock the doors” Gromit pulls a red lever looking up with Y/n and Wallace as the ground in the garden slowly opens up the gnome and a cabbage fell hitting the rocket while Y/n blinks double checking the supplies his eyes widen he said “Uh-oh” Catching Wallace and Gromit’s attention he ask “What’s wrong, Y/n”?

Looking to them Y/n said “There’s no crackers in the bags” Walking over to him and search through the bags to see he’s right holding his hands Wallace said “We forgotten the crackers” He got concern looking around Y/n gets up he said “The countdown already begun” Gromit shocked look to the clock and back to see Wallace quickly slides down the ladder and runs up the stairs.

Gromit covers his face glancing before covering it and Y/n hold his head in his hands as Wallace reach the kitchen he said “Hold on, Gromit, Y/n” He reach the cupboard opening it “Hold on” Wallace immediately grabs many boxes of crackers while Gromit spins his chair around and Y/n stands by the hatch he said “Hurry, Wallace” The clock reach 10 second mark and Gromit turns back.

Meanwhile the fuse heads for the rocket as Wallace quickly runs down the stairs dropping a few boxes and the fuse gets closer starting to go up Wallace gives the crackers to Y/n then gets in closing the hatch locking it while the fuse went into the rock and the clock rings Wallace stands closing his hands he ask “Huh”?

Outside the rocket nothing happened and a group of mice stare at the rocket looking to one another and back as Wallace looks down confuse, Y/n sits in his chair holding his head and Gromit close his eyes suddenly the rocket shakes Wallace looks around “Huh” He holds his face while the rocket rumbles making everything on the shelves shake or fall off and the mice all put on glasses.

Gromit looks around and Y/n lowers his hands glancing Y/n said “Gromit I think we forgot to do something” Thinking Gromit snap his fingers and push the brakes down making the rocket shoot out of the basem*nt the mice watch it go while Wallace is flat on his chair along with Y/n who yells in excitement “WHOOOOO” Wallace yells “GROOOOMIIIIIIT, YYYYYYY////////NNNNNNNN”.

The rocket leaves Earth everything on board shakes as Gromit climbs up to the controls, he pulls the yellow lever falling to the floor making the rocket head for the moon in stable condition Gromit is sitting on his chair with a deck of cards shuffling them, Y/n is reading a book and Wallace is reading the newspaper “Hmm” He flips the next page.

Gromit begins to place to cards together in a triangle before grabbing another two as Wallace puts the newspaper down holdings hands and changing his legs, he watch Gromit put a card on top and Y/n finishing his book before grabbing another one while Wallace looks around before grabbing a camera wiping the lens and aims it then flash surprising Gromit.

Wallace aims at Y/n who raise his hand waving just as Wallace flash the camera he said “Two for the album” Gromit puts two cards on top then he Y/n and Wallace hears the controls humming until a piece of toast comes out “Ohh” Wallace takes it “Nicely down” Y/n smiles reading his book while Wallace put some butter and eats the toast.

Slowly Gromit puts two more cards on the pyramid then a buzzing caught the three’s attention they look to one another Y/n puts the book down he said “I’ll check” He went over to the controls “We’re here” Shaking his head Wallace ask “Huh” He looks out the window to see the moon “Oh” Wallace smiles to Gromit who kept holding the cards.

Cracking his fingers Y/n said “Let’s land on it” Raising a finger Wallace said “Hang on, Y/n” He gets up “Allow me to do it” Wallace looks at the scope as Y/n pouts “Adjust angle to thrust” He press a button while Gromit works on his pyramid “Steady now” He push the lever “Lighting it up” Y/n holds on and Gromit is about to place the last cards on the pyramid “Steady”

The cards shake a couple times making Gromit move the cards he’s holding away “Gently does it” Gromit place the cards on as Wallace pulls the brakes making the cards collapse and Gromit looks annoyed while Y/n chuckles a bit looking out the window to see the moon.

Now Wallace, Y/n and Gromit are walking on the moon with a picnic basket “Pass the ball, Y/n” Shrugging Y/n said “Okay” He gives the ball to Wallace who kicks it into the air and hold his hand out, but it didn’t come back “We’re in space, uncle” Wallace looks to him and Gromit before walking away until they found a spot.

Y/n and Wallace sets the blanket down Wallace said “Nice drop of tea will get the tastebuds going” He pours two cups and hands one to Y/n who said “Thank you” He and Wallace drinks them smiling Wallace said “Plate” Gromit reaches in and gives a plat to Wallace who takes it “Knife” Y/n reach in and gives it to Wallace who takes it and reaches out.

Gromit looks in the distance “Crackers” He shake his head and gives Wallace a box of crackers for him to take on and cuts a piece of moon cheese that squeaks and Wallace smiles cutting a small bit on his cracker while Y/n does the same to another piece he and Wallace bites the cheese and cracker eating them, but Y/n stops immediately.

Looking to Wallace shaking his head Y/n said “I don’t like this one” Biting Wallace ask “See what you think” Gromit moves the bag for Wallace to push his dog bowl to him staring at it Gromit smells the cheese “Wensleydale” Raising his head Gromit shake his head Y/n said “I agree with him” Wallace looks at the cheese on his plate he ask “Stilton”?

But Y/n and Gromit shake their heads Wallace looks at the cheese on his cracker and gulps he hums putting the cracker on his plate “I don’t know lads” He looks to them “It’s like no cheese I ever tasted” Wallace rubs his nose Y/n ask “Should we try somewhere else” Nodding Wallace said “Another spot it is” Gromit smells the cheese only for Wallace to grab him.

Wallace, Y/n and Gromit walk along the moon to another spot but Gromit stops to look at the right Y/n looks and he ask “What’s that” Wallace looks to see some sort of machine he ask “Hmm” He walks over to it smiling Wallace reach into his pocket and puts a coin in but nothing happened “Ah hah” He reaches down to pull the compartment only for it not to budge then bangs on the top.

Chuckling Y/n said “I don’t think it works uncle” Turning one of the dials Wallace said “Come on, stupid” He accidently pulls the dial out looks around, Gromit raise his brow and Y/n looks concern watching Wallace put it back looking at the machine before walking back to Y/n and Gromit he murmuring about the machine “Come on, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n follow him.

But little did they knew if they waited a bit longer the timer change to ten p for two arms to pop out the Robot raise its left arm rubbing it’s head then stretch it’s arms and straighten it’s antenna opening the compartment moving stuff around to pull out a scope it adjust it to see the picnic in the distance the Robot surprised adjust the scope before putting it back in the compartment and along with its arms.

The Robot wheels over to it swaying and spinning a bit before stopping the Robot puts its arms out and grabs the cups looking at it before opening its compartment to put them in along with the plates and everything else closing the compartment wiping it’s hands the Robot grabs the bag and reaches inside to pull out a magazine of ‘Ski Tour’.

The Robot opens a page looking at it before flipping a few more until it stops to show a picture of a man skiing down a hill a radio bubble appears above the antenna the Robot turn it’s dial to adjust the frequency until it shows itself skiing on the hill with a scarf passing flags until it lost frequency and the radio bubble disappears.

It lowers its arms grabbing the magazine before opening its compartment to put the magazine in closing it again place its hands on its sides turning around scratching it’s head and turns again then wheels forward to grab two cheese looking at them the Robot opens its compartment searching in and pulls out glue squirting on the areas and puts the cheeses back on.

The Robot opens the compartment to put the glue in before turning around to see the rocket surprising it the Robot wheels over to the rocket passing the craters until it hits the rocket causing it to wheel back trying it keep balance then rolls over and taps the metal surface the Robot reaches into his compartment and pulls out a pencil and paper.

Closing the compartment, the Robot flips the pages and looks to see a plate on it ‘WOL155’ turning back the Robot writes on the paper ripping it to put on the rocket and wheels around it stops to see oil dripping out the Robot threw the pencil on the ground closing the book opening the compartment to put it back in and pulls out the telescope.

It closes the compartment and wheels around passing Y/n and Wallace making the Robot stop and wheels back to watch them eat the cheese and lowers to see they cut the ground the Robot place its hands on its side and opens the compartment putting the telescope back in cracking it’s fingers and pulls out a truncheon and wheels over.

Y/n finish eating his cheese noticing Gromit is about to sleep he said “Don’t worry, Gromit” Gromit keeps trying to stay awake “We’re almost done, right uncle” Wallace nods keeps eating but squeaking caught Gromit’s attention and looks between Wallace and Y/n to see the Robot stops right behind them Wallace said “This different” Y/n nods.

The Robot lowers the truncheon over Wallace head and raise it making Gromit look in horror and Y/n hearing the noise turns he ask “What the” The timer went out just making the truncheon stop inches away from Wallace who ask “Camembert” Gromit looks uncovering his face.

Staring in shock Y/n said “Uh, Uncle Wallace” Looking around Wallace begins to get up only to hit the truncheon he said “Ooh” He rolls his head looking at it before getting up “Ohh” Wallace takes the truncheon out of the Robot’s hand “Hold this, lad” Slowly Y/n takes it watching Wallace pulls out another coin and inserts it.

Wallace takes the truncheon back and walks away humming Y/n gets up and Gromit walks to his side they stare at the Robot for a moment Y/n said “You just saw that right, Gromit” Gromit nods and they follow Wallace who ask “Where we off to now” He grabs the basket of cheese “Leave me to carry the basket, what” The timer went ten p making the Robot lower it’s arm.

It notices the truncheon out of its hands then swings its fist punching its other hand the Robot open his compartment and pulls out the telescope and turns around facing the rocket before looking above to see Earth it stares remembering it’s radio thought about it skiing the Robot quickly puts the telescope away closing the compartment and wave its hands wheeling over to the rocket quickly.

Y/n gets into the hatch and turns to see the Robot coming he yells “Uncle look” He points, and Wallace turns to see it he ask “Huh” He looks at the cheese in the basket and back quickly climbs up the ladder just as the Robot arrives tries to climb up “Gromit, Y/n” But the Robot was too heavy and knocks the ladder away.

Gromit went to the controls with Wallace as Y/n close the hatch he said “We’re good to go” Scared Wallace press a few buttons and Gromit pulls a couple of levers Wallace said “Emergency countdown ten seconds” Y/n comes over to help them while the Robot open it’s compartment to pull out a can opener and moves to the rocket.

The clock starts going from ten seconds as the Robot begins to open the rocket Y/n and Wallace sat on their chairs “Hold tight, lads” Shaking his head Y/n ask “Why did that robot come after us” Shaking his head Wallace said “I don’t want to know, Y/n” He looks to Gromit “And think about Lancashire hot pot” Gromit nods while the clock gets closer.

Meanwhile the Robot continues to open the rocket until it made a hole throwing the part to the side and climbs in as the clock rings the Robot moves through the knocking a pipe catching Wallace, Gromit and Y/n’s attention looking to the floor while the Robot feels around and touches a box of matches lighting a match.

Wallace listens to the noise and the Robot lights the match then Wallace realises covering his face the fuse wasn’t lit Y/n ask “What’s wrong, Uncle” Shaking his fists Wallace said “The fuse” He looks to Y/n “Ya forgot to light the fuse” Slapping his head Y/n said “We’re gonna die here” Gromit looks down while the Robot hold the match towards a box that said ‘Danger Fuel’.

Suddenly an explosion sends the Robot to the hole it grabs on the sides making Wallace, Gromit and Y/n hold on surprising them as the Robot holds onto the sides but bolts holding the areas begin to come off sending the Robot in a direction for the rocket to fly up into the air leaving the moon Gromit, Y/n and Wallace look to one another before looking to the window back to the moon.

Meanwhile the Robot keeps wheeling backwards holding onto the sides until it stops then the arms slump down and the antenna too the wind went pass the Robot reach out grabbing the blanket blowing into it before grabbing the sides raising it in the air shaking but stops then bends the end down.

Now the sides are flat under its wheels with pieces of metal covering the top parts of the wheels and the Robot holds two sticks it turns and begins to go down a hill going up another and went down that one the Robot went down but it uses the sticks to keep going up it stops turning around waving it’s hand to Wallace, Y/n and Gromit who all stare Wallace and Y/n wave back.

The Robot turns and skis over another hill before going up another but use it’s sticks to keep going up and went down to the next hill doing a flip then went down that hill and continues to ski the cheese hills of the moon.

Meanwhile Wallace cuts a piece of cheese Wallace said “Set coordinates for 62 West Wallaby Street” He puts the cheese on his cracker eating it grabbing a magazine on ‘Cheese Monthly’ “Hmm” Gromit rolls his eyes while Y/n looks at the window facing the moon thinking about the Robot he smiles and Gromit push the lever for the rocket to head back to Earth.

Chapter 2: The Wrong Trousers

Chapter Text

f/m = favourite music

f/s/m = favourite sleep music

f/b = favourite breakfast

Three rockets are pinned to the wall and next to it is a photo of Wallace, Y/n and Gromit all smiling but underneath the photo is a shadow that’s standing up.

The morning starts with Gromit pouring tea inside three cups putting the teapot down and puts a piece of toast in the toaster Gromit pushes it cracking his fingers before moving over to a calendar crossing the 12th that’s circled with ‘Gromits Birthday’ he stares at it looking back before to his watch before glancing up while Wallace is sleeping.

Gromit looks at the calendar a bit worried then a yawn got his attention he saw Y/n walking in he said “Morning, Gromit” Y/n walks over to the table sits down as Gromit looks to him then a noise caught his attention Gromit walks over to the door to see a bunch of letters, he gathers them up and flips through until the last letter was to him.

Seeing it Gromit puts the letters in his mouth and walks back to the kitchen Y/n eating his breakfast “Here it comes, Gromit” Entering Gromit stops for a train choo passing pass then Gromit walks forward sitting at his chair putting the letters down and opens his pulling out a card not noticing Y/n reach under the table just as the train choo comes by he grabs a brown wrap present.

Y/n watch Gromit pulls out a card opens it for a chime causing him to close it before opening it for the chime ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow’ Gromit rolls his eyes putting the card down “Gromit” He looks to Y/n who holds a present to him “You didn’t think I forget did you” Gromit takes the present and opens it up to reveal a book called ‘Electronics for dogs volume 2’.

Gromit gets out of his chair walks over to Y/n and hugs him chuckling Y/n hugs him back “I knew you wanted that book, so I bought it last week” They let go then a buzzer is heard making Gromit and Y/n look to see the a board with each red buzzer next to ‘Slippers, Breakfast, Newspaper and Walkies’ the breakfast buzzer is flashing red “Guess Wallace is awake”.

Pressing the button awake Wallace calls “It’s my turn for breakfast this morning, Gromit” Gromit sits on his chair and leans back pulling a lever “I like a three minute day-“ He looks up along with Y/n who said “Here we go” Suddenly Wallce bed tips up noticing he said “Whoa” A hatch opens “Steady on” Wallace slips out of bed “Aaah” He slips into his brown pants straps on his shoulders “Gromit, Y/n”

When the straps let go Wallace lands on his chair “Ow” He spins his head making a face causing Y/n to chuckle Wallace raise his arm for robotic arms to slip long sleeves over them then a robot rolls over “Huh” Wallace raise his arms up for the robot to slip his white shirt, green vest and red tie over his head and Wallace pops out he smiles.

Gromit reads the newspaper and hits a button for a machine attach to a spoon to flick jam towards Wallace who stares then the toaster launch a toast that’s burnt into the air making the jam hits it and lands on the plate Wallace chuckles grabbing the toast Y/n said “Well that invention worked well, Uncle” Wallace bits the toast eating it he said “Well that went as well as could be expected didn’t it, hmm”.

Wallace looks to Gromit who stares at him blinking a bit and Y/n raise a brow at him he ask “What do you mean” Taking another bite Wallace said “Though I might have to make a small adjustment to the drop” He motion the trapdoor above him “A touch painful on re-entry” Shaking his head Y/n said “Then how about placing a cushion on the chair to soften on the re-entry”.

Thinking about what Y/n means before eating the rest of the toast smiling Wallace said “Cracking toast, Gromit” He gives Gromit a thumbs up staring at him for a moment before Gromit goes back to the newspaper noticing Y/n ask “Uncle don’t you remember what day is it today” Wallace thinks for a moment then he ask “Any post was there per chance”?

Y/n sighs shaking his head taking his empty bowl to the kitchen as Gromit looks to Wallace before passing the letters to him and Wallace takes them opening the first one “Oh dear, bit steep” He scrolls down the letter revealing it a long letter “Oh my goodness” Y/n enters sitting down “They’re all bills” Wallace scratch his head “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear”.

Gromit put his birthday card on the table for the jingle to play and Y/n wave his finger to the jingle “We should have to Economise, Gromit, Y/n” He bang on the table “I’ll have to let that rum out” Wallace gets out of his chair “Oh dear” He walks over to a picture of a pig and takes the frame off revealing a vault.

Wallace puts the combination in turning the dial and opens the vault reaching in pulling out a piggy bank closing the vault and putting the photo back on the hook then walks over to the table Y/n ask “How much do we have in there” Sitting down pushing the bills to the side Wallace said “Let’s have a look” He pulls the cork out and shake the piggy for three coins to come out.

Moving them with his finger “Oh dear” Wallace frowns “Just look at that I’m down to my last few coppers” He furrow his brow adjusting his tie “And those presents weren’t cheap either” He quickly covers his mouth while Gromit looks to him hearing that Y/n said “So you did remember” Raising a finger Wallace said “Well Gromit, let’s see what’s on the 905 shall we”.

He looks hearing the train choo “Hmm” Gromit turns looking in the direction “Here she comes now” Y/n raise his legs for the train to choo passing under his legs with a present on the back and Wallace reach down grabbing it “I wonder what this could be” He moves it to his other hand smiles “Happy birthday chuck”.

Wallace holds the present to Gromit who takes it and unwraps it revealing a red collar with spikes and a red leash Yn raise a brow at the presents Wallace chuckles “I knew you like it” Gromit looks to Y/n concern “Here let me help you” Wallace puts the collar on Gromit’s neck “You look like somebody own’s you now”.

He pat Gromit’s head “And that’s only the first part” Gromit looks back to Y/n who was grabbed by Wallace “Come and look in here help me with it Y/n” Y/n said “Okay, Uncle” Gromit gets out of his chair and walks over entering the living room but he stops to see a foot stomp into the room making a hissing noise then another foot enters.

Scared Gromit moves back staring at the item that’s wrapped up walking over to Gromit who leans against the wall ears raised above him the item comes closer until it stops Gromit sits up grabbing the tag to see it said ‘To Gromit love Wallace X’ Gromit lets go of the tag looking at his present while Wallace and Y/n enters the room.

Walking over to the item Wallace said “I think you’ll find this present a valuable addition to our modern lifestyle” Y/n pulls the bow making it unravel for Gromit to stare he said “They’re called Techo Trousers I believe that they are” Raising a hand Wallace said “Ex Nasa fantastic for walkers” Gromit watch Wallace put the leash on the hook “All you do is attach the lead on here”.

He then clip it to the collar “Then program in…” Reading the instructions manual Y/n press a few of the blue buttons “…walkers 10 minutes, 20 minutes” He push and pull the levers activating the Trousers and it raise a leg turning to the door and begins to walk Wallace laughs Y/n said “I’m going to go with Gromit” Y/n walks out of the room just as Gromit barks being dragged out at the same time Wallace calls “Have a nice walk, Gromit”.

At the park a sign said ‘Dogs must be kept on a lead’ Gromit climbs onto the slide looking to see the Trousers walking dragging a fake dog on a trolley then Gromit slides down reach Y/n who is balancing on a tall post he said “I’ll give it a bit of adjustment when we get home, Gromit” Gromit nods before heading for the slide again.

Meanwhile Wallace is on the table looking at the bills and use the calculator to add the total he said “Umm” He moves some beads “It’s no use prevaricating around the bush” Outside the house Y/n is walking pass the gate with the Trousers following him dragging Gromit who had the collar back on sitting on the trolley they notice Wallace putting a sign on for rent Y/n enters with the Trousers but it dragged Gromit who barks leaving the trolley outside.

Gromit is sitting on his chair knitting, Y/n is reading the manual on the Techo Trousers and Wallace is drinking a cup of tea “Nice walkers, hmm” Gromit stops staring at Wallace who smiles “How were the Techo Trousers” Gromit roll his eyes still knitting lowering the manual Y/n said “I think we need to make a slight adjustment to it, Uncle”.

Suddenly the doorbell rings catching their attention Wallace said “Oh, there’s someone at the door, Gromit, Y/n” He put his plate down and gets up “I wonder who that could be” Gromit and Y/n watch him leave the room hearing the door opens “Oh, it’s about the room then” Gromit continues to knit “Well that’s grand”.

Y/n puts the manual down about to grab a cracker “Uh would you like to come in this way and inspect” The door closes Gromit and Y/n look to see Wallace went pass “I’m asking twenty a week that would include your breakfast” Following him is a penguin called Feathers Mcgraw who stops to see them Gromit shake his head in surprised and raising a brow Y/n ask “A penguin”?

Feathers stare at them for a moment “I supposed you like kippers do you” He turns and walks up the stairs “Partial to a nice black pudding itself with bacon of course” Gromit and Y/n watch Feathers walk up the stairs Y/n said “I’m going to go to my room for a while Gromit” He gets up and walks to the stairs while Gromit looks concern when he saw Feathers and went back to knitting.

Meanwhile walking around the railing Wallace said “I’m sure we can come to an amicable” Feathers walk up the last steps and follows Wallace not before looking towards Gromit’s room hearing music inside then he saw Y/n room with f/m coming out “As I say it’s uh dingy” Wallace opens the door “But what surprising what a nickel paint I’ll do isn’t it”?

He smiles inside the room and Feathers looks at it for a moment then a picture comes off making Feathers head towards Y/n room catching Wallace attention “Oh” He follows him quickly “But I don’t think…” He got concern looking around to see Feathers on the bed “Oh” Wallace watches him but a clear throat got his attention “Oh, Y/n”.

Raising a brow Y/n ask “What are you doing at my room, Uncle” Scared Wallace said “Well” Feathers changes the tune making Y/n enter the room to see him narrowing his eyes Y/n walks up to Feathers who looks to see him they stare at one another Y/n reach and change the radio back to his f/m then grabs Feathers by the neck “Oh dear”.

Lifting him and grabbing his suitcase Y/n said “My room is off limits to anyone except my uncle and Gromit” He walks pass Wallace who looks concern and out of the room into the guest bedroom Y/n drops Feathers and his suitcase on the bed “Don’t ever go in my room again” With that he leaves out of the room and enters his slamming the door.

Walking in Wallace said “I’m sorry about my, nephew he doesn’t like anyone touching his things including his bedroom” But suddenly Feathers walks out of the room again Wallace follows to see Feathers going into Gromit’s room instead Wallace looks and saw Feathers on Gromit’s bed opening his suitcase “Wasn’t quite had in mind”.

Feathers folds his towel and place his brush on top as Wallace points “Wouldn’t you like to see…” He smiles but begins to frown “Oh dear” Feathers test the mattress “L-L-Look there’s something I’ve got to tell you” Wallace looks out the door and back “It’s a no pets” He tilt his head “Does that suits you” He watch Feathers adjust the radio to then tune he was listening before lying on the bed relaxing “Seems pleasant” Wallace leaves the room.

An hour later in the guest room Wallace is putting on bone wallpaper “Cheer up, Gromit” He puts a roll on the wall “Surprising what a nickel paint would do isn’t it” He rubs the wallpaper before patting it smiling to Gromit who looks annoyed, and Y/n is reading the manual he said “Okay I think this should do it Gromit”.

Y/n press the buttons pulls two levers and push the final lever for the Trousers to walk forward Wallace hums, but a thump surprises him he said “Oh” The Trousers walk up the wall catching his attention Wallace said “Oh so that’s where my braces went” He walks down the stairs while Trousers keep walking and stop for Gromit to start painting the room.

Wallace walks to the door “Wonderful things these Techo Trousers” He walks backwards pointing but stops looking down “Oh, I’m sorry” Wallace walks to the stairs as Feathers enters the room looking up to see Gromit in the Trousers catching his attention while Feathers stare at it noticing him Y/n ask “Are you here to help or not” Feathers look to Y/n who furrow his brows and he leaves the room.

Later that night the radio is on loudly and Gromit is trying to sleep on the bed but keeps hearing the music Gromit raise his head angry before putting it on the pillow covering his head with the blanket then he moves knocking on Y/n’s door for Y/n to open to see him “Come on in, Gromit” Gromit enters.

He lies under the cover with Y/n who puts his radio on to a f/s/m that helps him sleep and Gromit listens to it that begins to help him go to sleep but the radio in his room changes again making Gromit get up and leaves the bed quietly to not wake Y/n and march went up to his door Gromit knocks on the door loudly but doesn’t get a respond he knocks harder but no responds.

Now the radio has a different music on and Gromit is in the doghouse with a blanket and earmuffs but he raise his head hearing the music then a noise caught his attention Gromit looks to see the back gate opens revealing Feathers entering the yard walking pass Gromit who watch him enter the house he looks up to his room to watch the light and radio turn off making Gromit realising he sniffs before covering his face and cries.

The next morning Gromit is waiting outside the bathroom as Feathers is inside brushing then Wallace walks pass, he said “Lovely morning, Gromit” Walking to him Y/n ask “You okay, Gromit” Looking to him Gromit shake his head “How about I make you my f/b” Gromit nods and Y/n walks down the stairs leaving Gromit to wait.

Half an hour later Gromit is eating f/b with Y/n who is watching on the mini-TV and Gromit is reading a book about ‘The Republic Pluto’ he gulps about to take another bite then stops to see Feathers walking with Wallace’s slippers putting them down and slipping them on Wallace using a hairdryer to clean his ears notice he said “Oh, thank you very much”.

Wallace smiles “That’s just grand” Gromit became very concern and finish eating puts the plate in the kitchen catching Y/n’s attention making him frown looking to Wallace who notice his look “What is it, nephew” Shaking his head Y/n said “Nothing” He goes back to watching TV while the newspaper slips through the mail slot and lands in front of Gromit who is about to get it.

But suddenly Feathers walks over and takes it heading back making Gromit look Wallace said “Oh thank you kindly” Gromit walks over to the living room seeing Wallace raise the newspaper “What do you think of that then Gromit” He pat Feather’s head “Our paying guest” Wallace chuckles while Gromit begins to growl at Feathers.

Y/n is at the table wearing goggles working on a device as Gromit walks over noticing him Y/n ask “Gromit can you pass me screwdriver” Gromit nods walking over to the toolbox about to get it but suddenly Feathers comes over grabs it and walks to Y/n holding it to him Y/n sees Feathers and Gromit watch waiting slowly Y/n takes it but threw it back to the toolbox surprising them.

Gromit looks at the toolbox and back Y/n turns “I think I ask Gromit to get me the screwdriver not you” Taking the screwdriver Gromit walks over and holds it to Y/n who takes it “Thank you friend” He begins to use the screwdriver while Feather stares at Gromit for a moment before leaving the room “Gromit” Gromit looks to Y/n “I don’t trust that, penguin” Gromit nods.

Later that night Gromit pokes his head out of the doghouse and looks towards his room to see the light is off and lightning flashes laughing Wallace said “A nice drop of old this eh” Gromit looks to see Wallace and Feather clang glasses “Here’s to paying guest” Feathers drinks and Wallace reaches down “More cheese, penguin”.

Gromit saw Y/n walks by “Y/n why don’t you join us” However Y/n said “I’m not in the mood right now, uncle” He leaves the room “I need some rest after working on my invention” Raising a hand Wallace ask “When will it be done” Stopping Y/n said “Classified” He turns and leaves while Gromit goes back into his doghouse and pulls a string to turn the light on.

He grabs a cloth and spread it out of the floor grabbing his brush, a bone, and his alarm clock tying it up Gromit looks around and stops at a photo making him look sadly at it Gromit picks it up to see it was Wallace, Y/n and himself all smiling at the camera Gromit raise his brow and tears begin to swell he put the picture back and turns the light off.

Rain falling down Gromit wearing a raincoat and hat holding a stick with his stuff attach he turns Wallace said “Good night, Penguin, Y/n” Gromit stares at the house “Sleep well” The light to the living room turns off and Gromit turns and walks to the gate not before looking back the lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.

Gromit turns and leaves making the gate swing open and close once, but little did he knew watching from him leaving from the window is Feathers the lightning flashes he put his flaps together rubbing them and turns jumping off the desk then walks to a shelf pulling ‘Electronics for dogs volume 1’ he walks away Feathers turns holding a drill turning it on staring at the Techo Trousers and lightning flashes.

The next morning under a bridge a ringing is heard in a trashcan making it shake until it stops and poking the lid up is Gromit who is tired glancing around before lowering the lid back onto the trashcan while Wallace begins to wake up “Oh” He blinks a bit “That was lovely cheese” Wallace reaches out but suddenly the bed begins to rise “Whoa”.

Wallace slides under the bed “Ohhh” He went through the hatch not into his normal strap pants but into the Techo Trousers slowly Wallace went dizzy before shaking his head to see them “It’s the wrong Trousers” He shakes his fists “The Wrong Trousers” Wallace looks to see the area where the controls is gone “What have you done with the controls Gromit”?

The Trousers activate raising a leg catching Wallace’s attention “Now that’ll do” The Trousers begin to walk “Just hold on a minute” They begin to leave the room “Stop it, Gromit, Y/n” Wallace is being taken out of the house “Stop this confounded thing” The Trousers quickly went out the gate “This isn’t funny, Gromit”.

The Trousers is walking down the street “The jokes over” Wallace shake his hands and the Trousers begin to move faster “Let me out of these trousers” They made Wallace jump with his arms waving and the legs are in a 90-degree angle “Lovely day” They went down while Gromit is looking for a place to live but most of the places wouldn’t allow dogs.

Gromit lower his arms before shaking his head to see a wanted poster of a penguin with a rubber glove on underneath it said ‘Have you seen this chicken’ the reward was 1000 pounds as Gromit place his hand on his chin thinking “Help” Suddenly Wallace runs but he grabs the lamppost seeing Gromit “GROMIT” He slips making the Trousers move forward Gromit looks to hearing his name.

Wallace screams and flails due to the Trousers moving faster on the street passing Feathers who watch as Gromit looks hearing a noise and looks up seeing Wallace flips in the air “Sorry” He goes down crashing into something hearing an alarm and Gromit shrugs moving forward while the Trousers finally stop “Ohhh” It stood on one leg Wallace shake his head.

Gromit stops to see him “It’s the wrong trousers, Gromit” Wallace shakes his fists as the leg in the air bents “And they’ve gone wrong” Gromit stares at Wallace “Stop them, Gromit, stop them” Gromit lower his gaze “Help me, G-Gromit” Shaking his head Gromit sees Feathers not far at a hole “The trousers have gone haywire”.

The Trousers begin to move “Get me out” They took Wallace behind the fence “Help” Gromit decides to move closer by a steel post he jumps to get a better look then went behind a pile of bricks Gromit climbs up to look and shakes his head shocked to see Feathers has the controls to the Techo Trousers he push a lever and push a button Gromit glares at Feathers who walks away not noticing him while Gromit turns and thinks Wallace is seen moved behind the fence he yelps at each time.

An hour later the Trousers reach the house “Oh I’m tired” They enter Wallace’s room “A good doze” The Trousers had pyjamas over them “That’s what I need” Wallace slumps and the Trousers turn around “To get me strength back” They sit on the bed “What a shocking calama…” The legs move onto the beds “…alama…” Wallace yawns putting the blanket on “…ty” He falls asleep.

Not far from him is Feathers staring at him before walking pass, he stops looks to Y/n room nodding before walking down the stairs and leaves the house heading in a direction he walks by a restaurant but little did he knew Gromit lowers the newspaper to see Feathers with a notepad blinking a bit Gromit closes the newspaper onto the table along with putting some coins for the drink and leaves.

He follows Feathers around the corner to see him crossing a street Gromit sticks to the shadows watching Feathers stop looking around making Gromit move back watching Feathers walking to the alleyway Gromit moves from his spot and went to the corner leaning to move forward behind a couple of trashcans.

Feathers keeps walking until he stops looking around before opening his notebook looking up raising his flap with a pencil then twist it and writes on the notepad Gromit turns and grabs a box putting over him then moves along the alleyway to get a bit closer Feathers flip a page writing on the next one.

Meanwhile Gromit pulls out his Swiss army knife and cuts the box in front of him before pushing the part to make a hole Gromit leans in and furrow his brow, he watches Feathers with a tape measure moving it out Feathers look up just as the tape slumps catching his attention he press the button to retract the tape.

Feathers move the tape upwards along the building until it attached to a ledge Feathers press the button making the case go up taking Feathers with it making Gromit to look up watching Feathers land on the ledge of a window, he stares at it before using the measuring tape to measure the width and the height of the window.

He presses the button retracting the tape back into the case taking a couple steps back and jumps using the measuring tape to lower himself down until he stands on the ground Feathers press the button for the tape to retract into the case he turns and looks around before walking back the way he came while Gromit watch Feathers walk pass.

But suddenly Feathers looks to him making Gromit widen thinking he was caught Feathers took a step forward staring at Gromit who blinks a bit Feathers lean back turning his head before continuing to walk pass the box that had a picture of a dog where Gromit’s eyes are and underneath it said ‘Meatabix dog food’.

Meanwhile Gromit pokes his head through his dog door that was replaced by a penguin size He furrows his brow annoyed before entering the house walking up the stairs to his room Gromit opens the door and looks around, he glance up shake his head to see the wallpaper changed to fish Gromit picks up a piece of paper that was his wallpaper.

Shaking his head Gromit enters his room and walks up to his desk turning on a light and looks in shock to see plans for the ‘City Museum Diamond Exhibition’ Gromit stares at it but suddenly the door flaps meaning Feathers his back Gromit turns the lamp off while Feathers walk up the stairs as Gromit hides under the blanket.

Feathers looks towards Wallace before entering his room Wallace snores and slowly Gromit lifts the blanket just enough for him to see Feathers walking towards the room carrying a big box Gromit lowers the blanket a bit watching Feathers put the box down wearing a rubber glove revealing to be the chicken Gromit stares in shock Feather holds the mirror and rub the glove over his head.

He puts the mirror down and grabs a red helmet walking over to Wallace who snorts putting the helmet on his head Feathers walks back and puts the control around him he moves out of the way just as Gromit glance to Wallace before lowering the blanket while Feather pushes the lever down and press a button for one leg to raise up.

Feathers push the middle lever for the leg to move 90 degrees then Feathers made it stand on the floor to lift the rest of the Trousers including Wallace who is still sleep wearing the helmet slumps forward he groans while Feathers use the controls to move the other leg onto the floor and have the Trousers stand up Feathers push the lever for the Trousers to move pass him.

Wallace groans leaving the room with Feathers watching before grabbing the door and slams it shut accidentally making the cement to lower down a bit and slowly moves the rope catching Gromit’s attention watching the bed rise and the hatch opens Gromit realises and slides down the bed through the hatch into the strap pants backwards.

Gromit lands on the chair raise his arms for the machine to roll over and puts the sleeveless shirt, green vest and red tie over Gromit who pop his head open raising both arms for the long sleeves to slide over Gromit looks to the jam flicker that activates flicking jam Gromit looks at the toast that pings but no toast came out Gromit looks back only to get jammed on the face.

Concerned Gromit quickly shakes the jam of his face getting the clothes off him and runs towards the stairs going up he runs and knocks on Y/n’s door but doesn’t get a respond he tries again nothing, so he opens the door to see Y/n tied up on his bed with a gag over his mouth noticing him Y/n grunts trying to move Gromit runs over and unties the gag.

Breathing Y/n said “Thank you, Gromit” Gromit begins to help Y/n get free “That little penguin tied me up as soon as I woke up this morning and use the gag to make sure I stay silent” Gromit struggles with the rope “I knew that penguin was trouble” Gromit nods agreeing.

Meanwhile Feathers use the Trousers to take Wallace to the alleyway he grumbles Feathers turn use the controls to make the Trousers turn to the wall Feathers push a button making the right leg rise and stick to the wall Wallace snores while Feathers leans against the left leg sitting on the foot, he pushes a lever for the Trouser to walk up the wall with Wallace and Feathers with it.

Feathers sits on the body part of the Trousers he stops them at the window for him to walk on the leg and jumps onto the ledge as Wallace snores Feathers push the lever for the Trousers to walk up the wall until the leg reaches the edge but went down to stand on the roof with the other foot swaying a bit Wallace snort rubbing his nose before going back to sleep.

The Trousers walk forward making Wallace slump forward as Feathers opens the plans looking at them while the Trousers head for a vent it raises its right foot landing on the metal causing a clang the other leg joins making Wallace slump back walking up the vent until it’s next step went down inside the vent walking on upside down Wallace snorts and snores.

Meanwhile inside the Museum the clanging is heard and getting louder until the air vent opens making the Trousers walk out standing on the tiles Wallace groans upside down as Feathers pulls a lever looking at the plans to see the air vent is footsteps into the long room entering another room where the diamond is Feathers turns to the window seeing the diamond shine.

Feathers pulls a lever for the Trousers to walk forward across the room as Feathers looks to the burglar alarm that had laser in the room Wallace enters the room still sleep and continues walking but one of the tiles slightly came off when the foot left Wallace groans, but he was reaching a laser that was too high for him.

Noticing Feathers pulls the middle lever and press a button for the Trousers to stop causing Wallace to sway a bit Feathers stare at him before looking to the burglar alarm that hasn’t went off while Wallace yawns moving his head and arms seeing this Feathers use the chance to make the Trousers move forward passing the laser and Wallace slumps.

Feathers wipe his forehead watching the Trousers move forward and stops right above the diamond looking down Feathers press a button for the helmet to open and a claw comes down to grab the diamond, but it was too far forward and went back up Feathers begins to sweat he use the controls to make the Trousers move back a bit and press the button again.

The claw went down again just to miss the diamond touching it before going back up Feathers shake his head and use the levers to move the trousers a bit to the side Feathers push the button for the claw to go down and grab the diamond and begins to go up slowly but suddenly the diamond slips out of it’s grasp heading for the floor.

Noticing quickly Feathers move the levers and press a button for the claw to grab the diamond again Feathers wipe his forehead and shake the sweat off him pressing a button for the claw to going up reaching the helmet while Feathers pulls the lever to make the right leg stretch onto a tile Wallace groans a bit.

But suddenly the tile the foot is on slips off causing the body to sway and the claw stretches out making Feathers look in horror watching the diamond hit one of the laser causing all lasers to disappear and the burglar alarm blares loudly while Feathers quickly tries to come up with a plan and went to the controls.

Meanwhile the tile on the foot comes off but the alarm causes Wallace to wake up he ask “What’s the game then” The Trousers turn around “Where am it “They head towards the door “What’s going on” He notice the door closing “Yikes” Wallace covers his face while Feathers move the levers and press a button for the Trousers to turn around and head towards the window “Gromit, Y/n”.

The Trousers reach the window and puts one foot on the window then the other Wallace looks around “I must be dreaming” Feathers moves out of sight “Where the devil am I” Suddenly the window frame begins to flip “Ohh” Now Wallace is outside the museum waving his arms “Great heavens above”.

He looks around and to the window “Whatever is it” Wallace shakes his fists “Help” Feathers look to him “Get me down” He press the buttons and pulls the lever “Help” The Trousers turn around for Feathers to climb on and walk to the body Wallace hears him “What’s the game then, eh” Feathers took the diamond “Where am I”?

Feathers sits on the body and press a lever for the Trousers to walk down “That’s quite enough” Wallace wave his arms “You’ll hear my solicitor about this” The Trousers went faster down “Oh ooh ow” They keep going down the wall “Mind how you go” They’re almost at the bottom of the wall “You can’t just go taking differences likes this” Feathers gets the Trousers on the floor “I’m a respectable citizen” Looking around Wallace gasp and the Trousers take them home.

They reach the house Feathers made the Trousers enter his room “Definitely not legal this” Wallace drops the helmet and Feathers press a button for the Trousers to stand still Wallace watch Feathers took his glove off revealing himself shocking Wallace “Good grief” He points at Feathers “It’s you” Feathers press a button for the Trousers to turn around “Now let me out of these trousers this minute”.

But Feathers had the Trousers walk backwards to a wardrobe Wallace notice “Steady on will you” Feathers slams the door close as soon as Wallace is in “This wardrobe is nearly new” Feathers drops the controls and walks over to the diamond “Let me out” But Feathers grabs it and puts it’s in a small bag “I’ll give you what for you tike”.

Looking to the wardrobe before putting the bag over his shoulders Feathers turn to leave only to meet Gromit who had a rolling pin in his hand and Y/n who had a baseball bat in his hand they glare at Feathers who stares Y/n said “Welcome back” Suddenly Feathers pulls out a gun making them making Y/n and Gromit drop their weapons raising their hands “We surrender” Gromit nods.

Wallace calls “Excuse me” Feathers motion them with the gun Gromit and Y/n both move with Feather aiming at them “Hello” Gromit opens the wardrobe “I don’t think so too heh” Feathers motion and they enter slamming the door locking it up while Wallace looks to Y/n and Gromit “Well this is a find how de do, Gromit, Y/n”.

Thinking Y/n ask “Gromit how far did you read your new book I got you” Gromit shrugs looking at Y/n “Have you reach hot wiring” Noddign Gromit moves the pants down noticing Wallace said “Steady on” Gromit opens an area revealing wires “Watch where you puttin them paws” Looking at him Y/n said “Don’t worry, Uncle, we have a plan” Gromit grabs two wires and starts hotwiring the Trousers.

The legs start stomping on the spot Wallace careful lad” He glance around Oh my goodness it’ll ruin the woodwork” The wardrobe shakes until the floor comes off “Oh there goes me fine” Feathers look to see the wardrobe moving forward “Where are we going” Y/n calls “To stop that penguin” Abandoning his suitcase Feathers grabs the bag with the diamond Wallace said “I can’t see a thing”.

Feathers just makes it out of the door and the wardrobe hits the frames causing the door to open making Gromit and Y/n to fall out onto the floor “What’s happening” Y/n notice Feathers by the rail he yells “Get him, Gromit” Feathers jumps sliding down while Gromit jumps to grab him but miss landing on the stairs and Y/n moves down them.

Meanwhile Feathers reach the end of the rail just as the train choo for him to land on it “Catch me, Gromit, Y/n” Looking back Y/n yells “Look out” He jumps down the stairs landing on the train and Gromit jumps avoiding the wardrobe falling onto the stairs he grabs the hanging lamp while Feathers look back saw Gromit holding on.

He aims the gun and fires hitting the cables causing Gromit to fall and land in front of Y/n who yells “You okay” The lamp lands on his head as Feathers look forward to the penguin door and back towards Gromit and Y/n he fires the gun missing them “Whoa” Gromit use the lamp to block another shot while Feathers look forward.

The train choo and Feathers fire a shot making the door come off Y/n notice “Change the tracks” Gromit leans down and press the button for the tracks to switch Feathers notice and the train went into another room while the Trouser burst through the wardrobe it took a step landing on the last carriage and went follows the chase.

Looking back Feathers aims and fires a couple of shots making them hit the lamp Wallace calls “Don’t worry, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n look to see Wallace “I’m whoa” He keeps his balance “Right behind you” Feathers aims and fires hitting a switch making Wallace carriage change tracks “Hang in there, Gromit, Y/n”.

Gromit and Y/n watch Wallace go pass “Everything’s under control” He smiles giving them a thumbs up Y/n yells “Be careful Uncle” Wallace looks to Feathers who hasn’t notice him Wallace said “I’ll take that…” He takes the gun making Feathers look to see him “…if you don’t mind eh” But Wallace looks forward “Huh”?

Wallace is reaching the end of the tracks the carriage stops but the Trousers sent Wallace through a hatch door “Ohh” Wallace exits the Trousers and lands on a trolley that rolls forward “Oh oh ohhh” He flail his arms and legs while Y/n calls “Gromit I got an idea” Gromit looks to Y/n who rolls off the train onto the floor “Keep the penguin from the exits” Y/n gets up and runs to another door.

Looking back Gromit takes the lamp off his head and begins to crawl forward towards Feathers suddenly Wallace calls “Tallyho” Making Feathers look back as Gromit keeps crawling, but Wallace comes rolling on the trolley with a net “Leave him to me I’ll get the burglar” He raise the net but it got caught by the moose head “Ow”.

Wallace gets sent off the trolley Gromit reaches Feathers, but they look back to see Wallace on the last carriage “Aah ah aah” He holds on with Gromit distracted Feather disconnects the train making him go faster “Get him, Gromit” Gromit jumps but miss Feathers who waves before flipping a switch for him to change tracks.

Meanwhile Y/n reaches the room and saw his device he grabs it trying to get it working he said “Come on work” He shake the device but nothing he heard Wallace screaming “Come on” He bangs his fist on it and the device activates making him smiles “Yes” Y/n leaves the room while Gromit watch Feathers get away.

Suddenly Wallace calls “Gromit, window” Gromit looks to see they are reaching the end of the tracks heading for a window but quickly Gromit grabs a box of spare tracks and begins to attach them to the tracks making a turn “Ohh” Gromit keeps putting straight tracks “Oh, mind the table, Gromit” He looks to see it and use the tracks to sway pass the chairs and table.

Wallace put his arms and legs together “Oh ah ooh” He sways pass the chairs and table going into another room making a turn as Y/n reach the Trousers pressing a button on the device making the Trousers move while Feathers look around making a turn just as Gromit went pass “Ah gotcha” Wallace went pass grabbing Feathers.

But he had the engine in his hand Wallace got confused “Huh” Feathers is moving forward with the coal holder “All yours Gromit” Gromit puts more tracks in front of him catching up to Feathers glaring at him suddenly Y/n yells “Take this” Gromit and Feathers look forward watching Y/n move the Trousers forward and place a step on the track causing the holder to hit it sending Feathers flying.

Wallace raises his hands to catch him, Feathers keeps flying, Gromit keeps putting tracks staring at Feathers who begins to fall and Y/n stood by the counters pulls a lever for the cabinet to open revealing a window for Gromit to smack into then a small arm to come out with an empty bottle for Feathers to go in then Gromit catch the bag with the diamond.

Y/n slumps grabbing the trapped Feathers “Now who’s trapped now” Sitting next to Gromit then Wallace calls “Atta boys Gromit, Y/n lads” Gromit and Y/n watch Wallace slide over to them he smiles spreading his arms “Well done” Gromit and Y/n glare at Feathers “We did it, ha ha” Wallace shakes his fists Y/n smiles and Gromit looks at him along with Feathers.

The next day the Trousers are walking forward with the lead attach to it that’s connected to Feathers who is tied up in rope wearing the collar riding a trolley as Wallace, Y/n and Gromit who had the controls stood by the police station watching the Trousers enter taking Feathers with it inside while a door slam shut Feathers is behind a bar window he grunts trying to get them loose but he will forever spend the rest of his days in the penguins section of the Zoo.

Meanwhile Gromit puts a Wallace’s slippers in front of him “Thank you old friend” Y/n sits on the couch looking to Wallace he coughs making him Y/n motions with his head “Many thanks indeed” Gromit sits next to Y/n with the newspaper that said ‘Feathers Mcgraw back inside “That reward money paid off all our debts”.

Wallace puts the coppers in his piggybank “No more lodgers” He puts more coins inside “More trouble than they are worth” Gromit looks to him as Y/n nods with his device pressing a few buttons he said “That we agree on” Pointing Wallace said “I could fancy some cheese Gromit” He smiles to him “What do you say”?

Gromit nods closing the newspapers “Chedder” He gets off the couch and getting up Y/n said “I’ve got some important work to do, Uncle” He holds his device “I’ll have cheese another time” Y/n walks out of the room while Gromit moves to a window Wallace calls “And don’t forget the crackers” Looking out the window is the Techo Trousers in the trashcan Gromit looks at them before moving.

But little did he knew the feet twitch a bit “Hah, all swell that ends well that’s what I say” He eats the cheese and crackers but unknown to them Y/n walking forward with the trashcan following due to the Trousers inside passing the window while Gromit stops a bit “Oh I” He looks at the window for a moment then back “Do like a bit of Gorgonzola” Gromit shrugs and goes back to reading the newspaper.

Meanwhile Y/n leads the Trousers to an alleyway and stops to see a van with NASA on it the doors open, and a few soldiers come out a General ask “Is this them” Nodding Y/n said “Here you go” He press the button and pulls the lever for the Trousers to walk forward after the soldiers got the trashcan off nodding the General said “He’s the amount we discussed”.

He gives Y/n 2000 pounds and he takes them moving the Trousers to enter the van sitting down with the controls attached to where it was before Feathers took them off Y/n hands the device to the General he said “Just in case the controls on the trousers didn’t work use this” Taking it and examine the General ask “Did you make this” Y/n nods before heading to the street with the sunsetting.

Chapter 3: A Close Shave

Chapter Text

Snoring is heard and three shadows of sheep is seen moving around in a circle right next to the photo of Wallace, Y/n and Gromit and alarm clock on top of a service device as Wallace snores in his bed on the nightstand is some cheese and a knife on a plate with a packet of crackers but suddenly, they start to shake, and the knife falls off landing in between the slippers.

Meanwhile Y/n is sleeping in his room listening to his f/s/m moving a bit in his sleep as Gromit awake knitting on his bed he looks to his nightstand to see a mug of tea shaking and a ball of yarn falls off the stand rolling onto the floor while a green and white truck drives until it stops at a set of light but in between a gap is a sheep it said “Baaahhh”.

The Sheep tries to move “Baaahhh” Gromit move his gaze and lift his ear a bit hearing something as the Sheep tries to move again “Baaahhh” Suddenly the wood under it breaks making the Sheep land on the sidewalk “Baahhh” It shake its head before walking over towards a gate the Sheep stops and turns around to the truck.

Watching the sheep is a pair of eyes of a dog staring at the Sheep who turns and walks through the open gate noticing the dog begins to open the door about to step out but suddenly a hand grabs his arm it is a woman who shook her head while the dog looks at her for a moment before closing the door looking at the mirror glaring.

Meanwhile the Sheep walks to a dog door looking before entering the house and on the fence is a sigh that said ‘Wallace, Y/n & Gromit’s Wash ‘N’ Go Window Cleaning Service’ with the number underneath while the dog stares the light turns green for the truck to drive with the sheep inside as Gromit continues to knit, he stops to see he’s reached the end and Gromit stops.

The next morning Gromit is pouring tea in a cup and notice Y/n walking in yawning he said “Morning, Gromit” Gromit pours some tea in another cup and pass it to Y/n who takes it “Thank you, friend” He sits down while Gromit puts the teapot down and grabs the newspaper suddenly buzzing caught his and Y/n’s attention.

They look to see the breakfast light flashing “Sounds like, Uncle Wallace is up” Gromit nods staring as Wallace press the button a few more times turning raising a hand he calls “Porridge today, Gromit” He smiles “Tuesday” Pushing the button towards Gromit who leans back Y/n said “Here we go” Gromit reads the newspaper and pulls the lever.

Y/n glance up as the bed tips upwards a hatch opens Wallace calls “Geromino” He slides under the blanket through the hatch into his brown strap pants “Aahh” The straps slap Wallace’s shoulders for him to land on the chair with a pillow on it Wallace moves his head around before raising his arms for robotic arms to slide the long sleeves on his arms.

A robot rolls over for Wallace to raise his arms for the robot to put a white shirt, green vest and red tie over Wallace who pop his head out before grabbing a spoon smiling as Gromit slams the button for a machine to fire porridge into the air Y/n watch it heading for end of the table that a part is flipped revealing a bowl for the porridge to land in with some bits falling out.

Opening a notebook and pen Y/n said “9 points on the landing but still could use some work on getting all of it inside” He writes down the results as Wallace is about to eat but suddenly a noise got his attention he ask “Huh” The machine tilts down and fires another shot of porridge at Wallace who uses his bowl to block the shot “Ohh”.

Noticing this Y/n ask “What the” He ducks avoiding a shot from the machine that keeps firing Gromit notice Wallace said “Ohh” Gromit tries to move the button he looks to Wallace who keeps using the bowl to block the shots, but he uses his hand to block another shot “Turn it off” He got hit in the chest and more shots fire Y/n said “There’s a switch under the machine”.

He ducks again to avoid another shot of porridge as Gromit gets out of his seat and went over and Wallace gets hit by more porridge and Y/n moves avoiding each shot that came near him Wallace groans while Gromit reach the machine that keeps firing, he flips the switch shutting the machine down Y/n said “That was close”.

Y/n sits down and looks to see Wallace up against the wall covered in porridge he opens his eyes and leans forward making a shape of him from the wall Y/n gets up and walks over to the machine “What could have happened to make this go out of control” Gromit reach down to pick up a cord and wires disconnected he furrow his brow shaking his head showing Y/n who kneels to look.

Taking the cord “Something’s been chewing on this” He looks to Wallace who grabs a tea towel “That cause the machine to malfunction” Wiping his face Wallace ask “Mice, do you think” He shake his head while something is looking around the corner toward Gromit and Y/n who said “This bite looks a bit too big for mice, Uncle”.

Slowly Gromit turns to the door to see nothing before turning to Y/n who notice his expression “Is something wrong, Gromit” Gromit looks to him as Wallace said “I think I’ll make my own porridge” Turning his head Y/n said “Can you make me some too, Uncle” Wallace nods and leaves the room while Gromit turns and exits the room going pass the stairs to see a plant but one of the leaves had a bite out of it.

Gromit walk up to it staring as Y/n examines the cord “We’re gonna need to replace this since it’s busted” He puts the cord down and gets up leaving the room to the hallway passing Gromit patting his head while Wallace grabs a box of porridge but as soon as it was taken from the shelf there was a hole making the porridge fall out noticing Wallace said “Well I be…”

He watches more porridge falls out until it was empty Wallace lowers the box turning his head before shaking it to see a bite out of his cheese “Have either of you be peckish during the night” Gromit walks to the doorway next to Y/n who stops shaking his head he ask “I don’t think so, why” Gromit stares at Wallace who said “Only someone’s been at me cheese”.

Walking pass Gromit and Y/n is the Sheep who went to the plant and bites it catching Gromit’s attention he turns and saw the plant is gone a noise got his attention Gromit turns to see a leaf lands on the carpet Gromit walks around the corner he smells walking forward Y/n said “I don’t know, Uncle” He sits on his chair grabbing a magazine.

He reads it and Wallace said “There’s something fishy going on here” He grabs a newspaper and sits on his chair when Wallace opens it he notices a hole “Huh” Y/n looks to see Wallace’s eyes “Do either of you think we should get the uh…” He tries to think “…pest control people in” However under his feet is the sheep eating hay from the foot stand.

Y/n puts his book down and leaves the room as Wallace grabs the telephone and holds it to his ear “Hello Wallace, Y/n and Gromit’s Wash N Go Window Cleaning Service” He looks up to the ceiling “May we be of assistance” A Voice said “Hello” It is a woman’s voice as the Sheep keeps eating “Yes, my windows could do with a jolly good clean”.

She is speaking through a speaker “The wool shop in High Street” Gromit stops in front of Y/n who wears a hat “As soon as you can” Y/n grabs a lever he said “Another job to do” He pulls the lever for the chair to raise Wallace said “On our way, madame” The Sheep watch while the telephone ends the call landing on the receiver.

Meanwhile the chair went through a hatch before stopping and flips back just as the picture of puppies is flip for Wallace to slide through on a metal chute his head lands on a pillow the chute flips for Wallace to slide down into a pair of boots the chute flips again for Wallace to slide down into a helmet that’s connected to suction that moves Wallace in a circle facing him upright.

Wallace spread his arms to grab a bucket and sponge before the suction lowers his down in blue suspenders before turning Wallace around to be lowered again onto a bike that’s on a platform which begins to rise up in the garage while a door opens for Y/n and Gromit to enter a long two seated red sidecar Y/n gets in the front and Gromit gets in the back Y/n said “We’re both in”.

The platform turns around to the garage door that opens Y/n puts some goggles on and Gromit wears a pilot hat with goggles on Wallce, Y/n and Gromit look to see two robotic arms put a ladder on the sidecar while a robotic boot comes out from a hatch Wallace lift his foot for the robotic foot to start up the motorcycle and Wallace put his foot back.

Wallace drives the motorcycle towards a small painted pond that flips over for a path and a gnome point holding a ‘GO’ sign that spins until it stop as Gromit grabs the ladder “Steady now, Gromit” They see the wool shop named ‘Wendoline’s Wool’ in range while Gromit lowers the ladder just as Wallace stops the motorcycle.

The ladder bends until it took Gromit into the air and leans onto the wall under a window with the dog staring at Gromit who notice him, he watch the dog walks away as Wallace and Y/n got out of the motorcycle and sidecar Y/n gets the bucket and sponge ready while Wallace looks up to see Gromit getting the cord ready before letting go.

Gromit goes down for Y/n to take the bucket from his hand before going back up then comes down again to grab a sponge from Y/n who gets a squeegee as Wallace looks at the window he ask “Huh” He gasp looking through a hole with a sheep displaying juggling balls of wool in a circle but Wallace attention through the hole.

Standing behind the counter is a woman with brown hair, wearing white earrings, wearing a yellow cardigan, a green dress with white flowering on the neck, white pearl necklace the Woman is knitting but she notices Wallace staring she lowers her knitting and waves at Wallace who slowly begins to smile raise his hand to wave back.

But suddenly Gromit comes down and use the sponge to cover the window in soap before going back up Wallace looks at him then to the window “Need wool, don’t you, lad” Holding a list Y/n said “He’s a list of wool Gromit needs, Uncle” Wallace takes the list while Gromit use the sponge to cover the window above the ladder is.

Wallace enters the shop to see the Woman knitting and the dog sitting reading the newspaper looking up the Woman said “Thank you for coming so quickly” Wallace stood by a pile of wool he smiles and chuckles at her as the dog lowers the newspaper a bit watching Wallace takes a wool of red from the bottom.

By doing that made the rest collapse noticing Wallace said “Oh dear” Standing up the Woman said “Oh, allow me” She move her gaze and back “Please” Wallace said “Oh, I’m sorry” The dog lowers the newspaper seeing the wool on the floor “Oh, I’ll soon have these clean up” Y/n wipes parts of the window and ducks for Gromit to use the squeegee to wipe a large part of the window “It’s no trouble”.

A green ball of wool rolls over to the dog “How embarrassing” The Woman smiles looking to her dog she said “This is Preston, my dog” Getting Wallace said “All right pooch” He pat Preston’s head before going down to help the Woman who kneels picking up the wool grabbing a blue wool “Won’t take a minute” Wallace grabs a green wool.

The Woman grabs the red wool but suddenly Wallace’s hand lands on hers they said “Oh” Wallace and the Woman look at their hands before to each other as Preston gets off the stool walking passing Wallace who said “Well I-I-I…” Smiling the Woman ask “What was it you wanted” Presten leaves the shop he walks to Y/n who noticing him before ducking down.

Wallace clears his throat as suddenly Preston grabs Gromit by the neck making him drop the squeegee and Preston pulls down then let’s go making Gromit go flying in the air and Preson bonks Y/n on the head making him collapse out of sight before Preston walks away Wallace stumbles a bit and the Woman watch Preston who stop looks around before heading in a direction.

Meanwhile the Woman said “Ramsbottom, Wendolene Ramsbottom” She smiles at Wallace who said “Oh Charming” He smiles at Wendolene “I’m Wallace, the windows…” He nods to the window “…and out there is my nephew Y/n” Y/n stumbles holding his head with one hand while Wallace chuckles a bit and Wendolene smiles staring at Wallace who lower his hand “Is this place yours”?

Nodding Wendolene said “Mmm, my father left it to me” She looks to a picture of her father and Preston who smiles “Along with his debts…” Wendolene stares at the photo “…and a few other things” Wallace looks at the photo while Y/n tries to grab Gromit who barks going back up “He was an inventor” Knocking on the window Y/n calls “Uncle, I could use a hand here”.

Turning Wallace said “Never” He ignored Y/n who gets ready to grab Gromit again “Well, I…” Wallace chuckles looking at his hand “…do a bit of that myself along with my nephew” Y/n jumps only to miss Gromit who barks again Wendoline ask “Oh” Wallace nods while Wendolene looks to him “Oh” She smiles at Wallace who smiles back nodding.

His attention is to the newspaper to see the headline ‘Even more sheep rustling’ with pictures of sheep underneath Wallace said “I see that still haven’t caught those sheep rustlers yet” Wendolene lowers her head a bit “Still, you’ve got plenty of wool, eh” Wallace smiles at Wendolene who stands up she said “Your dog and nephew are waiting”.

Y/n and Gromit cross their arms waiting for Wallace who gets up he said “Aye, I’d better see to them” He smiles at Wendolene “The bounce on Gromit has gone from his bungee” Wallace smiles and gives the wool he had to Wendolene who said “Oh they’re spanking” She looks at the windows “You’ve done a grand job” Smiling proud Wallace said “Windows are our speciality” He turns and knocks into the door leaving his daze.

Meanwhile Preston walks on the sidewalk passing a sign that said ‘West Wallaby Street’ he approaches Wallace, Y/n and Gromit’s house and went up to the dog door Preston reach down to grab a bit of wool from the dog door he smells it a bit suddenly he hears the motorcycle Preston looks to see Wallace, Y/n and Gromit come back.

Preston opens the doors leading down below the house to the basem*nt he goes down the stairs and close it as Wallace, Y/n and Gromit enter their house Wallace said “Let’s get that kettle on” Gromit and Y/n walks to the living room and stop to see everything had a bite Y/n said “I think the kettle will have to wait, Uncle” Confuse Wallace ask “What do you mean, lad”?

Wallace comes over and stands next to Y/n and looks he shake his head “Good grief” He Y/n and Gromit looks at the state “What’s all this” Staring Y/n said “You guess is good as mine” Wallace ask “Burglars” Gromit stares “Thieves” He furrow his brow but suddenly a clanging got his attention and taps Y/n who ask “What was that”?

Y/n and Gromit head towards the noise Wallace said “Oh, what a mess” They walk to the door leading to the kitchen Y/n push the door revealing the Sheep eating a bone looking towards him and Gromit who steps back surprised blinking a bit Y/n calls “Uncle, we found the problem” Walking over Wallace said “I never seen anything like it”.

He stops next to Y/n then looks to see the Sheep “Heavens above, Gromit” He points at the Sheep “Look at this” Gromit walks up to the Sheep who keeps eating Y/n said “I guess that explains the porridge incident this morning” The Sheep looks to Gromit and back Wallace said “The little chap must be really hungry” Wallace chuckles “Come over here, lad”.

Wallace walks pass Y/n entering the kitchen “No need to be sheepish” He bends down and grabs the Sheep “We’ll have to get you cleaned up” He pat the Sheep’s head “Y/n get our new invention ready” Raising his brows Y/n ask “Are you sure” He begins to walk around “I was about to check to see if it needed fixing”.

Chuckling Wallace said “Don’t worry, lad” He walks pass Gromit who watch him and Y/n leave he looked concern a bit before following them into the basem*nt turning on the lights revealing a giant machine called ‘Wallace’s Knit-O-Matic’ they reach the floor Y/n went to the controls with Gromit and Wallace puts the Sheep in a large bowl “There”.

Wallace turns to another control “Nothing to fret over” He press a few buttons “Just a quick shampoo” Wallace pulls a lever for the water to rise into the bath around the Sheep who turn its head “We tested on this on, Gromit” Y/n press a button “Haven’t we lads” Gromit nods looking to him before going back pressing a button and turns a dial to ‘light shower’.

Smiling Wallace said “Right, off we go then” He push another lever as two giant sponges squish the Sheep who said “Baah” It went up “Baah” The Sheep’s legs flail “Baah” Unknown to Wallace, Y/n, and Gromit a small grate lifts revealing Preston’s eyes watching the Sheep having a shower “Baah” Suddenly an alarm caught Y/n and Gromit’s attention to see ‘Fault’ flashing.

Staring at it Y/n said “Uh oh” He and Gromit looks to see the ‘Light shower’ went to ‘Light shave’ seeing it Gromit turns the dial back but it didn’t move Y/n bangs on the machine but nothing “Not good” They watch a large pipe come down Wallace said “Oh, eck” The Sheep looks up to see it and when the pipe is lowered.

The pipe begins to suck making the Sheep who yells “Baaah” The Sheep went up the pipe into the Auto-Dry the Sheep hovers getting dried “Baaah” Looking concern Wallace said “Do something, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit looks to Y/n who said “I told you we should’ve check to see if it needed fixing” The Auto-Dry stops sending the Sheep into the Knit-O-Matic.

Walking over to them Wallace said “Oh, it’s too late now” He shake his fist Y/n, Wallace and Gromit look to three razors activating going into the Knit-O-Matic and begins shaving “Oh” Preston slowly raises the grate to watch more “Turn it off, Gromit, Y/n” Shaking his head Y/n said “We can’t stop until it’s finish” Wallace said “Oh, oh, oh”.

Gromit and Y/n look up “Oh, dear” Three lines of wool is coming out in red, blue and white going around a wheel for a pair of needs to knit a small sweater as Wallace notice raise his hands for a robot to roll over and place the sweater over his head “Oh, brilliant Gromit, Y/n” Wallace felt his head before shaking his head “Smashing this” He gives a thumbs up.

He puts his hands on the sweater Y/n and Gromit look to one another “A bit tight here and there” Suddenly the Sheep calls “Baah” Gromit and Y/n look to see a small hatch open for the Sheep to come out “Baaah” The Sheep shakes it’s head Y/n calls “The chaps out, Uncle” Taking the sweater off Wallace said “Ah, he looks alright to me” The sheep shakes feeling cold it looks to Y/n who stares.

Preston watch Wallace walks over to the Sheep “We’ll call him, Shaun” Wallace picks Shaun up “Come on, Shaun” Shaun keeps shaking grabbing the sweater Y/n said “I think this will fit, Shaun” The grate moves catching Gromit’s attention a bit before he gets off the stool and follows Y/n and Wallace up the stairs.

Preston lifts the grate up again he moves it up watching Gromit going up the stairs he reach the door Gromit is about to close it but he stops taking one last look just as Preston close the grate fully Gromit takes one last look before closing the door fully while Preston push the grate up fully before coming out to look at the machine Preston walks over to see the blueprints to see how it works he stares at it before wrapping the blueprints and walks away leaving with it.

Meanwhile Gromit is reading the newspaper, but it was tugged by Shaun, but Gromit had a good grip and slowly the corner of the newspaper rips off for Gromit to continue reading his newspaper while Shaun walks pass Y/n who is busy connecting the machine that fires empty shots to an invention for the sidecar.

Shaun walks pass Wallace who helps Y/n and takes the cheese before walking away Wallace grabs the cracker before realising, he said “Gromit, Y/n” Gromit looks to Wallace along with Y/n who ask “Yes, Uncle” Moving the screwdriver Wallace said “You both know we’re doing the clock tomorrow” They both realise what he means.

The next day Gromit is cleaning the clock a shot is heard as suds land on the clock and Gromit by Wallce who is sitting in front of Y/n who said “I told you to aim more right” Shaun sits next to Wallace who said “Sorry, Gromit” He had a box of suds in his hand “That was a bit thick” Gromit annoyed at this before shaking the suds off him.

Wallace fires again and this time Gromit leans away from the clock for the suds to land on the clock Y/n said “That’s more like it” Gromit begins to clean Wallace said “Back in a tick, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit turn his head “Won’t be long” Suddenly Shaun calls “Baah” Y/n watch Shaun went a open large gate he calls “Don’t go too far, Shaun”.

Shaun follows Wallace who opens the door to Wendolene’s shop he said “I thought I drop in” He close the door as Gromit keeps cleaning the clock but he notice Preston moving the curtain a bit to watch Shaun who said “Baah” Gromit looks down watch Shaun enter through the gate Y/n calls “Shaun come back now”.

Preston turns his gaze to Gromit who gazes back going back to cleaning the clock as Wendolene lowers her hand she said “Tell me about windows” Nervous Wallace said “Well, it’s only temporary, you understand” He walks forward moving his hands Wendolene ask “Oh, really” She smiles at Wallace who said “Oh, yes, I’m inventing mostly with my nephew”.

Y/n wipes the window with Gromit who brought the ladder and climbs it a bit to wipe the top part “Only…” But that caught Wendolene’s attention she ask “What’s sort of inventions” She smiles at Wallace who said “Well, sort of…” He looks to Gromit and Y/n who both stare at him Wendolene said “Daddy would love to have met you” She sighs “Poor daddy”.

Gromit and Y/n continue to wipe the window Y/n ask “Wonder what they are talking about” Wallace open his hands trying to find his words suddenly Shaun calls “Baaah” Making Gromit and Y/n look up to see Shaun staring at them through a hole “Baaah” Confuse Y/n ask “Shaun, what are you doing up there” Shaun calls “Baaah” He went back into the hole.

Y/n look to Gromit who looks to him for a moment before handing Y/n the sponge and climbs up the ladder he poke his head in the hole to see Shaun staring at him before looking forward when Gromit looks a flash surprises them Gromit pull his head out shaking it noticing Y/n said “Gromit” Curious Gromit slides down the ladder passing Y/n who looks up to where he was.

Meanwhile opening his eyes Wallace said “Of all the women I’ve met” Gromit enters the shop passing Wallace who stumbles a bit forward “Erm…” Gromit went up the stairs to a door “Not that there have been many, you understand” Stopping a bit Gromit grabs the handle and leans in to listen before opening the door to see a few pictures, picture of a butcher, a chair and a window with curtain.

Gromit walks forward but suddenly he hits something making a noise looking down Gromit grabs a empty can that said ‘Preston’s dog food’ with a picture of Preston on it Gromit blinks before looking up to the butcher picture then the head tilts down revealing the hole Gromit stares suddenly Shaun calls “Baah” Catching Gromit’s attention.

He drops the can and walks over to the window and looks down to see Shaun head sticking out of a transport truck “Baaah” Other sheep is heard Gromit moves away from the window exiting the room Wallace said “So you see…” He looks at Wendolene “…what I’m trying to say…” He stops while Gromit went pass “…in manner of speaking, is…”

Meanwhile Gromit climbs up the truck and he tries pulls down a lever, but little did he knew Preston is watching him from the driver seat as Gromit pulls the lever making the ramp come down onto the ground Gromit begins to walk but he stops to see sheep running out they said “Baaah” Gromit moves out of the way ears raised surprised “Baaah”.

The sheep went through the store “…of all the ladies I’ve met…” Wallace holds Wendolene’s hand but suddenly the sheep went pass surprising them “…YOU…” He tries to hold on “…erm” Slowly their hands begin to separate “Oh” The sheep drag Wallace out of the store “Ow” Wendolene looks concern watching the sheep run pass Y/n who is on the ladder he ask “What the”?

Grabbing the ladder Wallace said “Same time next week” He waves but let’s go with the sheep carrying him away and Y/n slides down when the sheep are gone he ask “Where did all those sheep come from” He watch them while Gromit went up the ramp to see Shaun tied up he said “Baah” Gromit went over and unties the rope freeing Shaun who moves and Gromit follows.

However, Preston pulls a lever as Gromit looks forward he stops to see the ramp rising and Shaun jumps out quickly “Baah” The ramp closes trapping Gromit inside and Preston starts the truck looking forward he smiles while Shaun jumps to a gap he looks to Gromit who went over “Baah”.

Shaun slips off hearing the truck Y/n runs to the gate enters to see the truck leave “Baah” Shaun walks forward “Baah” Y/n said “Shaun” Shaun runs over and jumps in Y/n’s arms he said “Baah” He looks to where the truck went with Y/n watching with him.

The next day Wallace is reading the newspaper the headline said ‘Killer dog Gromit arrested’ Wallace said “Caught bang to rights you were” He sighs looking up from it “You really let us down this time, lad” Suddenly the newspaper is ripped in half due to the house filled with sheep from the truck “Hey, give over” Y/n holds some food to the sheep he said “Come and get it”.

The sheep near him come over and they begin to eat when Y/n put the tray down suddenly the door bell rings “I’ll get it” He went over and opens the door Wallace hears “It’s for you, Uncle” Getting up from his chair Wallace said “Shoo” He made some sheep move “Shoo” He went pass Y/n who motion some sheep to move “Go one with you”.

Wallace looks to see who it is he smiles staring at him is Wedolene who looks down making Wallace frown she said “I’m sorry about this” Wendolene looks to Wallace who ask “Erm…” He raise his hand “…for what” Looking down Wendolene said “Nothing” She raise her hand to Wallace “Just stay away from me, from my shop…”

Y/n hears this and walks over stands behind Wallace who stares “…and my silly, silly windows” Wendolene shakes her head and Wallace said “Erm…” Y/n frowns looking to him “Well I…” Looking to him Wendolene said “Forget me” She holds a handkerchief “I’m no good for you” Wallace frowns watching Wendolene walks away.

Wendolene stops at the gate raising her head “I’m so sorry about Gromit” She whimpers and leaves with Y/n, Wallace and the sheep on either side of them watch Wendolene walk away, and Wallace tries to speak and Y/n comforts him.

The next day a sheep is eating some rope that snap making Wallace yell going through the hatch along with two sheep landing on the table the robot comes over and puts another sheep on Wallace who grunts before rolling away and the sheep leaves while Y/n comes in with Shaun who puts the newspaper on the stool for Wallace to grab it the headline said ‘Sheep dog trail continues’ Y/n reads over Wallace who said “Oh, Gromit”.

The next day Y/n sits on his chair opening the newspaper with Wallace standing behind him the headline said ‘Gromit bit me’ says the shepherd’ Shaun jumps reading over Y/n’s right shoulder to the newspaper Y/n said “Oh, Gromit”.

The next day the headline said ‘Gromit gets life’ Wallace and Y/n are sitting on the couch together reading the newspaper with Shaun and all the sheep gather to read it and they all begin to cry Wallace and Y/n said “Oh, Gromit” They look up with Shaun and the sheep looking to see a picture of Wallace, Y/n and Gromit together.

Meanwhile in jail Gromit is reading a book called ‘Crime and Punishment’ he sits on the bed the door opens catching his attention Gromit watch a hatch open for a bowl of dogfood slides in and Gromit goes back to reading.

But suddenly a parcel slides in and the hatch closes while Gromit looks to see it he gets out of his bed and grabs the parcel Gromit puts the parcel on the desk and opens it he lifts the item and is shock to see a 5000 jigsaw puzzle with sheep on it slowly Gromit lowers the box on the desk he begins to sniff before crying and banging the puzzle for the crime he didn’t commit.

Nighttime arrived and Gromit is sitting at the desk staring forward putting the pieces of the puzzle together and he put the last piece in place Gromit blinks moving his gaze, but he shake his head and looks to see a message on the puzzle it said ‘Friday night 8pm be ready. Two friends’ surprised Gromit looks to the calendar to see it said ‘Friday’.

Gromit picks up the alarm clock to see it was 8 O’clock suddenly appearing behind the bars is Y/n who said “Gromit” Gromit looks to see him “Pass me the saw, Shaun” Shaun said “Baah” He passes Y/n the saw he said “Better close your eyes” He uses the saw on the bars going through them while Gromit surprised went over to him and the bar comes off.

Smiling Y/n motions “Come on, Gromit” Gromit climbs out and holds onto Y/n but when he looks down, he raise his ears tightening his grip due to the fact that Y/n is on Shaun and the sheep making a ladder swaying a bit wit Wallace at the bottom he said “Oh brilliant teamwork, lads” He begins to walk “At the…”

Not watching her he was going Wallace steps on a soap making him trip “…oh” He lands on his back the sheep calls “Baah” Y/n yells “Aaaah” Looking up Wallace yells “Aaaah” Due to the sheep, Shaun, Y/n, and Gromit falling towards him.

Now they are in a sheep field with the police sirens blaring and driving through town to search for Gromit “I suppose you’ll have to skip the country now” Wallace, Gromit and Y/n are sitting by a gate Wallace taps Gromit “A fugitive, eh” He smiles before pointing “You’ll be hunted down like…” The sheep are eating “…well, a dog” Turning his head Y/n said “It was your idea to do this”.

Suddenly the truck crashes through the gate making Wallace, Gromit and Y/n look to see it stop the doors open they look to one another and back the Woman slowly turns around revealing to be Wendolene noticing Wallace said “Wendo—” But Gromit covers his mouth and Y/n said “Be quiet, Uncle” They watch Wendolene blows a whistle for Preston to move.

The sheep begin to move as Wendolene shakes her head pressing it against her sheep cane and Preston watch the sheep enter the truck he turns to see if there was anymore, but he spots Shaun who notice him while Gromit nudge Wallace who looks to him and Y/n who motions before helping Gromit push Wallace.

Meanwhile Shaun begins to shake staring at Preston who walks closer to him he growls showing his teeth, but Wendolene hits him with her cane knocking his hat off she said “Stop it” That made Preston stop “Stop it, Preston” Wendolene swings her cane at Preston who caught it while Gromit and Wallace are dressed like a scarecrow with Y/n next to them watching over the wall.

Wendolene grunts “I want no more of this rustling” She shakes her head, but Preston pushes her with the cane “It wasn’t so bad when it was the wool…” Preston push her again “…but this is evil” Wendolene moves as Preston snaps the cane in half while Gromit, Wallace and Y/n look to one another “Daddy didn’t create you for this”.

Preston shoves Wendolene in with the sheep “You’re supposed to protect me” But he threw Shaun at Wendolene who caught him, and Preston close the door “Let me out” Wendolene’s eyes are seen through the gap with Preston enters the driver side “You’re not going turn ME into dog meat” Confuse Wallace ask “Dog meat” Narrowing his eyes Y/n ask “What’s dog meat got to do with this”?

The truck leaves Wendolene yells “Help” Wallace calls “Don’t worry, Wendolene” Y/n jumps as Wallace and Gromit turn an engine is heard and they move along the wall revealing the motorcycle and sidecar “I’m on my way” They drive on the road Y/n calls “Where’d they go” Staring Wallace said “We’ve lost them”.

Suddenly lights appeared and an engine starts revealing the truck as Wallace, Y/n and Gromit ride forward looking to one another suddenly a horn makes them look behind to see the truck Y/n said “They’re right behind us” Staring Preston press the pedal making the truck go faster hitting the motorcycle and sidecar the nail connecting them begins to come loose.

Wallace said “Oh” He revs up the motorcycle looks at meter “We’re at maximum speed” Having an idea Y/n puts on some rubber gloves as Preston smiles pressing the pedal again for the truck faster “She won’t go any faster” Looking back Y/n said “Gromit, pass the ladder” Gromit does and gives it to Y/n who climbs up reaching the top.

Y/n looks to see power lines coming up he opens his hands and raise his arms to grab them raising the motorcycle and sidecar Wallace yells “Aaah” Preston frowns watching them go up until they land on the road causing the nail to move up more while Y/n climbs down the ladder and sits in the side car in front of Gromit.

Meanwhile the nail is wobbling making Gromit looks to see it about to come off he taps Y/n who look and he points Y/n look just as the nail comes off “Oh, ‘eck” The sidecar went by a wall separating Wallace from Y/n and Gromit he notice this while Y/n looks forward to see a sign at the end and they crash through it Y/n holds it he said “Danger 2000ft drop”.

He raises the sign to see them falling towards sharp rocks “Gromit, activate airplane mode” Quickly Gromit press all six buttons for wings to come out and a propeller to spin in front Gromit pulls the controls to lift the plane above the rocks into the sky Y/n wipe his head “That was close” Gromit nods “Now to help, Uncle”.

Meanwhile Wallace had put the ladder to balance the motorcycle Wendolene said “Wallace, help me” Wallace climbs the ladder to the top he said “Don’t worry, Wendolene” He reaches out for the lever as Wendolene looks concern “Everything’s under control” Wallace grabs the lever and pulls it for the ramp to lower “Aaah”.

The motorcycle is on its front wheel with Wallace holding onto the ramp suddenly Shaun said “Baah” He walks down the ramp and walks over Wallace noticing Wendolene said “Be careful, Shaun” Shaun went over and walks down the ladder the sheep begin to do the same Wallace said “Hey, steady on” The sheep walk over Wallace “Single file”.

He groans “Oh” Wallace looks down “Oh” The last of the sheep went over “Single file, I said” The sheep are in a pile on the motorcycle when the last sheep jumps on it made the motorcycle go back onto two “Aaah” Wallace looks down to see Shaun holding the handle bars “Oh, get yourselves organised down there” Wendolene looks up while Preston shakes his head in shock looking at the mirror to see she sheep are on top of each other like an upside down triangle.

Meanwhile Y/n and Gromit are in the air Y/n activates the machine moving it a bit he said “Suds isn’t going to be much effective” He looks to Gromit “You have anything back there” Gromit looks and pulls out a box of porridge mix he hand its to Y/n who takes it “That’ll do” Gromit moves the airplane for Wallace to salute them with the sheep following noticing Y/n and Gromit salute back.

Shaking his head Wallace ask “Huh” He looks to see the truck go through a tunnel Wallace looks down “Watch out, lads” But Preston looks at the mirror he smiles as the sheep form to fit through the tunnel while Preston push the breaks “Oh, no” The motorcycle hits the ramp making Wallace, Shaun and the sheep go back into the truck leaving the motorcycle and ladder behind.

Preston smiles but the plane got his attention to look in the mirror to see Y/n firing porridge at the mirror covering it surprising Preston who glance around while turning the machine Y/n said “Gromit head for the drivers” He fires at the truck and Preston press a button making the window go up Y/n keeps firing until the window went up fully.

Annoyed Preston turns the wheel making the truck move attempting to ram them but Gromit moves the plane away Y/n looks to see the clock tower “Gromit, pull up” Gromit looks to see the clock tower and pulls the controls making the airplane go up passing it into the air while the truck went pass the wool shop Preston press a button staring forward and a wall with a ‘Try Bob’s Buns’ opens for the truck to enter and the door closes just as the plane comes around “We lost them”.

Meanwhile inside Wendolene, Wallace, Shaun and the sheep are inside a huge sheep mover shaking his head Wallace ask “Where did you get that from” They look to see the same machine Wallace created but it’s called ‘Preston’s Knit-O-Matic’ Wallace stares “That’s mine and nephew’s machine” They went pass it “I’ve got patent pending on that”.

The sheep mover stops and tilts making Wendolene, Wallace and the sheep all scream going into a bowl, but Shaune manages to get out as Preston pulls a lever for the sponges to washing and squeezing them as Preston pulls a rope for the tunnel to come down he pulls a lever Wendolene calls “Help” She holds Wallace who is in the tube.

Wendolene notice Shaun “Oh, Shaun” Shaun walks over and stops by some switches Wallace yells “Where’s Gromit and Y/n” Shaun stares as Gromit and Y/n continue to fly around Y/n said “Going to put the machine away” The machine deactivates while holding on Wendolene yells “Shaun, do something” Shaun went to the switches “Help” he flips them on.

Meanwhile Y/n looks to see neon lights turn on he said “Preston’s dog food” Gromit looks towards it they look to one another “Let’s do it” Y/n puts his goggles on and Gromit threw his pilot hat off turning the plane towards the door they duck Gromit press the button to deactivate the wings they go through the door Gromit activates the wings.

They look forward to see a metal door “Deactivate the wings, Gromit” Gromit does that going through the metal door he activates the wings and look to see a brick wall Gromit is about to deactivate “Duck, Gromit” Gromit and Y/n duck going through the brick wall causing the wings to come off.

Y/n and Gromit look to see Wallace, Wendolene and the sheep in the bowl with Preston who turns to see them Y/n activates the machine “EAT THIS” He fires porridge at the path hitting Preston seeing them Wallace yells “Great job, lads” A shot hits Wallace face while Y/n battle cries firing more at Preston hitting him until he’s covered in porridge.

But suddenly he grabs the propeller making it stop and Preston slides until he reach the edge Gromit and Y/n who said “Uh oh” Stare at Preston then suddenly the plane spins instead “AAAAAAHHHHHHH” Y/n and Gromit are sent flying up onto the upper level in ropes while Preston lets going trying to keep his balance and Shaun grabs the rope pulling the tube away from Wallace who is pulled out, Wendolene and the sheep.

The tube is behind Preston who notices looking to Shaun who keeps pulling until Preston is sucked up into the Auto-Dry that activates showing Preston’s feet and tail as Wendolene, Wallace and the sheep move back away from the machine after getting out watching Preston enters the Knit-O-Matic.

Y/n notice this “Gromit, I got an idea” Gromit looks to Y/n who ties up a rope to an anvil Shaun walks up to the machine as Gromit lowers down to the controls and turns the dial to ‘A Close Shave’ he winks at Wallace before going back up clapping Wallace said “Well done, Gromit” Wendolene frowns looking to him and back.

The Knit-O-Matic begins shaving Preston “That will teach him” Shaun watches the fur going through three holes and the needles begin to knit a large shirt but suddenly banging is heard a dent appears making Wallace frowns looking to the machine along with Wendolene and the sheep while another dent appear and the razors come out broken.

Staring Wendolene said “He’s malfunctioning” Hearing this Wallace ask “Mal-what” Looking to him Wendolene said “Malfunctioning” The door bangs and moves “Preston is a cyber-dog” Wendolene looks to Wallace who ask “Cyber-what” Wendolene said “A robot” Suddenly a robot arm pierce through the door scaring them.

They watch the arm move the handle “Daddy created him for good, but…” The arm goes back in “…he’s turned-out evil” Wendolene holds Wallace who looks to the door that opens up for Preston to come out revealing his true form making Wendolene and Wallace gasp then Shaun calls “Baaah” They look to see Shaun shaking.

Preston walks up to Shaun he opens his mouth Preston roars but suddenly Gromit comes down he glares at Preston grabbing Shaun going back up and Preston miss watching them go to Y/n who takes Shaun he ask “You’re safe, Shaun” Preston lower his gaze he roars making Wendolene and Wallace scream with the sheep raising their ears.

Suddenly the robot comes over and puts the large shirt on Preston blinding him, but he walks forward towards them and press a lever making the platform go up Wallace ask “Huh” He Wendolene and the sheep look around until Wallace looks “Ahh” On a conveyer leading to a ‘Preston’s Mutton-O-Matic’ with spikes moving “It’s a sheep-mincing thing”.

Wallace smiles seeing it “Now that’s clever” The platform stops as Gromit whistles making Wallace, Wendolene look up behind them “Huh” Gromit holds a rope and swings making Wallace and Wendolene duck “Aah” Gromit swings over and kicks Preston onto the conveyer belt and Gromit lands on it with him.

Preston roars ripping the shirt in half before looking towards Gromit he opens his mouth raising his hands, but Gromit looks pass Preston who notice and looks behind him raising a brow to see the spikes coming closer while Wallace went to the controls and push a lever making the conveyer go faster causing Gromit and Preston to run but they are slowly getting closer to the spikes.

Preston raises his arms attempt to grab Gromit who keeps running staring Wendolene ask “Do something, Wallace” Wallace looks at the controls and press a button making the platform tilt Wallace, Wendolene and the sheep all scream going onto the conveyer while Shaun and Y/n watch them run on the conveyer away from the spikes.

Y/n grabs another rope and Shaun jumps onto his shoulder holding tightly he yells “Shaun battle cry” He swings and Shaun yells “Baaaahhh” Looking up shaking her head Wendolene said “Duck” She ducks her head confusing Wallace who ask “Where” He looks up to see Y/n and Shaun “Aaah” Wallace ducks for Shaun yell “Baaah” Gromit ducks for Preston to raise his brow seeing them Y/n yells “Mince this”.

He kicks Preston into the spikes making them spikes stop his eyes pope out and his hands open as the machine and conveyer stops for Wallace, Wendolene and the sheep to run forward falling off the edge while Y/n walks to the edge he ask “You okay” Joining on his side Shaun said “Baaah” Sticking his head out Wallace said “By ‘eck”.

Wendolene sticks her head out halfway “I thought we were all for the can them” Gromit stick his head out shaking it while parts of Preston are filling the cans of ‘Preston’s Dog Food’ the lid shuts each can that’s filled up going to the next one.

The next day Wendolene press the doorbell and the door opens revealing Wallace who smiles Wendolene said “I couldn’t pass by without saying thank you” She holds a remote pressing a couple of buttons as beeping is heard Wendolene turns to see Preston on wheels wearing bandages on his head with a newspaper in his mouth “He’s just like he’s used to be”.

Y/n and Gromit come to the door to see Preston state Wallace said “Oh, don’t mention it” Preston reach the door raise his head “Thanks, pooch” Wallace takes the newspaper out of Preston’s mouth which he closes “Give us a shout if he goes wrong again” He gives Y/n the screwdriver smiling Y/n said “If there’s something you want me to try and fix his programming just call”.

Smiling at them Wendolene said “You’re very kind” Motioning Wallace said “Well, why don’t you come in” He smiles at Wendolene “We were about to have some cheese” But Wendolene said “Oh, no, not cheese” She shakes her head “Sorry, it brings me a rash” Y/n looks shocking glancing to Wallace who begins to frown “Can’t stand the stuff”.

Staring and gulps Wallace ask “Not even Wensleydale” Wendolene stares at him she said “Got to be on our way” She looks to Preston before raising the remote “Come on, Preston” Wendolene press a few buttons as Preston beeps turning around following Wendolene while Wallce begins to turn Wendolene pats Preston before looking to Wallace “Goodbye…” She watches the door close and Wendolene shakes her fists “…chuck” She walks after Preston.

Meanwhile Wallace is sitting in his chair he ask “What’s wrong with Wensleydale” He frowns as Gromit reads the newspaper the headline said ‘Gromit Exonerated’ he lowers the newspaper as Y/n reads a book he said “Everyone has different taste, Uncle” Y/n lowers his book while Wallace said “Talking of which…” He looks towards the cheese cover.

Wallace begins to smile “…all the more for us and not a sheep to worry us” He grabs the cover and lifts it to reveal Shaun eating the cheese surprised Y/n ask “What are you doing here, Shaun” Looking to see him Wallace said “Get off me cheese” He wave his hand “Get off” Wallace raise his hand “Get off” He looks to Gromit “Gromit” Gromit looks to him “Gromit”.

Wallace points at Shaun “Go for him” Shocked Y/n said “Are you kidding me, Uncle” He motions Gromit “After everything he went through” He groans going back to his book Wallace said “Gromit” Gromit glance to Y/n “Oh” He looks back “Oh” Gromit shake his head “Oh” He raise the newspaper “Oh” Gromit goes back to reading “Get off with you” Shaun keeps eating “Oh, dear” He gulps before jumping onto Y/n’s arms surprising him Shaun said “Baah” Motioning Wallace said “Go on, shoo, sho, shoo off”.

Chapter 4: Cracking Contraptions

Chapter Text

A hard boil egg on an egg holder is on a conveyor with a cup of tea next to it a spoon goes in and stirring the tea and comes out the conveyer belt for the egg to reach the end and gets cracked.

The Tellyscope

Wallace, Y/n and Gromit are sitting on their chairs Wallace looking around, Y/n Reading a magazine and Gromit reading a book Wallace ask “Nearly time for our favourite TV program, eh Gromit, Y/n” Looking at his watch Y/n said “You are correct, Uncle” Gromit is about to get up but Wallce said “Ah no, don’t get up”.

Gromit and Y/n looks to Wallace press a button on his armchair “I’ll use my new remote-control device” The arm opens for a glove attach to a spring holding a tennis ball Wallace pulls the glove and let go for it to release the ball into a hole in the painting of Wallace, Y/n and Gromit at a place called Blackpool.

The ball went hits a target going onto a pipe bouncing out before rolling down in a spiral pipe making the rope pull a piece of cement up and the ball lands in a basket that went on a Ferriss wheel before it was pop out landing on another glove to pull a lever making gears to move while the TV rolls out of the wall towards Wallace who points “This will save your legs, it’s precision technology”.

The TV went up to Wallace for him to press the button turning the TV on “Oh ho” It went back Gromit shake his head a bit and Y/n stare in disbelief “Spot on target from the comfort of my armchair” They watch the TV go back into the wall on the screen shows Penguins the Annoucer said “These seemingly placid birds have adapted perfectly to the hostile environment”.

It shows more Penguins “But explorers beware…” A couple of Penguins turn around “…few are prepared for the consequences…” More Penguins are seen and one Penguin stares in a direction “…when penguins turn…” The Penguin turns to the camera Wallace said “Oh wrong program” He shake his fists “Quick, change channel”.

Wallace press a button for the arm to open he looks around him “Oh…” Y/n looks to him “Aah, I’ve used my only ball” Turning his head Y/n ask “Gromit do you have the remote” Nodding Gromit pulls out the remote and gives to Y/n “I’ll change the channel, Uncle” He aims the remote but Wallace takes it he said “Oh thanks, lad” He puts the remote on the glove “Ah that’s just the ticket”.

Noticing Y/n yells “Wait Uncle Wallace, don’t” But Wallace pulls the glove and let’s go making it release the remote into the hole making Gromit slap his head and Y/n looks to Wallace “Uncle you could have use it to change the channel” Suddenly a bang caught his attention along with Wallace and Gromit.

They look around hearing more noises coming from within the walls even hearing a horse neigh then it went silent then the TV channel changes to ‘The Cheese Files’ Wallace ask “Oh well, I think we got away with that, eh pooch, lad” He smiles at Gromit and Y/n “Mmm” But suddenly noise got their attention Y/n said “Uh oh”.

The TV shakes the screen went static and the TV comes out of the wall fast surprising Gromit and Y/n who jumps out of his chair onto the floor just as the TV went to Wallace who yells “Ohh owh” The TV snap off hitting him into the window “Ohh ohh” Y/n sits up next to Gromit “Oh that’s torn it” Wallace is dizzy “I think I’ve ben my tube” Sighing Y/n said “I’ll go order another TV and remote”.

A Christmas Cardomatic

A turkey costume is seen standing Wallace said “Come on, smile” Y/n use white flour for snowflakes to fall “Think festive” The Turkey raise it’s right wing and bend it’s right leg for a flash then it stands on the tip of the log “Watch the birdy” Turkey turns for another flash then it stands on it’s left leg spread both wings “Leg a little higher…”

It does so “…up a bit…” The Turkey stretch up more “…hold it there” A flash happens then the Turkey turns showing its backside making Y/n laugh a bit “Uuh, huh, cheeky hmhm” A flash happens Wallace stood next to a camera “Just one more for the album then, Y/n get in the photo” Y/n climbs down the ladder and stood next to the Turkey.

They wrap their arm and wing around their sides “Say cheese” Y/n said “Cheese” Wallace press the button for a flash from the camera almost making the Turkey lose it balance “Whoa gotcha, lad” Wallace said “Okay, that’s a wrap” He went over to a lever “Righto let’s start her up” Wallace pushes a lever activating the machine.

Y/n helps the Turkey off the log and pulls the head off revealing Gromit who shake his head looking to Y/n who ask “All better now” Gromit nods his head as the machine pumps with Wallace on a ladder he said “Everything seems to be developing nicely” He grabs some glue and puts two drops inside the funnel “Hmm”.

Wallce grabs a vial of glitter and pours ¾ of it inside then climbs down the ladder walking over to the end of the machine with Gromit and Y/n standing on one side and Wallace on the other “Ha ha any minute now…” He shakes his fists while Christmas cards comes out Wallace takes the first one “Oh just look at that, Gromit, Y/n”.

Gromit and Y/n took one each “Um I think we’ve captured the true spirit of Christmas” Y/n looks to see part of Gromit’s behind making him chuckle a bit and Gromit looks at the picture of Y/n and Gromit together “Ah you’d never get a scene like that, not in the month of Sundays” Wallace pulls a lever to make the carboard go up revealing a window.

He walks away staring at the Christmas card as Gromit looks at the window for a second but shakes then taps Y/n’s shoulder he ask “What is it, Gromit” Gromit points and Y/n looks and is shocked outside the window is snow with lots of turkeys three notice them and wave Gromit and Y/n both wave back Wallace calls “Come on, Gromit”.

Gromit and Y/n look to the side “It’s your turn to lick the stamps” Gromit slumps staring at the turkey’s and one of them blows a party horn, but Y/n said “Gromit” He takes Gromit out of his costume and pulls two chairs placing them on the floor “Sit down” Gromit does watch Y/n grab the camera button and sits next to him.

Y/n points to the camera and Gromit does “Cheese” He press the button for the camera to flash then Y/n went over to the lever and push it activating the machine then went to the funnel putting a few drops of glue in “A little bit more of this” He grabs the vial pouring the rest of the glitter in “The rest of the glitter” Y/n went over to the end watch more Christmas cards come out.

He takes two and went over to Gromit holds it to him slowly Gromit takes it, and he looks in the photo to see Gromit and Y/n sitting together with turkey’s all posing behind them or waving “I think we captured the true spirit Christmas, Gromit” Gromit nods agreeing before they leave the room.

The Autochef

Wallace is screwing a bolt in a remote control he said “I think I fixed it this time, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit is eating a banana and reading the newspaper as Y/n is eating a some toast reading a magazine but when they heard him Y/n ask “You mean the…” Quickly he passes Gromit a raincoat and puts it on while Y/n pulls out a police shield in front of him.

Looking at the remote Wallace said “Righto, three English breakfasts coming up” He press a button for a robotic Chef to roll in it said “Beep, beep, beep, beep” It turns it head “Top of the morning” The Autochef stops between Wallace and Gromit “Yum, yum, yum” Looking at the remote Wallace ask “Scrambled eggs, eh lad”?

Wallace presses the eggs button then the scrambled button he smiles watching the Autochef scrambled the eggs in the blender until it stops opening the top Autochef said “Grubs up” It fires the eggs into the air but instead of landing on the plate the eggs landed on Gromit “Bon appetite” Lowering the shield Y/n said “I think there is still need some work on it”.

Frowning Wallace said “Oh, I think I’ll have my eggs fried” The Autochef close the blender as Wallace press the buttons then smiles watching the Autochef head opens revealing two eggs on a frypan sizzling “Mmm” Wallace smile and the Autochef said “Sunny side up” The pan flips causing the eggs to hit Wallace’s who yells “Aghh” He shake his fists due to the eggs landing on his eyes.

Gromit wipes the eggs off him, and Wallace stands up “Who turned out the lights” The Autochef close its head to Y/n who said “Uh oh” Stumbling Wallace said “Ohh, there goes my Aspidisra” A pipe comes out like a nose the Chef ask “More tea, Vicar” Y/n quickly raise the shield just as the Autochef fires hitting it “One lump or two”.

The Autochef turns firing more tea in directions “Get off and milk it” Still walking around blind Wallace said “Do something, Gromit, Y/n” Y/n keeps using the shield to deflect the tea shots the Autochef ask “More stuffing, madam” Gromit grab his banana peel stuffing it on the pipe “Yum yum, cats bum”.

Gromit gets behind Y/n who holds the shield watching the Autochef turns it’s head as Wallace collapse on his back “Something for the weekend, sir” It stops shaking a bit “Careful with that éclair” The Autochef spins it’s head rapidly “Fill her up, Landlord” It went faster “Put it in the curry…” Noticing Y/n yells “It’s gonna blow” He and Gromit duck below the shield.

The Autochef stops staring forward it said “Knickers” It blows up slowly Wallace, Y/n and Gromit get up staring at the headless Autochef looking to one another Wallace said “Ohhh ohhh” They get up Wallace wave his hand, Gromit put his elbow on the table and Y/n lowers the shield “Ohhh, I think I’ll have the continental tomorrow lads” The head lands on the table and the pipe springs out.

The Snowmanotron

Gromit is reading the newspaper and Y/n is reading a book then Gromit notice a competition he taps Y/n who ask “Yes, Gromit” Gromit points at the paper “A snowman competition” Y/n narrow his eyes at Gromit who narrows his both staring at one another for a moment.

Now they are both outside the house in the yard making snowmen Gromit is making a sculpture of Wallace as the Thinker and Y/n is making a sculpture of the Robot they met on the moon with its arms posing upward while a honk is heard Wallace said “Weh hee” He drives pass with his new invention making Gromit and Y/n look at him “Look out, Gromit, Y/n”.

They look to one another before going back to their snowmen “Wo-oh” Wallace scoops up snow passing them “I’m bound to win this year” Stopping Y/n said “Just make sure not to hit our snowmen, Uncle” The invention stops scooping then the scooper lifts up Wallace said “Ooh, that’s enough snow” The snow is dump inside the holder.

Wallace reverses the invention towards Gromit and Y/n who yells “Uncle” But Wallace keeps backing up Gromit and Y/n stood in front of their snowmen saving them until Wallace stops making them look “Whew” Y/n wipe his forehead Wallace said “Aah, the perfect spot” He pulls the lever and press start for a robotic arm to punch the snow into the machine.

Two more arms with gloves punch the snow from the sides into the machine but it causes Gromit and Y/n’s snowmen to shake Y/n said “Our snowmen” Gromit and Y/n hold their snowmen to stop them from shaking until Wallace press the button making the machine stop Gromit lets go wiping his head, but the head of his snowman falls off Gromit bends down to get it.

Slowly Y/n lets go seeing his snowman all right “That was close” But the left arm comes off “Better get that” Y/n goes down to get up just as Wallace pulls the eject lever making the door swing open destroying both Gromit and Y/n’s snowmen lowering a ramp while a snowman slides out with its head on the side.

Y/n and Gromit grab their broken pieces and turn back only to see their snowmen destroyed “Come on” Walking over to his snowman Wallace ask “Aah, not bad for the first try eh” He put a hat on top making the carrot and eyes fall out” Gromit furrow his brow and Y/n begins to frown staring at Wallace who looks down “Ooh you’ve both decided to start again”.

Furrowing his brows Y/n said “I’m going back inside to have some hot chocolate” He threw the arm back on the ground “You coming, Gromit” Nodding Gromit drops the head and take his scarf off follows Y/n back to the house while Wallace looks at his snowman examining it he said “I think I’ve captured the inner snowman”.

Gromit follows Y/n into the house and use his back left leg to slam the door but by doing that the snow on the small roof falls down landing on the yard “Ooh, oh, oh…” The door opens Y/n said “Hello”.

He stops along with Gromit they look to see Wallace covered in snow they look to one another before heading for him Y/n puts a scarf round the neck and Gromit puts the eyes and nose on they nod standing next to the snowman and smile then a flash happens.

A few hours later a picture of them is seen on the newspaper Gromit flips the page on the front it said ‘Y/n and Gromit wins snowman competition’ Y/n drinks some hot chocolate and Wallace said “Well done, Gromit, Y/n…” Gromit and Y/n look to Wallace who is trying to stay warm “…but I thought that snowman was abominable” Gromit shake his head and Y/n takes another sip.

Shopper 13

Wallace and Gromit are inside the basem*nt Gromit is at a controls and Wallace is writing on a notepad, but Y/n wasn’t there with them Wallace said “Fuel transfer complete…” He turns to Gromit “Confirm all systems, go for launch…” Wallace lowers his pad to see Gromit gives a thumbs up “Ignition” Gromit press the launch button it causes the place to shake, and rumbling is heard.

Meanwhile two trees split to the sides for a platform to rises revealing a plead shopping trolley with a camera attach to the handle and a clipboard with the number 13 clipped to the front and rolls forward on three wheels “We have liftoff” The Shopper 13 rolls forward on the path “The Shopper 13 has cleared the garden on its 13th mission to the shops”.

Two parts of the Shopper 13 comes off for two arms to come out as Wallace puts some headphones on “Set guidance control to manual” Gromit turns a dial for the lights on the board to light up and the screen shows what the camera is facing “Righto take a left on Stompton Avenue and proceed to the pack and save”.

Wallace looks at his book and wave his arm Gromit move the joystick and looks at the map seeing the Shopper 13 has reach the shops Gromit looks to the TV seeing the doors that the arms open and enters the shop “Begin cheese acquisition, aisle two” Wallace looks at his notepad and Gromit slides his camera pressing a yellow button.

Another TV turns on for another camera to activate turning to the cheese in front “Easy does it, steady lad” The trolly moves forward raising both arms and a targeting system aims at the ‘Lite Cheese’ but Wallace notice it “It’s the wrong cheese, Gromit” Gromit pulls a green lever and moves the yellow joystick “Go for the big one”.

The Shopper 13 moves away from the cheese and looks up to see a giant wheel of cheese called ‘Big Cheese’ the targeting system aims “Weh hey” The arms reach out for it “Ah hah” The arms grab the cheese and puts it in the basket and Wallace smiles “Well done, lad” The Shopper 13 turns and begins to move “Now bring it home”.

But suddenly an alarm blares causing Gromit to move over to the red joystick grabbing it but the cheese in the Shopper 13 was too heavy making an ‘Weight overload’ causing the Shopper 13’s wheels to squeak while Gromit tries to keep it steady but suddenly the camera tilts causing a ‘Danger’ to appear on the screen and the Shopper 13 moves around in a circle Wallace and Gromit stare “Gromit, we have a problem”.

The Shopper 13 moves in a circle and Gromit grabs the joystick then pulls a lever for the Shopper 13 arm to spread out and grabs a breadstick as Gromit push a green lever the TV static disappears revealing the Shopper 13 heading for the door by using the breadstick “It’s a long loaf but it just might work…” Wallace rubs his hands smiling “…and lovely with a slice of cheese hum hum”.

When the door to the shop closes just as Y/n appears around the corner with a list he said “Okay, crackers, tea, vegetables, fruits” He has black trolley made of plastic behind him “Now just to get the cheese” He looks and saw another ‘Big Cheese’ Y/n grabs it putting it inside the trolly “Okay just have to pay for it and head home” He pulls the trolly with him to the counter.

Meanwhile the Shopper 13 makes a turn from the shops as Wallace walks with a cup of tea in his hand he looks concern towards the crackers reach out of one but he stops and turns to the board walking over to it next to Gromit while the trolly is moving through the park it moves by a bench, but a soccer ball went pass causing the Shopper 13 to lean back.

Noticing Wallace said “Look out” The Shopper 13 begins to lean back and it’s arms wave in circles then Gromit moves the joystick and press a button for the trolly to gain it’s balance and moves forward Gromit wipe his forehead and moves the joystick while the Shopper 13 makes the final turn heading for ‘Home’ Wallace notice “He’s almost due for re-entry”

Wallace takes his headphones off and leaves the basem*nt walks to the window moving the curtain Wallace looks around “I can see him” The Shopper 13 turns passing the gate moving forward to the door Wallace takes a breath “It’s just one small step” The Shopper 13 reaches the step and begins to climb it “I knew he’d make it” Wallace smiles “Aha” He shakes his fists.

But suddenly the other wheel pops off causing the Shopper 13 to lean on it’s back making the Big Cheese come out and roll to the gate stopping on its side “Uh ohh” Wallace notice and got concern “Uh ohh the edam is stranded” He looks behind him and back “Gromit, we will have to launch the probe ohh” Gromit walks over to a lever and pulls it.

A small door opens at the garage to launch Shaun who said “Beeeeaarrr…” He rides on a skateboard wearing a helmet that covers his head on the path and Wallace gasp watching him skate over to the cheese he said “Haha that’s it boy…” Shaun looks to Wallace who motions “…bring it here ha” The helmet opens and Shaun begins to eat the cheese.

Wallace notice “Hm ha ooh, oii get off me cheese” He bangs on the window “Gromit” He wave his fists “Gromit” Gromit looks up to hear his name “Go for him” But Gromit cross his arms looking away “Gromit” Wallace looks back “Aah I’ll give you what for you tike” He bangs on the window while Shaun keeps eating “Gromit” Shaun gulps “Ohh” Shaun said “Baaaahhhh”.

Meanwhile Y/n arrives noticing Shaun and the cheese he said “Shaun” Shaun turns to see Y/n and jumps into his arms “What are you doing out here” Seeing him Wallace calls “Y/n, you’re back” Y/n and Shaun look to Wallace who wave his fists “Quick get me cheese” Y/n is confuse until he saw the trolly, the cheese and the skateboard.

Slowly realising Y/n said “Oh boy” He puts Shaun down and picks up the cheese placing it on his trolly “I believe Wallace forget it was my turn to go shopping” Y/n grabs the handle and walks to the house “Come on, Shaun” Shaun said “Baaaahhhh” He follows Y/n who opens the door and they enter the house closing it.

The Snoozatron

Wallace is in his room trying to sleep he groans moving around his bed he turns looking at the clock and rest head on the pillow he said “Ohhh” The clock said ‘3:00am’ Wallace moves again “Ahh” He reaches and turns the lamp on “I’ll never sleep after all that cheese there’s only one thing for it” Wallace pulls a lever for the ‘Snoozatron’ to activate.

Above it a countdown rolls the numbers as Gromit is sleeping in his room but suddenly a Snoozatron bell rings waking him up Gromit realises and turns the lamp on he gets up grabs a costume opens a door to see the door to Y/n room opens wiping his eyes Y/n ask “Snoozatron” Gromit nods walking pass him and Y/n yawns and moves while Shaun sleeps on his bed.

Meanwhile Wallace leans forward for two machines to lower down and two arms pop from the floor the arms tuck the sheets under the mattress and the machines fluff Wallace pillow he said “Oops” He moves forward at each fluff “Oh steady on” Gromit moves down the hallway wearing a sheep costume trying to wake up.

The machines raise up for Wallace to relax “Aah” A small arm lowers down holding a hot water bag it drops onto the bed “Hum hmm oh just right” Wallace smiles raising his arm for another arm to give him a teddy bear he looks to photo of a record player and Gromit until it lowers down revealing a real one playing a lullaby.

Meanwhile Gromit is sitting at the table waiting and slowly begin to sleep only for a trap door to open above surprising Gromit standing up “Ready, Gromit” Gromit pulls the last part of the costume over his ears then takes a step back for a spring to send Gromit up hovering in front of Wallce “One…” Gromit went down before coming back up “…two…”

Gromit waves his arms “…three…” Wallace begins to yawn “…four…” He sways a bit trying to keep his eyes open “…five…” Gromit flails into the air “…sixrhh…” Suddenly Wallace falls on his pillow and went to sleep while Gromit hovers in front, but he notices Wallace is asleep snoring and Gromit hovers with his arms cross and went down before coming up to look how many times.

The countdown said ‘489 sheep remaining’ Gromit grabs a newspaper and was about to read when he hovers in the air but the door opens Gromit looks to see Y/n enter the room and walks over to the Snoozatron wiping his eyes while Gromit hovers to see Y/n pulls a yellow lever for the snoozatron to stop and when Gromit went down the trap door closes and the record player went back into the wall.

Y/n turns the lamp off and walks over to the door close it quietly he saw Gromit walk up the stairs he said “Goodnight Gromit” He turns and head for his room closing the door and Gromit walks over to his room closing the door taking his costume off and went to sleep.

The Turbo Diner

Wallace is humming a tune using a hammer to fix the Autochef body the Gromit and Y/n comes in he said “Time for tea, Uncle” Seeing them Wallace said “Ahh tea time already lads” Y/n and Gromit put the trays down on the table but most of it has parts of the Autochef scattered on it Y/n said “Uncle we need to clear the table”.

Gromit is about to help Y/n pick some parts, but Wallace said “No need to clear up, my new turbo diner will take care of everything” Wallace walks over and insert a coin into a slot machine “We just top up the meter…” He turns the dial for the meter to go full “…take the seat and let the machine do all the work”.

Wallace sits down and Gromit sits across from him as Y/n sits down on the side but suddenly clamps grip Gromit’s wrist surprising him then clamps grip Gromit’s ankles then a rope pulls the chair closer to the table Y/n notice Wallace’s chair doing the same thing he quickly gets out of his chair to avoid the clamps Y/n ask “Was the clamps really necessary”?

The rope pulls the chair causing it to trip Y/n into it smiling Wallace ask “Ready” Gromit and Y/n both stare at him then a rumbling caught their attention as Wallace smiles looks up making Y/n and Gromit look to see a part of the ceiling lift and opens for a large vacuum to lower down and it activates sucking the parts into it.

Wallace and Gromit lean forward, and Y/n holds onto the chair tightly “Wo ogh” The meter begins to move holding on tightly Y/n yells “How much power does this use” Smiling Wallace yells “That’s 300 horse power of pure suck” Gromit tries to look to Y/n who keeps holding on his chair “Not bad eh” The lights flicker a bit until the vacuum stops and goes up.

Only for another machine wide as the table to land on it for a red glow to appear under it the meter went pass the half way mark then the machine stops and went up revealing hot food for dinner and a cake for desert “Wo ho what a spread…” Wallace smiles looking up “…now for the finishing touch” A small machine comes down placing candles down on the table.

A small tube spins and aims at the candles catching Gromit’s attention Y/n said “Uh oh” Fire comes out on the candles just as Gromit moves just out of reach of the fire lighting the candles and it went up Wallace shake his fists happy while the meter reach the end causing everything to stop then a small ding for insert coins appear in the slot machine and the lights went out.

Wallace, Y/n and Gromit all notice “Oh dear” Gromit and Y/n look to Wallace “Uurgh ooh aahh…” He tries to get out of his chair but can’t “…uumm well lovely atmosphere anyway, heh uum” Gromit, Y/n and Wallace look to see the candles went out leaving them in the dark “Don’t worry I’ve got a great idea” Sighing Y/n said “I’ll go check the power box”.

The Bully Proof Vest

It was the middle of the night Wallace is pouring tea in two cups and Y/n has a packet of crackers putting some on a plate Wallace ask “Uuh” He and Y/n look seeing the door swinging Y/n ask “What was that” They stare at the door but a figure is at the window staring at them while Wallace adjust his tie he said “Let’s go to the living room”.

Y/n picks up the tray and they leave the kitchen walking down the hallway suddenly a cat meows catching their attention before entering the living room just as the figure went pass the door Y/n puts the tray down then sits next to Wallace “Aah cracking” He holds a cracker in his hand and Y/n takes another one he said “Nothing like a cracker and tea in a storm.

Meanwhile a glove hand moves the curtain for the figure to stare at Wallace and Y/n who was about to eat their crackers, but a noise caught Wallace’s attention he ask “Heh” He looks pass Y/n who is eating his cracker to the window saw the curtain move while the figure took Wallace cracker “What the…” He looks to Y/n “…Y/n”.

Looking to him Y/n said “Yes” Narrowing his eyes Wallace ask “Did you take my cracker” Shaking his head Y/n said “I only took the cracker on the plate” Suddenly a creak is heard making them look at the wardrobe to see the door closing Wallace looks scared and Y/n raise a brow he gets out of his chair walks over to the wardrobe.

Wallace stood behind watching Y/n open the doors with both hands to see the cracker with a bite on it “I found your cracker” Looking in Wallace gasp raising his hands he said “Uuh” Shaking his hands “Phew huhohaha arrgh” He turns making Y/n look to see Gromit holding a rolling pin he flips it in his hand passing it to his other hand ready to use it.

But suddenly Wallace smiles and press a button on a cube device strapped to his chest it opens for a glove to come out attached to a spring hits Gromit into the door Y/n said “Gromit” He runs pass Wallace who follows him while the door had a Gromit shape hole Y/n opens the door turning the light on to check Gromit who had a black eye.

Y/n sits him up whistling Wallace said “Hehe” He smiles at them “This bully proof vest works a treat” He turns the dial to make the glove move back Y/n said “I think that was a bit too much power with the spring on it, Uncle” Gromit shake his head Wallace said “But that final test was conclusive, eh Gromit” He took a step but his foot stood on the rolling pin making it move.

Wallace trips “Whoops…” He lands on his front accidently pressing the button activating the bully proof vest “…oohwoo…” Wallace goes flying into the air “…doh” Gromit and Y/n cover their faces and look up to see Wallace stuck in the ceiling Y/n ask “You okay, uncle” Groaning Wallace said “Ooooh you both better get a ladder, lads” He breathes “I think I’ve cracked my artex” Y/n and Gromit look to one another.

The 525 Crackervac

Gromit is cleaning bits of crackers on the floor Y/n enters the room with a packet of crackers he said “I’m sorry about the mess Gromit” Gromit wave his hand as Y/n puts the crackers on the table “Let me help” But suddenly a vacuum on wheels rolls over surprising them the Vacuum sucks the cracker mess on the floor Wallace said “I think you’ve both met our new auto vac, watch this”.

Wallace threw the cracker in his hand onto the floor near Y/n foot and the Vacuum turns towards it and rolls over sucking it up “See it has a built-in cracker sensor” Hearing the sensor part Y/n ask “Uncle if it has a sensor for crackers…” Y/n glance over to the packet of crackers on the table “…then that means”.

The Vacuum sensors the packet of crackers and rolls over to it begins to suck it up noticing Wallace said “Oii” He runs over to the Vacuum that sucks half of it “Put those down, oi geroff” Wallace pulls the crackers away while the Vacuum begins to growl with metal teeth coming out Wallace steps back “Ohh” The Vacuum clenches it’s teeth “Go away, help Gromit, Y/n…”

Wallace went behind a chair “…it’s gone crackers” Gromit moves next to Y/n just as Wallace moves around the chair “Here catch” Y/n caught the crackers he looks to the Vacuum who growls turning towards him and Gromit rolls forward Gromit looks to Y/n who had an idea he said “Gromit, Plan West” Nodding Gromit moves to the side for Y/n to pull a cracker out of the packet.

He stood lowering his arms glaring at the Vacuum making it stop moving it growls Y/n narrow his eyes and the Vacuum eyes dim, Gromit moves into position as Y/n moves the cracker in his hand then the clock strikes 12 for Y/n to flip the cracker forward causing the Vacuum to reach for it and Wallace watch the Vacuum jump.

Meanwhile Gromit throws a lasso around the neck of the Vacuum causing him to land on it’s back the Vacuum jumps to get Gromit off but he keeps holding on Wallace said “Ride him, Gromit, ohhh” Y/n moves to get clear of the way he calls “Bring it here, Gromit” Gromit went around the chair making Wallace duck behind he said “Ohh”.

Y/n holds the neck of the Vacuum who growls at him he said “Not this time” He and Gromit tie the neck in a knot making the Vacuum stop and collapse slowly Wallace looks over the chair he said “Ohhh” He looks to Gromit who is sitting on the Vacuum and Y/n is pressing his foot on the head they look to him “Haha we did it”

But suddenly the Vacuum shakes and the back of it explodes sending dust in a direction hearing a vase break Y/n and Gromit look to see the area including Wallace is covered in dust and dirt Wallace wipe his face “Ohh, Gromit, Y/n” He stuck his tongue out “Uurgh I think you both better get the broom, dust pan and brush” Y/n and Gromit look to one another shaking their heads.

The Soccamatic

Y/n and Gromit are in front of a goal post with Gromit as the goalkeeper and Y/n wearing F/t jersey Wallace said “Wake up, Gromit, Y/n” He runs pass wearing a blue and white stripe jersey with a sheep on it, blue shorts, white and blue stripe socks and brown soccer shoes “You’ll have to be on your toes this week, lads”.

Gromit rolls his eyes and sighing Y/n said “Here we go again, Gromit” Wallace said “Come on then” Gromit threw the ball to Wallace who got ready “Whey hah, watch out for my nobbies styles, Gromit” He kicks the ball at Gromit who blocks it with both hands making the ball go back to Wallace “Tom Finney” Wallace kicks the ball only for Y/n to catching it on the side.

Wallace kicks the ball “It’s a rocket from Geoff Hurst…” Gromit jumps blocking the ball at the bottom left as Y/n backflips kicking the ball back “…Shankle…” Gromit blocks with his fingertip “…Pongo Waring…” Y/n blocks with his head making the ball go back to Wallace who moves forward “…Stanley Matthew…” But Gromit leans against the post catching the ball with one hand passing it back “…by eck”.

Smirking Y/n said “Still nothing in the goal” Catching the ball breathing Wallace said “Well that’s you two warmed up I think it’s time to move up a division” He walks away with the ball as Y/n gets ready to block the next shot but he ask “What the” He hears a engine on then gets surprised “Take cover, Gromit” Gromit looks and went surprised making his ears went up and they duck avoiding a soccer ball.

But suddenly more soccer balls went pass them making holes in the fence behind them Wallace said “Hee hee smashing…” He watch holding a tea cup and binoculars in the other “…how do you both like my Preston North End Soccamatic, Gromit, Y/n” He chuckles sitting on the seat with the Soccamatic kicking the soccer balls at them.

Y/n and Gromit both get up avoiding the balls “Works like a treat, eh lads” Leaning back avoiding another one Y/n said “That’s cheating, uncle” Narrowing his eyes at him Y/n leans towards Gromit “Time to try my invention” Nodding Gromit follows Y/n to the side avoiding more soccer balls Wallace said “Guaranteed all the goals, none of the fuss”.

He reads a book but looks down to see there was no soccer balls left “Oh eck I’m out of balls…” He pulls a lever for a soccer ball holder to rise up “…no need to worry there’s plenty more where they come from” The holder spins opens for a couple of balls to come out then spins the next one “Get ready, Y/n Grom…”

Wallace looks back and shake his head “…oh” Y/n stands by the goal post he smirks looking to Gromit who puts on a rubber glove on then pulls a blue cord to make the shirt inflate as Wallace looks up to see the whole suit is covering the goal smiling Y/n ask “What do you think of my Goalomatic, Uncle” The red gloves inflate Wallace said “Ah now, that’s just not cricket, Gromit, Y/n”.

He shake his head before raising a tennis ball and racket “Anyone for tennis perchance” He smiles making Y/n slap his head and Gromit stares at Wallace who hits a tennis ball at the suit “15 love” Y/n raise a remote pressing the red button for the suit to deflate Y/n said “We’re going home” He leaves with Gromit following him Wallace calls “Come on, lads” He press a button for the Soccamatic to follow “How about we go back to soccer”?

Chapter 5: A Matter Of Loaf And Death

Chapter Text

A chopping board is seen on a table with a wooden spoon, flour, salt and pepper shakers, a star cutter around it some flour is thrown onto the board then a large dough lands on it as two hands knead it a Voice said “Oh if I knew you comin’” Kneading the dough is Baker Bob “I’d bake a cake” He smiles kneading “Bake a cake”

Unknown to him a person wearing a oven mitten grabs a rolling pin and slowly walks up to Bob who keeps humming until his hat is taken off “Huh” Bob turns around “Oh” He smiles “It’s you” Bob then notice the person holding the pin “Eh…” The person raise the rolling pin while Bob scared raise his hands “…nooo” A thump is heard and Bob collapse face first into the dough and his glasses land on the back of his head.

The newspaper has a picture of Bob it said ‘Baker Bob murdered 12th baker found dead this year’ lowering the newspaper reveals Y/n and Gromit who gulps looking to each other Y/n ask “Who is killing all these bakers” An alarm clock is ringing making them look up while the clock rings but Wallace is still sleeping with cotton in his ears.

Y/n press a button “Wake up, Uncle” The draw opens up for three mega horns to rise up and blare spinning around as the bed knobs are blinking and a grinder is spinning around with gears moving Y/n shake his head “Still asleep, Gromit” Gromit puts a balloon under the tap filling it up he turns the tap off and moves it outside and attach it to a windmill.

On the flaps said ‘Top Bun’ the balloon went upwards as Wallace moves around he said “Lovely cheese” Y/n and Gromit are stirring two different bowls and Gromit hits the wood behind him not looking for the balloon to come off “I could just wash it down with nice…” The balloon falls through an open hatch and hits Wallace waking him up “Ooh”.

He sits up realising and took the cotton off “I was just coming, lads” Wallace smiles as a oven opens revealing freshly cooked bread and a pair of giant oven mitts grab a tray pulling it out revealing Y/n on a forklift backing up before driving forward while Gromit using another forklift to grab the next tray of bread Y/n said “Let’s load these up”.

Gromit backs the forklift staring to make sure the tray is balance he reach back and pulls a ‘Get-U-Up’ lever as flour goes down a chute in groups Wallace bed tips and the chute moves to Wallace who said “Up away, Gromit, Y/n” He slides down the chute while the flour lands in a bag and Wallace lands in his spandex pants moving forward.

The flour is flung into another chute “With you two in a jiffy” Wallace is flung with his pants down the chute “Tally-ho” He went down the chute swaying a bit as Y/n makes a couple turns with Gromit coming behind him while Wallace before noticing a mixer “Oh no” The flour in front of him lands in it but Y/n reach out and grabs the chute pulling it he said “There you go”.

Smiling Wallace said “Thanks, nephew” He went through a hatch landing on a chef hat “Oh” A robotic arm push Wallace off the conveyer as Y/n reverse the forklift for Gromit to lower his tray and puts it in the back of the car pulling the mitts out Y/n close the door he said “All ready to go” He climbs into the front taking the middle seat.

Meanwhile Gromit fills the car up with Diesel as Wallace rises into his seat he said “Fill her up, lad” He holds a cup for Gromit to pull the pump out holds it over and press a button for tea filling it to the top while the garage door folds up for the car to leave Wallace drinks his tea “Ahh” He pat his stomach “Lovely cuppa, Gromit”.

Wallace looks at the cup “But, a slightly diesel-y aftertaste, perhaps” He looks to Gromit waving his hand Gromit keeps driving forward glancing to him and back “How’s that breakfast going on” Lowering the newspaper Y/n said “It should be done now” He reach down to press a button for a burnt toast to come out while Wallace put his plate under for the toast to land on it.

Moving the plate Wallace said “Well done, lad” He grabs the toast looking at it “Very well done” Wallace bites the toast eating it “Thanks, nephew” He pat Y/n shoulder “You too, chuck” Wallace raise his arm and pat Gromit’s chef hat along with Y/n who narrow his eyes he said “Better read the news, Uncle”.

Y/n gives the newspaper to Wallace who takes it looking at the headline he said “Whoa” He looks shocked “Oh, dear” Gromit and Y/n put their thumbs in their mouths and blows for their chef hats to pop up “Another baker, battered with his own rolling pin” Y/n and Gromit look to one another “Huh, would you credit it”.

Gromit looks forward to keeping an eye on the road “Still looking on the bright side” Wallace raises his finger and Y/n ask “What bright side, Uncle” Turning to him Wallace ask “I suppose it means for business for us, eh, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n look to one another before raising their brows realising Wallace is correct.

Meanwhile the car turns to a shop for Wallace to run out with a tray of bread “We’re on a roll, lads” They car turns and stops for Gromit to run out with another tray of bread as they stop at another shop for Y/n to run out with a 3rd tray of bread he said “Bread delivery” He comes inside Wallace said “Time for your new invention, Y/n”.

Smiling Y/n said “Excellent” He press a button for his chair to rise up the roof opens for a machine to rise up turning into machine gun with bread inside Y/n turns grabbing the controls putting his goggles on “The Bread-O-Gunner is ready” He turns and fires a bread making it land in the mailbox 35 on the right before turning and firing the next bread in the mailbox 36.

Wallace threw a bread at door 83, Gromit threw another bread at door 9 as Wallace threw another bread into mailbox 25 and Gromit threw another bread into mailbox 72, Y/n fires each bread landing in the mailbox 118 and other mailboxes or doors Wallace said “Good day’s work, lads” He raise his bread ready to throw “We’re bang on…”

He stops shaking his head looking forward to sees a woman riding a bike and a white poodle sitting in the basket “…target” Wallace threw the bread Y/n notice the aim he yells “Uncle” He turns and fires hitting the bread into the mailbox saving another woman who gasp then catch the bread looking towards Y/n “SORRRY”.

He press a button for the Bread-O-Matic to go back down after and Y/n returns to the front “What was that, Uncle” Wallace gasp tilting his head staring at the Woman with blonde hair wearing a sunny hat, a white scarf, a white dress and black shows but it fades a Voice said “I’m light as a feather” The Woman is seen holding a tray of bread sitting under a balloon holding a rope but a skinny “I’m the Bake-O-LITE Girl” The Woman winks.

Wallace shakes his head watching the Woman waves riding pass she said “Coo-euy” Looking to where she’s going Wallce said “Gromit, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n look to Wallace who points “Did either of you see who that was” Suddenly the Woman calls “Help” Wallace, Y/n and Gromit look back to see the Woman wave her hands going downhill “Help”.

Leaning forward Y/n said “She’s in trouble” Wallace turns the car around as the Woman pulls the handle for the breaks but it didn’t respond The Woman said “Ooh, help” She and her dog went down very fast “Argh” Wallace, Y/n and Gromit drive down the hill after them catching up Wallace said “Here, Gromit” He holds the wheel to Gromit “Take the wheel”.

Gromit takes it Y/n said “Uncle” A door slams Gromit shake his head watching Wallace lick his hands going across the hood the Woman calls “Help” Gromit inserts the wheel to see Wallace jump across landing his feet on the wheel holding onto the basket he said “Don’t fret madam” Wallace looks towards Y/n and Gromit “Teacakes, lads” Leaning out from the top Y/n ask “What kind”?

He goes back into the car searching hearing Wallace calls “The wholemeal fruit, on me knees” He points at his knees as Y/n gives one to Gromit before leaning out and threw a teacake on Wallace who use it on the tire while Gromit aims and threw another teacake passing the Woman to Wallace other knee on the tire.

Wallace grunts trying to slow down the wheel that causes smoke the Woman said “Oh dear” They reach the bottom of the hill and headed into the zoo Wallace calls “Should’ve tried the granary rolls…” Y/n leans out shaking his head pointing he yells “UNCLE” Looking behind him Wallace said “Oh, ‘eck” They head towards a wall with a sign said ‘Do not feed the crocodiles’.

The tire hits the wall the Woman screams, Wallace flails his arms and legs and the dog spins around Y/n grabs Wallace foot as he grabs the Woman’s ankle, but the dog went into the crocodile suddenly Gromit went pass grabbing the hat the string went around the Woman’s nose and use it to head for the crocodile.

Gromit use a baguette to keep the crocodile’s mouth open going inside and comes out with the dog just as the crocodile close its mouth breaking the baguette in half the crocodile frowns as Y/n helps Gromit out “Oh” Gromit stands up shaking his head “Oh, dear” Wallace takes the Woman’s hand “All you right, miss”?

The Woman jumps off the wall “Madam” She checks her hairs the Woman said “I do apologise” Wallace chuckles as Y/n lifts the bike up he said “Oh” Gromit looks towards them “It’s an honour to be of help” The dog stumbles and sways the Woman said “I must get those brakes seen to” The dog collapse.

Y/n holds the bike looking he said “Gromit, move the tire and I’ll test the brakes” Gromit nods and moves to the tire as the Woman said “We’re so grateful, aren’t we, Fluffles” Fluffles legs shake but the Woman taps her “Fluffles” Shaking her head Fluffles look to her before heading to Wallace said “Oh, it was nothing” Fluffles jumps licking his face making Wallace laugh.

Gromit moves the tire “What a lovely little doggy” Y/n pulls the handbrakes for the tire to stop he said “That should’ve stopped before she went down the hill” Holding a hand out the Woman said “My name’s Piella” Piella smiles “Piella Bakewell” Shaking her hands smiling Wallace said “Oh, I know who you are miss”.

Letting go Wallace waves his hands “Light as a feather, you’re the BAKE-O-LITE girl” He spins and points at Piella who said “Oh” She chuckles smiling “That’s me” Smiling back Wallace said “I’m Wallace” He chuckles “I’m in bread myself along with my nephew Y/n” Y/n said “Hello” He waves checking the brakes with Gromit who looks to Wallace.

Piella ask “Oh, really” Gromit rolls his eyes looking back to Y/n who sighs shaking his head as Wallace move his head and back he ask “Are you still ballooning, Miss…” Shocked Piella ask “I do beg your pardon” Realising what he ask Wallace said “Oh, no, no” He wave his hands “The BAKE-O-LITE balloon” Piella lower her gaze “Do you still fly it”?

Releasing a breath Piella said “Oh” She smiles “Oh, I see” But she lowers her gaze “No” Piella frowns “Not anymore” Moving his head Wallace said “Well, back to the grind, as it were” Y/n and Gromit inspects the bike while Wallace waves “Goodbye, Mrs. Bakewell” Leaning to the side Piella said “Oh, I’d rather say ‘au revoir’” She takes her bike from Y/n and Gromit.

They look towards her Wallace said “Oh, qui, qui, madame” He raise a finger chuckling as Piella moves her bike she smiles “And bon appetite” Piella gets Fluffles in the basket she said “Bye” She rings the bell riding away.

A few hours later back at the Top Bakery dough is on a table Wallace puts a small dough on top Wallace smiles he said “The Bake-O-Lite girl” He rips a small dough to place it on a dough statue of Piella’s head “Fancy that, Gromit, Y/n” Y/n is stirring two bowls at the same time while Gromit holds a tray of bread rolling around he rolls over to move a tray of donuts with frosting on top to the side.

Wallace put his elbow where the tray was “It’s not every day you meet the girl of your dreams, is it” Gromit turns the dial for a ding on the oven as Wallace stares at the Piella dough then to a posta of Piella on the balloon while looking to him Y/n said “It’s a once and a life time’s chance, Uncle” Sighing Wallace said “Oh, well” He shake his head “This isn’t going to put bread on the table, is it”?

Gromit skates over helping Y/n with one bowl as Wallace begins to get up to help but suddenly the doorbell rings catching Wallace, Y/n and Gromit’s attention Y/n ask “You expecting anyone, Uncle” Wallace walks over to the door and opens it he said “Oh, hello” Standing there is Piella who said “We were just passing by going for a walk…”

Piella leans back as Gromit went over to the Piella dough and press the top squishing it Y/n holds the bowl stirring looking at them “…and Fluffles insisted on dropping in, hopping you would join us” Fluffles look down “Please say yes” Gromit stops next to Y/n watching “She should be so disappointed…” Wallace glance behind him and down to Fluffles.

Piella looks to Fluffles “…wouldn’t you, Fluffy” Fluffles didn’t move until Piella kicks her “Wouldn’t you, Fluffly” Getting up Fluffles glance to her before walking over to Wallace grabbing his apron and pulls to join Wallace said “Oh” He raise his hands “Well if you insist, but I’m in my work things” He glance back to Gromit who put a hand on his side and Y/n who stops stirring.

However Piella said “I like a man in uniform” She clap her dress “Come on” Piella begins to turn “Walkies” Gromit and Y/n watch them leave Wallace calls “Manage without me, won’t you, lads” He close the door while Y/n and Gromit look to one another and back sighing Y/n said “More money for us, Gromit” He turns going back to stirring “Let’s keep working” Gromit sighs skates pass with the tray.

Meanwhile Wallace, Piella and Fluffles are in the park Wallace and Piella are throwing crumbs towards the ducks they laugh throwing more until their hands met to get more crumbs Piella and Wallace look to one another Piella leans in and smiles surprised Wallace said “Oh, crumbs”.

The next day bread rises in the oven and the oven dings Y/n pulls the doors open he said “Next batch is ready, Gromit” Gromit stirs two bowls hearing this he moves to get the next batch of dough and Y/n moves to get the forklift but suddenly the doorbell rings catching their attention while the BAKE-O-LITE clock said 4:00 o’clock.

Piella chuckles holding a cup to Gromit who pours tea in it she said “Oh, Mr. Wallace, you are cheeky” Wallace holds a plate of cooked buns as Piella place her hand on his leg he said “Oh, am I” Y/n arrives holding a tray of crackers and cheese but stops to notice Piella’s hand on Wallace leg Y/n looks to Gromit who is surprised looking to him.

The next day Wallace and Piella are on a boat passing a billboard of Vanice they ride on ‘Larry’s Love Barge’ the barge went under a bridge as Gromit turns the dial from warm to hot while Wallace and Piella are in a restaurant holding hands walking forward dancing together as Y/n turns the dial from hot to very hot while Piella and Wallace are making a dough statue together but Wallace is struggling to reach over he smiles as Gromit and Y/n are trying to sleep Y/n turn his f/s/m.

The next morning the alarm clock rings waking Gromit up sitting to turn it off he gets out of his bed stretching and leaves the room to meet Y/n who yawns he ask “Ready for delivery, Gromit” Gromit nods they went down baking the fresh bread loading it up and drive out of the garage for their daily deliveries for the day.

They make a turn entering the driveway Gromit takes his chef hat and Y/n takes his off “Another job well…” He shakes his head looking to the side making Gromit look “…done” They ride pass a trashcan with Gromit’s stuff inside with Y/n’s radio too “Is that my radio and your stuff, Gromit” Gromit slowly nods looking to him and back.

Gromit and Y/n enter the house taking their aprons off Y/n holds his radio “Better check to see if it still works” He gives Gromit his apron “Can you hang mine up” Gromit nods taking it before walking to the hooks to hang their aprons on, but Gromit stops to see coat and hat on Gromit’s and Y/n’s hooks Gromit blinks taking a step back.

Suddenly Gromit stumbles due to his feet in Piella’s shoes that came off and Gromit bumps into a stand with a vase on it shaking but Gromit stops it Wallace said “Oh, makes a change, doesn’t it, my fudge cake” Y/n stops looking at the plants around “Gromit and Y/n’s gonna love this” He and Gromit walk over to the dining room.

Piella said “Well, I thought you could do a woman’s touch around the house…” Gromit and Y/n look to see Piella putting flowers in another vase and Wallace eats as Piella looks to him “…you naughty, slovenly boy” Noticing them Wallace ask “What do you both think, Gromit, Y/n” Y/n looks disturbed while Gromit looks around “You both wouldn’t know it was our place, would you, lads”?

Gromit begins to get angry and Y/n said “It’s okay” He fake a smile before leaving with Gromit following him they went up the stairs “I’m going to take some rest” He opens his door and enters his room while Gromit opens the door entering his room slamming the door close he takes a breath before exhaling.

But suddenly Gromit looks shocked to see vases with flowers inside a poster with two puppies in a basket it said ‘Let’s be friends’, flowery pillows as Gromit looks to the flowers next to him getting angrier, he grabs the flowers and threw them into the trash can and he shakes in anger suddenly the door knocks catching his attention.

Quickly Gromit grabs the flowers and tries to put them up like they were in the vase he walks over to the door and opens it Gromit sees Fluffles who is holding a box of his things her legs shake Piella calls “Careful for another sausage, you greedy thing” Fluffles and Gromit look to the stairs Wallace said “Don’t mind if I do” Gromit leans out Piella said “My, what an appetite”.

Gromit looks to Fluffles who looks to him and slowly Gromit walks over and place his paws on the box and tries to take it but Fluffles glance she grunts nodding for Gromit to realise he was holding her paw and he takes his off and put it on the box taking it while Fluffles giggles due to Gromit pulling out a record that said ‘Puppy Love’ Gromit begins to blush moving a bit.

He looks to Fluffles who put her paws on her sides and Gromit lowers the record and his blush went away Piella calls “Fluffles” Catching Fluffles attention “Where are you” She grunts running to the stairs and Gromit watch her go while a cough got his attention Gromit looks to Y/n who smiles leaning on the doorframe Gromit stares at him Y/n ask “Found your love” Gromit blush looking away.

Meanwhile Wallace is at the door waving he said “Same time tomorrow, my apple strudel” Piella rides on her bike waving with Fluffles in her basket as Wallace close the door turning around taking his apron off and threw it to the hook “Oh, love is a many-splendored thing, Gromit, Y/n…” Wallace walks over to the stairs “…but it doesn’t half tire out”.

Gromit and Y/n walk out of their rooms “I’m cream-crackered” Leaning on the wall Y/n said “That’s what happened when you fall in love” Suddenly Wallace said “Oh, my ‘eck” He grabs a purse “Piella’s purse” Wallace raise a finger “I must return it forthwith” He quickly went to the door and opens it to see rain falling down Wallace begins to smile “Oh, Gromit” Concern Gromit looks to Y/n who ask “Can’t you give to her in the morning, Uncle”?

An hour later the lighting flashes outside Piella’s house as Gromit walks pass the gate to the door, he shakes the water off him Gromit looks to the purse then he reaches grabbing the ring and use it to knock but suddenly the door opens fully the thunder rumbles and lightning flashes while Gromit looks around, he heard noises and saw a light under the door.

Gromit walks over looking at the purse as the door close making Gromit stop for a moment before walking forward to the door, he raises his paw to knock the lighting flashes upstairs making Gromit look to see shadows while Gromit blinks a bit looking to the door and decided to walk up the stairs slowly seeing the shadows.

Slowly Gromit enters the room he blinks surprised, and the lightning flashes Gromit walks forward to see mannequins with aprons and chef’s hat Gromit walks pass a couple before turning around to see a mannequin with a sticky note that said ‘12’ he passes more before turning around Gromit stops to see a mannequin that had a sticky note that said ‘13’.

Only this mannequin didn’t have a chef hat on it Gromit stares at it confuse the lightning flashes for him to see a book on a dressing table Gromit walks over puts the purse down he looks at the mannequins from the mirror before opening the book revealing a picture of Piella and a baker that had a red X over him and underneath is a number 1.

Gromit looks at the mirror to the mannequin with number 1 on it he flips the next page revealing another picture of Piella with another baker that had a red X over him and underneath is a number 2 while Gromit looks at the mannequin with number 2 before flipping more pages showing pictures of Piella and different bakers with red X and numbers under them.

Gromit stares flipping each page until it showed a picture of Piella and baker Bob who had a red X over him and underneath is a number 12 as Gromit flips the next page revealing a picture of Piella and Wallace together without a red X and underneath is a number 13 Gromit looks in shock imagining the mannequin in Wallace’s place.

Shocked Gromit moves back but by doing that he backs into the hatless mannequin causing it to tip hitting another causing all the mannequins to tip over as Gromit tries to stop it looking concern watching them fall while the door downstairs opens making Gromit look towards the door and Piella begins to walk out Gromit quickly grabs a mannequin looking up.

Piella walks up the stairs reaching her room and flips the switch turning on the lights revealing all the mannequins all standing up curious Piella said “Funny, I’m sure I heard something” She enters the room and Fluffles sniffs around while Piella looks at her dressing table “Oh” She walks over to it “There it is” Piella close the book revealing her purse “It must’ve been there all along”.

Fluffles move a curtain under the bed to see nothing but a row of shoes “Early night, Fluffles” She close the curtains as Piella puts her robe in a closet “Big day tomorrow” She push the door that had a mirror closes revealing Gromit holding onto a chandelier “Our final baker is nicely buttered up” Gromit watch Piella walk to her bed getting in “Good night, Fluffles”.

Gromit glance to Fluffles who gets in her bed that’s a box with a blanket as Piella turns the light off “Sweet dreams” Fluffles lies down but she raises her head and whimpers a bit looking around before lowering her head in her bed glancing around while Gromit looks at Piella who snores sleeping under him and Gromit stares trying to hold on.

A few hours later Gromit starts to get tired and weak he slowly begins to move down, and his paws slip off making Gromit fall towards Piella who opens her eyes but Gromit lands on an empty bed he shakes his head looking around to see only the mannequins Gromit looks to the book he quickly gets off and grabs it.

Gromit drives back to the Top Bun he stops closing the door and runs to the front door opening it entering the house closing the door behind him he looks around and saw Wallace standing with Y/n who said “I’ll start making more bread, Uncle” He puts on his apron ready to leave while Gromit went up to Wallace and tap his back.

Turning around Wallace said “Oh” Gromit looks at the book before raising it “Hello, stranger” Wallace raise a brow putting his hands on his hips “Where have you been” Y/n watch Gromit open the book flipping the pages “Hey” Wallace raise his hands “Wait” He grabs the book stopping the pages “Hold your horses” Wallace smiles “I’ve got something to tell you and Y/n, old pals”.

Y/n looks at the page seeing Piella and Wallace with a number 13 under it he furrows his brows confuse as Wallace turn his head “Haven’t we dearest” He smiles and Gromit turns to see Piella who is sitting on the couch with a cup of tea putting it down she said “Of course my little cheesecake” Quickly Gromit puts the book behind him “Wallace and I are engaged…”

Piella shows the ring to Gromit and Y/n who came over shocked at this “…to be married” Gromit’s eyes widen “Till death to us part” Wallace smiles nodding as Y/n still looks shocked and Gromit looks to Fluffles who lowers her gaze while leaning in Wallace said “I think congratulations might be in order lads”.

Gromit looks back and Y/n said “Uh, congratulations” He chuckles weakly as Piella said “Oh, I can see they’re dying to give me a great big kiss” Piella walks over and hugs both Y/n and Gromit she kiss a Y/n’s cheek before doing the same to Gromit taking the book out of his hands while Piella lets go making Y/n and Gromit fall on the floor.

Y/n wipes the lipstick off his face along with Gromit who watch Piella put the book in the furnace “I know we’re going to get like a house on fire” She leans into Wallace who smiles “One big happy family” Gromit looks to her and back to the book while Y/n looks to see it and saw the picture of Piella and baker Bob with a red X over him and underneath is number 12 making him furrow his brows at it.

Later that night Gromit puts on a book down that said ‘Electronic Surveillance For Dogs’ he opens it to a page looking at it he read with a pair of glasses before writing on a piece of paper and flips the next page writing more while the windmill turns sawing and hammering is heard along with drilling that went through the night until morning.

Gromit connects two plugs together making a light glow he shake his head looking at the door to see blackness until it moves revealing a shadow holding a scythe making Gromit lean back the doorbell rings and Wallace opens the door revealing Piella who is holding a basket in one hand and a umbrella in the other “Hello, my vanilla slice” She enters the house.

Fluffles slowly enters looking forward as Wallace said “Ha-ha” He smiles motioning “Come in my sponge cake” Suddenly alarm blares making Wallace frown due to Piella standing at a metal detector confuse Piella ask “What’s going on” Gromit pats Piella down Wallace said “You’ll have to forgive him, my petal” Gromit takes the basket “He’s been a bit security conscious late”.

Gromit wears a security hat he looks at the basket taking the cloth off revealing a pot Gromit takes the top off Piella ask “Well, you can’t be too careful these days, can you” Gromit puts the lid back on before pulling out a ladle “Not with a serial killer on the loose” Piella takes her basket as Wallace said “Oh yes” Fluffles sits at the door staring at Gromit who looks at the ladle she lowers her gaze.

Meanwhile Piella and Wallace enter the kitchen she ask “Where is your nephew Y/n” Walking over to her Wallace said “He’s out doing delivery he should be back soon” Piella puts the basket down she ask “Now, how about a nice pot of co*ck-a-leekie soup” Walking over to her Wallace said “Ho-ho, smashing” Piella takes the lid off “I’ve got just the bread to go with it”.

He pulls out a bread and reach for the knives only to see their gone “Eh” Wallace pulls a draw revealing a brush “What the…” He realises “…that dog” Wallace moves his gaze while Gromit threw the ladle into the shed along with anything sharp and close the door locking it up Gromit leans against the door “Smells delicious”.

Gromit takes off his hat wiping his head Piella said “Oh, I do hope you like it, my shortcrust” He leans up listening “It’s my own special recipe” Concern Gromit gets up and runs as Y/n turns the car entering the driveway while Gromit enters the room passing Fluffles who watch Gromit gets in front of Wallace who ask “What the…”

He looks at Gromit who holds the spoon “Hey” Piella raise a hand watching them “What are you playing at lad” Gromit lowers the spoon to smell the soup “This is getting ridiculous” Wallace picks Gromit who tries to reach for the soup while Piella walks over she said “Oh, Wallace, he wants a bit of attention that’s all” Piella walks over for Wallace to sit down.

Piella puts Gromit down “Now, my little poochie-woochie, let Aunt Piella sort you out” She pats his head as Gromit leans back and Fluffles take a step back she watch concern as Y/n enters the room about to call out but notice Fluffles there he quietly walks over and stood looking into the room to see Piella looking around before she bite her arm shocking him.

Gromit covers his mouth in shocked “OW” Piella gets up “OW” Wallace looks to her “He bit me” Shocked Wallace ask “Eh” Holding her arm up Piella said “I was only trying to help but he bit me, Wallace” Getting up Wallace said “Gromit” Gromit looks to him “How dare you bite my betroth” He points to himself in disbelief looking to Piella “That’s very impolite”.

Wallace comforts Piella who said “Oh, don’t be too hard on him, Wallace, please” Wallace angry looks at Gromit as Piella holds a chain “Just a little punishment…” She turns her head “…that’s all” Gromit stares while Fluffles notice Y/n and she gets behind him scared narrowing his eyes Y/n ask “What are you up to, Piella” He walks away.

Meanwhile Wallace locks the chain to the counter and turns the key he said “I’m surprised at you Gromit” He wave his finger at Gromit who is wearing a muzzle over his mouth washing the dishes “I’m really am” Wallace put his hands on his hips suddenly Piella calls “Oh, Wallace, my sugar dumpling, have you got a mo” Wallace looks to where she is.

Smiling Wallace said “Oh” He raise his hand “I’m on my way, my cupcake” Wallace looks back to Gromit still angry “You’ll not leave this kitchen till you’ve done every last one” He walks to the hooks putting the key on one leaving “I don’t know, taking a bite out of my beloved fiancée” Fluffles stops at the door before following Wallace who saw Y/n walking “Hello Y/n, back from the delivery”.

Nodding with a smile Y/n said “Yep and I’m going to the kitchen to drink some water, Uncle” Wallace walks pass him he said “It really is the limit” Once he was out of sight Y/n frowns before walking over to kitchen he said “Gromit” Gromit turns to Y/n who walks over “I saw Piella bite herself” Blinking Gromit stares “I believe you, Gromit”.

Y/n looks up “There’s something not right with Piella” He looks back to Gromit “I even saw a picture of her and baker Bob in that book that was in the furnace Gromit looks up and Y/n does they see Piella standing on a plank she said “I’m such a silly sausage” One of her shoes is on a gear passing by “It just sort of fell of my foot” She smiles.

Walking onto the plank Wallace said “Stay well back, my precious” Gromit and Y/n watch Piella move pass Wallace to safety “Leave it to me” Smiling Piella said “Oh you’re so brave Wallace…” Before she looks down to Y/n and Gromit “…my minced pie” Shocked Y/n ask “What did she say” They watch Piella begin to walk to Wallace who hasn’t notice “She’s going to push him”.

Y/n runs grabbing the key and went to the lock trying to unlock it as Gromit looks up seeing Piella getting closer he waves his hands and Y/n look up in horror as Piella was about to push Wallace she ask “Huh” A bag of flour went pass and hits Piella sending her away from Wallace while Gromit and Y/n look in shocked and relieved.

Stretching out Wallace said “Got it” He grabs the shoe and turns only to look confuse “Huh” Wallace saw flour out of a hole he walks over cover his mouth “Oh” At the bottom of the stairs is Piella covered in flour she coughs “Are you alright, my flower” Wallace went down the stairs quickly “Oh, ‘flower’” He helps Piella up and smiles at the joke “Get it” Piella rubs her face “Flour”.

Wallace reaches out to Piella who knocks his hands away she said “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME” He back away “I hate flour…” Piella glares at Wallace who took another step “…I hate bread…” Wallace begins to frown “…and I hate bakers…” Piella takes the ring off “…you utter and complete FRUITCAKE” She threw the ring hitting Wallace who said “Oh”.

He chuckles looking back to Piella “That’s a bit steep, isn’t it, my sweet” But Piella walks away from him she ask “Fluffles” Fluffles look towards Gromit and Y/n who both stare at her before Fluffles look to Piella who picks her up “I want a word with you—back home” Piella walks out the door slamming it shut with Gromit watching in concern.

A few hours later Wallace, and Y/n in the dining room Wallace looks at the ring frowning Y/n ask “Are you alright, Uncle” Gromit walks in putting three cups down on the table before sitting himself Wallace said “Oh, thanks, old pals” Y/n pat his shoulder “I just don’t get it” Tilting his head Y/n ask “Get what” Gromit stares at Wallace who said “One minute, they love bakers and the next minute they hate them”.

Wallace looks to Gromit then to Y/n “And I’m not a fruitcake, am I, lads” Gromit stops stirring before patting Wallace’s arm as Y/n said “You’re not a fruitcake, Uncle” Wallace looks to him “You are a great big cheese of Wensleydale” That made Wallace chuckle a bit “With a touch of Gromit chedder and Y/n Stilton”.

Now that made Wallace laugh at Y/n’s joke before taking a breath he ask “I suppose you can’t be everybody’s cup of tea, can you” Gromit and Y/n nod before they raise their cups for Wallace to clink with them they we’re about to drink when the doorbell rings Wallace gets up along with Y/n and Gromit they watch Wallace opens the door he is shocked “Oh”.

Standing there holding a big present is Piella who said “I’m so sorry, Wallace…” Y/n and Gromit walk over to see her “…so, so, so sorry” Gromit notice Fluffles isn’t with her “I don’t know what came over me” He turns her head “Apart from the flour, of course” She laughs while Wallace stares and Y/n narrow his eyes a bit Wallace said “Oh” He smiles a bit “Ha-ha” He glance to Y/n “Yes”.

Walking into the house Piella said “Let’s forget about it” Wallace and Y/n move to the side “Here’s a cake to celebrate” Confuse Y/n ask “Celebrate for what” He looks to Wallace who looks to him confuse the alarm blares Piella said “Oops” She looks back “Must be my keys” She threw her bag to Gromit who caught it looking to her.

Wallace walks with Y/n he ask “Celebrate” They watch Piella entering the dining room she said “Us, getting back together again, you gooseberry fool” Y/n looks to Wallace who said “Oh y…” He leans in “…Oh yes” He smiles nodding “Yes, of course” Wallace walks through the alarm system “Of course” Y/n looks to Gromit and back he said “I better keep an eye on her”.

He walks follows after Wallace who said “We could have that with our 4:00 o’clock tea” Gromit rolls his eyes and looking in disbelief “Won’t you join us” He watch Piella who said “Oh, I would, but Fluffles isn’t feeling too well” She smiles towards Gromit who looks concern “Why don’t you three celebrate” He watch Piella walk pass taking her bag “Must fly”.

Looking at the present Wallace ask “Oh, roll on 4:00 o’clock, eh” He looks to Y/n “What do you think, lads” Gromit looks to them “This will go down a treat” Gromit glance to them and leaves the house Y/n said “Well I am a bit hungry for cake but I just don’t like this feeling” Waving his hand Wallace said “Let’s get some plates, Y/n”.

Meanwhile Gromit reaches Piella’s house he saw an open window Gromit climbs up to it he slowly moves the window open more to look inside he hears a whimper Gromit looks to Fluffles box that’s covered in a blanket Gromit climb in and walks over to the box seeing the blanket shaking raising his paws looking concern Gromit reach out grabs the blanket taking it off.

Only to reveal a toy monkey clapping symbols surprising Gromit the toy backflips before clapping the symbols Gromit looks around only for Piella to grab him by the neck she said “Got you, you meddling mutt” Piella lift Gromit up turning him “So nice of you to come” She turns Gromit’s head “Pity you’ll miss your master’s and his nephew’s tea party”.

Gromit looks at the window where ‘Top Bun’ windmill is “It’ll go off with a bang” He looks to the clock that the hand moves to 3:58pm Gromit looks to it and to Piella with a raise brow as Wallace opens the present revealing a cake he said “Oh, I say, it looks delicious, Y/n” Y/n stares at the cake and Wallace raise a hand “Get the kettle on, Gromit”.

Meanwhile Piella opens a door revealing Fluffles and she threw Gromit inside making him land next to Fluffles who hold his arm Piella laughs as Gromit pat Fluffles hands Piella said “I’ll deal with you two later” The door closes Fluffles hold Gromit who looks around hearing Piella laugh while Y/n put the cake down on the table Wallace said “Come on, lad” He holds a box of matches “What’s keeping you”?

The clock bell ring the hand moves to 3:59 as Piella said “At last, my 13th She walks to the mannequin holding a chef hat raising it “My baker’s dozen” Piella was about to put it on when a shadow covers the room due to the BAKE-O-LITE balloon rising “Huh” She looks to see Gromit and Fluffles riding the balloon waving to Piella who is shocked “What”?

Piella looks to the room she put them in only for a sign to read ‘BAKE-O-LITE Storeroom’ she looks back watching Fluffles and Gromit fly pass the clock “Curse that balloon” Piella crush the hat in her hand walking forward “And curse that prevailing south-westerly, they’ll be there in no time” The clock strikes 4:00 o’clock.

Wallace is struggling on lighting a match he said “Doh” He tries again “Strike a light” Looking to him Y/n ask “Want me to try, Uncle” Shrugging Wallace said “Have a go” He gives the matches to Y/n as Gromit holds a long rope swinging towards the window while Y/n tried a couple times he said “This time for sure”.

Y/n strike the match lighting it Wallace said “Ah-hah, well done” Y/n leans the match lighting the candle as Gromit crash through the window catching their attention Y/n said “There you are, Gromit” Gromit lands on the table sliding across Wallace said “I think these matches are a bit…” Gromit grabs a vase and aims it on the candle sending the water on it and Wallace “…damp”.

The candle lights again noticing Y/n ask “How can it light up after being sprayed by water” Looking Wallace said “Oh, yes, it’s one of those joke candles, lads” Gromit dip his fingers into a cup of tea and touch the candle Gromit lets go and the candle lights while Gromit tries a few more times but it didn’t work so Gromit grabs the cake getting off “Oi”.

Wallace and Y/n watch Gromit walk “Where you going with that…” He jumps after Gromit “…CAAAKEEE” Wallace lands on Gromit making him trip letting the cake go Y/n ask “Are you both all right” He jumps over and kneels next to them while the cake lands on the floor but instead of making a mess it broke revealing a bomb inside rolling.

Y/n notice and points “Uncle, look at that” Looking Wallace said “Gromit, Y/n” He grabs them “It’s a bomb” Wallace points at the bomb “The cake’s a bomb” Gromit shake his head putting a paw on his face and Y/n looks to Wallace he ask “Who brought the cake in here” Thinking for a minute before realising Wallace said “Wait a minute”.

He points at the floor “You both…” Slowly putting the pieces together “…don’t think…” Wallace looks to Y/n and Gromit who look to him “…Piella could be” The bomb keeps rolling until Piella’s steps on it making the bomb stop Piella ask “The Cereal Killer” Y/n, Wallace and Gromit look to see Piella holding a rolling pin in one hand and Fluffles in the other.

Piella smiles at them “Well done, Wallace” Fluffles whines a bit “Sharp as a brick” Y/n glares as Gromit concern about to get up “Now do exactly as I say or Fluffles get snuffled” Piella motions the rolling pin but suddenly Fluffles glance to her before biting Piella’s hand “OW” She drop the rolling pin for Gromit grabs the bomb and runs while Piella threw Fluffles to the floor “You’ve crossed me once to often…” Fluffles look scared “…you treacherous, little…” Piella slaps Fluffles who yelps.

Meanwhile Y/n and Gromit run with the bomb towards a window Wallace calls “Get that thing away, lads” They reach a window about to throw it only to see a family of ducks quaking Y/n said “Ducks” He grabs the bomb and runs to another window about to throw it but stops to see two nuns holding kittens in their arms and a sign that said ‘Save the kittens’ walking forward.

Y/n looks in disbelief “You’ve got to be kidding me” He goes back inside meeting Gromit “Where can we go” Looking around before Gromit points for Y/n to see another window leading to ‘Yorkshire Border KEEP OUT’ Y/n smiles “That’ll do” He runs with Gromit towards the window Wallace calls “That’s it, lads, use your loafs”.

They get closer but suddenly a large spatula hits them sending Gromit and Y/n who yells “OOOWWW” They went pass Wallace who said “Oops” He watch them land in the mixer while the bombs hits the floor before bouncing out the window making Piella who hold the spatula with an imprint of Y/n and Gromit on it she sees the bomb go she said “Oh” She glares at the window.

But slowly she smiles turning back to Wallace “That has put a spanner in the works” Piella grabs a wench as Y/n gets Gromit onto the bowl before being stirred again Gromit grabs Y/n’s who said “Careful Gromit” He tries to get out but the mixer pulls him “AAAH” Y/n went back in before poking out “Turn it off” Gromit went towards the switch and turns the mixer off.

Meanwhile Wallace stumble backwards away from the stairs looking to Piella who walks towards him with the wrench Wallace said “But, Piella, you’re the BAKE-O-LITE Girl” Swinging the wrench Piella said “WAS…” She hits a grate due to Wallace move making a hole before lifting it up “…the BAKE-O-LITE Girl”.

Piella hits the grate off “I ate too much, you see” Scared Wallace ask “Oh, really” He climbs into the vent as Piella grabs another grate she said “I couldn’t ride the balloon anymore…” Wallace keeps crawling he said “Oh, dear” Piella drops the grate “…so they dropped me” Looking back still crawling Wallace said “What a blow…”

Suddenly he hits a pipe with his head making him stop “…oh” Piella grabs the grate and pulls it off “ME…” She threw the grate “…a curse on bakers…” Piella raise the wrench “…and their loathsome of confections” Her eye twitches while raising his hands Wallace yells “GROOMIT, YY//NN” Piella swings but is stop confusing her she ask “Huh”?

Piella looks to see an oven mitt holding the wrench as Wallace glance up as Piella turns around “What” She sees the other oven mitt hit Piella causing her to flip backwards a few times hitting barrels of lard while Wallace lowers his arm and Piella looks to see someone on the forklift raising the robotic arms.

Sitting up smiling Wallace said “Well done, lads” He shake his head “Uh…” Wallace looks to see Fluffles sitting at the controls wearing a red hard hat “…lass” Fluffles adjust the hat and turning the robotic arms while Piella pulls out two rolling pins staring at Fluffles before snorting like a bull and Fluffles push a lever and press the pedal making the forklift drive forward.

Laughing Piella said “Come to mummy, Fluffy-Wuffy” The oven mitts hit Piella who begins to slide back Fluffles push two levers and Piella swings a rolling pin, but Fluffles adjust the levers making the oven mitts stop both rolling pins then punch Piella left to right while Wallace comes over, he said “Attagirl…” Fluffles keeps moving the levers “…go for the knockout”.

One of the oven mitts hit Wallace making him scream crash through a wall leaving a Wallace hole as Piella swings the rolling pins but Fluffles keeps blocking with the oven mitts while Gromit pulls Y/n who is dizzy he said “That might’ve been a ride I would go again” He shake the dough off “Without the dough of course” Wallace is seen hanging onto the edge of the windmill by his pants.

Noticing them Wallace calls “Don’t worry about me, lads” Gromit and Y/n look to see him Y/n ask “Uncle” Wallace smiles the windmill takes him up he said “I’m fully in control” But when he looks down Wallace screams due to the bomb on the opposite side of the windmill he is while Piella grunts trying to hit Fluffles who keeps blocking her attacks.

Meanwhile looking up Y/n said “We’ve got to help your girlfriend” Blushing Gromit nods as Fluffles keeps blocking the rolling pins and Y/n boost Gromit up to a ladder he begins to climb then Y/n jumps grabbing the ladder climbing up while Wallace reach the top he slides out of his pants going through the hatch landing on his bed he said “Yes”.

Fluffles keeps moving the levers as Piella grunts swinging again almost hitting Fluffles who move to the side and Piella swings the other rolling pin, but Fluffles use the oven mitt to grab her arm making Piella let go of the rolling pin that went spinning through the Wallace hole hitting the windmill making the bomb that reach the top slip out falling through the hatch landing in front of Wallace who notice “NO”.

Piella swings at Fluffles who dodge the rolling pin moving the levers looking to Piella who swings again pushing the ‘Get-U-up’ lever making Wallace’s bed tip and sending the bomb and himself down the chute Wallace said “Oh dear” Gromit reach the level and looks surprised Y/n ask “What’s happening” Gromit moves to the side for Y/n to see.

Y/n climbs up next to Gromit and looks to see Fluffles who push two levers up sliding Piella who grunts towards the window scraping the floor but suddenly Wallace said “Oh” Making Fluffles look stopping the forklift “Oh” Piella looks towards Wallace “Ha” He stands there looking at them “Ha” Wallace raise a finger “Anyone seen the bomb”?

Gromit and Y/n we’re about to run but they look to Wallace along with Fluffles and Piella as Wallace notice the looks “What” He looks behind him “What” But by doing that reveals the bomb in his pants surprising Gromit and Fluffles who whines shocked Y/n yells “You’ve got the bomb, Uncle” Smiling waving her fingers Piella said “Bon voyage, Wallace”.

She jumps landing in the BAKE-O-LITE balloon as Wallace turns to her “Your buns are as good as toasted” Piella smiles turning the dial to max sending the fire into the balloon while Wallace notice the bomb he said “Oh” Wallace runs “Oh” Gromit and Y/n look concern he said “It’s too late to get it out” Wallace runs pass he said “Gromit, Y/n” He runs around a pillar “I’ve got a bomb in me pants”.

Gromit and Y/n try to think of a way “Help me, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit then spots a dough pressure sending dough into tins he taps Y/n who looks to the pressure he said “That will do it” Fluffles went to the lever while Y/n holds Wallace down and Gromit shoves the nozzle into his pants “Now, Fluffles” Fluffles pulls the lever to max.

The dough go through the nuzzle into Wallace’s pants he said “Ooh” His pants get bigger “Ooh” Wallace smiles “It tickles” Y/n watch his pants get even more bigger he said “That should do it” Gromit pulls the nozzle out Y/n grabs him and Fluffles while Wallace stands up he said “Aah” The begins to shake due to the bomb “A-a-argh”.

Wallace covers his ears as Gromit wearing a pan, Fluffles wearing a colander and Y/n wearing a bigger pot with his goggles all covering their ears hiding behind three crates and the bomb explodes sending the BAKE-O-LITE balloon back while dough is seen slowly Y/n, Gromit and Fluffles got up he said “We’re alive” They look and shocked.

Quickly Gromit covers Fluffles’s eyes and Wallace said “Oh, what a relief” When the bomb exploded it ripped a large hole showing dough and destroyed Wallace’s underwear revealing his butt cheeks, he notice the nuns “Oh, evening, sisters” Wallace waves to the nuns who both gasp dropping the kittens while Piella yells “I will be back to get you, Wallace”.

Gromit, Fluffles and Y/n all turn towards Piella who shakes her fist angry “I will have my baker’s dozen” Stretching his hand Wallace calls “But, Piella, the balloon won’t hold you” Shocked Piella said “They can’t just drop me; I’m as light as a feather” She begins to smile waving her hands while the balloon lowers into the Zoo “I’m the BAKE-O-LITE Girl”.

Wallace yells “NOOOO” The balloon went down into the crocodile well as the Crocodiles begin to growl and snap making Wallace look away, Y/n turn his head keeping his goggles down, Fluffles shocked holds Gromit who slowly begins to comfort her Wallace looks back while a Crocodile burps and the BAKE-O-LITE balloon leaves the zoo without the seat.

Watching it go “Farewell, my angle cake” Wallace watch it head for the clouds “You’ll always be my BAKE-O-LITE Girl” A ghost of Piella sitting on the basket holding a tray of bread waves to Wallace before the balloon went into the clouds while Y/n and Gromit looks on “Ha” Fluffles look to the clouds “I think I need a cup of tea after all that”.

He begins to leave “Care to join me, you three” Raising his goggles Y/n said “Better make it a double, Uncle” He looks to Gromit and Fluffles for a moment before leaving them as Gromit takes Fluffles hand before motioning while Fluffles stares at him looking to their hand and back before letting go Gromit looks concern.

Fluffles close the gate looking back before leaving as Gromit stands next to the door watching her go and slowly close the door, he went to the living room tears gather in his eyes spinning his spoon Wallace said “Aw” Y/n comforts Gromit “Never mind, lad” Gromit sighs “We both been through the mill, haven’t we”.

Leaning back Y/n said “Except for me, Uncle” Shrugging Wallace said “There will be one for you some day, Y/n” Y/n looks to Wallace who smiles “One day” He lower his gaze and Wallace looks to Gromit “But at least yours wasn’t a bread-hating, baker-murdering serial killer, eh” Wallace smiles at Gromit who raise his head “Like mine”.

Having an idea Y/n said “I’ve got an idea, Uncle, Gromit” Wallace and Gromit look to Y/n who smiles putting his goggles on “How about we deliver some bread” Smiling Wallace said “That’ll cheer us up” Gromit blinks a bit looking to them.

Now freshly bread is stored into the car and Gromit press a pedal the garage door begins to open to reveal Fluffles standing there surprising Gromit, Y/n and Wallace who both scream seeing her Gromit stops the car surprised he looks to Fluffles who turns to him, and a tear fell from her eye Y/n nudge Gromit who blinks before opening the door he motions her to come in.

Surprised Fluffles begins to walk over to the door Wallace said “Hey, hey” Fluffles sits between Gromit and Y/n who said “Aw” Smiling Wallace said “Always room for a small one” Fluffles looks down flipping through the records until she found ‘Puppy Love’ she inserts the record that went to the record player the begins the song.

Gromit, Fluffles, Y/n and Wallace all put their chef’s hats on before blowing on their thumbs for the chef’s hat to pop through the open roof they drive out of the driveway “And they called it The car sways “Puppy Looo…” They went up a hill “…oooove” Suddenly the car sways a bit Y/n said “Easy, Gromit” Wallace said “Both paws on the wheel, lad” They head for the sunset “Concentrate”.

Chapter 6: Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Chapter Text

A picture of Wallace with brown hair and a moustache holding a cake shape like a bone with a single candle to Gromit who is a puppy, the next photo is a six-year-old Y/n holding Gromit who licks him and Wallace stands behind him smiling placing his hands on their shoulders, the next photo is 12 year old Y/n standing on Gromit’s left and Wallace with short hair on Gromit’s right.

They stood smiling at Gromit who graduated from Dogwarts University, passing the lamp on a nightstand is Wallace, Y/n and Gromit together smiling, the next picture Y/n and Gromit are still smiling but Wallace was looking to the right, the next photo Gromit raise a brow putting his hands on his hips and Y/n close his eyes in irritation.

The next photo above is Wallace licking his lips holding some cheese, the next photo Gromit is climbing a chair and Y/n looking worried, the next photo above Gromit confronts Wallace who shocked to see him, the next photo Gromit face palms due to Wallace putting the cheese in his mouth acting innocent.

The next photo is Y/n trying to convince Wallace and Gromit to be friends again, the next photo Wallace arms cross looking to the right Y/n looking sad in the middle and Gromit looking to the left knitting, around the corner on the wall is Wallace and Gromit waving to one another, the photo Wallace and Gromit look down to see Y/n looking sad with his goggles on.

The next photo Wallace and Gromit smile patting his shoulder and Y/n notice them, the next photo Y/n holds a plate of cheese to Wallace and a book of ‘Electronic for dogs Volume 3’ to Gromit, the next photo Wallace wearing a new vest, Y/n goggles on his head and Gromit holding his new book all smiling on the frame said ‘Home Sweet Home’.

Suddenly a shadow went pass the window out the window reveals the night sky with some clouds and a full moon suddenly lightning flashes ‘The Cuse of the Were-Rabbit’ two words turn to fur the I puff a rabbit tail and the w turned into rabbit ears.

Meanwhile a shoe stomps on a puddle by the Constable name Albert Mackintosh who whistles walking down a street with his hands behind his back Mackintosh whistles, but he stops due to a glass breaking and a cat meow sighing he said “Aah” He continues walking and whistling but a shadow went pass a building while the Mackintosh makes a turn.

A creature slurping through the bushes onto the road before turning to a fence it slurps heading towards it a sign said ‘Proteced by Anti-Pesto’ the creature breathes heavily as the latch opens making the gate open creakingly to reveal vegetables and a gnome the creature slurping moves forward into the garden, but little did it knew the head of the gnome turns and it’s eyes flashes and buzzes.

Meanwhile the eyes of a lady in a picture frame beeping but there were pictures of different people that are ‘Our Valued Clients’ as a dial turns the stove on under a kettle that releases steam towards pieces of wood that moves on a wheel with rope moving the gears to a device holding a long piece of circular wood going up and down in a hole on the ceiling.

Above the kitchen is a glove poking a bed making it creaking and sleeping on the bed is Gromit who wakes up as Y/n sleeps then a hatch opens above him for a glove to come down poking his stomach making him wake up Y/n said “Another job to do” He smiles while a picture of cheese opens revealing a plate of cheese being held by a glove comes out and stop in front of Wallace.

Smelling the scent Wallace lift his head just as the glove moves back towards the wall and Wallace follows only to hit his head on the photo he smiles as a photo of a bone flashes red before flipping to ‘Activate Launch’ Gromit glance up to watch a section of his wall went inward before going up and his bed went 90 degrees up into the space.

Y/n grabs his goggles just as the wall went inward before going up and his bed went 90 degrees up into the space as the wall went inward before going up and Wallace’s bed went 90 degrees up into the space while Wallace slides out into a tube with Y/n and Gromit joining him looking to one another before stopping at the end.

Hatches latch onto their shoulders for hats to be put on their head spinning around rapidly until they stop and unlatch from it as the tubes begin to lift sending Gromit, Y/n and Wallace down another tubes making a turn crisscrossing landing in their feet in the right size boots two cups are poured from the sides and one cup is poured in the middle.

Wallace, Y/n and Gromit grab their mugs before they are turn to a giant pair of gloves Wallace, Y/n and Gromit lean back just as the gloves grab the edge under them the metal bends before the gloves let go sending Wallace, Y/n and Gromit into the air they do a few flips Wallace lands in a blue uniform and Y/n in another but with a zipper done up at the front.

Their uniforms are held by pegs that came off Wallace, Y/n and Gromit slide down another tubes before stopping at three seats they clinks their mugs sending the tea into the air but they caught it and begin to drink while their seats are lifted to a hatch that opens up for them to enter a van Wallace, Y/n and Gromit finished their tea and puts them on a plate each one lifted the other two on the sides.

The headlights turn on Wallace press a button for the ‘Autostart’ The middle part of the hood between the lights lifted for a mechanical hand holding a engine starter to that lowers connects into the hole and starts rotating it until the engine starts while the garage door opens Wallace adjust his mirror and press the pedal for the engine to rev.

The Van leaves just as the pond flips making a path for Wallace, Y/n and Gromit to ride over and the gate opens up the fence went up and the wall went down Wallace makes a turn and the gate closes while Wallace turns the van down a street with a siren flashes Gromit holds a grabber with a small hole but Wallace shake his head.

Y/n looks around he said “How about this one” He holds another grabber with a bigger hole making Wallace nod giving a thumbs up before Y/n gives it to Gromit who takes it as Wallace pulls the brake to make the van turn on the curb while the door opens for Gromit, Y/n and Wallace to roll out and they went to the fence back to it.

Gromit and Y/n on one side of the gate and Wallace is on the other side Gromit and Y/n look to Wallace who pokes a bit off the wood of the fence making a hole for him to look through it moves his eye until the creature snarls appearing causing Wallace to back up against the fence then motions downwards.

Wallace looks to Y/n who holds the grabber and Gromit holds a sack for Wallace to hold a hammer up they nod for Wallace to reach across with the hammer to pull a nail out and Gromit leans back making the fence flip for him to use the sack covering the creature and Y/n kicks the gate for him to enter holding the grabber he said “There he goes”.

Standing behind him Wallace said “Ho-ho” The creature moves around, and Gromit holds tightly “Cracking job, Gromit” But the creature moves around the garden dragging Gromit with it Y/n moves the grabber he said “Hold on, Gromit” Y/n watch the creature curves “Get him this way” Gromit tries to turn.

Meanwhile a window opens revealing Mr. Dibber who ask “What’s going on” A lamp turns on and the curtains open for another window to open revealing Mrs. Girdling who ask “Who is it” The creature turns knocking a garbage can Wallace calls “Real him in, lad” Opening the grabber Y/n said “Just a little closer” But the creature knocks Y/n who yelps falling on his back letting the grabber go into the air.

But Wallace catches it he said “To me” He moves to the side “To me” Gromit opens his eyes and Y/n sits up to watch Wallace catch the creature “Gotcha” Gromit stands up and Y/n stood by his side he said “You little thieving monster” Wallace motion his head while the creature snarling and Gromit lift the sack revealing a small rabbit dragging a large pumpkin.

The rabbit stops moving it smiles giggling just as the door opens making Gromit, Y/n, the rabbit, and Wallace look to see Mrs. Mulch who said “Ooh” She walk out of the house “Me prize pumpkin” Behind her holding some teeth is Mr. Mulch who puts them in his mouth “Me little baby” He follows her into the garden “Me pride and joy”.

Mrs. Mulch hugs her pumpkin and rubs it “You’ve saved it, Anti-Pesto” The rabbit sniffs turning it’s gaze and it smiles Wallace said “It was nothing at all, Mrs…” Suddenly the rabbit jumps onto the pumpkin “…oh” Catching Wallace attention and noticing Y/n said “Oh, no you don’t” The rabbit begins to hold the pumpkin dragging it.

But Y/n holds a carrot making the rabbit let go for Mrs. Mulch to grab her pumpkin “Oh, no” Pulling Wallace said “Everything’s under control” Mrs. Mulch pulls her pumpkin but accidently elbow Mr. Mulch making his teeth pop out hitting the rabbit and Gromit glances up to them while rubbing her pumpkin Mrs. Mulch said “Thank you, Mr. Wallace”.

Lifting the grabbing with the rabbit Wallace said “All in a night’s work, Mrs. Mulch” Y/n holds a hand to Gromit who takes it helping him up “Huh” Gromit adjust his hat and Y/n pattered his jacket “Huh” Walking over Mr. Mulch said “Ah” He pokes the rabbit with his pipe “Cute little feller, isn’t he” The rabbit swing it’s arm.

Mr. Mulch looks to his wife and back to the rabbit “You’d never believe they’d cause so much damage” The rabbit keeps swinging it’s arms Wallace said “Oh, he may look innocent, sir” Mr. Mulch put his pipe in his mouth while the rabbit tries to get free Y/n said “But if you left him on his own, then your vegetables are gone”.

Nodding Wallace said “By the ultimate vegetable-destroying machine” He turns with the rabbit walking to the van with Y/n and Gromit following him as the rabbit turns around smiling but it had Mr. Mulch’s teeth in it’s mouth the rabbit said “Hee” It waves while noticing Mrs. Mulch said “Oh” Y/n looks to the rabbit “Reg, me teeth”.

He slaps the rabbit making the teeth fall out and threw it for Mrs. Mulch to catch it Y/n said “Give it a clean before you use them” Wallace put the rabbit in the cage inside the back of the van he Y/n and Gromit close the doors sitting at the front Y/n sighs “Another attempt failed” Looking to him Wallace said “There’s always next time, lad”.

Gromit take his hat off for Wallace to pat his head “Job well done, lad” He laughs giving him and Y/n a thumbs up as Y/n takes his off he said “Maybe I’m best without the hat” He puts it on the dashboard and put his goggles on his head “Just stick to my goggles” Wallace close the door and looks to Mr. Mulch and Mrs Mulch he said “Subject disarmed and neutralised”.

He salutes them and Gromit starts the engine driving away as the neighbours all come out of their houses to applause them and waving his and watching them is Reverand Clement Hedges or Vicar who said “Bless you, Anti-Pesto” He walks forward with his hand raise “With you and your nephew out there protecting our veg…” He closes his hands.

The van makes a turn “…the most important event of the year is safe” Above the street is a banner that said ‘Tottington Hall Giant Vegetable Competition 4 days to go’ Mrs. Mulch said “Aye” She walks up to Vicar “And I hope they give them pests…” She shakes her fists “…what’s coming to ‘em, and all” Smiling Vicar said “Amen to that, Mrs. Mulch” Mrs. Mulch grunts swinging her fist.

Chapter 7: Breakfast, Invention

Chapter Text

The next morning a row of cutlery is hanging against the wall Y/n said “Pass me the cleaver, Gromit” Gromit moves his hand along to the cleaver “No, one of our big knives” He grabs the knife and gives it to Y/n who sharpens it and walks over to the kitchen counter he raise the knife above his head “Hyah” He lowers the knife cutting the end of a carrot before cutting the rest into pieces until he reach the end.

Smiling Y/n lift the chopped carrot with the knife and put them on a plate “That’s the last one” Gromit nods looking at other plates filled with chopped carrot “Better give our guest their breakfast” Together Gromit and Y/n open two hatches and pour the carrots into them before opening more hatches pouring more carrots until all of them went down the hatches.

Meanwhile the chopped carrots went into dog bowls that said ‘Nibbles’ some carrots fell to the sides then hopping over to the bowl is a rabbit who starts eating then more rabbits come over and start having their breakfast while Y/n put the knife down “I think we should get our breakfast ready Gromit” Gromit nods and pulls the lid off the teapot for a rabbit pop out.

The rabbit said “Whee” It jumps out surprising Gromit and Y/n who both duck he ask “Where do you come from” Then a bread bun holder rattles catching their attention Y/n opens to see three more rabbits eating they stop to notice Y/n who raise a brow “All right you three” But the rabbits threw the buns hitting him and the Rabbits said “Whee”.

They jump out heading inside the fridge closing the door as Gromit grabs a wooden spoon and Y/n grabs a rolling pin he said “Slowly Gromit” Gromit and Y/n slowly head to the fridge Gromit grabs the door and opens for him and Y/n to blink in surprise to see everything inside is gone and a bowl spins to a stop “They ate everything”.

Y/n scratch his head “Where did they go” He looks to Gromit not noticing the rabbits standing in the door watching him as Gromit shake his head looking to Y/n before noticing them and points confuse until his eyes widen “They’re right behind me, aren’t they” Gromit nods and Y/n slowly turns to see them staring.

Suddenly the rabbits tackle him and Gromit “What the…” They fell onto the ground “…why you…” Gromit wave his arms and Y/n leg kicks up “…come here you…” The rabbits screeching and giggling “…gotcha” Y/n and Gromit all held four rabbits each in one hand Gromit glares and the rabbit holding the wooden spoon hits him.

The rabbits giggling and the rabbit raspberry Gromit who glares at them and Y/n shake his head “Back to your pens” Gromit opens a hatch and Y/n opens another they put the rabbits down the chute the four rabbits said “Oh” The second four rabbits said “Whee” Gromit put his hands on his hips and sighing Y/n said “We’re gonna need a bigger cage, Gromit”.

Suddenly buzzing catch their attention they look to see the breakfast buzzing “Guess, Uncle Wallace is awake” Gromit motion Y/n to go to the table “Okay, Gromit” He leaves the kitchen while Wallace press the button he said “It was a long, hard night last night, Gromit, Y/n” Wallace raise his hand “I’ll need a good, hearty breakfast under me belt”.

Y/n sits on his chair as Gromit push a tray around the corner with two dishes one filled with vegetables, another with a cover on top and a teapot he walks over and gives Y/n his plate he said “Thank you, Gromit” He begins to eat while Gromit went over to a lever Wallace calls “Pile it up, lad” Gromit pulls it and Y/n looks up.

Meanwhile the bed goes up and Wallace shakes his arms “I’m in the mood for food” He slides down to the hatch, but he suddenly stops due to his stomach being big Wallace notice “Oh, uh…” He raises his hand “Gromit, Y/n, old pals” Y/n shake his head looking to Gromit who roll his eyes and push the tray forward “It’s happened again”.

Gromit stops at another lever the said ‘Assistance’ underneath it “I’ll need assistance” He pulls it as Wallace close opens revealing a giant mallet that went down hitting Wallace through the hatch “Ow” He lands on his chair “Oof” Wallace raise his head spinning a bit while Y/n finish his breakfast looking to his uncle.

Wallace sighs before raising his legs for two slippers to go then two machenical arms slip his brown pants on Wallace who lower his legs before spreading his arms for two more mechanical arms to slip his long sleeves over his arms then he raises them both up for the robot to come over and puts Wallace shirt, vest, and tie on him “Ah” He sway his head “Oh”.

He raise finger “Well, thanks, chuck” Gromit walks over to Wallace who motion the hatch “I’m sure that hole’s getting smaller” He puts the newspaper on the table looking to him Y/n said “No it isn’t, Uncle” Wallace takes the newspaper and opens it he said “Ah” He looks at a picture of him saluting, Y/n holding the rabbit, and Gromit holding the grabber giving the thumbs up “Another successful night”.

Wallace lowers the newspaper “How are the inmates” He looks to Y/n and Gromit “Must be getting a bit full down there” Y/n stands up stretching his arms he said “We’re gonna need a bigger cage and an alarm because six got out this morning” Gromit nods agreeing before Wallace stomach growls.

He laughs patting his stomach Wallace said “Talking of which” He grabs a fork and knife “Now, for a big plate of…” Gromit puts the plate down and life the cover revealing “…vegetables” He nods and Y/n said “You need to get nice and heathy, Uncle” He cross his arms and Gromit nods Wallace said “A-ha” He points at them.

Wallace smiles “Still got me on the diet, eh, Gromit, Y/n” He pat Gromit’s head and pat Y/n’s back “Watching me shape” Wallace pat his stomach “Ha, ha” He takes a celery “There’s a good dog and a great nephew” Wallace is about to take a bit “Oh, oh” He remembers something ”Uh…” Wallace looks to Gromit and Y/n “Gromit, Y/n, lads”.

Gromit stares and Y/n still has his arms cross he ask “What is it, Uncle” Smiling at them Wallace ask “How’s that prize melon and potato of yours coming on” Gromit moves his gaze and Y/n blinks a bit “Must be a while since you both measured them” Rubbing his neck Y/n said “It has been” He looks to Gromit who looks to him before pushing the tray.

Y/n follows him before looking back “Eat your breakfast, uncle” He walks as Wallace watch them about to take a bite of his celery but when they are out of sight he moves it away turning his head closing his mouth while Gromit press 8-4-2-5 for a hatch to unlock then Y/n press 7-1-9-6 for another hatch to unlock and the door opens to a green house.

Gromit push the tray over to a vegetable under a blanket and Y/n went over to another blanket the door closes behind them Gromit pulls the blanket revealing a giant marrow he gently places his hand on one side and rubs the top of it while Y/n pull his blanket off revealing a giant white potato he places his hands on it “You’re almost ready, my son”.

Meanwhile walking to the window facing the greenhouse smiling Wallace said “Mmm” He points at the plate “Lovely food” Wallace gives a disgusting look “For rabbits, that is” Gromit measures his Marrow and Y/n connects the hook to lift his potato checking the weight he said “18.8 kilograms” He smiles lowering his potato “Just another four more days” Y/n pat it.

Meanwhile Wallace opens a hatch and scrapes the vegetables down the chute before putting the plate down “As for me…” He points to himself “…I need something a bit more cheesy” Wallace walks over to a bookshelf moving his finger along the books until he stops “A-ha” He push a red book that said ‘Grated Expectation’ which went in more making a click noise.

Gromit use a watering can to water his Marrow and Y/n use a hose to clean his potato for a bit before watering the other vegetables in their greenhouse as the shelves open for Wallace to see cheese holder he chuckles “Ooh” He rub his hands looking to side before slowly lifting the handle to reach inside while Gromit cuts a leaf off.

Suddenly a snapping caught his and Y/n attention “Oh” Shaking his head Y/n said “I knew he would try that” Gromit cuts another leaf as Y/n press a button for hatch to open above revealing a grate for sunlight to enter on his potato and Gromit’s marrow while Gromit lift the mousetrap releasing Wallace’s fingers.

Y/n points at him “I had a feeling you would try to go and eat your secret cheese, so I hid it and put a mousetrap in there instead” Gromit lets the trap go Wallace said “Oh” He hold his hand “Oh” Wallace wiggle his fingers he ask “Caught red-handed, eh, lads” But Gromit roll his eyes and Y/n gives Wallace the look.

Wallace sighs frowning “I’m sorry, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit looks to him and Y/n stares “I know you both are doing this for my own good…” Y/n nods with Gromit “…but the fact is I’m just cracking about cheese” Wallace points at them “Look, if I must change me ways…” He points to himself “…at least let me do it my way” He push the pepper that went down with a beep “With technology”.

A console comes up catching Gromit and Y/n’s attention he ask “Uncle, what is that” Wallce press a button “It’s time we tried our latest invention…” A hatch opens for a oval glass with two lightbulbs connect to the side “…the Mind Manipulation-omatic” Shocked Y/n ask “Isn’t this from the blueprints I created”?

Nodding Wallace said “You bet it is, Y/n” He push the button for the hatch to go on his head “Ha” Staring in concern Y/n said “But it wasn’t complete” Smiling to him Wallace said “I looked through the blueprints and carefully and finish the calculations” Concerned Gromit watch the lightbulbs go outward “It extracts unwanted thoughts and desire”.

He looks to Y/n who looks at him then back “I haven’t tested it yet, but it should be perfectly safe” Wallace smiles nudging Y/n’s chest “With your brilliant mind, Y/n” He looks at the controls “Just a bit of harmless alteration, that’s all” Wallace reach for the lever Gromit and Y/n look to one another concern.

They look back to see Wallace grabs the lever Gromit waves his hands and Y/n said “But uncle what if we…” Wallace begins to pull the lever when suddenly the telephone rings making him let go and the lever went back to its spot he said “Uh-oh”.

Gromit and Y/n look to the telephone while Wallace answer it “Anti-Pesto Humane Pest Control” Gromit wipe his brow and Y/n place a hand on his chest he sighs in relief “How might we be of assistance” They look to Wallace.

Meanwhile on the other end of the line is Lady Campanula Tottingham who said “Ah, yes” She looks to the side “Lady Tottington her of Tottington Hall” She leans into the speaker as Wallace said “Your Ladyship” He stands up “This is an honour” Wallace moves to salute only to hit the glass “Oh” He wave his hand “Ow”.

Shaking her head Lady Tottington said “It’s a disaster” She glance to the side “I have the most terrible rabbit problem” Wallace looks to Gromit and Y/n “The competition’s only days away” He points at the phone before giving the thumbs up “You simply have to do something” Gromit raise his head and Y/n pulls out his goggles he stares.

Closing his eyes Wallace said “Certainly ma’am” He covers the speaker leaning to Y/n and Gromit “I think we’re about to go up in the world, lads” Gromit and Y/n look to one another “You stay right where you are, your Ladyship…” Wallace swing his arm “…and we’ll be with you in an…” He accidentally smashes the red button for his Mind Manipulation-omatic to rise up “…ahh” He hits the roof making Gromit and Y/n wince he said “Ooh”.

Chapter 8: Tottington hall, BunVac6000

Chapter Text

N/n = Niece name

H/c = Hair colour

Meanwhile Lady Tottington leans up she ask “In an hour” She doesn’t know what happened to Wallace “I can’t wait an hour” Lady Tottington turns “I have a major infestation” She didn’t get a reply “Hmm” Lady Tottington presses the receiver “Hello” She keeps pressing “Hello” Lady Tottington puts the speaker back “Hmm”.

Suddenly the doorbell rings catching her attention “Ah” She smiles “That’s more like it” Lady Tottington trots over to the door and opens it “Thank goodness you’ve…” But when she looks and gets a surprised “Oh” Standing in front of her holding a bouquet of roses is a man name Victor Quartermaine who said “What ho”.

He smiles chuckling “For you, my love” Victor holds the bouquet to Lady Tottington who said “Victor” She takes the roses and looks at them “How lovely and…” Lady Tottington looks back to Victor “…unexpected” Moving his hands Victor said “Heard you had a spot of rabbit bother and toodled straight on over…”

Victor smiles to Lady Tottington “…to sort the blighters out” Still smiling Lady Tottington said “Gosh, that’s…” She hesitantly “…that’s awfully sweet of you” She turns to the door “But you really needn’t bother” Suddenly giggling caught Lady Tottington and Victor’s attention they look to see a young girl patting a rabbit in her arms the rabbit giggles the Girl said “You are so cute”.

Victor had an irritation on his face and smiling Lady Tottington ask “Who is she, Victor” Groaning Victor said “That’s my niece, N/n” He looks to Lady Tottington “My sister had me watch her until the festival is over” He raise his hand “Also it’s no bother, little boo-boo” Victor smiles to her “It’s the least a chap can do for his filly”.

He looks at Tottington Hall “Don’t want pests spoiling our beautiful manor house, do we” Hearing that before standing up N/n ask “Your manor house, Uncle” Victor begins to frown at N/n as Lady Tottington leans in she said “No one’s mentioned marriage, Victor” Chuckling Victor said “All in good time, my dear”.

N/n rolls her eyes walking over as Victor white with brown spotted Bull Terrier dog name Phillip hold his rifle in his mouth and Victor takes it “Vermin first, though, what what” Philip lands on all four “Come on, Philip” Philip follows Victor who points at N/n “You stay here” He walks pass N/n “It’s not right for you to see a vermin’s death”.

Sighing N/n raspberry her Victor before turning around she said “I’m sorry about my uncle, Your Ladyship” Chuckling Lady Tottington said “It’s all right, dear” She pat N/n shoulder “Victor” Lady Tottington walks down the steps “We can deal with this humanely” She before walking after Victo and Philip as N/n sits near the grass ticking the rabbit who giggles flailing it’s arms making N/n smile.

Meanwhile Wallace, Y/n and Gromit drive through the open gate of Tottington Hall going up the pathway Wallace said “Ho-ho” The van bumps a bit “Very classy” Gromit turns the wheel, Y/n put his goggles on and Wallace looks to them “Just the sort of client we should be dealing with, eh, lad” They make a turn “How about you take the lead, nephew”.

Surprised looking to him Y/n ask “Are you sure” Giving Y/n the grabber Wallace said “I trust you, lad” He looks to Gromit “Right, Gromit” Y/n looks to Gromit who nods looking back to the road smiling Y/n lower his goggles over his eyes he said “I’ll use my seat jumper to make an entrance” He press a button.

Meanwhile N/n turns her head to see a van driving to a stop the roof opens for Y/n to come out N/n watch Y/n does a few flips with the sun behind him she stares in awe as Y/n lands in front opens the grabber about to grab a rabbit before raising his head “Uncle you better look at this” Confuse Wallace opens his door and looks slowly he looks shocked Wallace said “Oh”.

In front of them is a meadow filled with rabbits “Burrowing bounders” Gromit moves his hat looking at the rabbit’s Y/n said “They must be breeding like…” He raises his goggles looking to him and Wallace “…well, rabbits” N/n stands up she said “Hello” Turning around Y/n froze a bit to see N/n with long h/c making him blush a bit.

Shaking his head Y/n said “Hello, I’m Y/n” He hold his hand out to N/n who shakes it she said “I’m N/n it’s nice to meet you” Seeing them like this Wallace ask “Do you live here, per chance” Snapping out of their trance N/n turns to him she said “No I’m here with my uncle and you two are” Wallace looks to Y/n and motion his head.

Clearing his throat Y/n said “N/n this is my uncle Wallace…” Wallace smiles nodding his head “…and our friend Gromit” Gromit waves to N/n who waves back she ask “What do you three do” Walking up to her Wallace said “We’re Anti-Pesto Humane Pest Control” Raising a brow N/n ask “Pest control” She looks to Y/n who said “We help taking care of the rabbits”.

He motions the meadow “But looks like this will take an hour to catch them” Staring at the meadow N/n said “Possibly more with your grabber” Raising a hand Wallace said “Only one thing for it, lads” Turning around Y/n ask “You mean the” Wallace nods and Gromit goes into the driver and press a button that said ‘BV6000’.

The back of the van opens revealing a large machine spreading out Y/n smiles looking to N/n who looks in shocked he said “I think you’re going to love this” They walk over to the van as Lady Tottington follows Victor she ask “Victor, hadn’t we agreed” But Victor stares forward he said “Hmm” Standing behind him Lady Tottington said “No more thoughtless killing”.

Rolling his eyes and turns to her Victor said “Quite right, my dear” He turns back narrowing his eyes “So I’ve thought this one through very carefully” Victor aims his rife at a rabbit “It’s off to bunny heaven for you, big ears” Seeing the rifle the rabbit squeaks raising its arms Lady Tottington said “Victor” She waves her hands “No”.

Lady Tottington covers her face and the rabbit close his eyes and cover his face, but the rabbit is suddenly sucked into the hole it said “Ah” Victor fires missing it shocked he ask “What the…” The rabbit goes through the tunnel thinking it’s dead a light appears making the rabbit look up and heads towards it.

The rabbit hovers it looks around to see more rabbits hovering pass a rabbit wave and the rabbit that came in waves back and more moves Wallace said “Champion sucker, eh, Gromit, Y/n” Smiling Y/n looks to N/n he ask “What do you think” Smiling brightly N/n said “This is the most perfect machine to save rabbits”.

Gromit turns giving them a thumbs up “What is this machine called again” Patting the glass Y/n said “The BunVac 6000” Wallace turns looking to the tube that the rabbits are being sucked into he watches rabbits being sucked into the hole one even tried to crawl away squeaking it said “Whee” Still smiling Wallace said “This’ll impress her Ladyship”.

Meanwhile looking at the hole Victor said “I don’t understand” Lady Tottington walks over “It should have been a bull’s-eye” She looks at the hole then up to Victor frowning Lady Tottington said “Oh, Victor” Victor looks to her while rabbits are being sucked into holes around them “I felt we’d make a real break though…”

Victor frowns turning to the side “…with this hunting obsession of yours” More rabbits are being sucked into the holes in front of them “I really thought you’d changed” Turning back to her Victo said “I’m sorry, Campanula, but I am what I am” He wave his hand before kneeling “There’s no nonsense with Victor Quartermaine”.

He smiles raising his hand “What you see is what you get” Victor put his hand on his chest just as his hair comes off revealing him being bold making Lady Tottington scream and Victor turns “What the…” His hair revealing to be a toupee is sucked into the hole while Victor gasp smiling at Lady Tottington before leaning towards the hole before suddenly sucked hallway into the hole.

Meanwhile the pipe went into the hole before rattling noticing N/n ask “What’s happening Mr. Wallace” Turning around Wallace said “Sounds like a really big brute, this one” Thinking for a moment Y/n said “Possibly ate too much vegetables to fatten him up” Gromit then notice Victor’s toupee hovering into the machine along with N/n noticing it.

It moves around Wallace said “Give it some more welly” Gromit grabs the lever and pulls it down to increase the power as Victor goes into the hole moving in a direction noticing Phili growls before he barks chasing after Victor and Lady Tottington turns, she said “Gosh” Victor blabbling moves under the ground and hits a flagpole.

Philip barking running on top of the ground hill before he yelps hitting the flagpole catching Gromit, Y/n and N/n’s attention they watch the hill move around the flagpole under the gravel under a stone then went to the pipe making Wallace gasp letting the pipe go he said “Maybe I should’ve used a bigger nozzle”.

Staring at the flagpole seeing Philip who fell on his front before realising N/n said “That’s no rabbit being sucked” Looking to her Y/n ask “Do you know what’s being sucked” Blushing a bit N/n said “It’s a bit embarrassing” Before should could say Lady Tottington said “Ah” Wallace, Gromit, Y/n and N/n all look to see Lady Tottington who close her hands “Anti-Pesto, you’re here”.

Lady Tottington trots over Wallace said “Oh” Gromit stares, Y/n blinks in surprise, N/n bow her head and Wallace who said “Oh” He moves in front of them taking his hat off “Your Ladyship” Stopping Lady Tottington said “My darlings” She walks forward while Wallace puckers his lips thinking he was going to get a kiss.

But Lady Tottington went pass to the BunVac 6000 placing her hands on the glass as Y/n stands next to N/n “You’re safe” Wallace realises and turns to the rabbits he said “Oh” Y/n slap his face and N/n giggles a bit Lady Tottington said “My word” Gromit looks to her “What a fabulous job you’ve done” Lady Tottington turns to Wallace “And not a single one harmed”.

Smiling Wallace said “Ah” He taps the machine “The old BV6000, ma’am” Y/n raise his hand he said “Capable of 125 RPM” Smiling Wallace said “That’s rabbits per minute” Clasping her hands Lady Tottington said “How inspired” She leans in “Mr…” Releasing Wallace said “Oh, Wallace” He nods Lady Tottington said “Mr. Wallace”.

She looks at the machine “Did you make this, Anti-Pesto” Shaking his head Wallace said “Oh, my nephew made the blueprints and helped me make it” Turning to him N/n ask “You made this” Scratching the back of his head Y/n said “With a little help from, Wallace and Gromit” Giggling and smiling N/n said “I like an inventor” That made Y/n blush a bit.

Looking to the rabbits Lady Tottington ask “Is this all of them” Wallace turns to the pipe “Oh, uh, just one left” Y/n sees the rabbit not moving Y/n said “Better use the grabber for this one” He motions Gromit “Hoist her up, Gromit” Philip walks over to the pipe he sniffs while Gromit pulls another lever for the pipe to come out of the ground lifting Victor with it.

Victor moans flailing his arms and legs as Wallace surprised to see him instead of a rabbit and Y/n yelps seeing him and N/n gasp covering her mouth as Lady Tottington not noticing Wallace makes a cutting motion to Gromit who press a red button turning the machine off releasing Victor who grunts landing on the ground, he grunts spitting dirt out of his mouth.

N/n begins to chuckle seeing this Lady Tottington said “Victor, stop fooling around in the dirt and have a look” Philip licks Victor’s face to get rid of the dirt as Lady Tottington, N/n, Y/n and Wallace looks at the rabbits “The ingenious Anti-Pesto…” Victor gets up stumbling a bit “…have completely dealt with my rabbit problem”.

He stumbles over frowning “Isn’t it marvellous” Lady Tottington smiles clapping, and Victor ask “Marvellous” He leans close to Wallace who leans back “Marvelous” Victor glares at him “This confounded contraption virtually suffocated me” He leans back shoving Y/n out of the way to walk around the machine “Besides, the job’s only half done”.

Y/n glares getting up with N/n helping him as Victor glares at the rabbits before walking to the other side where Gromit leans over “How do you intend to finish these vermin off” Victor stops by the machine “Crush ‘em” He kicks the machine “Liquidise ‘em” Victor walks while Lady Tottington said “They’re humane”.

Looking to her Victor ask “Humane” He went over to Wallace shoving Y/n to the ground again N/n said “Uncle stop that” But Victor ignores her he said “Well, then perhaps they’d be humane enough to give me back my dignity” He leans in Wallace face again “I want…” Victor turn his head and smiles at Lady Tottington who smiles.

Victor turns back to glare at Wallace “Toupee, please” Helping Y/n up N/n said “I’m so sorry about him” Rubbing his jacket off Y/n said “It’s all right” Lowering his gaze Wallace said “Oh, grand” He looks back to Victor “Uh, we take check or cash” But leaning towards him more Victor said “Toupee, you idiot” He glares “My hair is in your machine”.

Confused at this Wallace said “Oh, no, it’s only rabbits in there” Raising a finger N/n said “The toupee was sucked inside it” Motioning the machine Wallace said “The hare, I think you’ll find…” But Victor begins to growl getting more madder “…is such larger mammal” Had enough Victor said “Out of my way, fool”.

Victor opens a small hatch and reaches in to find his toupee as Wallace smiles at Lady Tottington who smiles back then Victor comes back closing the hatch and Y/n looks at the machine seeing the toupee in there he reaches in and grabs it closing the hatch before looking to Victor “I’m sorry, my dear…”

He put his ‘toupee’ on his head “…but I refuse to suffer any further humiliation” The toupee turned out to be a black rabbit “…at the hands of these blundering nitwits” Lady Tottington smiles a bit, Wallace tries to point at the rabbit while Y/n gives N/n the toupee and she takes it trying not to laugh.

The rabbits wave at the black rabbit who waves back “I therefore bid you good day” Victor glares at Wallace before turning around “Come along, N/n” Philip growls holding the rifle in his mouth before following Victor while turning N/n said “I hope to see you again” She runs waving and Y/n slowly waves back watching N/n sneakily switch the rabbit with the toupee holding it in her arms.

Wallace turns to Lady Tottington who said “Thank you for ridding me of a real problem, Mr. Wallace” Gromit sits at the driving seat, Y/n sits in the middle and Wallace close the door “Tell me, what exactly will you do with all these rabbits” Lady Tottington motions the rabbits and Wallace said “Oh, um…”

He looks to Y/n who leans over he said “We’re gonna try find an area filled with fresh vegetables for them to eat and have them stay there” But Wallace covers his mouth he said “Trade secret” He chuckles pushing Y/n into Gromit who rolls his eyes Lady Tottington said “Yes” Wallace smiles back “I’d be happy to let them roam free if it wasn’t the competition”.

Lady Tottington leans in “But they do so love their veg” She chuckles looking to the rabbits before raising her gaze “It’s in their little bunny natures…” Lady Tottington looks back to them “…and you can’t change that, can you” She chuckles while smiling Wallace said “No” He laughs before Gromit starts the engine making the light turn on above Wallace who slowly turns to Y/n and Gromit “Or can you” Gromit and Y/n look to one another didn’t like the look Wallace has.

Chapter 9: Mind Manipulation-omatic, Vegetables Eaten

Chapter Text

Later that night the basem*nt doors open up Wallace ask “Why didn’t we think of it before, lads” The full moon is seen into the air as Wallace turns from the chains “The solution to all our storage problems” He looks at the rabbits in one of the pens before Wallace chuckles walking pass “Simply by connecting the BunVac…”

He connects a tube to the BunVac “…to the Mind Manipulation-omatic…” He connects the other tube before jumping off “…we can brainwash the bunnies” Wallace turns to Gromit and Y/n who stare at him “Rabbit rehabilitation” He clasp his hands and Gromit leans back but Y/n said “Uncle, that is not what the Mind Manipulation-omatic was meant to do”.

Y/n gets up stopping in front of Wallace “It’s meant to move objects with your mind not this” Chuckling Wallace said “Oh, don’t worry, Y/n” He pat his shoulder as Gromit looks to the rabbits who all look to him “Once cured of their antisocial veg-ravaging behaviour…” Wallace sits on his couch press a button “…the rabbits can be safely released…”

The Mind Manipulation-omatic lowers down “…without fear of re-offending” The hatch latches onto Wallace’s head “Just a little added lunar power…” He looks to the moon “…to enhance the mind waves…” Wallace presses a blue button for solar panels to move to the sides tilting up before opening “…and we can begin”.

Wallace smiles at Y/n and Gromit who both look to one another and back Y/n said “This is a bad idea, Uncle” He pulls the lever Gromit covers his face watching Wallce who said “Veg, bad” The bulbs turn on and a ring appears “Veg, bad” Another ring appears passing the 1st ring “Veg, bad” A 3rd ring appears passing the other two rings.

Gromit covers his eyes and Y/n scared watching “Say no to carrots…” The rabbits watch an orange ring appears “…cabbage and cauliflower” A darker green ring appears, and a white ring appears while Wallace looks to Gromit “Well, come on, lad, what are you waiting for” Gromit leans back and the rabbits look to him “Turn on the BunVac”.

Y/n looks at the BunVac and back to Wallac who keeps smiling “Full suction” Gromit glance to Y/n who gulps, and Gromit reach over to the lever and push it making the ‘Suck’ red and the rabbits begin to hover “Ah” Y/n and Gromit watch the rings leave the Mind Manipulation-omatic into the tubes and out inside the BunVack going over the rabbits.

Wallace grunts with Y/n and Gromit looking at the machine “It’s working, Gromit, Y/n” He smiles looking to them “Oh” Wallace smiles “It’s working” He shakes his fists looking back “Ho-ho” Gromit and Y/n watch a ring went over a rabbit who twitches a bit “Their tiny bunny brains are being saturated in my veg-free mind waves”.

Stilling smiling Wallace grunts “Ha” All the rabbit’s screeches at the same time surprising Gromit and Y/n who looks to Wallace “Another 30 minutes brainwashing should suffice” He grabs a magazine “Then we can move on to the conditioning” Wallace opens the magazine and raise his foot, but Y/n notice it about to touch the lever he yells “Uncle Wallace”.

But it was too late the lever was push to ‘Blow’ which turn green making a buzz and the BunVac revving making Wallace who said “Ah” The rabbits and ring went into the tube “Ooh” Then a rabbit went into the tube and comes out headfirst against Wallace “Ah” Y/n looked shocked, and Gromit covers his face and his ears raised up “Ooh”.

Wallace holds the Mind Manipulation-omatic “Gromit, Y/n” He yells getting up and begins to hope like a rabbit Y/n yell “Turn the BunVac off, Gromit” Gromit does so make the BunVac stop and the rabbits land on the floor before looking to Wallace who calls “Get it off” He hoots still hopping “Get it off me, lads”.

Quicky Y/n grabs a wrench he said “Gromit hold Uncle still” Gromit nods and runs hugging Wallace tightly and Y/n gets up swinging the bat as Wallace keeps moving his head he said “Help me, nephew” Waiting Y/n yells “Batter up” He swings the bat destroying the Mind Manipulation-omatic making the rings go pass and fad away.

Sitting up Wallace said “Oh, thanks, lads” The rabbit is clinging onto his head pointing Y/n said “Uh, Uncle” Noticing it Wallace pulls the rabbit off his head he said “Ah” He pants Gromit and Y/n looks to Wallace who motions “Quick” The rabbit shakes a bit “Give us a carrot” Gromit grabs a carrot to Wallace who takes it.

The rabbit whimpering as Wallace holds the carrot to the rabbit who sees it and gives a sniff before then it snorts moving its head away poking it’s tongue out in disgust “Ah” Wallace smiles “It worked, Gromit, Y/n” He opens an empty pen “A reformed rabbit” Wallace puts the rabbit who keeps whimpering “We’ll call him Hutch”.

Wallace smiles closing the hatch “Shall we” He walks pass Gromit and Y/n who looks at Hutch “Come on” Wallace heads up the stairs “Let’s get the kettle on” Looking at the broken device Y/n said “I don’t think I would call it a success, Gromit” Gromit looks to him and they walk out of the basem*nt Wallace said “We’ll see to him in the morning” Hutch squeaks and twitch.

Now Wallace is making an eye “Ho-ho” His head is bandaged up “I feel we’re on the cusp…” Wallace raise his head “…of a real breakthrough, lads” He smiles inserting the eye into a hole next to another one turning it “Mankind freed from rabbit problems forever” Wallace spread his hands while Gromit rolls his eyes putting a tea bag in the teapot and Y/n sighs shaking his head.

Wallace smiles and chuckles putting a frame over the eyes revealing a picture of Lady Tottington “Lady Tottington will be impressed” Her frame was different than the other frames as Wallace clean a bit of it while Y/n looks at Wallace concerned about what happened with the Mind Manipulation-omatic.

A few hours later a record player is playing classical music and Gromit is hugging his Marrow for a moment before putting the blanket on top before looking to Y/n who had his forehead against his potato eyes close for a moment before opening them he gets up putting the blanket on top he said “Sleep tight, my son”.

Y/n looks to Gromit who grabs a dial turning it to ‘cosy’ then they walk to the calendar Gromit cross the 13th he sighs looking at the picture of the Golden Carrot reward as Y/n walks over putting a hand on his shoulder “This time there is no competition between us, Gromit” Gromit nods before following Y/n out of the greenhouse they put their codes in making the door close and head back to the house.

Right next door their neighbour Mr. Caliche pat his giant marrow before closing the hatch for it to lock for the alarm to buzz Mr. Caliche said “Good night” Pressing a button for a turtle to shoot lasers and lowers the shell Mr. Dibber said “Sleep tight” Rubbing her pumpkin Mrs. Mluch said “And don’t let the bed bugs bite”.

She press a button before closing the gnome’s eyes to buzz red Y/n opens the door before he enters the house Y/n turns and Gromit notice turning around to the greenhouse as an owl hooting Y/n said “Rest well” Gromit pat his back making Y/n smile at him before they enter the house closing the door walking in turning the light off Wallace calls “Good night, Gromit, Y/n” Y/n calls “Good night, Uncle, Gromit” Wallace calls “Sweet dreams, old chums”.

Unknown to them the hatch to the basem*nt was still open making the light of the moon shine inside but a thump and rattling is heard as the rabbits inside their pens along with the new rabbits in a bigger pan all whimpering staring at Hutch’s pen that moves and rattles until wood burst open sending splinters to the floor making the rabbits whimpering more.

Meanwhile at the St George Church inside a greenhouse Vicar said “Protect and nourish the frail and the weak, O Lord” He prayed to his vegetables “Let them grow big and strong under Thy loving care” Vicar opens his eyes raising his hands “In fact, let them grow bigger and stronger than anyone else’s…”

Vicar is looking at his big eggplants “…so that the first prize might be mine” He drops some holy water on his eggplants “Amen” Vicar put the watering can on the floor before grabbing a basket of carrots “The harvest offering to bind the deal” He smiles winking up and chuckles a bit walking out of the greenhouse “We plow the fields and Scatter the good seed on…”

Vicar close the door but suddenly a snap caught his attention “Huh” He looks at the graves to see nothing but a owl hooting “Mmm” Vicar looks again “Ahem” He reach into his pocket and pulls out a remote Vicar press the button for the roof hatches to close and the door to lock then a car alarm chirps Vicar hums walking away.

But unknown to him something was watching him it exhales and slurps as Vicar reach the door about to open but he stops looking around, but he shakes head “Nah” He opens the door walking in with the carrots “He sends the snow in winter…” The door closes while the creature moves onto the path heading for the doors.

Meanwhile Vicar puts the basket of carrots on the table filled with vegetables under a banner that said ‘Harvest Festival’ Vicar grabs a carrot “All good gifts around us” He puts two on the table “Are sent from…” Suddenly creaking is heard, and a gust of wind blows the candles out “Heavens above”.

Vicar turns around “Hello” He saw the door close, and the creature moves behind a bench knocking over a candle holder “Hello” Vicar looks to where it went “Is anybody there” The creature belches loudly while the Vicar smiles “Mrs. Mulch” The creature moves along the bench “Please, come forward, whoever you are”.

It looks at Vicar “There’s no need to be afraid” The creature stops at the aisle it slurps looking at the vegetables behind Vicar who looks to where it is “Ah” He smiles realising and points “You’re hungry” Vicar moves motioning the vegetables “Then please, take what you like” He put a hand on his chest “It is for the needy, after all” Vicar chuckles.

The creature comes out of hiding and heads towards Vicar who begins to get scared he gasp watching the creature get closer “No” The creature stands up “No” Vicar raise his head “No” The creature was bigger than him “No” It cast a shadow over Vicar who reaches for a metal crucifix knocking it but grabs two cucumbers and pose it as a crucifix in front of him “MEEEEERRRRRCCCCCYYYY”.

Vicar close his eye as the creature chew making bits of cucumber go pass Vicar who brings the eaten parts of the cucumber to him before he smiles “Ah” He collapse on his back as the creature eats the vegetables making scraps land on Vicar then the crucifix lands next to him while the creature grunts then belches.

Suddenly it burst out through the window leaving a shape before running through the cemetery and a broken gate into town it went small greenhouse grabbing the hatch and pry it off causing the alarm to wail making the owner wake up while a shadow of the creature is seen claws a piece of plastic greenhouse to grab rectangle pot filled with cabbages that are attach to the wall under a window and pries it off.

The creature eats the cabbages, and the alarm bell rings then it breaks a greenhouse window to grab a big plant of tomatoes eating them as owners begin to wake up the shadow shows the creature putting the tomato plant in its mouth before pulling the root out then it’s fluffy foot stomps on a carrot trap.

Mr. Growbag opens his door shining his light looking forward just as the creature drops a pot of tomatoes to the ground and jumps Mr. Growbag gasp moves the light to see his fence and a few more with holes in them.

Chapter 10: Aftermath, The Were-Rabbit

Chapter Text

Meanwhile Gromit wakes up due to knocking on the door Y/n calls “Gromit, wake up” He move his gaze before taking his hat off getting out of bed walking over to the door opening to see Y/n who is concerned “You better look at this” He walks, and Gromit follows him while all the eyes of the painting light up.

Gromit looks surprised at this and Y/n frowns “The alarm should’ve waked us up” He walk to the kitchen with Gromit to see the teapot off the stove that is turned on Gromit turns the stove off Y/n looks to the fridge before shaking his head “Well I’ll be” It was open and food scraps is on the floor Gromit rub his chin and the breakfast buzzes making him and Y/n look to it.

Y/n pulls the lever and Gromit pulls the ‘Assistance’ lever before sitting at the table watching Wallace who yells “Ow” He comes through the hatch landing on the seat he smiles “Morning, Gromit, Y/n” He spread his arms for long sleeves to go over them while looking at the paper Y/n said “Morning, uncle” Slippers go on his feet and brown pants slip on.

The shirt, vest and tie went over Wallace who pop his head out the hole he smiles waving his fist Wallace ask “A pest-free night per…” He begins to frown noticing the eyes buzzing “…chance” Leaning back Y/n said “Better show him, Gromit” Gromit flicks the newspaper over it spins until reaching Wallace showing a picture of a marrow with a bite the headline said ‘Night of Vegetable Carnage’ Wallace said “Oh” He raise his head “Lummy day”.

Now they are in the church with the townspeople all shouting behind Gromit is Mr. Dibbler who said “It’s a disaster” Behind Y/n is Miss Blight who calls “Me garden’s ruined” In front of Wallace who is concerned is Mr. Windfall who said “It’s carnage out there” Next to him Mrs. Mulch ask “Where were Anti-Pesto” Holding a notepad and pencil Mackintosh calls “Simmer down, now”.

The Townspeople went quiet “Right” Mackintosh hold pencil up “One at a time, if ya please” He dabs it on his tongue as Miss Thripp went over to Wallace she said “We pay good money for our crop protection” She points her small shovel at him and Gromit as Mr. Crock said “If ya can’t deliver the goods…” He waves his fist a Y/n’s face “…maybe you should keep you traps shut”.

Mr. Crook put his broken trap on Y/n’s lap making him pick it up looking at it as Mr. Growbag stands up raising a hand he said “I never saw such cauliflower carnage” A piece of the trap fall off making Y/n look to Wallace and Gromit who looks to him “Worse than the Great Slug Blight of ’32…” Mr. Growbag wave his hand “…when there were slugs the size of pigs”.

Turning her head Mrs. Mulch calls “Growbag’s right” She stands up waving her hand “The slugs are back” The townspeople get up complaining Mr. Windfall said “The slugs are back” Raising his hands Mackintosh said “That’s enough” He wave his hands “That’s enough” Mackintosh stomps his foot “Look, this flippin’ vegetable competition…”

He takes off his hat revealing his bald head “…causes nothin’ but trouble every year” Turning his head Mr. Windfall said “Here we go” He looks to Mr. Caliche who calls “Get on with ya” Walking forward Mackintosh said “If ya ask me…” He points “Know what” Mackintosh moves his hand back “I’ll tell ya” He turns facing the townspeople “If ya ask me, this was arson”.

Confuse Mr. Caliche ask “Arson” Behind him Miss Thripp ask “Arson” Mackintosh said “Aye” He furrow his brows “Someone arsin’ around” Mackintosh chuckles a bit raising a finger “That’s right” The townspeople stood up “One of you lot” Mackintosh points at them “A man” Suddenly Reverend calls “This was no man”.

Everyone including Y/n, Wallace and Gromit look and they gasp to see Vicar on a wheelchair rolling down the aisle “Does a man have teeth…” He raises his hands making Miss Blight gasp “…the size of axe blades” Reverend moves the wheelchair forward to Mackintosh he grab his uniform pulling him close “Or ears like terrible tombstones” Mackintosh gulps.

Vicar gets out of his wheelchair as Gromit, Wallace and Y/n look to one another “By tampering with nature…” Vicar walks along the aisles he spread his hands “…forcing vegetables to swell far beyond their natural size…” The townspeople begin to gasp “…we have brought a terrible judgment upon ourselves”.

Mackintosh stares at Vicar hearing the organ play looking to the right he said “Hey” He leans over “Give over” Playing the organ is Violet Wallflower who stops and covers the key as Mackintosh looks back “You’re mental” Mr. Leaching shake his head looking back to Vicar who said “And for our sins…”

He raises his hands “…a hideous creature…” Vicar makes a motion “…has been sent to punish us all” He looks to a lady “Repent” Vicar wave his fingers to a young man “Repent” He turns around “Lest you, too, taste the wrath of…” Vicar inhales turning around raising his arms “…the Were-Rabbit”.

The doors open for the wind to blow pass making everyone look at the broken window with a Were Rabbit shape hole making the townspeople complain and worried Wallace gulps, Y/n stares at the hole before looking at the trap “Doomed” Y/n, Wallace and Gromit look to one another Mr. Caliche ask “What’s to become of the vegetable show”?

Miss Thripp went to Mackintosh shaking him she said “We live for that competition” He raise his hands “We’re simple folk” Had enough Mackintosh said “Get off me” But Miss Thripp said “It’s all we have” Mackintosh said “Hey” Pulling him Miss Thripp said “It’s all we have” She keeps shaking him “Who will save us” About to grab her Mackintosh said “Get…”

Suddenly a shot makes everyone go silence and look to the door to see Victor holding his rifle in the air, Philip sitting next to him and N/n covering her eyes due to the shot she lower her hands looking to Victor who laughs he ask “A Were-Rabbit” Victor lowers his rifle “Oh, come, come, now” He chuckles “I do believe the Vicar’s been to the communion wine again”.

N/n looks up and took a step forward to avoid a statue landing where she stood scaring Philip who yelps and growls at it as Victor walks down the aisle “What we are dealing with here is no supernatural rabbit” He stops turning his head “It’s a big fellow, perhaps” Victor looks at the hole while staring N/n said “I don’t think it is a person who can jump that high to make that hole”.

Scoffing Victor said “But a mortal creature of flesh and blood” He co*cks his rifle and aims it around “A matter easily dealt with by a hunter” Victor smiles making the townspeople murmuring while N/n rolls her eyes suddenly Lady Tottington calls “Guns will not be necessary, thank you, Victor”.

Victor, N/n, Wallace, Gromit, Y/n and the townspeople look to see Lady Tottington standing on pulpit with stone angel wings behind her, a lightbulb on and sunlight from a window shine on Lady Tottington making her an angel “Hasn’t there been enough destruction” She walks down the steps as Victor moves a bit “I believe the killing of fluffy creatures…”

Lady Tottington walks along the aisle “…is never justified” The townspeople stare at her “I say we give Anti-Pesto, his nephew and dog a second chance” She motions Gromit, Wallace and Y/n who look to one another Victor ask “What” Wallace smiles, Y/n turn his head and Gromit turn his gaze “How on earth would those tiny-minded buffoons…” Victor glance to them “…ever catch such a big rabbit”.

Smiling Lady Tottington ask “Mr. Wallace” Leaning back Wallace said “Oh” He turn his gaze “Oh…” The townspeople look at him “Um…” Wallace looks to Y/n who rub his chin “…well…” He looks to Gromit who nods then Wallace smiles raising his finger “With a big trap” Gromit slap his face as Y/n stood up he said “If I can get a ladder to measure the hole at the window…”

He points at the broken window “…then I can figure out how big and how much it weighs to catch it” N/n begins to smile as Mr. Crock lowers his pipe he said “By Jove” He begins to smile “They…” Mr. Crock looks at the townspeople “They got it” The townspeople cheer Mr. Dibbler said “Genius” Slowly Gromit lower his hand.

Mr. Growbag said “Mmm” He nudge Mr. Leaching “Clever” Lady Tottington smiles as Victor stares in shocked she said “You see, Victor…” She turns to Victor “…there’s hope for the vegetables yet” However Victor narrows his eyes looking towards Wallace and Y/n he said “Not the ones I’m looking at” Miss Blight shakes Wallace’s hand.

Victor turns walking N/n looks to Y/n who is being pattered she smiles before following her uncle as Gromit looks around Mr. Dibbler said “That’s me boys” Wallace looks to Lady Tottington he chuckles smiling before shaking his fists at Lady Tottington who gasp before she smiles and shakes her fist.

A few hours later Y/n is writing down the measurements and size from the hole standing on a ladder Mackintosh ask “Are you done yet, lad” Closing the notepad Y/n sliding down the ladder he said “Yes, I’m done” He walks the aisle Mackintosh follows he ask “How big do you think it is” Stopping at the door looking back Y/n said “Massive I believe but we will handle it”.

Y/n walks through the town everyone cheers or wishing him luck he waves or nods at them Y/n makes a turn on a street then N/n said “Hello, Y/n” Y/n turns to see her standing there he said “Hello, N/n” He smiles to N/n who smiles back while they walk along the street N/n ask “So do you have the measurements” Nodding Y/n said “Yes and I already have my mind working on the trap”.

Looking forward N/n said “I’m glad that the townspeople agree with Lady Tottington’s idea giving you and Mr. Wallace another chance” She looks to him “I hate seeing cute animals being dead” Turning his gaze Y/n ask “How long are you going to be here” Raising her head N/n said “Just a day after the harvest festival”.

Y/n and N/n both reach the house they look to one another “Good luck on catching the rabbit” Smiling Y/n said “We’ll catch it” N/n smiles before walking down the street passing the Mailman who said “Hello, Y/n” Waving Y/n said “Hello” The Mailman reach into his post bag and pulls out a letter he said “Just one for today” Y/n takes it and opens the gate closing it.

He enters the house Y/n said “I’m home” Y/n close the door walking to the living room Wallace ask “Did you get the measurements” Nodding Y/n said “Right here” He holds the notepad “Oh, and Gromit” Gromit looks to Y/n who holds a letter “For you” He flip the letter to Gromit who caught it “It’s from Fluffles” Gromit begins to blush a bit Wallace said “Well time to start making our trap”.

Later that night a picture of Lady Tottington is on the dashboard and it said ‘Good luck boys X’ Y/n looks around “Ah” He looks to Wallace who drives the van “Love, Gromit” He smiles brightly “That’s the biggest trap of all” Wallace looks to Y/n “The ‘tender trap’, they called it” In the back of the van is Gromit strap to a seat moving his arms and legs “And that’s what we’ll use to catch this thing”.

Wallace smiles looking forward “Yes, lad, a lovely lady rabbit” On top of the van is a giant lady rabbit looking a bit real with a bow moving its arms and legs up and down as Gromit roll his eyes Y/n looks around with the binoculars he said “Can’t see the Were-Rabbit yet Uncle” They drive along the street Wallace ask “How could any hot-blooded rabbit-beast resist”?

Mr. Mulch locks his shed turning around putting his pipe in his mouth he said “Ah” He watch the rabbit go pass Mr. Mulch raise his other arm that’s holding a watering car putting the tip in his mouth while Wallace pokes his head out, he smiles watching it just move his arms and legs he said “Oh, come on, Gromit”.

Y/n stick his head out to see it moving its arms up and down “A bit more…” He chuckles a bit “…you know, alluring” Gromit stops before putting his paws on his hips and kick his right leg out before doing the same to the left making the rabbit do the same while Y/n laughs loudly going back into the van he said “That should get its attention”.

Chuckling Wallace said “Ho-ho” He smiles “Very cheeky” Gromit keeps kicking his legs out then moves his hands on the hip and the other behind the leg and hip bumps outward a few times before pressing a pedal for the rabbit to wink “Ha-ha” Wallace move his head inside looking to Gromit “That’s more like it, lad”.

Stop laughing Y/n notice the tunnel he said “Uncle” But Wallace ask “How can we possibly fail now” Staring Y/n said “Uncle” Gromit notice the tunnel and place a hand on his move then points the other forward as the rabbit does the same “You’re a total knockout” Y/n turn to Wallace he yells “Uncle” Gromit wave his hands making the rabbit wave it’s hands.

The rabbit hits the wall making Gromit go up into the ceiling and Wallace stops the van he said “Oops” He pulls the brakes on Y/n said “I tried to warn you” Wallace opens the door he said “Stick around, lads” Gromit was still stuck to the ceiling Y/n ask “Do you need help” He poke his head out to Wallace who said “Should fix back on quite easily” Wallace walks down the tunnel.

Y/n sticks his head in just as Gromit falls onto the floor before opening the back door and walk around to the driver seat closing the door Y/n ask “You okay, Gromit” Gromit nods looking around while Y/n pulls out Gromit’s knitting “Here you go” Gromit takes it and begins to knit and Y/n leans back on the seat waiting.

Meanwhile the clouds move revealing the full moon Y/n looks at the sign that looks like a carrot “How’s Fluffles by the way” Gromit looks to him before pulling out the letter giving it to Y/n who reads it “Oh looks like the baking has spread out and she misses all three of us” He narrow his eyes and chuckles “But she misses you the most, Gromit”.

Gromit blushes more before turning the radio on setting it to music taking the letter back Gromit rolls his eyes suddenly a crash caught his and Y/n’s attention “What was that” He turns the radio off and they look to see a metal gate creaking Gromit opens the door looking around before he turns to the tunnel looking through the hole “Uncle, should be back by now”.

Y/n looks to Gromit “Honk the horn” Nodding Gromit honks the horn, but the carrot sign is gone Gromit furrow his brow turning back and Y/n puts his goggles on his head “Come inside, Gromit” Slowly Gromit does so closing the door they look to one another when suddenly something bounce on the hood scaring them.

Landing on the hood is Harvey’s carrot sign with a big bite out of it then the Were-Rabbit burst out of the shop and heads into the direction “That was it” Gromit looks to the tunnel honking the horn again to get Wallace attention but nothing he looks to Y/n who looks to him but he furrow his brow and put his goggles on “After that rabbit, Gromit”.

Nodding Gromit starts the engine shift gears and change pedals driving forward making the sign go over them making a turn Gromit looks to the right and Y/n looks to the left passing neighbours when Y/n look forward he shake his head “Watch out” Gromit looks to see the Were-Rabbit hops over them and went down an alley “Turn us around, Gromit”.

Gromit turns the wheel making the van turn around drives forward as the Were-Rabbit stomps on a pumpkin with the van chasing it “There it is” Y/n points to the Were-Rabbit and Gromit push the pedal increasing speed while the Were-Rabbit galloping across the neighbour’s garden “Better use the lasso ready”.

Y/n press a button for the hood to open for a hand to come out spinning with rope in its hand going up making the rope lasso as Gromit holds the button “Steady, Gromit” They chase after the Were-Rabbit “Now” Gromit press the button for the hand to release the rope sending it forward latching onto the Were-Rabbit’s foot.

Gromit and Y/n grunt due to the Were-Rabbit coming out of the alleyway the van turns before being drag around a post box Gromit tries to control the wheel but the van hits a no parking sign as Y/n points “Froward, Gromit” Gromit furrow his brow shift gears and change pedals going forward until Y/n raise his goggles “Uh oh” Gromit looks and shake his head.

They are heading for a hedge Gromit press the brakes, but they went through making a hole the wipers activate moving the leaves for Gromit and Y/n to see the Were-Rabbit digging a tunnel dragging the rope catching Gromit and Y/n’s attention “Quick full reverse” Gromit does shift to reverse and press the pedal, but the Were-Rabbit was dragging the van.

The van reaches the hole Gromit and Y/n look to one another “Hold on tight” They went into the hole following the Were-Rabbit who keeps digging sending dirt on the front window “Switch to the Heavy Loam” Gromit pulls the lever to ‘Heavy Loam’ for the wipers to move the dirt out of the way to see the Were-Rabbit going forward.

Meanwhile above them a big hill sucks in a row of cauliflower then goes under a path and sucks a row of carrots crashing into fence sucking two rows of leaks, and two rows of marrows crashing into another fence and sucks a row of cabbages while Mr. Dibble stood holding a pitchfork, he watches his cabbages went into the ground including a gnome.

The gnome lands on the window only being push to the side Gromit and Y/n try to get a good look “He’s sucking the vegetables from above us” Gromit and Y/n look to one another back while Mrs. Girdling walks to the entrance of her greenhouse looking at her prized carrots she said “Nighty-night, me lovelies”.

Mrs. Girdling waves at them then close the door “Think big now” She begins to lock the door however the Were-Rabbit sucks some marrows going under a path then sucks a few pumpkins, leaks while Mrs. Girdling keeps locking up the Were-Rabbit turns sucking cabbages to another path going forward heading for Mrs. Girdling and her greenhouse.

Turning around to notice the hill coming Mrs. Girdling gasp she presses herself against the door “Ah” The Were-Rabbit went under Mrs. Girdling who turns begins to unlock the door before looking inside and watch in horror “NOOOOOOOO” Three rows of her prized carrots get sucked into the ground and the greenhouse collapse except the front.

The greenhouse lands in the tunnel surprising Gromit and Y/n who yells “Watch out” The van crashes through the greenhouse and stops with carrots in front of the window Y/n push the lever to ‘Light Rain’ for the wipers to move the carrots while Gromit and Y/n watch the Were-Rabbit digs away Gromit hits the wheel and Y/n hits the dashboard “Crackers” Suddenly the airbags activate covering them.

Chapter 11: Hutch, Transformation

Chapter Text

Morning arrived the van drives up the hole, but it stops at the edge and slowly went back then Gromit revs the engine making the van drive out revealing it covered in mud Y/n said “Better get this mud off” He press the button for a device moving from ‘De-Ice’ to ‘De-Mud’ making the van tilt then shake side to side rapidly shaking the mud off until it stops.

The doors open Gromit shake his head and Y/n leans out holding his head “There’s has to be a better way then shaking it off” He shake his head then notice where they are “We’re home” Gromit then sees bunny prints on the path leading to the house with a broken door Y/n close the door and walks with Gromit right next to him.

Slowly Y/n opens the door making it creak “Come on, Gromit” He enters the house with Gromit to see bits of vegetables on the floor Wallace said “Don’t worry” Y/n sees cauliflower and pumpkins with bites on them “No” Gromit saw bits of carrots and tomatoes eaten “No” They walk pass it “Well, I’m very sorry, Mrs. Mulch”.

Y/n and Gromit follow the footprints “We’ll get there as soon as we can” Y/n turns to see Wallace on the telephone “Mr. Dibber” All the eyes are buzzing again “Oh, yes” Gromit looks to Wallace “Uh, can I call you back” Wallace picks another telephone “Mrs. Girdling” He listens moving back “A tunnel you say”.

Y/n and Gromit stare at Wallace who glances behind to see them “Oh” He turns back “I’ll look into it” Had enough Wallace reaches down and pulls the plug making all the eyes stop and telephones stop he turns to them “So where did you two get to, lads” Y/n and Gromit stare at him “I thought I told you both to stay put”.

Raising his hand Y/n said “We were chasing the Were-Rabbit, Uncle” He points at Wallace “Where were you” Y/n lower his hand “I thought you said it was be an easy fix” Raising his arms Wallace said “It’s gone mad around here” Y/n sighs shaking his head while Gromit looks at the footprints “I thought we were supposed to be a team”?

He looks to see the footprints heading to the door leading to the basem*nt Y/n said “We are a team, Uncle” Y/n notice the footprints to the door Wallace ask “How are we ever gonna catch this thing…” Y/n and Gromit look back to Wallace “…if you both go gallivanting off on your own all the time” Gromit looks to Y/n who walks to the door.

Gromit follows him making Wallace groans raising his arms “You’re both doing it again” Y/n and Gromit walk down the stairs “Where are you both going now” Y/n reach the bottom the rabbits all whimpering he ask “What the” Wallace said “Gromit, Y/n” Gromit stops to look at the rabbits who all shaking whimpering “Grommy”.

The rabbits all turn in the same direction making Y/n look he shake his head in shocked he yells “Uncle, get down here” He walks forward, and Gromit looks to where Y/n’s facing then went shocked Wallace said “Really, lads” He walks down the stairs following Y/n who stares in shocked “You both realise I’ve made a personal promise to Lady Tottington”.

Wallace walks down the steps “How is this sort of behaviour going to get us…” Gromit stops by Y/n left staring forward “…any nearer to finding a rabbit-mon…” Wallace stops on Y/n’s right looking forward “…ster” They stare at Hutch’s pen hearing Hutch snoring the front part comes off Wallace, Y/n and Gromit look to one another “Hutch”.

Slowly Wallace walks forward “Oh, Gromit” He use the grabber to pick Hutch up “We’ve created a monster” Wallace holds Hutch in front of him “Hutch is the beast” Hutch now has long arms and legs he twitches a bit while realising Y/n said “The lunar panels, Uncle” Wallace, Y/n and Gromit looks to them he said “They must’ve over-stimulated…”

Wallace looks back to Hutch “…Hutch’s primitive bunny nature” Gromit stares at him as Y/n said “Now, when the moon appears, he undergoes a hideous transformation” Slowly Gromit reaches up when suddenly Hutch twitches then belches loudly making Gromit wave his hand and Y/n ask “What did he eat” He covers his nose.

Hutch rubs his stomach Wallace said “Oh, Gromit, Y/n” Wallace lowers him for a bit “Oh this is absolutely…” Gromit and Y/n look to one another “…fantastic” Wallace smiles as they look back Y/n ask “It is” Smiling Wallace ask “Don’t you see, lads” He raise a finger “OK, so we’ve created a veg-ravaging rabbit-monster” Wallace raise Hutch who twitches a bit.

But Wallace raise his hand “But we’ve also captured it” He opens the grabber making Hutch land in Gromit who spread his arms “Just like I promised Lady Tottington” Y/n looks at Wallace who smiles and runs pass him “I’ll go tell her the good news” Gromit looks pass “Make sure he doesn’t escape” Wallace close the door “Bye” Gromit and Y/n look to Hutch who hiccups

Y/n is cutting a 2x4, Gromit use a electronic wood cutter, Y/n hammers a nail connecting two pieces of wood as both Y/n and Gromit pull two ropes to make the walls rise up covering Hutch who sits and twitches a bit and a grated lands in front of him while Gromit use a bolt launcher to keep the pen together and Y/n turns the latch he said “That should hold him”.

They walk up the stairs and close the door and puts a piece of wood on top of two holders “Just in case” Suddenly the doorbell rings “I wonder who that could be” Y/n walk to the door and opens it revealing N/n “Hello” Staring N/n said “I heard there was another attack” Closing the door behind him Y/n said “I’m afraid so”.

He sits down on the steps and N/n joins him she ask “Did you manage to get the Were-Rabbit” Scratching his head a bit Y/n said “We did catch it” That makes N/n gasp before smiling she ask “Did you use your invention” Y/n looks to her while Gromit stares at the close door before noticing more footprints on the floor Y/n said “I had Gromit use the lasso”.

Gromit looks at the door before walking to the stairs following the footprints then Gromit walks up the stairs following the footprints until they slowly turn into human footprints that came to a stop leading to a door and slowly Gromit looks to see Wallace’s room he opens the door making it creaking Gromit looks inside to see on the bed is pieces of eaten vegetables making Gromit look in horror at them.

Meanwhile at Tottington Hall the doorbell rings the door opens revealing Lady Tottington who said “Mr. Wallace” Smiling Wallace said “It’s the beast, your Ladyship” He raise his hands “I bring great news” Staring Lady Tottington said “Gosh, how exciting” She motions “Please, do come in”.

Lady Tottington walks inside the Hall as Wallace smiles raising his brows before stomping his foot then walks into Tottington Hall closing the door while Gromit turns the van going down a street with Y/n who ask “So let me get this straight, Gromit” He looks to him “Wallace is the Were-Rabbit not Hutch” Gromit nods furrowing his brows and Y/n looks at the sun “We better get him quickly”.

Meanwhile Lady Tottington and Wallace are sitting at a table having tea she said “Well, this is simply spiffing news” She pours tea in her cup “With the beast in captivity, the competition can go ahead as planned” Wallace looks around sipping his tea “You and your nephew saved the day, Mr Wallace”.

Lowering his cup Wallace said “Oh…” He smiles putting the cup down “It was nothing, your Ladyship” Lady Tottington drinks her tea she said “So modest” She gets up then motions the cupcakes “Oh, please, do help yourself” Wallace said “Oh” He looks at them “Thanks” He reach for the flower instead and eats it.

Not noticing Lady Tottington said “I so appreciate you coming all this way…” She smiles “…to let me know, Wallace” Lady Tottington turns to him “Tell me, are you a vegetable-lover yourself” Wallace said “They’re…” He smiles “Growing on me” He chuckles, and Lady Tottington said “Then come with me”.

She walks forward “There’s something very special I want to show you” Lady Tottington walks pass Wallace who said “Oh” He raise his foot and use it to scratch his ear before getting up walking over her while Gromit and Y/n arrive he said “Let’s get him out of there” They open the door looking at Tottington Hall.

Meanwhile Lady Tottington motions Wallace she said “Hop in” Wallace joins her he said “It’s very snug” Raising a hand Lady Tottington said “It’s my Jacob’s ladder” She reach pass to push a leg of a statue “And it goes all the way to heaven” The floor under them push up while Gromit and Y/n watch this he said “This is not good” They move away from the window to look up.

The platform stops for Wallace and Lady Tottington to see vegetables growing inside the large dome glass Lady Tottington said “Welcome to my inner sanctum, Wallace” She walks as Wallace stares in awe Lady Tottington turns around “My secret garden” A butterfly lands on her hand “Oh”.

Walking forward Wallace said “It’s a veritable” He hops “…vegetable paradise” Wallace hops again looking at the cauliflower as Lady Tottington said “I just knew you’d love it” She clasp her hands accidentally crushing the butterfly “Unlike Victor” Lady Tottington walks forward “He’s never shown any interest in my produce”

Lady Tottington stop and rubs two grapefruits as Wallace said “Oh” He adjust his tie “His lose, Lady Tottington” Lady Tottington said “Please, Wallace” She leans in “Call me Totty” Y/n and Gromit climb up a ladder seeing the greenhouse he said “There they are” They walk over to the dome to look inside seeing Lady Tottington holding a big marrow to Wallace who licks his lips.

Surprising Gromit and Y/n who look to one another “We’ve got to do something” Gromit went over to a small window as Lady Tottington said “If anything were to happen to my vegetables…” He opens it “…I don’t know what I’d do” Y/n joins him watching them “I’m sure you understand, Mr. Wallace”.

Wallace smiling turns around “I can see that you’re a true nature lover” Gromit waves his arms but Wallace turns back to Lady Tottington he said “Oh, yes” He smiles at her “Yes, I am” Thinking Y/n said “Use a tomato to hit him” Nodding Gromit leans in Lady Tottington said “At first, I thought I could change Victor” He grabs a tomato and threw it “Now I’m not so sure”.

But Wallace said “Oh” He moves licking his lips just as the tomato lands in a vase making Y/n slap his head and Gromit wave his fist irritated as Lady Tottington went over to Wallace she ask “Do you think a man can change, Wallace”?

Wallace wanting to take a cabbage he ask “Change” He snaps out of it then turns to Lady Tottington “Oh, yes” Y/n and Gromit look to one another then Y/n looks pass Gromit who turns seeing the sunsetting he said “We have to hurry” Gromit nods and they look back to the greenhouse.

Meanwhile Victor is cutting some roses off a bush near Tottington Hall before standing up Victor said “Really Philip” He wraps them in a bouquet “The things one does for love” Victor chuckles before turning around he hums the Wedding March while Philip growls nodding his head walking after Victor who keeps humming looking at the bouquet.

Suddenly he stops looking forward to see Wallace, Y/n and Gromit’s van making him glare at it “Pesto” Then all of a sudden Lady Tottington laughs making Victor look up to the greenhouse to see a shadow of Lady Tottington and Wallace she said “Mr. Wallace” Wallace said “Oh, Totty” Glaring Victor ask “Totty” He threw the bouquet and leaves with Philip growls walking on the bouquet and jumps on it a few times before following Victor.

Meanwhile Y/n and Gromit try to get their attention but Lady Tottington said “I’d like to show you one last thing” Wallace stares at her “Something no other man has ever seen” Staring Wallace said “Oh” Turning around Lady Tottington said “My carrot de Chantenay” She shows a giant carrot making Wallace smile, Gromit cover his move and Y/n said “That’s not good”.

Walking forward Lady Tottington said “Just smell it, Wallace” She holds the carrot up “Feel its silken flesh” Moving back Wallace said “Oh, yes” He licks his lips staring at it Lady Tottington ask “Isn’t it the most sumptuous…” Wallace twitch a bit “Succulent specimen you’ve ever seen” He looks at her Wallace said “Oh, yes”.

He hits a sprinkler making Y/n look to see more he said “That’s it” Y/n pulls Gromit out of the window and looks around Lady Tottington said “Doesn’t it fill your heart with desire” Wallace said “Yes, yes” Y/n then spots the tap Lady Tottington said “Just imagine what it would taste like” She holds the carrot to Wallace who was about to take a bite but Y/n grabs a leak and threw it hitting the tap sending water out of the sprinklers making Wallace and Lady Tottington scream.

Now Wallace is twisting the water out of his knitted vest he ask “What on earth were you both thinkin’ of, lads” Gromit stares forward as Y/n turn his head he said “Sorry, Uncle but we needed you” Shaking the vest Wallace said “Ruined a perfectly good piece of fashionable knitwear, that did” Gromit and Y/n look pass the trees to the sun getting lower.

Wallace looks to them “To say nothing of a relationship with an important client” Looking forward to see a road closed sign shaking his head Y/n said “Seriously at this time” There was a small sign said ‘Diversion’ under it Wallace said “It’s lucky for us her Ladyship was so understanding” Gromit turns the wheel entering the forest.

Staring Y/n said “Pedal to the medal, Gromit” Gromit press the pedal making the van go faster Wallace said “Honestly, I don’t know what’s got into you two lately” He notice the speed “And slow down for pity’s sake” The van went over bumps “You’ll buckle my trunnions” Blinking Gromit press the brakes making the van stop the tires screeching.

In front of them is a fallen tree Y/n ask “You have got to be kidding me” Staring Wallace said “Don’t worry” He opens the door “I’ll see to this” Looking to him Y/n said “Uncle wait” But Wallace close the door he said “You both stay here where you belong” Gromit and Y/n look back to see the sun go “Grounded and in the doghouse”.

Wallace walks up to the tree “Right” He strains trying to move the tree “It’s heavier than it looks” Gromit notice the stump was cut he nudge Y/n who looks leaning in he said “This tree was cut down recently” Then Gromit notice something went pass the side mirror making him look back while Y/n looks to the side to see nothing.

Suddenly an axe lands near Wallace’s head surprising him turning around he said “Oh” Gromit and Y/n look forward to see Victor walking to Wallace he said “I know your little secret, Pesto” He points at Wallace who said “Oh” Victor pokes him “I know exactly what’s going on” Raising his fist Wallace said “Your Lordship…”

Glaring Victor said “Oh, yes” He pokes Wallace again “You think you can pilfer my filly, don’t you” Staring Y/n said “We have to help him” Gromit opens the door only for Philip to slam it shut surprising him and Y/n who turns watching Philip snarling at them while leaning in Victor ask “You think you can con a woman…” He pokes Wallace “…out of her fortune”.

Confuse and scared Wallace ask “Who, me” Leaning to him closer Victor said “Well, I got her first” He glares at Wallace “I’ve spent a long time reeling in…” Gromit and Y/n look to Philip who shake his head at them “…that fluffy-headed bunny-lover” Victor glares at Wallace pointing at him “And I’m not about to let some puddle-headed…”

Victor spits on Wallace “…peasant poach her from me” He leans closer to him “Comprenez” Victor leans away from Wallace who said “Oh, hu, right-o” He wipes the spit off him “I’ll be off then” Wallace waves “Ta-ta” He walks pass Victor who stares forward he said “You’re not going anywhere, Pesto” Wallace suspenders were stuck under the axe.

Wallace slowly stops moving his gaze before beginning pulled back into the tree he said “Ow” Victor takes his jacket off he said “Not until I’ve taught you…” He hangs it on his axe “…a jolly good lesson” Wallace scared while Philip growling smiles to watch this glancing to Gromit and Y/n who watch this.

Victor moves his fists “Come on” He jumps back and forth “Queensberry rules” Victor moves back waving his fists “Put ‘em up, ya little pipsqueak” Whimpering Wallace does smile then his fists begin to shake while Victor laughs “You’re shaking” Noticing Gromit and Y/n look to the sky seeing the clouds move revealing a full moon Y/n said “We’re too late”.

Hopping Victor said “Don’t tell me you’re a scaredy-cat as well as a scoundrel” Y/n and Gromit looks back to Wallace who moaning his fists shake more Y/n looks to Gromit who looks to him he said “Quietly lock the doors” Nodding Y/n leans over and press the lock on the door and Gromit locks the driver door making Philip look.

Laughing Victor said “And don’t think acting like a big girl’s blouse…” Wallace fists moves and shakes more “…will get you out of it” Turning Victor spins his arm “There’s no mercy with Victor Quartermaine” He runs and swings at his fist “Oh” Staring confuse Philip ask “Huh” Looking up Victor ask “Huh” Gromit and Y/n watch Wallace threw Victor into the air “Ohhh”.

Y/n and Gromit watch Victor land on the hood he moans shaking his head staring at them before turning to Wallace who looks at his hands before raising his head then opens his mouth revealing rabbit teeth “What the dickens” Staring Y/n said “The transformation” Wallace raise his hand to see turn into a rabbit hand he moans.

Victor moves back he ask “What on earth…” Wallace yelps noticing his other hand turned into a rabbit hand as Gromit leans to Y/n who stares in shocked watching Wallace grow bigger he holds his butt watching a rabbit tail pop open Wallace said “Ooh” Victor looks to Gromit and Y/n who both shrug at him.

Looking back Wallace moans his feet turn into rabbit feet his pants rip showing more fur as Philip tries to open the door making Y/n and Gromit look to Philip who whimpering wanted to come in, but Y/n and Gromit shake their heads at him while Wallace head turns into a rabbit he said “Ooh” His cheeks grew “Ooh” Wallace ears pop into rabbit ears “Ooh”.

The suspenders break and the button shirt rips sending each button hitting Victor in the face as another rip happens Victor looks back only for blue underwear to hit his face slowly, he pulls them down for him to whimper seeing Wallace as the Were-Rabbit wearing the tie he roars surprising Victor who hair went flying but he grabs it he said “Aah”.

Gromit holds Y/n who wrap his arm around him watching Wallace stop roaring he breathes as Victor moves back “Philip” He points at him “Attack” But Philip tries to dig under the van “Attack” Gromit, Y/n and Victor look to the side before looking forward “What the” They see Wallace lifting the fallen tree with strength.

Wallace turns around showing his strength as Victor whimpers flailing his arms then Wallace threw the tree making Victor, Y/n and Gromit take cover only for the tree to land behind them breathing Wallace looks around before he howls beating his chest while rabbits in the area hear the howl, they all howl beating their chests.

Wallace stops looking around before stomping his foot he grunts causing the van to shake, Victor to bounce up and down on the hood until Wallace stops, he sniffs the air Wallace smiles before turning and galloping away towards town while Victor slowly turns to Y/n and Gromit who look to him.

Suddenly Victor’s scared begins to turn into a smile and thunder clashes with lighting making Gromit lean back and Y/n begins to realise what his smile means as Victor adjust his toupee still smiling at them then glaring Y/n calls “Start the van, Gromit” Gromit starts the van and drives forward sending Victor over them he yells “Ahh” Gromit and Y/n drive after Wallace while Victor sits up without his toupee watching them go but he smiles.

Chapter 12: A Golden Bullet, Shocking Truth

Chapter Text

Victor knocks on the church door with the doorbell as a crucifix he said “Vicar” He keeps knocking “Vicar” Rain falls down as Victor lets go “Oh, where the devil is he” A small hatch opens Vicar ask “Do you want to confess” Looking to him Victor said “I want to talk to you about…” He glances around before looking back “…the beast” Thunder crashes and Vicar whimpers closing the hatch.

Now Victor is following Vicar who said “Everything you need to know is in this book” He puts the candleholder on a table walking to a bookcase as Victor looks at the desk to see a magazine with two nuns wrestling Victor ask “‘Nun Wrestling’” Pulling out a book Vicar said “No, no, no” He shake his head “I meant this one” Vicar smiles a bit.

Vicar place the book on the magazine it’s called ‘The Observers Book Of Monsters’ the thunder crashes as Vicar glance to Victor before reaching down opening the book revealing a page of the Loch Ness Monster while Vicar mumbles flipping the next pages of Bigfoot and Were-cow “Ew” He flips the next page revealing the Were-Rabbit “Ah”.

The thunder crashes “Here” They stare at the page “Here it is” The page showed the Were-Rabbit about to attack a priest “The hideous monster plaguing our parish” The thunder crashes staring Victor said “The Were-Rabbit” Vicar whimpers moving away from Victor who looks to him before raising his hand “So it’s true” Vicar said “The beast lurks within all of us, my child”.

Victor looks to Vicar who motion towards the thunder crashes and walks again “The side that emerges at night as the moon rises into the sky” Vicar raise his hands “The side that savagely rips the leaves…” He walks to the window moving his hands “…off any innocent cabbage” Vicar turns to Victor who pulls him closer he said “Spare me the sermon, Vicar”.

He narrows his eyes “Just tell me how I kill him” Victor realises what he said “Um, I mean ‘it’” He lets Vicar go patting his chest then smiles as Vicar raise a brow at him before taking a deep breath turning around Vicar said “To kill such a creature…” He walks forward “…would require nerves of steel and…”

Vicar turns around “…a bullet” Thunder crashes as Victor leans in he ask “A bullet” Thunder crashes as Vicar move his head he said “A bullet” He smiles thunder crashes as Victor said “A bull…” Thunder crashes again “Oh” Victor turns closing the window before turning back “What kind of bullet” Raising his brows Vicar said “A bullet of pure gold” He walks over to open a cabinet revealing three bullets made of gold.

Leaning in Victor ask “Gold” Walking to him nodding Vicar said “Yes” He glance to the side and looks back to Victor “Twenty-four karat” Vicar smiles chuckling as Victor said “Oh” He shoves Vicar to the side “Get out of my way” Victor takes the three bullets and leaves “Silly old fool” Frowning Vicar said “Beware” He raise his hands “Beware the beast within” The door closes.

The next morning Gromit and Y/n are sitting at the table waiting for Wallace to wake up Y/n ask “How are we going to tell him” He looks to Gromit who looks to him before they look at the newspaper showing Wallace face headline said ‘Beast strikes again’ Y/n and Gromit look to the hatch then the breakfast buzzer happens “Here we go”.

Gromit nods and they walk over to the lever Y/n pulls it watching the hatch open for pieces of eaten vegetables to come through the hole hitting the table as Wallace slides down Gromit blinks in surprise and Y/n gasp in shocked they slowly walk to the table watching the arms put Wallace’s pants and sleeves on him.

Wallace raises his arms for the robot to put his shirt, vest and tie-on Gromit and Y/n are sitting to watch Wallace poke his head out revealing rabbit ears on his head he said “Hee-hee” Gromit and Y/n look to one another “Ah” They look back “Ah” Wallace gives a thumbs up “Perfect re-entry, Gromit, Y/n”.

He takes a carrot “The veg diet’s doing the trick, eh, lads” Wallace pat his stomach “I fell smashing” Wallace eats the carrot as Gromit and Y/n both stare at him “Mmm” He wave the carrot “So how’s our rabbit-monster” Wallace smiles “Hmm” He chuckles before waving his arm “Hope you both are keeping an eye on him”.

Gromit nods and Y/n nods staring he said “We sure are” Wallace slowly nods he move his gaze and looks behind him then back he said “Uh…” He chuckles and smiles “What’s up, dog, nephew” Turning his head Y/n said “Better show him, Gromit” Gromit nods they get up and walk over to Wallace who stares at them.

Y/n opens a cabinet for Gromit to reach in and pull out a mirror showing Wallace his rabbit ears shocked he said “Yow” His ears went up and shake his fists looking at the mirror “Well, fancy that” He twist his head moving the ears “Rabbit ears” Wallace feels them “That is a bit odd” Disbelief Y/n grabs the newspaper he said “Uncle, this is you”.

Gromit points at Wallace who stammering he ask “And what are you tryin’ to say, lads” Rolling his eyes Gromit points at the picture then to Wallace and pointing Y/n said “Uncle, you are the Were-Rabbit” Leaning in Wallace ask “What” He shake his head “What” Wallace points at the newspaper “What” He smiles “You both think that I’m the…”

Gromit nods and Y/n said “Yes, you are” But Wallace chuckles he ask “Because of these” He motions the rabbit ears as Gromit and Y/n stares at him “Oh, no” Wallace turn his gaze “No” He looks back “This is just a reaction to that healthy veg diet you’ve both got me on” Y/n and Gromit look to one another “It’s the toxins coming out”.

Sighing Y/n said “He doesn’t believe us” He turns with Gromit putting the newspaper down and follow him Wallace said “Silly old pooch and silly nephew” Gromit sighs “Thinking I’m the beast” Y/n sigs walking with Gromit “And next thing you’ll both be saying…” Wallace opens the newspaper “…is that, oh, Hutch is turning into me” He reads the newspaper and leaning up Y/n said “That’s it”.

Now Wallace, Gromit and Y/n are in the basem*nt Y/n turns the latch opening Hutche’s pen Wallace said “Hey” The door lowers “What are you doing, nephew” Turning Y/n said “Showing you proof” Shocked Wallace ask “Have you gone completely mad” Y/n shake his head while the door lands on the floor.

He looks inside with Wallace and Gromit when all of a sudden a Voice yells “CHHHEEEEESSSSEEEE” Surprising Wallace who said “Ah” He was confuse “Cheese” Looking down Y/n said “Hold the cheese, Gromit” Gromit holds the cheese in front of Wallace who said “Ah” Suddenly crashing footsteps is heard Wallace, Y/n and Gromit look to see Hutch walking into the light wearing Wallace’s slippers and green vest.

Confuse Wallace ask “Huh” Hutch keeps walking until he stops at the edge standing there before his head shakes and leans over and eats the cheese making Gromit move his hand as Wallace gasp at this Hutch chews the cheese until he gulps it down Hutch said “Oh…” He shakes his fists before patting his stomach “…I do like a bit of Gorgonzola” Slowly turning his head Y/n ask “Now do you believe us, uncle” Gromit turns to Wallace who said “Oh, dear”.

Meanwhile a shooting game is set up a worker push rabbit targets up walking over Lady Tottington said “Perfect” She holds a pen and clipboard she ticks it the Worker said “Ma’am” Lady Tottington turns walking away “Now, let’s see” A 2nd Worker said “Coming through” He and a 3rd Worker runs pass holding a toy fire truck the 3rd Worker said “Mind your back”.

Lady Tottington giggles walking over to 4th Worker who spins the tombola “The tombola’s arrived” She points at the bouncing Tottington Hall that’s being filled by a 5th Worker “And the bouncy Tottington Hall” Lady Tottington walks pass “Splendid” The 5th Worker breathes but keeps pumping while a 6th Worker calls “Lady Tottington”.

Turning to him Lady Tottington ask “Yes” The 6th Worker pulls a blanket off revealing a two seater De Havilland Mosquito the body painted orange and the wings green with hints of red, purple and white the 6th Worker said “My grandfather painted this and wanted me to show it for the festival” Clapping Lady Tottington said “Marvelous”.

She smiles staring at it “Can it work” Nodding the 6th Worker said “I tested it yesterday and it works like a charm” Smiling Lady Tottington said “You can pick a spot to show it during the festival” The 6th Worker nods before turning back to the plane while Lady Tottington walks over to a special box she opens it revealing the Golden Carrot Award.

Lady Tottington takes it out of the box “Oh, it’s going to be such a jolly competition” She smiles looking up “I just know it” Suddenly poking through a hole that’s painted to show a man showing his muscles is Mrs Mulch who said “Ya don’t know nothin’” Gasping before turning around Lady Tottington ask “What” Mrs Mulch said “The beast has struck again” She furrow her brows “That’s what”.

She pulls her head out to push the fence revealing the townspeople looking angry walking to Lady Tottington who said “No, no, you’re quite mistake, Mrs. Mulch” She puts the award down “The beast is in captivity” Taking a step Mr. Windfall ask “Oh, yeah” He motions “Then just take a look at my wife’s brassicas” His wife walks holding the brassicas that have a bite in them “Ravaged in the night”.

Shocked Lady Tottington said “I don’t understand” She moves her gaze “Anti-Pesto told me…” But Mr. Windfall yells “A pack of lies” Walking forward Mr. Caliche said “It’s not safe to bring our vegetables here” He wave his hand “The show’s off” The townspeople begin to yelling at one another until Lady Tottington said “But this is simply dreadful news”.

She turns around looking at the Golden Carrot “The Tottingtons have held a giant vegetable competition…” Lady Tottington walks forward “…on this very night for over 500 years” Raising a finger Mr. Growbag said “That’s right” The townspeople look to him “Not even the Great Duck Plague of ’53 stopped it”.

Turning to them Lady Tottington said “Oh” She frowns looking down “If only there were another way” Suddenly three rabbit targets get shot down Victor said “What ho” The townspeople gasp turning around to see Victor who chuckles lowering his gun Mr. Dibber said “It’s Quartermaine” Raising his head Victor said “Heard you had a spot of rabbit bother” Lady Tottington frowns raising her hand.

Meanwhile Wallace is worried about being the monster he said “Oh, Gromit, Y/n” He looks to them “What are we going to do” Gromit is thinking as Y/n pace a bit then the doorbell rings catching their attention Y/n said “I’ll go answer it” He runs up the stairs exiting the basem*nt Y/n walks to the door and opens it to see N/n standing there “Hello, N/n”.

Waving her hand N/n said “Hi Y/n” Stepping outside the house Y/n ask “What are you doing here” Taking a deep breath N/n said “I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the harvest festival today” Y/n is shocked at this he blinks rubbing his arm he said “To be honest I wanted to ask you too” This shocked N/n “But my uncle suddenly felt sick and I have to look after him”.

Frowning N/n said “I see” She looks down and Y/n frowns moving his gaze he said “But I can give you something” Looking at him N/n ask “What is it” Opening the door Y/n said “Follow me” He leads N/n through the house out to the garden N/n notice the giant hole she ask “Did the Were-Rabbit came here” Quickly Y/n said “Yes, but we managed just missed it when we came out”.

Y/n leads N/n to the greenhouse he puts his and Gromit’s code in for the door to open Y/n walks in with N/n following noticing the marrow under the blanket she reach “That’s Gromit’s marrow, N/n” N/n pulls her hand back and went to Y/n who stood in front of a blanket she ask “What’s under there” Grabbing the blanket Y/n said “My potato”.

He pulls the blanket revealing his potato making N/n gasp seeing the size of it she said “It’s huge” She reach out but looks to Y/n who nods and N/n feels it “I was going to take it to the harvest festival but” Nodding N/n said “I understand but it’s a shame this could be the prize winner along with the marrow”.

Y/n puts his blanket over his potato and escorted N/n through the house to the gate he said “Maybe next year we can go when you come over” He smiles and N/n smiles back she turns and walk to Tottington Hall and Y/n watch from the door but N/n stops looking to him then she gently smiles and Y/n smiles back waving to N/n who waves back before walking again while Y/n close the door and heads for the basem*nt he said “Let’s get working, uncle”.

A few hours later Wallace, Y/n and Gromit are back in the basem*nt trying to fix the Mind Manipulation-omatic to get Wallace back to normal he ask “Didn’t this bit used to…” Hutch and Gromit are watching him and Y/n work he said “I think these two go together” Y/n puts the two parts together.

Wallace sighs moving pieces he said “Now” He looks at the blueprints “Now, let’s see” Y/n moves some parts “Oh” He bump into a wrench Y/n said “Ow” Wallace grabs a piece that’s shaped like a carrot he ask “Oh, where does this part go” He stares at it then it change into a carrot “Oh” Y/n looks to him he ask “Uncle” Wallace sniffs the part.

Gromit shake his head and Hutch watch them as Wallace tries to bite the part, he gasp then he threw it Wallace said “Oh, it’s hopeless” The part lands between Gromit and Hutch who said “Oh” Y/n went over to Wallace who said “I’ll never fix this machine” Wallace stares forward “Me mind’s just a rabbit-y mush”.

He begins to sob “Oh, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n stare at him “I don’t wanna be a giant rabbit” Wallace use his rabbit ears to blow his nose then he sobs putting his face on the table as Y/n pat his shoulder he said “There, there, Uncle” Hutch said “Aw” Gromit and Y/n look to him “The bounce is gone from his bungee”.

Wallace keeps sobbing and Gromit joins Y/n putting his arm around Wallace to comfort him as Hutch looks at the piece before picking it up “Hey, Presto” Gromit looks to Hutch and is shocked “Rabbit rehabilitation” Looking to Hutch blinking surprise Y/n said “Uncle, look” Wallace raise his head he said “But if I can’t fix it…”

Hutch is puts two plugs together twisting them to make electricity go through the device he said “Cheddar” He puts the plugs down “…maybe the other me can” Hutch cuts a wire and grabs a wrench before Y/n realises and slap his head he said “Of course” Wallace and Gromit look to him “When Hutch landed in the Mind Manipulation-omatic…”

Y/n points at Wallace “…some of your brain cells must’ve transferred into him making Hutch you” Wallace smiles looking to Hutch who said “I’m inventing, mostly” Jumping Wallace said “Look at me go” He looks to Gromit “Ho-ho” Wallace looks back “I’m a genius” Suddenly the doorbell rings “Ah”.

Wallace, Y/n, Hutch and Gromit look to the door Wallace looks to Y/n and Gromit “Oh eck” He gets concerned “I can’t answer the door” Wallace grab his ears “Not like this” Shocked Y/n said “You better, look” He points for Gromit and Wallace to see Hutch walking up the stairs he said “Charming” Hutch raise his hand “I’m Wallace”.

Holding his ears Wallace said “Ah” He watch Hutch “I already am” Quickly Y/n runs up the stairs through the door just as Wallace leans out “Hutch” Hutch was about to open the door he said “Geronimo” The door opens a bit and outside is Lady Tottington who ask “Huh” She turns “Wallace” Y/n grabs Hutch and move him back covering his mouth.

Moving to the door Wallace said “Uh, hang on a mo’” He close the door as Hutch raspberry behind Y/n’s hand making Lady Tottington gasp she ask “Wallace” Wallace watch Y/n shove Hutch into a coat zipping it up “Hello” Gromit grabs Wallace’s winter hat “I say” He gives it to Wallace who puts it on “Open this door at once”.

Slowly Wallace opens the door he said “Oh” He chuckles with a smile as Y/n puts a bit of his ear in his hat “Totty” Lowering her gaze Lady Tottington said “Uh, Lady Tottington, if you don’t mind” That made Wallace frown a bit he said “Oh” He move his gaze Lady Tottington said “I’m afraid I have some rather bad news, Wallace” She moves her gaze “Thing is, well…”

Lady Tottington hesitated “…you’ve rather let me down…” Gromit and Y/n join him “…with this beastly beast business” Y/n frowns looking to Wallace who said “I suppose I have” He looks to Y/n and Gromit while looking down Lady Tottington said “Yes” She looks to them “Well, it’s obvious to me that you have absolutely no idea where the poor creature is”.

Y/n blinks and Gromit leans back a bit “And I’m afraid you’ve given me no option…” Lady Tottington frowns “…but to let Victor shoot the poor thing” She raise her handkerchief while shocked and stammering Wallace ask “S-S-S-S-S-S-Shoot it” Gromit stares in shocked and Y/n realises what Victor plans are Lady Tottington said “Yes”.

She raises her head looking at them “Wasn’t an easy choice…” Lady Tottington lowers her head “…but the veg competition has to come first” Wallace still shocked at this then his ears begin to grow making him stop his hat “Besides, Victor’s promised me it won’t suffer” Noticing Y/n looks to the sky to see the moon “It will be quick and painless”.

Wallace watches his hands turning into rabbit hands as Y/n grab Wallace hands to hide behind his back Wallace said “How thoughtful” He nods his head smiling Lady Tottington said “I cannot deny it was a difficult decision for me” She looks to them and back down “Because I’ve recently developed…” Looking over Wallace shoulder Y/n ask “Can you please hurry, Lady Tottington”

He looks down to see Wallace’s feet turn into rabbit as Lady Tottington looks back “…feelings for you” Wallace move his feet and hands behind the door he ask “Uh, feelings” He smiles leaning in “Oh, well, never mind, eh” Wallace looks at his growing hands “Ta-ta, then” He was closing the door but Lady Tottington said “Wait” She stops the door “Wallace”.

Lady Tottington stares at Wallace “I haven’t finished yet” She looks down “There’s more that needs to be said” Smiling more Wallace ask “Well, I’ll give you a tinkle, shall I” One of his teeth stretch out while lady Tottington ask “Can’t we at least shake hands” Y/n quickly wrap his arm around Wallace’s mouth to hide it “Part as friends”.

Turning his head Wallace said “It’s not very convenient at the moment” His other tooth grew and Wallace looks back to Lady Tottington “Thanks for coming by” Wallace close the door shocking Lady Tottington who said “Well, I…” She moves her gaze “…I…” Lady Tottington turns and leaves then hears Y/n ask “Uncle, what are you”?

She turns back just to see Wallace moves the curtain to raspberry only for Y/n hand to pull him back as Lady Tottington gasp then covers her face sobbing before turning around leaving while watching her leave Victor said “That’s right, my lovely” He narrow his eyes evilly “You can say goodbye to your fluffly lover-boy” He click his fingers for Philip to give Victor the rile.

Chapter 13: The Harvest Festival

Chapter Text

Meanwhile Wallace press Gromit and Y/n against the door he said “You both gotta help me, Gromit, Y/n” They stare at him “Hide me” Wallace nose turns into a rabbit nose “Anything” He leans back “Before it’s too late” Wallace collapse on his back “Lads” His rabbit ears pop out while Hutch said “Your Lordship” Y/n and Gromit look to Hutch who stares at the door.

Gromit moves the curtain a bit for him and Y/n to see Victor coming to them thinking Y/n said “Gromit help me grab the carpet” They grab the carpet and begin to drag Wallace who moans his head fully turned into a rabbit head while Y/n kick the door before looking back to see Wallace growing “We’ve got to hurry” Wallace said “Ah”

Y/n and Gromit pull Wallace through the kitchen towards the garden, but they stop Gromit looks back with Y/n who said “We’re too late” Sitting up Wallace walks forward making Gromit hit the ground “Crackers” They run back into the house while Wallace opens a cabinet to see carrots he gasp and sniffs before eating them.

Moving under and over Wallace to watch him eat “Push” Gromit and Y/n try to push Wallace out of the kitchen but he was too heavy as Hutch screams making Y/n and Gromit look at the door to see Victor’s shadow Hutch said “Ooh” He slides out of the coat and walks up the stairs “Good night, Gromit, Y/n” Y/n and Gromit look to one another suddenly Y/n said “I’ve got an idea”.

Meanwhile Victor pulls out a golden bullet from his vest looking it he kisses the bullet and inserts it into his rifle then co*cks it as Wallace finish eating the carrots when suddenly Y/n wolf whistle caught his attention Wallace looks he gasp while a rabbit foot steps into view then the Rabbit bait stands into view.

It winks at Wallace who grunts rubbing his ears back before chuckling to follow the Rabbit who moves due to Y/n on the bottom with Gromit on his shoulders controlling the head and arms “This way” Wallace burst through the door while Victor kicks the door making it move a bit.

Y/n and Gromit keeps going but Wallace caught the arm and starts kissing it then he squeezes the tail making Y/n shocked and furrow his brows “Gromit” Understanding Gromit use the left arm to smack Wallace who blubbers but he snorts out air while Victor kicks the door down catching Gromit and Y/n’s attention “Victor” He spots a space hopper with a rabbit for a face “Better hang on, Gromit”.

Gromit holds on tightly onto Y/n who use the rabbit hopper to bounce over the fence with Wallace hopping after them just as Victor comes out of the house aiming his rifle he turns and smiles aiming his rifle at Wallace, Y/n and Gromit before firing a Golden Bullet making all three collapses.

The gunshot echoes through town all the way to Tottington Hall making the townspeople, N/n and Lady Tottington gasp raising the lamp Mr. Growbag said “‘Tis done” The townspeople lower their head as Lady Tottington covers her face and cries noticing Vicar said “My poor sensitive child” He walks over and place a hand on her shoulder “Allow us all to share in your moment of sorrow”.

Lady Tottington closes her eyes sobbing and N/n place her hand on her arm making Lady Tottington hold it as the townspeople lower their heads while Vicar turns around but suddenly, he raise his fist looking up “Yeah” The townspeople all cheer except Lady Tottington and N/n hearing the Harvest Festival begins Mr. and Mrs. Mulch lock arms spinning “On with the show” Fireworks happen and Mrs. Mulch lock arms with Vicar and spins with him.

Meanwhile Victor kicks the gate open walking to Wallace he grab his head he smiles pulling it only for Wallace head to rip off shocking Victor who ask “Hmm” He sees the bullet hole in the head “What the…” Victor threw the head for Gromit to poke his head out and Y/n turns the body revealing his face he said “Wrong rabbit, Victor”.

Glaring at them Victor said “Why you…” He co*cks his rifle as Philip barks catching Victor’s attention to see Philip walking to a broken wall he barks as Victor looks in the direction to where Wallace is going hearing fireworks explode “Of course” Staring Y/n said “Uncles, heading for the festival” Narrowing one eye Victor said “The vegetable competition”.

Next thing Gromit and Y/n both knew they are thrown into a large cage “Your loyalty is moving” They look to Victor who smiles “Sadly, you won’t be” Glaring Y/n punch Victor through the bars just as Philip growls at them kicking the stick trapping them Victor hold his nose “Come along, Philip” He grab his rifle “Everyone’s been looking forward to a good show”.

He glances back to Gromit and Y/n “Let’s see they get one” Philip chuckles walking away shaking his fists Y/n yells “You won’t get away with this” Gromit tries to shake the bars, but it was stuck before sniffing while Y/n look to Gromit “We’ll get out of here” Gromit holds Y/n who holds him back looking to the direction “I know we will”.

Meanwhile more fireworks explode the townspeople stare in awe as Mr. Leaching, a blonde hair man and Mr. Growbag are at the shooting game firing rabbit targets until they all got shot down and the Carnie said “Hey” He raise a stuff rabbit to them only to get shot at while Mr. Growbag, the blonde hair man and Mr. Leaching raise their fists they said “Hooray”.

Looking over Vicar said “Ah, Mr. Growbag” Mr. Growbag turns to Vicar who walks over “I...” He smiles at him “…I have a hunch this’ll be a night to remember” Vicar walks with his eggplants as Mr. Growbag turns watching him go he said “I just have a hunch” He shrug while Mackintosh stands by the tables for the ‘Tottington Hall 517th Annual Giant Vegetable Competition’.

Holding a megaphone Mackintosh said “All right” Three kids stood by a table “All right” Mackintosh points “If we must do this flipping veg show…” He turns his head “…let’s do it in an orderly and law-abiding fashion” Mackintosh raise his finger “Cucumbers, give way to marrows” Watching through the scope to see the Golden Carrot then to Mackintosh who turns “Carrots, wait your turn”.

The scope moves to the kids before going to Mrs. Mulch’s pumpkin Victor said “A-ha” He stares at it “There’s our bait, Philip” Victor stood next to a Hot Dog stand with Philip next to him “All we have to do now is wait for our fluffy friend to appear” Philip growls while suddenly a pair of eyes appear in the scope belonging to Mrs. Girdling who said “Hey”.

Surprised Victor moves his rifle knocking Philip as Mrs. Girdling turns pointing at Victor “Look over here, everyone” Victor still surprised “It’s Victor” Hearing his name the Townspeople begins to go to him Mr. Caliche said “He’s here” Victor lower his rifle sighing in irritation Mrs Girdling said “Our hero” Running up to him Miss Thripp said “Please, sir, kiss my baby”.

She holds a giant onion to Victor who said “Oh, yes another time, perhaps” He shoves Miss Thripp out of his way walking through the townspeople as Mr. Dibbler holds a giant white potato he said “Kiss my potato” But Victor said “Not now” He shoves him out of the way walking forward while Mr. Growbag said “Kiss my artichoke” He holds a giant artichoke to Victor.

Angry Victor said “Look, just…” Walking to him Lady Tottington said “Victor” Victor looks to see her and N/n standing together he said “Companula” He smiles at Lady Tottington who said “Victor, I have to know” She leans in “Did it suffer” Smiling Victor said “Of course not, my dear” He walks pass her and N/n who hears “Not yet, anyway”.

Confuse N/n whisper “‘Not yet’” She looks to Victor who walks forward Lady Tottington ask “Victor” Looking to the side Mackintosh said “Oy, you” Walking over to him Victor said “Constable” Mackintosh looks to him and back he said “Careful with them capsic*ms” He leans to Victor who raise his hand he said “Psst, I don’t wany to cause any panic…”

Mackintosh listens to him “…but the beast isn’t actually dead yet” Shocked he turns holding the megaphone Mackintosh ask “The beast isn’t actually dead yet” Victor tries to shut him up but three Men at the shooting game turn their heads they ask “What” A Man at a Whack-A-Bunny raise to hit but stops he ask “Huh” Slowly the rides came to a stop.

The wind takes the cotton candy from a stick, but everyone was staring at Victor and Makintosh hearing what he said as Victor facepalms shaking his head and Mackintosh leans over with the megaphone he said “Oops” A boy screams making everyone panic another boy collapse Mr. Caliche said “To the competition stand” Quickly everyone went to their vegetables.

Meanwhile Gromit wedge a small shovel into a gap Y/n said “On three, one, two, three” They start pushing the shovel to get the bars moving but it breaks Gromit threw the broken part on the floor sits next to Y/n who frowns “Now what are we going to do” Gromit frowns suddenly Hutch said “Cracking toast, Gromit, Y/n”.

Gromit and Y/n heard Hutch they slowly look up to where Wallace’s room “I’m just crackers about cheese” Gromit holds the bars and Y/n leans in “Monterey Jack” They see the lights on “Mmm” Smiling Y/n said “That’s it” He turn his head making Gromit look to a gnome not far from them Gromit looks at the broken part “Do it, Gromit”.

Shrugging Gromit threw the par through the bars hitting the gnome for its eyes to buzz as Hutch sits on Wallace’s bed holding some cheese Hutch said “Smashing Wensleydale” The launch buzzes for the picture of cheese raise up while the hand holding a plate hits the Wensleydale out of Hutch’s hand before going back to the space.

The hatch behind the bed goes up and the bed tilts up to 90 degrees sending Hutch down the tube “Whoa” He slides to a stop his sleeping hat falls off for hatches latch and a hat to be put on his head spinning around rapidly making Hutch spin too he blubbers until it stops and unlatch from it while the tubes begin to lift sending Hutch down the chute.

He slides down making a turn crisscrossing before landing in Wallace’s boots the area he’s on turn to a giant pair of gloves Hutch leans back just as the gloves grab the edge under him the metal bends before the gloves let go sending Hutch into the air “Whee-hee” He does a few flips going down through Wallace’s uniform landing on the chair that went into the van.

Hutch press the AutoStart, and shift gears then press the pedal for the van go backwards “Oh” The van crashes through the wall towards Gromit and Y/n who yells “Take cover” They duck for the van to hit the cage sending them rolling out of the cage while Hutch poke his head out he said “Job well done, lads” He smiles but Y/n said “Jobs not down, Hutch”.

Gromit and Y/n put the codes in for the door to open they enter Gromit went over to his marrow pulling the blanket out and rub his marrow gently as Y/n pull his blanket off his potato and place his hand on it they look to the Golden Carrot before looking to one another “Uncle’s more important now, Gromit” Nodding Gromit raise a cleaver and cut the stem and Y/n picks his potato up.

Meanwhile at the Harvest Festival the townspeople are yelling standing near their vegetables Victor said “Quiet” He stood on a table “Quiet” But no one was being quiet sighing Victor raise his rifle and fires making everyone look to him “Now, listen carefully” Victor turn his head “I’ve only got two…” He stops realising “…I’ve only got one gold bullet left”.

He pulls the last bullet out and inserts it into his rifle “So leave this to me” He co*cks it walking raising his hand “Yes, all right, I admit the beast is still at large” Victor walks by Lady Tottington who looks concern and N/n who gives a disappointing look “But the good news is…” He looks at everyone “…your prize vegetables are the perfect bait…”

Hearing that Mrs. Mulch ask “Bait” She looks at her pumpkin “…and will draw the creature like a magnet” Looking at it concern Mrs. Mulch said “My baby” Victor said “But you must keep still” Moving his pipe Mr. Mulch said “There, there love” He glance to her “It’ll be all…”

But when Mr. Mulch looks back to see Mrs. Mulch and the pumpkin gone “Huh” N/n gasp and Lady Tottington calls “Mrs. Mulch, no” Turning around Victor ask “Huh” Mrs. Mulch is pushing a baby carriage with her pumpkin and surprising running she said “He’s not getting my baby”.

Meanwhile Hutch slides out into a tube with Y/n and Gromit joining him looking to one another before stopping at the end as hatches latch onto Y/n and Gromit’s shoulders for hats to be put on their head spinning around rapidly with Hutch who blubbering until they stop and unlatch from it.

The tubes begin to lift sending Gromit, Y/n and Wallace down another tubes making a turn crisscrossing landing in their feet in the right size boots two cups are poured from the sides and one cup is poured in the middle.

Hutch, Y/n and Gromit grab their mugs before they are turn to a giant pair of gloves Hutch, Y/n and Gromit lean back just as the gloves grab the edge under them the metal bends before the gloves let go sending Hutch, Y/n and Gromit into the air they do a few flips Hutch went the blue uniform and Y/n in another but with a zipper done up at the front.

Y/n uniform comes off Hutch, Y/n and Gromit slide down another tubes before stopping at three seats they clinks their mugs sending the tea into the air but they caught it and begin to drink while their seats are lifted to a hatch that opens up for them to enter a van Hutch, Y/n and Gromit finished their tea and puts them on a plate each one lifted the other two on the sides.

The headlights turn on Hutch press a button for the ‘AutoStart’ The middle part of the hood between the lights lifted for a mechanical hand holding a engine starter to that lowers connects into the hole and starts rotating it until the engine starts while the garage door opens Hutch adjust his mirror and press the pedal for the engine to rev.

The Van leaves just as the pond flips making a path for Hutch, Y/n and Gromit to ride over and the gate opens up the fence went up and the wall went down Wallace makes a turn and the gate closes while they drive under a banner Hutch said “Lovely food” He holds the wheel “For rabbits, that is” Gromit and Y/n both nod holding their vegetables Y/n said “Let’s get ready, Gromit” They put ropes on their marrow and potato.

Meanwhile the Townspeople all yell “Come back” They motion Mrs. Mulch who keeps running “Come back” Victor turn his head to see the teacups rattle a father and daughter notice the Father said “Ooh” He holds on “Ah” Smiling Victor said “Yes” He narrow his eyes “Right on cue” Victor turn to see a big hill coming.

Mrs. Mulch notice and begins to turn the Townspeople yell “Come back” They motion her “Come back” But when they saw the hill the townspeople including Mr. Mulch all motion “Go away” Moving to the front Victor said “That’s right” The big hill gets closer to Mrs. Mulch “Come to Uncle Victor”.

Meanwhile Hutch, Y/n and Gromit makes a turn at the exit entering the festival knocking a sign down Y/n said “Okay here’s what we do” Mrs. Mulch squeals and keeps running but the big hill moves pass her while the townspeople stood on the wood Mr. Dibber said “It’s coming for us” The hill gets closer and Victor aim his rifle at it Lady Tottington gasp covering her eyes, N/n stares in shocked and Victor said “Bingo” He was about to shoot.

Suddenly a Voice yells “COME AND GET IT” The van drives pass making the hill move pass to follow Gromit and Y/n who are riding their marrow and potato using the lasso ropes Victor ask “What the…” The lead the hill away Gromit salutes and Y/n wearing his goggles he yells “Follow our vegetables” Victor groans in anger.

N/n smiles watching Y/n lead the hill away as Lady Tottington clapping, she said “Hurrah for Anti-Pesto” Grabbing the rifle Mr. Caliche said “It’s getting away” He points and Victor said “Get off, you stupid…” Victor moves his rifle while Miss Thripp said “Give me that” She tries to aim Victor said “No”.

But Miss Thripp fires going backwards without her beanie, hair and teeth as Gromit notice he taps Y/n who yelps ducking to avoid the bullet hitting the van he said “That was close” Gromit gives a thumbs up to Hutch “Great job, Hutch” Bursting out of the ground is Wallace who hops chasing them “Here’s a yummy Marrow and Potato, Uncle”.

Meanwhile Victor looks towards Vicar and pulls him in he said “Vicar, I need more gold bullets” But Vicar said “They don’t come cheap, you know” Victor looks pass Vicar to the Golden Carrot he smiles before looking towards the antiques where an Elephant gun is then to the fireworks while Wallace pants trying to get the marrow and potato.

Victor loads the gun with gunpowder before reaching to the Golden Carrot lifting it but a hand stops him by N/n who said “Uncle” He looks to see her and Lady Tottington who ask “What are you doing” She holds the Golden Carrot in her hands while Victor tries to get it he said “I need it, my sweet” He smiles but N/n helps Lady Tottington “Emergency”.

Wallace keeps chasing Gromit and Y/n’s vegetables as Lady Tottington said “Victor, no” Hearing her made Wallace stop “Please” Gromit and Y/n notice he said “Not good” N/n yells “Uncle stop it” Victor said “Come now, Campanula, let go” Wallace turns around to Lady Tottington who said “It’s my Golden Carrot Award”.

Victor drags the Award to him glaring he said “This is hardly the time, my darling” But N/n pulls the Award away from him she said “It doesn’t belong to you” Suddenly Victor said “Let go, N/n” He slaps making N/n land on the grass “Give it to me” Lady Tottington said “But Victor” Wallace begins to growl.

Meanwhile Gromit wave his hand to Y/n who yells “Hutch turn the van around” But Hutch leans out the passenger side he said “Cheese, Gromit, Y/n” Turning forward shocked Y/n yells “Hutch turn the wheel” But it was too late the van went into the cheese tent and destroys a table and hits a crate making it stop.

Y/n’s Potato and hits the van with Gromit’s marrow in front of it but Y/n and Gromit crash straight through them sending them splattered as N/n gets up and helps Lady Tottington who said “The Golden Carrot belongs in the show” They pull the Award away from Victor who said “No, the Golden Carrot belongs in the Were-Rabbit”.

Unknown to the three of them Wallace walks up to them making the townspeople move out of his way as Victor pulls the Award out of N/n and Lady Tottington’s hands he turns his head “Huh” Victor smiles and laughs a bit before Wallace hit his head into his uniform squishing his toupee Victor grunts.

Suddenly Wallce grabs Lady Tottington and N/n with one arm Mr. Growbag calls “Every man for himself” The townspeople scatter Lady Tottington calls “Help” Struggling N/n yells “Help” Flailing her arms Lady Tottington yells “Help us” Wallace rear his leg and kicks Victor who yells “Ahh”.

Wallace turns he grunts waving his arm struggling N/n said “Let us go” Looking at him Lady Tottington said “Put us down at once, you great big hairy thing, you” Wallace knocks a table away and stomps on a man who screams before walking forward “Stop” N/n yells “Stop” But Wallace keeps walking.

Meanwhile Mr. Caliche puts a ‘angry mob’ sign over ‘Garden Supplies’ he said “Mob supplies” The townspeople begin to grab the tools putting money down “Get your angry mob supplies here” Victor pops his head out through the toupee before ripping it off seeing it damage while Gromit and Y/n get out of their destroyed vegetables.

Looking down Y/n said “Oh no” He picks up a part of his potato and Gromit saw his marrow destroyed lifting his paws showing the insides on them he frowns “After all our hard work” Gromit looks to Y/n who looks to him but suddenly the townspeople shouting got their attention while Wallace walks forward with Lady Tottington and N/n under his arm.

He stops Mrs. Bright yells “Put them down, you great ugly brute” She runs forward with a pitchfork leading the townspeople as Lady Tottington screams, N/n struggles more and Wallace grunts turning around walking the other way but in front of them holding a chainsaw turning it on is Mrs. Mulch who said “I’ll bagsy the lucky rabbit’s foot”.

Mr. Mulch runs forward with more townspeople surrounding Wallace who jumps making the townspeople knock into one another as Lady Tottington and N/n both scream still being held by Wallace who latches onto a railing while Gromit moves the flaps for him and Y/n to see Lady Tottington who said “Help us, someone” Trying to get out N/n yells “Help us”.

Y/n lower his head he said “Gromit look” He points for Gromit to see Victor pulling the Golden Carrot off he smiles putting it in the gun Victor said “Yes” He raise his co*cking it shocked Y/n said “We’ve got to stop him” He runs with Gromit but suddenly Philip growls making them stop move away from Philip who growls walking to them.

Victor climbs up Tottington Hall using the down pipe he strains a bit he ask “Huh” Glaring at him from the top is Wallace who grabs the top of the down pipe and Victor wave his hand “No” Wallace pulls it off “No, no, no” Philip moves closer to Gromit and Y/n but he turns and they look to see Victor falling holding the pipe and lands head first into the cotton candy machine and spins rapidly he blubbering.

Staring in shocked Philip ask “Huh” Y/n motion Gromit who nods and they run as Wallace stands on the roof, he howls beating his chest with one hand still holding Lady Tottington and N/n while near a tent rabbits hear the howl and they howl beating their chests and Philip shake his head turning to see Y/n and Gromit are gone he turns and swing his paw “Grrr”.

Chapter 14: Saving Wallace, Rabbit Sanctuary

Chapter Text

Meanwhile Wallace crash through the glass entering the dome greenhouse Lady Tottington said “Ah” Wallace walks forward N/n said “Put us down” Hitting him with her fist Lady Tottington said “Put us down, you…” She shakes her head “Whatever you are” Struggling N/n said “Help” Gently Wallace puts Lady Tottington on the ground near some marrows.

Then he gently places N/n on her feet surprising her N/n watch Wallace move back he moans staring at them panting Lady Tottington ask “What is it” She and N/n stares at Wallace “What are you staring at with those beastly eyes” Raising his brow Wallace ask “Huh”?

He looks at his paws before raising them and Wallace smiles shaking them with a sigh seeing this N/n said “The only person who does that with their hands is Y/n’s…” Gasping Lady Tottington said “Wallace” N/n and Lady Tottington stare at Wallace while Gromit and Y/n run around a tent looking up to see Wallace shadow Y/n said “Let’s split up”.

Gromit nods and they both split pass a tent with Y/n going to the left and Gromit going to the right he runs to a stop to see kids on mini planes at the dogfight and Gromit gets into a blue and white one inserts coins and pulls child block to push the lever for the propeller to start while Philip chase after Gromit, but he stops to see Gromit breaking through a rail.

Philip yelps and covers himself just as Gromit went over him going forward, he looks to Philip turning pass a tent and Philip turns back to see the kids looking to him then to ‘Dogfight’ sign he growls smiling while Y/n runs pass a sign but stops he said “Wait a minute” He runs back to see the two seater De Havilland Mosquito plane staring at it Y/n smiles “That should work”.

He gets in the plane starting it up suddenly the 6th Worker said “Oi” Y/n looks to see him coming “What are you doing, lad” The propeller spins Y/n yells “Sorry it’s for an emergency” The plane begins to move the 6th Worker yells “It’s for the finale” The plane begins to lift Y/n yells “I’ll bring it back when I’m done” He flies into the pair putting his goggles on turning the plane.

Meanwhile Lady Tottington is patting Wallace’s stomach she said “Oh, Wallace” N/n still in shocked stares at him “What ever have you done to yourself” Looking up to him N/n ask “Is Y/n affected” But Wallace shake his head making N/n sigh in relief while taking Wallace hands Lady Tottington said “Well, don’t you worry” Wallace smiles “I’ll protect you”.

Joining her N/n said “We’ll protect you” Suddenly the platform dings making N/n, Lady Tottington and Wallace all turn to see Victor holding the gun and wearing cotton candy on his head glaring Victor said “Get your hairy mitts off my future wife, you big brute” Gromit turn his plane then notice Victor in the dome greenhouse.

Lady Tottington stands in front of Wallace she said “No” N/n joins her “You don’t understand” Wallace smells the leaves “You don’t understand” Victor stares at them “The hunt is off” Spreading her arms N/n said “You don’t have to kill him” Leaning forward Lady Tottington said “It’s…” Wallace raise a leaf to bite it “We made a terrible mistake”.

But Victor said “Oh, no” He turn his head “You commissioned me to rid you of Pesto…” That got N/n’s attention “…and that’s just what I intend to do” But Victor realises what he said and covers his mouth “Oop” Stop chewing on the leaf Wallace ask “Huh” Staring N/n ask “Uncle did you just say” Taking a step forward Lady Tottington ask “Pesto”?

Meanwhile Gromit move his head looking around then notice Y/n going over he yells “Gromit the slide” He points at the slide “Use the slide” Y/n turn the plane away avoiding the slide as Gromit push the pedal increasing speed while walking forward Lady Tottington said “Why you…” She points at Victor “…you knew it was Wallace all along”.

Narrowing her eyes N/n said “I knew there was something wrong when you just came home all grinning all of a sudden” Grunting Victor said “Oh, all right” He looks at Lady Tottington and N/n “So what if it is that blithering idiot” Victor shoves pass making Lady Tottington gasp and N/n on some leaves “No one will ever believe either of you”.

Meanwhile Gromit use the slide to spiral upwards quickly as Victor turns to Lady Tottington “And if I can’t have your money…” N/n struggles to get out of the leaves and Victor smiles “…I can still bag your bunny” He turns aiming the gun at Wallace while Lady Tottington gasp before grabbing a bottle of Pansy Spray.

Lady Tottington uses it on Victor who screams dropping the gun “Oh” He turns eyes close waving his hands” My eyes” Victor sobs turning around Lady Tottington said “Run, rabbit, run” Slowly sitting up in the leaves N/n yells “Run, Wallace” Wallace gasp then he moans turning around going through the glass while Gromit crashes through the fence flying into the air.

Victor raise a pitchfork at Lady Tottington who gasp and he strikes making her scream and whimpers Victor pins Lady Tottington by the hair on a marrow he looks to N/n who was about to get out of the leaves only to get shove back to it he said “That should stop for now” Victor turns but he stops looking to Lady Tottington “Hmm” He smiles “I rather like your hair pinned back”.

He turns and leaves Lady Tottington who said “No, Victor, no” Victor walks out of the dome greenhouse “Stop” N/n managed to get free from the leaves “Please” Victor stood on the roof “Victor” Looking around he said “Hah” Victor sees Wallace hopping through the gaps “You can hope, but you can’t hide, Pesto” He walks forward raising the gun.

Meanwhile Gromit joins up with Y/n in the air to see Victor heading forward Wallace looking to one another Y/n said “We’ve got to stop him” Gromit nods and they move the planes towards Victor who stops while suddenly Gromit’s plane gets hit making Y/n look back “Oh, great” Gromit looks back to see Philip on a red plane of his own.

Y/n looks to Gromit “I’ll keep Victor busy” He nods back “You deal with Philip” Gromit nods as Y/n move his plane to ride along Tottington Hall making Victor turn and he ducks avoiding the plane while Philip laughs chasing Gromit who flies over Victor who tries to keep his balance bending down and Philip grunts hitting Victor by the butt sending him flying, he screams.

Meanwhile the townspeople all covered their eyes raising his hands not closing his eyes Vicar yells “Beware the moon” Victor is being held by a weathervane upside down by his pants and underwear as the ‘moon’ Vicar is talking about is Victor’s bare butt cheeks spinning around while Gromit and Philip lands on the edge big enough for their planes to ride along.

Gromit looks around before looking back to see Philip getting closer to him hitting the back of his plane causing parts of the rudder to come off and Gromit looks to it before looking forward and increase speed, he furrows his brows to go up a ramp flying over a large gap and lands on another edge with Philip right behind him.

Victor manages to get off the weathervane adjusting his pants and grabs his gun he said “Stupid interfering mutt and nephew” N/n runs out of the dome greenhouse she saw where Victor is going then saw Y/n turning the plane towards Victor making him duck again she said “I’ve got to help him” She runs forward to help Y/n and Wallace.

Meanwhile Philip gets closer using the propeller to destroy more of the rudder and parts of the vertical stabilisers Gromit looks back to notice and increase speed, but Philip said “Ha” He laughs increasing speed while Gromit looks to notice the edge of Tottington Hall approaching he grabs a downpipe that came off.

Philip notice “Huh” Gromit turns looking back to watch Philip’s plane went over the edge flying down making the townspeople run away as it explodes on impact and Gromit lands on the edge shaking his head looking up to see Victor heading the other way while avoiding Y/n who went over him he said “Missed again” He turns the plane.

Unknown to Gromit slowly crawling on the rudder is Philip who glares at him as Wallace hops sliding to hit a pillar that shakes then he hops forward but stops at the edge looking down at the townspeople who all look up to him Wallace whimpering while Victor arrives, he turns to see him Victor smiles.

Wallace turns taking a step back accidentally knocking over a stone cup sending it belove and Mackintosh motion everyone to back up just as the cup hits the grass Mackintosh said “Stand back” He looks up with the townspeople “There may be a large rabbit dropping” The townspeople look to him then to one another.

Meanwhile Philip climbs up and grabs a stone shovel passing he slowly raise it but Gromit looks at the speed counter to see Philip’s reflection and quickly grabs the shovel with one paw Philip grabs it with both paws and Gromit use his other paw to grab it then Philip spins around dragging Gromit until he is on his back with the shovel against his throat.

Y/n was about to turn but notice Gromit’s position he yells “Gromit” He turns the plane towards Gromit who looks to see Wallace hops onto a flag tower holding the pole looking to Victor who laughs approaching he said “Looks like the buck stops here” Victor raise the gun when suddenly N/n yells “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”.

Surprising Victor who ask “What” N/n grabs the gun turning it away “Let go you stupid girl” Victor tries to pull the gun away from N/n who said “You’re not going to kill Wallace” They struggle pulling the gun while Philip applies more pressure on Gromit’s throat he growls when suddenly buzzing caught Gromit and Philips attention.

The insert coins buzz and the plane slow down Philip grunts in confusion looking to Gromit who sits up and holds the shovel to Philip who takes it he watches Gromit reach into his pocket to pulls some coins and counts them but Philip sighs shaking his head and gives Gromit the shovel making his drops the coins.

Philip holds a green with a flower decoration coin purse and opens it digging through Gromit blinks in surprise looking to Philip who notice him watching he smiles giggling a bit before pulling out a silver 10 pounds Philip said “Ah” He inserts for the bell to ring before they went back to what they were doing then Philip notice a ramp in front of them sending the plane up.

Seeing Philip’s distracted Gromit reach over and pulls a lever to ‘Bomb doors’ for a hatch to open under Philip who notice and fell through the hatch he screams flailing his legs and lands teeth first into the Tottington Hall bouncy castle deflating it for the 5th Worker to stares in shocked while Gromit’s plane begins to shake causing Gromit to keep his balance.

Suddenly Y/n yells “Gromit” Gromit looks to see him flying forward “Come on” Gromit jumps landing on Y/n who pulls the plane up and turns it to fly above Tottington Hall while Victor and N/n still fighting over the gun Victor said “Enough” He threw N/n who yelps onto the ground roof he laughs turning to Wallace aiming the gun.

Wallace stares he gulps as Y/n turns the plane he said “Gromit take the controls I need to get to the front” Gromit does and holds the control for Y/n to climb in the front with the shovel “Turn this around” Nodding Gromit does heading back to Tottington Hall while Victor co*cks the gun he said “Eat karat, bunny boy” Wallace stares.

Suddenly he looks to the right seeing the plane with Y/n and Gromit heading to him as N/n gets up to see Victor about to fire she yells “Don’t do it” N/n tries to get up, but Victor pulls the trigger and fires the Golden Carrot sending him back while Y/n and Gromit gasp seeing it head towards Wallace who leans back seeing the Golden Carrot.

N/n gasp watching then Y/n yells at Gromit who furrow his brow increasing speed as Victor smiles getting up, but he notices Y/n and Gromit coming making him look in horror the Golden Carrot spins forward while Y/n gets stands one foot on the body and the other on the seat raising the shovel he narrows his eyes and swings hitting the Golden Carrot away.

Jumping in joy Wallace cheers raising his arm, N/n smiles cheers she said “He did it” But Victor yells “NOOOOOOOOO” He threw the gun on the ground and jumping in anger “Potty poo” The rabbits all cheer jumping for joy while Wallace raise his hand for Y/n who smiles and high fives him along with Gromit but by doing that making the plane shake causing Y/n lose his balance.

Noticing Wallace frowns raising his paw, Gromit watch in horror, the rabbits stop cheering, N/n gasp covering her mouth and Victor turns around “Huh” Y/n slips off and he yells “AAAHHHH” He falls towards the ground, but Wallace jumps from the flag tower grabbing Y/n covering him with his body and spirals down to the cheese tent crashing through it and destroys a table with crackers on top.

Y/n sits up shaking his head raising his goggles he looks to Wallace “Uncle” Wallace moans looking up to him raising his paw touching his head before collapsing on his back as Gromit lands the plane down before getting out and runs to the cheese tent joining Y/n who looks at Wallace “Don’t you dare”.

Meanwhile N/n looks over the edge to see Y/n safe, but she was concern about Wallace as Victor laughs victorious he said “No one beats Victor Quartermaine” He put his hands on his hips had enough N/n yells “SHUT UP” She raise her leg and kicks Victor who said “OOOH” He holds between his legs while holding her giant carrot Lady Tottington ask “Is that so”?

Lady Tottington swings hitting Victor who falls over the edge “Consider yourself dumped” Standing next to her N/n said “You’re no longer considered my uncle” Gromit looks at the entrance with Y/n who said “They’re going to come here” Suddenly Victor lands on the van surprising them.

Raising his head Victor moans but he still has his smile giggling before collapsing making the door open revealing the rabbit bait while the townspeople run towards the tent Mr. Growbag yells “He’s in there” Quickly Gromit thinks then looks to Y/n who holds the rabbit head smiling looking to Gromit he said “I’ve got it”.

Together Y/n and Gromit stuff Victor into the rabbit bait Y/n zips it up and Gromit puts the head on “Together” They push Victor out of the tent Mr. Dibber said “There he is” Mr. Crock said “Surround him” The townspeople were about to enter but Victor walks by noticing Mr. Leaching said “There he is” The townspeople turn “Over there” They run after Victor.

Y/n smirks and Gromit pat his hands before they enter the tent as Victor stumbles realising what he is wearing Victor said “Philip, help me” Philip gets out of the castle to see the rabbit “Philip” Philip runs over to Victor “Do something” Suddenly Philip bites Victor’s tail making him scream in pain “AAAAAAHHHHHH”.

He flails his arms while raising his arm Vicar yells “Destroy” He points at Victor “Drive out the monstrosity” He looks up waving his hands leading the townspeople to Victor who runs with Philip still chewing on his tail being chased by the townspeople while watching Lady Tottington said “Well, let’s see how he likes it” Smiling N/n said “Good riddance”.

Lady Tottington closes the flaps before turning back and begins to frown she ask “Wallace” Gromit and Y/n are on either side of Wallace who moans looking up Y/n said “The impact must’ve been too much for him” He begins to frown looking to Wallace who raise his head to them N/n said “Wallace” The flaps open revealing rabbits.

Slowly Wallace grunts closing his eyes his head falls on the ground Gromit stares, and Y/n begins to tear us he said “No” Suddenly the glowing rings appear going over Wallace slowly turning him back to his human self the rings went pass Gromit who begins to tear up and Y/n who let a tea fall “Don’t go”.

Sniffing Lady Tottington said “Oh, Gromit, Y/n” She place a hand on their shoulders and N/n kneels to hold Y/n’s hand making him look to her “Well, at least now he’s at peace” Holding his hand N/n said “You did your best to save him” They look at Wallace who lies there Lady Tottington said “The rabbit’s gone” Y/n lower his head “If only there were a way to bring back Wallace”.

Lady Tottington stands up she sobs and the rabbits all sob seeing Wallace state as N/n holds Y/n who begins to sob his head down Gromit angrily raise his arm suddenly Hutch laughs that made Gromit turn and Y/n stop sobbing raising his head looking to one another N/n ask “What is it, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n turn to Hutch who said “Lovely cheese, Gromit, Y/n” He is eating cheese waving his hand.

Looking to one another Y/n ask “You thinking what I’m thinking” Gromit snap his fingers before they get up and run over N/n ask “What are you both doing” Turning around Lady Tottington ask “Gromit, Y/n” Gromit grabs a slice of Stinking Bishop and Y/n grabs a slice of Wensleydale before running back noticing Hutch said “Don’t forget the crackers” Kneeling Y/n said “Up to his nose” They held the cheese to Wallace’s nose waving them when suddenly Wallace begins to sniff the scent he ask “Cheese” ?

Wallace opens his eyes smiling Y/n said “It’s working” Gromit raise his brow, N/n begins to smile and Lady Tottington gasp as Wallace sits up he said “Oh” Wallace eats bits of both cheeses “Cheese” He smiles “It’s me again” Wallace raise his head “I’m back” Gromit helps Wallace stand up while Y/n smiles but he covers N/n’s eyes with his hand.

Wallace looks at Gromit and Y/n “Gromit, Y/n” He looks at himself “You clever mutt and boy” Wallace spread his arms “Well done, old pals” Gromit hugs Wallace and Y/n joins him spinning around he said “I’m so relieved that your safe” The rabbits cheer while Wallace let go turning to Lady Tottington she said “Totty”.

Y/n quickly covers N/n’s eyes again she said “Thank you, N/n” He looks to Lady Tottington who said “Wallace” She opens her eyes “You’re…” Lady Tottington turn her gaze and giggles clearing his throat Y/n said “Uncle you’re…” He points for Gromit to put a box over his lower waist and realising Wallace said “Oh, whoops” He holds the box smiling “Thanks, lad”.

Taking his hand off N/n’s eyes Y/n said “No problem, Uncle” Lady Tottington said “Oh, look” She bends down to pick up the Golden Carrot that’s still in its shape Lady Tottington stood up “Well, I think you two deserve this, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit and Y/n look shocked “For a brave and splendid melon and potato”.

Lady Tottington gives Y/n the Golden Carrot he smiles looking to Gromit who looks to him he said “You hold it, lad” Gromit holds the Golden Carrot in his paws Lady Tottington said “We’ve all got a lot to thank you two for” Smiling N/n said “You sacrifice your melon and potato to save Wallace from being killed” Wallace said “Ah”.

He laughs patting Gromit’s head and nudge Y/n “Every dog has his day” Wallace looks Y/n “Even nephews have his” Laughing Y/n said “That’s a first one” Wallace smiles turning to Lady Tottington who said “And thank you, Wallace” She turn her head “You’ve saved me from a terrible marriage”.

Lady Tottington begins to frown “All the same…” She looks at two rabbits holding hands “…it is going to be rather lonely…” They rub their noses against one another “…at Tottington Hall now” Then Lady Tottington’s eyes widen “Unless…” She turns to Wallace, Y/n and Gromit “…I have a little proposal for you, Wallace” She smiles staring at Wallace who stares back he groans and laughs.

The next day Wallace and Lady Tottington both hold hands she said “I’m so thrilled you agreed to go through with this” Smiling Wallace said “My pleasure, Totty” Lady Tottington laughs at Wallace who turn his head “One for the album, Gromit, Y/n” Gromit nods holding the camera up and Y/n sits on a chair with N/n standing next to him.

Meanwhile Lady Tottington looks to Wallace and begins to lean in as Wallace close his eyes and begins to pucker his lips but Lady Tottington smiles reaching behind Wallace to pull a rope for the curtains revealing a rabbit statue surprising him Lady Tottington said “I declare this bunny sanctuary officially open”.

Gromit snaps the photo for it to come out as the rabbits cheer and clap in the BunVac6000 or in the pens with N/n clapping to she said “I’m glad that they have a safe home” Walking over Wallace said “When you’re ready, lad” He raise his finger “Fire up the old BV6000” Putting his goggles on Y/n said “You got it, Uncle”.

Y/n turns to the lever before looking to N/n “Want to do it together” N/n smiles placing her hand on his and together they push the lever to blow for the rabbits to be sucked into the tube through the nozzle into the hole in the ground while walking forward Lady Tottington said “Oh, it’s simply marvellous” Wallace smiles to her “My home, a safe haven for all things fluffy” She clasp her hands.

Meanwhile the ground begins to shake then the rabbits all pop out of the holes N/n smiles then a horn got her attention she sees a van arrive she said “That’s my mum” Y/n helps her off the chair “I had a good time here, Y/n” She smiles at him “Thank you” Smiling Y/n said “I’m very glad to have met you” Suddenly N/n kiss Y/n shocking him before running to the van waving.

Y/n still in shocked slowly smiles and he waves at her as Lady Tottington turns around to Wallace she said “I do hope you’ll still come visit, Wallace” She lowers her gaze “I’d rather got used to having you around” But Wallace said “Oh” He smiles “There’ll always be a part of me…” Wallace leans in “…here at Tottington Hall”.

Wallace turns to Y/n who gets back onto the seat he raises his hand “Give it some more welly, nephew” Nodding Y/n said “One special welly coming up” N/n turns watching Y/n grabs the lever and push it for a rabbit to get sucked into the tube through the nozzle into the hole in the ground.

The ground rumbling then the rabbit pops out of a hole into the air making the rabbits, Gromit, Y/n, Wallace, Lady Tottington and N/n to look up flying in the air is Hutch who shake his fists he yells “CHEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE”.

Chapter 15: Return of the Robot


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

G/n = Grandson name

S/n = Son name

M/f = Museum friend

W/n = Wife name

S/n = Street name

R/n = Road name

M/n = Mansion name

Two doors open revealing a dark room then a light turns on revealing the BunVac6000 passing it for a light to turn on revealing the Mind Manipulation-omatic with a chair under it and objects around going to the right near the wall the light turns on revealing the Bread-O-Gunner aiming at targets with holes in the centre.

Near the targets a pair of doors open going inside turning right lights turn on revealing the Soccamatic aiming at a goal with tubes in area’s and a few soccer balls are on the floor passing it for a light to turn on revealing the 525 Crackervac with a table filled with crackers next to it going to the left near the middle of the room a light turns on revealing a dummy wearing the Bully Proof Vest the boxing glove comes out.

Right behind it in the centre of the room a light turns on revealing a table with the Turbo Dinner hovering over it near the wall the light turns on revealing the Snoozeatron the hatch opens in front of the bed and the Snoozeatron against the wall moving along the wall the light turns on revealing Shopper 13 at the front with the other 12 different Shopper behind it.

Behind them the doors open going inside going forward lights turn on revealing the Snowmanotron in a glass cube for snow falling showing a snowman next to it passing it to the left lights turn on revealing shields around the AutoChef with fresh plates on the floor near the shields.

Moving to the right the lights turn on revealing the Christmas Cardomatic facing a window, moving to the left a pair of doors open going to a wall the lights turn on revealing the Tellyscope with a few couches and chairs facing it the TV turn on showing the Cheese Files passing it lights turn on revealing the Knit-O-matic.

Passing it to the left the lights turn on revealing the Techno Trousers with a mark in front of it passing it to the right the lights turn on revealing the Bed Waker tilted up to a hatch that’s open slowly moving away from them to a pair of doors open going inside in the dark room slowly moving forward to see a round platform then two large hatches open revealing the moon and the moonlight shines on something big on the platform the lights turn on revealing the Moon Rocket.

Inside a home in the living room lying on the floor is a boy with h/c watching TV watching a show walking into the room is S/n who ask “G/n still watching TV” Nodding keeping his eye on it G/n said “Year my favourite show is on” Suddenly the channel change “Hey” It showed the news the Reporter said “We interrupt this program for a special report”.

S/n sits on a chair behind G/n who said “Turn it back” Smiling the Reporter said “The great Inventor Y/n L/n has decide to make an announcement” Leaning forward S/n ask “Dad’s making an announcement” Leaning up on his elbows G/n ask “What is he going to say” The Reporter said “We go live on the museum”.

The screen shows the Museum to see reporters and civilians standing at the stairs looking at a lectern talking to one another until the doors open and using a cane to walk out is Y/n L/n with grey hair wearing a jacket that’s open revealing a tie and white button shirt and long black pants with black shoes standing at the top the civilians cheer and photographers snap photos.

Joining Y/n is a Golden Retriever name Gromit the 6th who looks to Y/n who pat him before walking down the stairs and Gromit joins him until they the lectern as S/n and G/n stare at the TV watching Y/n put the cane on the side holding it making everyone go quiet.

Y/n stares at them for a moment with a frown before giving a smile he said “Hello everyone” He turn his head “I welcome you all to this announcement that I am about to give you all will shock you” Everyone murmuring to one another while G/n ask “What will he say that would shock everyone dad”?

G/n look to S/n who shrugs at him before leaning back in his chair he said “I don’t son but whatever he says would be surprising” He takes a sip of water as G/n looks back to the screen Y/n who said “I have decided to do something that I haven’t done since my uncle and his dog Gromit for something that we didn’t have”.

A reporter raises her hand noticing Y/n ask “Yes” Gromit looks to the Female Reporter who ask “What was it that you did” Slowly smiling Y/n said “Something we did together” He looks down to Gromit who looks up to him “I have decided to go somewhere with my dog Gromit and a few others” Another Reporter raise his hand he said “Will your museum be close”.

Shaking his head Y/n said “No the museum will still be open for everyone to see the inventions I did with my uncle” He raise his hand “Now will everyone will please be quiet” No one speaks making Y/n smile “I have decided to go to the moon” Shocking everyone one including Gromit, S/n and G/n hearing that “I will be taking Gromit, my son and grandson with me thank you”.

Reporters try to ask questions as Y/n grab his cane “Come on, Gromit” Gromit turn and follows Y/n up the stairs entering the museum closing the door while G/s and S/n both look to one another shocked suddenly the phone rings surprising them S/n grabs the phone he said “Hello, dad” G/n gets up and sits on the couch “Yeah, we watch it”.

S/n nods his head “Okay” He leans back listening “When will it come” G/n tries to listen but was push back “Okay we’ll be there thanks love you too” He ends the call G/n ask “What did he say” Looking to him S/n said “We’re going to see Y/n and he’s sending a limo” Shocked G/n ask “A limo” Nodding S/n said “We better pack”.

Now S/n and G/n in a limo heading on a road passing buildings until they reach a mansion the gate opens for the limo to go through heading for the door to see Y/n and Gromit standing there watching them arrive the limo stops the driver gets out and walk over to the door opening it for G/n and S/n to climb out.

Y/n smiles to see them waving his hand S/n said “Hi dad” Smiling G/n said “Hi grampa” He looks to Gromit “Hello, Gromit” Gromit wave to them and Y/n said “Come here you two” S/n and G/n walk to Y/n who hugs them and they hug back before breaking “Hope the ride was smooth when you came here”.

Laughing S/n said “You didn’t have to do that” Looking at him in shocked G/n ask “Are you crazy” He motions the limo “Riding in a limo was a dream for me” Chuckling Y/n said “Let’s go inside and have some breakfast” He turns entering the house with S/n following him while G/n looks to Gromit who looks to him he said “Better catch up” He pat his head gently before entering with Gromit next to him.

The couple of servants took the luggage and take them to their allocated room as Y/n, Gromit, S/n and G/n all sit down eating their f/l talking to one another “Grampa Y/n” Looking up Y/n ask “Yes, G/n” Lowering his fork G/n ask “What made you decide to go to the moon” Moving his gaze Y/n said “I felt that I like to go back to it again”.

He looks at the glass roof showing the sky “To see the moon one last time before I retire” That caught their attention especially Gromit looking to Y/n confuse S/n ask “Retire” Smiling looking to his son Y/n said “I decided to retire and spend my time here” Getting up G/n ask “What about the museum” Not losing his smile Y/n said “I’ll visit there time for time”.

A butler walk over and he leans down to Y/n who tilt his head for the butler to mutter in his ear Y/n nods motioning him to leave Gromit watch the butler leave the room then to Y/n who stands up “I have some things to do” He grab his cane and walks over to Gromit “Show my son and grandson around, Gromit” Y/n pat his head before leaving the room.

A few hours later nighttime arrived G/n, Gromit and S/n are sitting at the couches watching tv then Y/n enters the room S/n said “Come to join us, dad” Shaking his head Y/n said “It’s time for us to go” Confusing them G/n ask “Go where” Smiling Y/n said “To the moon” He turns waving his arm “Follow me you three”.

Y/n leaves the room Gromit, S/n and G/n follow him out of the living room walking down the hallway making a few turns before reaching an elevator Y/n press a few buttons for the door to open “This way” He enters S/n, Gromit and G/n enter in front of him “Press the button, Gromit” Gromit press the only button for the elevator to go down.

Looking to his grampa G/n ask “Where are we going, Grandad” Smiling at him Y/n said “You’ll see” The elevator dings G/n, Gromit and S/n look forward to watch the door open revealing a silver rocket that looks like the one in the museum S/n, Gromit and G/n stare in awe while Y/n smiles “What do you think” Walking forward S/n said “It’s amazing” Joining him G/n said “It looks like the one in the museum”.

Gromit walks forward looking at it with Y/n said “Yes because I kept the blueprints that Uncle Wallace made to create his rocket and updated it” He walks forward to it “Come along you three” Gromit, S/n and G/n follow Y/n across the platform before entering the rocket they look around it S/n ask “How long did take you to build this”?

Smiling walking up the steps Y/n said “A couple years” He turns to them “Finding parts for this are hard these days” Y/n turns back and walks up the steps with S/n, Gromit and G/n following him until they reach the co*ckpit “Please sit in your allocated seats” G/n and S/n sit behind Y/n and Gromit who notice it’s the pilot seat.

Gromit looks to Y/n who notice “Gromit the 1st flew the rocket” He points at him “Now it is your turn to fly it” Y/n sits in his seat putting his goggles on and seatbelts on, G/n and S/n put their seatbelts on while Gromit slowly sits on his getting the controls ready G/n said “Should we open the hatch” Gromit press a button.

Meanwhile the ground on the field begins to open showing the rocket as Y/n’s servants are eating with the chefs but they notice this and decided to go back to eating their dinner talking to one another while S/n said “10 seconds to launch” Gromit press a few buttons and pull a lever for the screen to show 10 before counting down.

Gromit looks forward, G/n moves a bit, S/n holds his armrest and Y/n begins to smile when the timer went 1 the rocket begins to shake but not leaving G/n ask “Is this supposed to happen” Y/n looks to Gromit who notice and begins to think then spots a blue lever he snap his fingers then pulls it for the rocket to leave the basem*nt into the sky.

Y/n close his eyes listening, Gromit leans back into his chair, G/n cheers “THIS IS AWESOME, GRAMPA” Holding onto the chair tightly S/n yells “DAAAAAAAD” The rocket leaves Earth heading for the moon, but the rocket was spiralling and Gromit notice and press a green but for the rocket to stabilise flying forward.

Smiling Y/n said “S/n head down the stairs and the first door to the right of them” Hearing that S/n quickly unstrap himself and leaves the co*ckpit “G/n if you go down stairs there is another door to a gaming room” Hearing that G/n ask “Gaming room” Y/n smiles looking to G/n who unstrap himself and runs out of the room leaving Y/n and Gromit in the co*ckpit.

They look to one another Y/n ask “Photo” He pulls out a camera and Gromit nods walking over sitting next to Y/n who aims the camera at them and snaps a photo of them together, snaps a photo of G/n playing an arcade game, snaps a photo of G/n celebrating at a high score, snaps a photo of S/n opening the door wiping his mouth.

Snaps a photo of S/n smile not noticing G/n sneaking up behind him, snap a photo of S/n chasing G/n trying to pull his pants up showing paw prints, snaps a photo of Gromit eating, snaps a photo of Y/n reading a book, snaps a photo of G/n face smashed into a cake by S/n who smirks, snaps a photo of Y/n laughing, Gromit chuckling, and G/n throwing cake at S/n, snaps a final photo of G/n, Y/n, Gromit and S/n all smiling.

Now they are sitting in the co*ckpit seeing the moon S/n said “There it is” Jumping up and down in his seat G/n said “I can’t wait” Gromit press a few buttons and holds the controls Y/n said “Steady, Gromit” He furrow his brow turning the control then push for the rocket to go up Gromit press a purple button for the rocket to land.

The ramp lowers hitting the surface for Gromit, Y/n, S/n and G/n to see this they walk down the ramp stepping on the ground “It’s been a long time” Looking around S/n ask “So why are we here” Gromit looks at the ground while Y/n pulls out a remote and press a button for a jeep to roll down “When was this in here” Getting in Y/n said “Before you two arrived”.

He sits in the driver seat “Come on you three” G/n sits in the passenger seat as Gromit and S/n sit behind them “Let’s take a little ride” Y/n drives the jeep away from the rocket passing hills and craters looking around S/n said “Dad, stop the jeep” Y/n does so looking to him he ask “What is it” Pointing S/n said “Over there”.

Y/n looks to see a burnt mark on the ground in the distance he smiles turning the jeep in the direction passing small craters and stops G/n ask “What made this” Smiling Y/n said “The moon rocket that Gromit, Uncle Wallace and I went in and land here” Gromit taps Y/n pointing for him to see a piece of metal “Good job, Gromit” He press a button for a mechanical arm to come out.

It reaches over and grabs the piece of metal before coming back strapping it to the back G/n ask “What’s this, Grampa” Pressing the pedal for the jeep to drive forward Y/n said “An old piece of the moon rocket” He moves a few turns then G/n spots something in the distance he said “Grandad, there” Y/n looks and he begins to smile brightly.

He turns the jeep surprising them noticing the jeep going faster going over a few bumps’ S/n said “You’re going a bit fast, dad” Holding tightly G/n ask “Was it something I said” Gromit gulps holding on looking to Y/n who turns the wheel making the jeep turn to a stop.

G/n, S/n and Gromit all groan but seeing Y/n looking forward they follow his gaze to see a white machine with an antenna on top, two arms holding sticks, a coin slot with a time next to it, four dials, a large compartment, three wheels under it with two pieces of metal bent over two side wheels and looking like skies it in front of them is the Robot.

Y/n gets out grabbing his cane and walks over to the Robot placing his hand on its head getting out S/n ask “What is this, dad” Staring at it Y/n said “This is what Wallace, Gromit and I met for a brief moment here on the moon” Walking over Gromit looks at the Robot while G/n gets out walking over to it he ask “Does it work”?

Nodding Y/n said “Yes” He points at the coin slot “You put some money in the slot and it the timer activates given the amount of money” Gromit pat Y/n who looks to him “Yes, Gromit” He points at the metal S/n said “What’s up with the metal and sticks this Robot has” Looking at it before bending down G/n said “It looks like it made it into skies”.

Gromit, S/n and G/n look to Y/n who sighs turning around looking to earth he said “Apparently the Robot found out about our rocket and wanted to come with us” Y/n turns to them “So he tried to hitch a ride with the moon rocket by cutting the metal that we picked up not long ago” Listening G/n ask “What happen next”?

Smiling Y/n said “I forgot to light the fuse for the rocket to leave” Looking to him S/n ask “Did you manage to get away” Walking to the jeep Y/n said “When we got back apparently the Robot accidently lit the fuel sending us up into the air and itself a further distance from the rocket” He press a couple of buttons.

Two metal arms come out and stretch over grabbing the Robot and lift it to bring it over to the jeep Gromit walks over with G/n who ask “Why does the robot have the metal that looked like skies” The arms place the Robot on the back of the jeep strapping it down Y/n said “After we took off Gromit, Wallace and I look to see it use the metal begin skiing across the hills”.

He climbs into the driver seat “It waved to us, and we waved back watching it continue skiing until we went out of sight” G/n, S/n and Gromit climb into the jeep strapping in and Y/n drives the jeep away from the area “But I decided to one day that I can come back and bring the Robot to earth so it can continue skiing”.

They reach the rocket driving it up the ramp G/n ask “So are we going home” Shaking his head Y/n said “Not yet” He looks to Gromit “Can you pull that lever please, Gromit” Gromit nods walking over to a lever and pulls it for three doors to open Gromit, G/n, and S/n looked shocked but Y/n smiles to see three robots.

Two that look like Y/n and Wallace the 3rd robot looks like Gromit they took a few steps forward staring in awe S/n ask “What are they, dad” Walking forward Y/n said “Say hello to Y/n, Wallace and Gromit the 1st” He press a button on Gromit’s head for it to open revealing circuit board and a USB port Y/n inserts it in then Gromit’s eyes turn green then went to white and black looking around.

Y/n pulls the USB out and close the head Gromit looks to Y/n who pats him then he notices Gromit the 5th who blinks they stare at one another “Gromit the 1st meet Gromit the 5th” Both Gromit and Gromit the 5th wave to one another slowly “This is my son and grandson” Waving G/n said “Hello, Gromit” Smiling S/n said “Nice to meet you”.

Gromit wave to them before seeing Y/n walk behind Wallace and press a button for a hatch on the back of the neck opens revealing the circuit board and a USB port he inserts it then Wallace’s eyes turn green then went to white and black he looks around Wallace ask “Where are we” He notice S/n and G/n “Who are you two” Suddenly he felt the hatch close.

Wallace turns around to see Y/n “Y/n is that you” Smiling Y/n said “Hello, Uncle Wallace” Looking at him Wallace said “You grown up” Laughing a bit Y/n said “Yes I have” Pointing behind Wallace ask “Who are they” Placing a hand Y/n said “Uncle Wallace meet my son S/n and my grandson G/n” Holding both hands out Wallace said “It’s good to meet you two”.

Grabbing one hand S/n said “Nice to meet you too” Shaking his other hand G/n said “It’s great to meet you” Looking around noticing Gromit and Gromit the 5th shaking his head Wallace said “Gromit” They look to him Y/n said “Uncle meet Gromit the 5th” Staring in shocked Wallace said “Oh eck”.

Wallace turns around to Y/n “What’s going on here” Raising a hand Y/n said “G/n, S/n why don’t you two show Wallace and Gromit” Nodding G/n said “Follow us” Smiling S/n said “I think you’re going to be shocked” Wallace and Gromit follow them while Gromit the 7th look to Y/n who turns to the last robot Y/n.

Meanwhile G/n and S/n stop at the ramp for Wallace and Gromit to see the moon Wallace said “Oh, Gromit” They stare at it in shocked Wallace walks forward with Gromit joining him “It’s been a while since we come here” G/n and S/n stare at them Y/n said “And you will be staying here” Wallace and Gromit turn to G/n and S/n who both turn to see Y/n walking with Gromit the 5th by his side.

Confuse Wallace ask “What do you mean, nephew” Walking down the ramp Y/n said “I remember you told me that the moon is made of cheese” He stops in front of them “So I created you and Gromit for you to try what type of cheese that the moon has” Wallace still shocked “Say, knife and plate” Staring Wallace said “Knife, plate”.

Suddenly his right hand goes inside his arm for a knife to come out “Oh eck” Then his chest opens for a plate to come out Y/n said “Now you don’t have to worry about dishes” Slowly smiling Wallace said “We can try any cheese” Smiling Y/n said “But you and Gromit won’t be alone” Suddenly a Voice said “We’re on the moon again”.

Wallace and Gromit look at the rocket as Y/n turns looking pass G/n and S/n who both turn to see robotic Y/n standing on top of the ramp before walking down “This is great” He notice S/n and G/n “Son, grandson” Y/n place his hands on their shoulder before noticing Y/n and walk up to him they stare at one another robotic Y/n stare at Y/n “Your robotic memory plan worked”.

Smiling Y/n said “Yes it did” Confuse S/n ask “Memory plan, what is he talking about” Wallace, Gromit, Gromit the 5th, G/n and S/n look to robotic Y/n and Y/n who said “Before, Gromit and Wallace pass on I had them use my invention a Memory Storer” He takes a deep breath “I use it to store their memories so that I can put them inside them”.

Y/n motions Wallace, Gromit and himself “So that they can enjoy their time here” He motions the moon “Tasting new cheeses or Wensleydale” That made Wallace lick his lips he said “I think we better get going, lads” Gromit nods and smiling Y/n said “There’s a lot of cheese to try” With that Wallace, Y/n and Gromit all turn and begin to walk not without waving to G/n, S/n, Gromit the 5th and Y/n who all wave back.

Turning around Y/n said “Time to go home” He enters the rocket with G/n, Gromit and S/n following him they walk up the ramp that closes behind them as they sit at their seats G/n ask “So where to” Smiling Y/n said “Gromit set coordinates to Mansion M/n, St/n, R/n” Nodding Gromit press a button for the rocket to leave while Wallace, Gromit and Y/n watch them go eating cheeses.

The rocket lands in the basem*nt and the hatches closes the ramp lowers for G/n and S/n to walk down G/n said “That was the most awesome adventure ever” Smiling S/n said “You got that right, son” Watching them Y/n said “Gromit take them to their rooms” Gromit nods walking over to them and motion them to follow S/n ask “What are you doing, dad”?

Smiling Y/n said “I have things to do, son” S/n follows Gromit and G/s to the elevator that opens they enter before the door closes behind them as Y/n gets in the jeep driving it off the ramp pressing a button for the hands to take the Robot off the jeep and gently placing it on the ground while Y/n get out and place his cane on the table before grabbing his toolbox “Let’s get to work”.

A few weeks later Y/n and Gromit are standing in front of a door with reporters and customers “Ladies and gentlemen I apricate you coming to welcome to a new exhibit” Y/n looks to Gromit who nods opening the door for everyone to stare in awe to see a tall mountain that has snow on it with trees “I present you the Ski Mountain 10,000”.

Y/n motion them to come “It is built for a special person that wanted to ski but never gets a chance” He raise his hand “Before anyone ask” Y/n points to the right for everyone to see an adult and kid’s version “That’s for the adult and kids if they want to try” He walks over to the Robot “The Ski Mountain 10,000 if for this Robot”.

He pulls a card out and swipe it into the Robot and press a button for the timer to went 100p for the arms to move and stretch looking around then notice Y/n who bends down “Do you remember me” The Robot recognise him and grab his shoulder with one arm and point up with the other “There’s no need for that”.

Y/n turns the Robot who notice the Ski Mountain 10,000 “This is what you wanted, right” The Robot stares moving over the reporter’s flash cameras at them “Over here, Robot” Robot turns to Y/n who waves over to a pair of skies the Robot rolls over and Y/n help connect it then the conveyor went up taking the Robot who stares forward.

Everyone watch the Robot reach the top holding two ski sticks and moves facing down looking at everyone “Give it a try, Robot” Slowly the Robot push the stick and begins to go down mountain then Y/n press a button for the hill to go up and the Robot begins to do tricks making everyone cheer “This is for it to try and have a great time” Gromit sits next to Y/n who pat his head watching the Robot skiing his dream.

As time goes by the museum rating has increase with the Robot joining thanks to Y/n who is living in his mansion with Gromit by his side S/n, W/n, and G/n do come by and visit them to celebrate the holidays.

Later the night Y/n is in his bed the maid puts the blanket over then Gromit walks over for Y/n to pat his head “Good night, Gromit” Gromit stares at him before walking over to Y/n radio turning the dial for f/s/m leaving while Y/n rest his head on the pillow “Sleep well” The maid leaves and Gromit turns back to watch Y/n sleep before closing the door.

The next morning the alarm clock rings for Gromit to wake up he sits up stretching before getting out of his bed leaving the room Gromit walks through the hallway the maids and butlers greeted him when he passes them Gromit waves before walking down the stairs entering the dining table, he stops to see it empty.

Gromit confused not seeing Y/n there he turns and walks to the stairs looking up expecting him to come down a Bulter walks over to him he ask “Something wrong, Master Gromit” He looks to him and back before walking up the stairs with the Butler following him they make a few turns and stops outside Y/n’s room.

The Butler walks up to the door and knocks “Master Y/n” He didn’t get a respond Butler looks to Gromit who walks to the door and slowly opens it hearing the music he and the Butler look to see Y/n lying on his bed concern Gromit walks over to him and gently shake Y/n who didn’t respond he shakes again.

Walking over to the bed “Let me see, Master Gromit” Gromit moves to the side for the Butler to lean over “Master Y/n” He didn’t get a respond the Butler place two fingers on his neck before his eyes widen a bit then let’s go and turns to Gromit “Master Gromit, Master Y/n’s still sleeping” Gromit looks to him “Would you kindly keep him company” Gromit nods staying by Y/n’s side.

Meanwhile S/n, W/n and G/n are having breakfast G/n said “It was amazing next time you’re coming with us mum” Chuckling W/n said “Tempting as it is but I can’t since my boss has me do a double shift” Looking at her S/n ask “Again” Nodding W/n said “I’m afraid so” Sighing leaning back G/n said “That sucks, mum”.

Still eating W/n said “That’s life son when you graduate from school” Suddenly the phone rings catching their attention S/n ask “I wonder who that could be” He gets up and walks over to the phone and picks it up “Hello L/n residence”.

On the other line is the Butler who said “Hello Master S/n this is your father’s butler” Walking over to the door Gromit leans out a bit “I’m afraid I have some sorrow news” Gromit stares as S/n listens before his eyes widen he ask “You’re joking right” W/n and G/n look to Son while Gromit’s eyes widen at the Butler who said “I’m afraid not”.

Slowly Gromit move away from the door walking over to the bed looking at Y/n’s peaceful look Gromit begins to sniff as tears swell up in his eyes, he put his head on Y/n’s chest and begins to cry holding the blanket while the Butler ends the call and walks over to the door he stops to see Gromit crying over Y/n’s chest making him realise Gromit heard him.

Meanwhile S/n puts the phone down W/n ask “Is something wrong honey” Taking a deep breath S/n walk over to the table and sits down he said “I have some bad news” He reach over taking W/n and G/n hands making them look at him “Father’s dead” Shocking them G/n ask “This is a joke, right dad” But S/n frowns and tears begins to swell in his eyes.

Gripping his hand W/n ask “Have they learned when he” Shaking his head S/n said “I was told that they would let me know in a few weeks” Tears falling from his eyes G/n said “He can’t be” S/n and W/n get up and walk over to him hugging G/n who cries about the news of his grandfather.

A few weeks later S/n, W/n and G/n learned that Y/n passed away in his sleep at midnight now they are sitting in a room with friends and family attending along with Y/n’s business partners, Gromit sits next G/n who is still crying, and the M/f attended standing up an Executor clears his throat.

Everyone goes quiet looking at the Executor who said “Thank you for coming as most of you know that Y/n L/n has passed away in his sleep” Everyone frowns “But he has decided to have his will spoke by himself” He picks up the remote “Please be quiet while he speaks” The Executor press the remote for the TV to turn on.

Its statics for a moment before showing Y/n sitting on his chair holding his cane smiling he said “Hello to all that have attended to my will reading” Everyone stares at the screen “Let’s begin shall we my friends” Y/n leans in his chair “First I like to give one of my items to a friend…” Slowly items have been given to people that were happy.

A woman looks at the statue she smiles as two men took it with her following “...may it help you and your family honour” Y/n smiles “Now for the museum” That got the M/f “I will give it to my friend who has been working with me since he gave me the idea to show my inventions M/f” He smiles “Just try not to destroy it”.

That made everyone chuckling as M/f chuckles nervously rubbing his head “And now time for my family” S/n, W/n, Gromit, and G/n holds their hands “For my son I give you and your wife my mansion and the half of the fortunes in the vault while a ¼ of it goes to charity and the other ¼ to my grandson when he comes of age”.

S/n, W/n and G/n smile “For Gromit the 5th Gromit looks to him “I leave you these books” The Butler push a trolley with hundred books on top of it a book said ‘Electronic for dogs volume 1’ Gromit stares at it “An entire collection that Gromit has read and I bought when he is still alive are now yours and you will be staying with my family”.

Gromit sniffs a bit G/n put his arm around him “And finally to my grandson…” G/n looks to Y/n who smiles more “…I leave you something far more precious than anything I had…” A man walks over to him with a rectangular box “…I have kept these in my possession, and you have seen me wear them…” The man opens it revealing Y/n’s goggles “…my goggles that I’ve been wearing them to make inventions”.

G/n takes them “We’re them and if possible make an invention with Gromit” Gromit looks at them “If you want to” Y/n hold his cane with both hands “Thank you for listening to my will and hope you all enjoy the gifts I have given you” He smiles before the screen statics the Executor stands about to talk until the screen came back on revealing Y/n “One more thing”.

Everyone stares at the screen “Gromit” Gromit looks at him “Take good care of my family will you and keep an eye on G/n he gets a little mischief” He winks before the screen turns static as Gromit looks to G/n who looks to him.

Later that night Gromit walks to the stairs before noticing G/n walking down the hallway curious Gromit follows him until he reaches the elevator pressing the code for the doors to open quickly Gromit runs while G/n turns only to get tacked by Gromit onto the floor just as the door closes sitting up G/n ask “What are you doing, Gromit”?

Sitting up Gromit points at G/n “You’re curious about what I’m doing” Gromit nods and G/n stands up and the elevator doors open he walks out with Gromit following him down some steps to a bench with tools, blank paper and computers G/n and Gromit look to one another “You ready to make our first invention, Gromit”?

Gromit nods and gets everything ready as G/n pulls out the chairs they sit down “So let’s get working” G/n put his grandfather’s goggles on and begins to draw plans on the paper and Gromit turns the computer on looking through it while a ghost of Wallace and Gromit stare at them with a smile then Y/n appears between them he smiles before all three disappear into the afterlife.

A picture of Wallace with brown hair and a moustache holding a cake to Gromit who is a puppy.

A picture of a six-year-old Y/n holding Gromit who licks his face and Wallace place his hand on his shoulder smiling.

A picture of Wallace, Y/n and Gromit all smiling.

A picture of Y/n and Gromit both smiling.

A picture of Y/n and N/n at their wedding smiling with a poodle name Gromit the 2nd.

A picture of Y/n standing by N/n who is lying on her bed holding S/n with Gromit the 2nd all smiling.

A picture of Y/n working on an invention with a Basenji name Gromit the 3rd.

A picture of Y/n and Gromit the 3rd standing in front of the museum.

A picture of 18-year-old S/n standing in front of his school with Y/n, N/n, and a German Shepard Gromit the 4th smiling with him.

A picture of S/n, and W/n at their wedding with Gromit the 4th all smiling.

A picture of Y/n, S/n, W/n, and Gromit the 4th standing in front of the mansion M/n all smiling.

A picture of Golden Retriever name Gromit the 5th with Y/n, N/n, S/n, and W/n who holds baby G/n in her all smile.

A picture of G/n wearing his goggles and Gromit the 5th holding Volume 58 smiling together.

G/n and Gromit are on the soccer field behind the mansion on G/n feet is a pair of boots he said “Okay, ready, Gromit” Gromit nods standing by the controls “Okay, first invention the Jet Boots” G/n nods to Gromit who press a button for the boots to activate surprising G/n “Whoa” He wave his arms going up about a feet into the air “So far so good”.

He spins in the air a bit “Going to try go forward” G/n tilt the boots back to go forward for a few metres “Okay, coming back” He tilt the boots forward going backwards to the spot before stopping “How are the levels, Gromit” Gromit looks to see the levels are in the green making him give a thumbs up to G/n who nods.

G/n turns facing the mansion to see parents watching “What do you think, mum, dad” Raising her hands W/n yells “Be careful” Giving a thumbs up S/n yells “You’re living up to your grandpa’s legacy” Smiling G/n yells “Oh, we are” He turns to Gromit making a cut the power and Gromit does so making G/n land on the grass “I say that was a success for our first attempt” Gromit nods.

He went over to G/n and help him take the Jet Boots off holding them in their hands “We should make some adjustments for them” Gromit nods looking at the boot he’s holding “Once that’s done, we can start working on making some jet boots for you” Shaking his head Gromit looks to G/n who smiles “I don’t want you to be left out”.

Gromit blinks a bit then nods “How about we get some food to eat before we go back to work” That made Gromit nod and they turn heading for the mansion taking the boots and the controls “Gromit my old pal this is going to a fun adventure” Gromit nods while they enter the mansion but suddenly something bounce on top the mansion before bouncing on the field then bounces towards the goal revealing to be a polka dotted soccer ball rolling forward entering the goal.


That's the end of my Wallace and Gromit story hope you all enjoy it

Wallace, Y/n and Gromit - Soulfox1305 (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.